The banquet has come to an end, but Zhou Yi has no idea of ​​staying here. He and Alfred had each got what they needed, and got what oneself wanted. And it is no longer necessary to continue to stay now. Neither him nor Clarice had any idea of ​​continuing to socialize.

Leave the Asif Manor with Zhou Yi, and drive back to the hotel. One enters own private space. Clarice showed a sense of relief. She kicked off her high heels impatiently and walked barefoot on the carpet in the room.

“Why, baby. Don’t you have fun?” Zhou Lan, who had been waiting for Clarice to come back, looked at the appearance of his own youngest daughter, and quickly began to ask for warmth. After all, this is the first time Clarice has participated in such a banquet, and it is still under the premise of disguising the identity of oneself Mutant. Therefore, Zhou Lan is not worried.

“I’m so fed up with all these messy things. There are annoying guys everywhere, and it’s not reassuring to eat anything.” Clarice untied the bun at the beginning, trying his best Free the own ears. “Also this kind of clothes that will suffocate me to death, my God! I swear that I will never attend such a banquet again.”

“My dear, this is just the beginning.” Zhou Yi reminded kindly. “You will definitely experience more things like this in the future, so it’s best not to speak too absolute.”

“Don’t even think about it!” Clarice used his arm to draw a big cross. “You can hook up beautiful girls in that kind of place, what can I do there? Wait for others to hook up on me, save it! If you know that situation, if you continue, I can’t help but send them to the wall Go inside.”

“Huh! What a torture!” Zhou Yi, who was exposed shortly, blew his whistle and consciously stopped the dispute.

“My dear, you will get used to it in the future. This kind of thing is fine as long as it happens, and it’s not always so unpleasant.” He gave his own son a glance, expressing whether he is a big brother. Be dissatisfied. Zhou Lan hugged his own daughter and began to soothe her.

Clarice arched in Zhou Lan’s arms hard, and said softly, “Mother is the best. I want to sleep with you tonight, okay?”

“You, such a big person. Why is it still the same as a little child.” Zhou Lan scraped her nose, and did not say a word.

Looking at the sky, Zhou Yi, who felt it was late, said timely: “Good night, mother also Clarice, I wish you a good dream!”

“You too early Rest, dear!” Zhou Lan nodded, pulling Clarice toward the makeup mirror, he still needs some time to remove Clarice’s makeup.

“Go, go. You nasty big brother!” Clarice waved to Zhou Yi like he was driving a fly. It seems that he really hates the behavior of leaving oneself to pick up girls.

Reluctantly shook the head, Zhou Yi opened the door and walked out. It is not time for him to take a break, he also needs to arrange some things for the news just now.

Go into the own room and lock the door to prevent anyone from coming in to look for him at this time. Zhou Yi has put on special flat eyes and began to associate with Medusa.

“Medusa, help me search the detailed map of Laken City. By the way, mark me all the buildings under Umbrella’s name.”

“Yes, Mr. According to the data, there are a total of 1,740 four buildings in Laken City under the name of Umbrella. Among which is included Umbrella Branch of Laken City, Laken City Center Library, Laken City Sports Center, Large facilities such as the central elementary school, Umbrella Medical Center, as well as subsidiary companies, employee dormitories, and cadre recuperation centers under his name.”

In Zhou Yi’s vision, a huge 3D city map appeared over there. It was invested and constructed by Umbrella Company, and it was a new city formed after several sparsely populated towns. It is also unique, most industries belong to a company’s city.

When Medusa responded to Zhou Yi’s request and marked the building under Umbrella’s name. Red dots appeared on the map of the entire simulated city. And when Medusa finished speaking, most of the city was covered by these bright red colors.

Obviously, it is somewhat unrealistic to distinguish from these urban buildings which is the cover set by the Umbrella Underground Research Center on the ground.

“Medusa, help me remove the public facilities and keep the buildings that are only used by Umbrella and require certain permissions.” Zhou Yi issued a new order and began to filter from it. He believes that the answer will be hidden in one of them.

“Sir, if you want to do this. I need your authorization to invade Umbrella’s internal system and check its internal data. I need to remind you that doing so will largely expose your whereabouts and cause Unnecessarily hostile. Are you sure to do this?”

From the perspective of the owner, Medusa issued an own opinion. In her inherent logical thinking, such things are clearly against Zhou Yi’s interests. If you want to execute such orders, you must have authorization.

“I’m sure to do this. Medusa, try to ensure the safety of the owner, and prevent being tracked by the other party as the first goal. As for whether the other party will pull the alarm, just ignore it.”

“Yes, sir. Please wait!” Medusa began to execute Zhou Yi’s orders without compromise. In the online world, she intruded into Umbrella’s internal network through limited external access, and began to search for the information Zhou Yi needed from its internal data.

In the face of such advanced artificial intelligence, Umbrella’s firewall seemed to be undefended, and soon Medusa got what he wanted from the internal information.

“Sir, I have found the information you want. According to your request, there are three buildings that meet your requirements.”

Medusa said, starting at Zhou Yi showed the details of the three buildings in front of him.

“Umbrella’s Laken City branch building requires employee permission to enter. It is located in the Central Zone of Laken City.”

“Umbella Medical Center, Some areas are only for Umbrella’s internal high-level use. It is located in the southern part of the city, near the commercial center.”

“Umbrella’s cadre recuperation center is only for high-level cadre training and vacation use. The outskirts of the southwestern area of ​​Laken.”

“Choose one of three, this thing is not something that can be blatantly put in front of the public.” Monday, he muttered a few words to himself and continued to give orders. “Medusa, collect all the information about this cadre recuperation center for me. I want to know all the information about it.”

“In the process of data acquisition, we found high-level encrypted information, continue to search.” It seems that this is the case. , Umbrella has made very strict protection measures. Although Medusa is working hard, the speed of obtaining information is far not as fast as at first.

Fortunately, she has not let Zhou Yi down.

“Umbrella cadre recuperation center, a high-level company industry. At present, the following confidential information has been searched, including the list of incumbents, building expansion reports, material input reports and experimental conditions reports. The details of the information are as follows!”

Just as Medusa started to report his findings, suddenly a large area of ​​bright red appeared in Zhou Yi’s vision. Medusa’s voice also became sharp.

“Warning, unknown data is beginning to impact the system. The reverse search has been started, and the firewall is impacted, and it is expected to fail in ten seconds. Disconnect all external links.”

The image in the eye After a few blinks, it dimmed immediately. It took more than a minute before the image was retransmitted in the eyes. At this moment, Medusa’s voice came from her ears.

“Sir, we have been attacked by an unknown program. It can be predicted as Umbrella’s internal intelligent program. The following conclusion can be drawn. Umbrella has advanced artificial intelligence that is not inferior to mine. You The command just now has already touched the opponent’s defense system. I’m sorry, but the information just now is not at all intact. To ensure safety, I gave up the information that has not been completely downloaded.”

“Enough is enough Now, Medusa. Everything is safe!” Rubbed the temple, Zhou Yi felt that watching Medusa’s network intrusion was more exciting than oneself going out. Although I don’t know that the industrial intelligence for who has flooded to such a degree, it would be nice to have something to gain.

“Let me see your results!”

“Most of the high-secret member information in the personnel list has been destroyed by the other party, and currently only a part of the security personnel list is retained. This is The person with the highest position retained in the current profile.”

Medusa showed an image of a woman with dark brown hair. This is a woman who looks pretty good, she seems to have been trained in professional armed forces, and she has a sense of competence.

“Alice. Jovovich. The safety director of the Umbrella Cadre Rehabilitation Center. He graduated from West Point Military Academy and has executed special orders many times. Later, he was expelled for violation of the order and was invited. Joined Umbrella Security Company and received a three-year training. Because of his excellent performance, he was promoted to a security center cadre. A year ago, he was transferred to Laken City as the security director of the cadre recuperation center.”

“It’s a good figure, but it’s not what I want. Also something else?” A security director is not the information Zhou Yi wants. He continued to ask the own intelligent assistant.

“There are still some experimental reports, but they were damaged and only part of them are kept.”

“Show me!”

Two copies The file appeared in Zhou Yi’s eyes, among which is included the material description of the experiment, the recorded photos of different periods, and the experimental report with some reserved parts.

The material of the experiment can be described as all kinds of strange things. From the report material, he not only saw the commonly used guinea pig, chimpanzee and human beings. apart from this, also lizards, pythons, sharks and other creatures of different species that are not often used. It seems that their experiments are not limited to humans.

Compared with the experimental report, Zhou Yi found that most of the materials contained the report description of Death. The most common sentence mentioned in the report is the rapid changes in cell chromosomes, tremendous changes in organisms, and the uncontrollable development of experiments and the end of experiments.

This seems to illustrate one thing, this experiment does not seem to go smoothly, because it does not seem to have a stable controllability. Such a thing can’t be called success anyway.

While going through the report, Zhou Yi found a problem. There was no record of human experiments in the report, and it was obviously deleted by the other party when it was attacked. Such a situation can only illustrate one problem. Human experiments have different results. But where is it different?

Flicking through the only part of the data, Zhou Yi began to analyze it carefully. And when he came to the final conclusion, his face was not very pretty.

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