All the information indicates that the materials for this research experiment were basically destroyed due to uncontrollable problems, but so far, the information in his hand has not appeared about The experimental destruction report of the few human materials.

Zhou Yi began to flip through the limited image data. The image data in his hands is not so much an experiment record as a complete collection of monster illustrations.

Huge body, a terrifying python like ancient creatures. Bone spurs, super sharks of the same size. A lion whose body fur has fallen off and its muscles have grown explosively. also grows two gorillas with deformed giant hands.

Such a thing falls into the hands of the Hollywood screenwriter, maybe it will become a fresh horror film material. But it is a pity that this is only inhuman’s biological experiment in real life. Zhou Yi didn’t have time to feel for these dead things. He needs to know how far the true core of this experiment has progressed.

Finally, she found some clues from these incomplete information. That was an accident report. The content shows a report that a laboratory assistant was accidentally attacked by an experimental organism and was infected with a virus shortly afterwards. There is a detailed report description and a record of the whole process of the lesion.

Zhou Yi read the entire explanatory report, but the content of the report made him feel that he has one’s hair stand on end. In the report, the process of this bad luck’s assistant’s pathological changes was terrifying.

First, the whole body began to have a slight convulsive condition, and then the body showed symptoms such as weakness, heartbeat disorder, and trance. This situation continued for more than an hour. After that, the assistant declared Death from a medical point of view.

However, the information shows that this is the beginning. The assistant’s body tissue began to show extensive necrosis after he died. This necrosis is from the inside out, in just a few hours. This assistant became like a corpse that had decomposed for a long time.

And this is not the most terrifying, the most frightening thing is that the corpse began to regain the ability to move, and began to act according to the most original eating instinct. The body of this recovery action attacks all living creatures that oneself can perceive. The desire for blood and the desire to eat are completely uncontrollable.

Unknowingly, two security guards were attacked and had the same changes. In order to control this unexpected situation. The report shows that they inspected and disinfected all relevant personnel. At this point, the report has come to an end, leaving only the final academic analysis.

After reading this report, Zhou Yi’s only feeling is. If this is the biological weapon that US Military requires Umbrella to develop, then they can be considered successful. Because this thing does have a lethal lethality, and it is not only the one that is limited to the region.

However, this thing must never appear in the world. Once leaked, not only the country, but even the world will face a huge impact. All human beings may face the choice between life and death.

However, this problem cannot be solved by Zhou Yi’s other identity. Although Dawn Knight is the Superhero that countless people support, but he is also impossible to shake a multinational giant enterprise. Among other things, the tens of thousands of working-class workers in this enterprise will not support him in doing that.

And Zhou Yi’s identity as a billionaire is even more unable to do this kind of thing. Umbrella involves a very wide range of industries, and Zhou Yi’s ability cannot have any influence on it. Unless it is really like the news revealed by Alfred, Umbrella’s research was destroyed by someone who wanted him to burst out. This caused a huge impact on Umbrella.

If that were the case, he would be able to win over Tony and some financial giants and devour this huge monster. But from the perspective of deep in one’s heart, he still doesn’t want this to happen. That’s too dangerous.

“Medusa, help me pass the information in my hand to Mr. Phil Coulson last time, tell them that I need their help, and it is better to let someone come to me with a plan!”

“Yes, sir. I will send you this message right away. In addition, sir. Mercury Technology has already done what you need. Do you need me to arrange for them to send it to you?”

“Send me along with the new equipment, Medusa.” Zhou Yi faintly instructed. This was originally a thing worthy of happiness, but at the moment he has no idea of ​​being happy.

A pile of things weighed on him, even if he had energy far beyond ordinary people, at this moment there was a feeling of fatigue. Sometimes he also wants to let go of all the burdens and live a life that only cares about own.

But Superhero’s business is like drugs, it has magical powers that people can’t stop. So far, he has fallen in love with this exciting life. He can give up his rich life and return to the ordinary life of ordinary people in the past. But it can no longer give up this heroic career.

Revived his own spirit, Zhou Yi wanted to find something to eat to fill the belly of oneself stomach rumbling with hunger. He is busy all day today, and the French meal at noon has been digested thoroughly.

But when he got on the hotel elevator, he accidentally found an acquaintance in the elevator.

“Yi! Jean, why are you here?” Standing in the elevator is Jean Grey. At this moment, she is thinking about the control board in the elevator, obviously deciding where to go. Go to the first floor.

When I saw Zhou Yi, Jean Grey looked a little surprised, or the expression on her face was a little weird.

“I want to find something to eat, you know, sometimes it’s easy to forget something after studying things for a long time.”

“For example, eating?” Zhou Yi gave a smirk. He pressed the button leading to the restaurant floor and said to her. “Since I met, let me go to dinner with me. I happen to be a little hungry too!”

“What?” Jean Grey asked in surprise. “That’s not so good, you know I have a boyfriend.”

“hehe, my dear Jean!” He stretched out his hand and grabbed Jean Grey and thumped her into the elevator. “What’s the matter with you today? Are you mad at me? Or do you already want me to disclose our identity and use the identity of a competitor to completely wipe out the fool of Scott?”

“What’s so angry about me!” Turning his face awkwardly, Jean Grey was a little afraid to look directly at Zhou Yi’s eyes.

“Really, you are really not angry?” Zhou Yi raised Jean Grey’s chin and looked a little bit shy at her, Zhou Yi directly lowered his head. After a long time, Zhou Yi once again occupied this place defined as territory by oneself. Compared with last time, Jean Grey’s performance this time is more jerky, as if it has not been tested for a long time, this ability has already degraded.

He is like a thirsty traveler, exhausted. And Jean Grey at first also wanted to resist, but soon, she lost her own strength.

After a long time, until the elevator was slightly paused and stopped moving. Zhou Yi slowly separated from Jean Grey. At this time, Jean Grey was already a little soft, and his normally bright eyes became like spring water, full of undulating ripples.

“Now, I really feel that you are not angry. So, go to dinner with me, okay? Beautiful Jean Grey Young Lady!”

“Okay Well, only this time!” Jean Grey whispered softly, as if explaining to Zhou Yi, as if explaining to oneself again.

“With the first time, there will naturally be a second time. Isn’t it?” Zhou Yi took Jean Grey’s slender jade hand and said confidently and softly.

At this time, Jean Grey seems to have no autonomy at all, just letting Zhou Yi play around.

Two people walked directly into the restaurant. Under Zhou Yi’s arrangement, the waiter quickly began serving delicious French meals to the distinguished guests.

The chefs here provide classic French cuisine. This kind of cuisine originated from before the French Revolution and was popular among royal family and aristocracy. Later, it was classified by Esaufi.

The chefs of the classical cuisine faction have exquisite craftsmanship, and the ingredients must be of the best quality. Commonly used ingredients include lobster, oysters, steaks and champagne, mostly based on wine and flour, and then concentrated It has a rich and rich taste and is thickened with butter or cream.

The French traditional menu offered here has 13 dishes to choose from. Although each dish is small in size, it is delicious and exquisite. The first dish is usually a frozen appetizer, followed by the 2nd dish, soup. 3rd dish, hot appetizer starter. 4th dish, fish. The fifth course, the main course. Six dishes, hot plate. The seventh dish, cold cuts. The eighth dish, sorbet. The ninth course, barbecue and salad. The tenth dish, vegetables. 11th dish, dessert. Twelfth dish, salty. Until the thirteenth dish, dessert.

This wide variety of meals also means complicated dining etiquette. Generally speaking, many people are not very accustomed to this classical Sect French meal. This has also led to the rise of new French meals. After all, this simplified thing adapts to the rhythm of modern life.

Zhou Yi originally wanted to give Jean Grey a little bit of guidance on this complicated dining etiquette, and by the way some small ambiguous actions. But to Zhou Yi’s surprise, Jean behaved very naturally, even a little more proficient than him.

“Seriously, you really surprised me a bit!” While tasting the exquisite French meal, Zhou Yi said with a smile to Jean Grey. “Seriously, I also see your idea of ​​a joke?”

“I have not been exposed to such table manners for a long time. Seriously, I thought I was acting strangely. !” Jean laughed gently, rarely showing a noble demeanor.

“How come, you behaved perfectly!” Holding Jean Grey’s hand, Zhou Yi showed an expression of praise.

“Really, that’s really good!”

The two smiled at each other, revealing an extraordinary understanding. Seriously, Zhou Yi really didn’t expect Jean Grey to be so unresistible to oneself. It’s like letting go of all your worries at once. Some did not act like her.

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