But I don't know why...

There were many injuries on her body, but the injuries were very clean.

Very beautiful...

The broken clothes only exposed more of the fair and attractive body, but there were no trauma or fractures that damaged the beauty of the female body.

At once......

It's very similar to the big break in some development games.

Chu Chu is pitiful, embarrassed and miserable,

Want to commit.

Your Highness...

The weak Cowper tried his best to call Rhine with a voice as thin as a mosquito. She showed a sad smile:

It's Cowper's fault for being impulsive... He's so anxious to destroy the enemy for His Highness... It's Cowper's fault that he's so useless...

If Cowper dies... I hope His Highness... can remember Cowper...

Rhine's eyes were calm: You won't die.

Aiqibod was extremely sad and tried his best to treat his seriously injured sister: Sister, sister, please don't die, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!!

On the side, Prosperity looked at the scenery calmly.

With the reconnaissance module, she can passively monitor Cowper's battle with three modules no matter where she goes for a walk.

This battle is very unique, or in other words, very dramatic.

Due to certain considerations, both sides worked hard to end the battle with more serious injuries.

She didn't even bother to expose them.

What was supposed to be a super-high-level fight between gods turned out to be ugly, with each other scrambling to catch the opponent's big move.

One side just wants to lose,

One side is miserable in order to win,

It is really......


A group of little roast chickens who were obsessed with their master and lost their minds...

Are you so anxious to be favored by your master?

A sense of superiority arose in Prosperity's heart.


No matter how many women the master has an affair with, he will always need a maid like her who is loyal and reliable, does not compete for favors, does not mess around, and devotes herself wholeheartedly to her master.

Prosperity asked calmly: Master, how should we treat Ms. Cowper? With her current injury, I'm afraid she will need a lot of blood to recover.

Rhine nodded: It doesn't matter, I know the way...

For a being like the True Ancestor, it is very easy to revive them.

The immortality of the true ancestors makes it difficult for them to suffer fatal injuries under any circumstances.

However, there is a price to pay for recovering from injuries.

That's food.

Lots of food.

Judging from this kind of injury, Cowper probably needs a lot of blood to heal.

But the problem is,

The blood on Lain's body has been used up.

Although Rhine's drained blood can be quickly restored using magic, the blood restored with magic is tasteless and nutritious to the Vampires, just like drinking water.

What vampires suck is the magic and divinity contained in a person's blood.

And this kind of thing, it takes two weeks to one month to replenish it.

Therefore, the perpetual motion game using healing magic + unlimited bloodletting is not feasible.

However, there is something in Rhine that can be supplied in unlimited quantities...

That is the [infinite energy] blessed by the evil dragon Olivia, the goddess of the netherworld.

According to Rhine's previous research, whatever is produced with unlimited energy has the highest quality in terms of divinity and magic power.

This...even if I use the authority of the goddess, the bug is stuck.

Thank you so much, Your Highness Olivia.

Speaking of which, I don’t know how that dragon is doing in the Netherland now.

Now that she has been forcibly expelled from Rhine's body by the goddess of justice, she has lost such a great pleasure, and I don't know if she will be very sad.

But considering that she had also tortured the Goddess of Justice in this way.

It can also be regarded as the reincarnation of heaven, and retribution is unpleasant.


To be honest, I am used to Olivia cheering for Rhine while rewarding herself on the throne.

Now when he spends the night with a woman again, without seeing this erotic dragon, Rhine actually... still misses her a little.

But thinking about it, with Olivia's mobility, Rhine should be reunited with her soon.

Thinking too far...

Anyway now...

Rhine looked calm and ordered to Prosperity:

Bring Ms. Cowper to my room.

Prosperity nodded slightly and took Cowper from Ai Qibao De's hand.

Rhine comforted Elgibal: Don't worry, Elgibal, I will cure your sister.

Aiqibode wiped her tears. She had already guessed the next treatment method, and said with a blushing face: Well, my sister will leave it to you, Your Highness Rhine.

Although I am worried about my sister’s comfort,

But at the same time, Aiqibod was also very envious of her sister.

His Royal Highness Rhine's blood has been used up in order to save his mother.

Then next,

The only nourishment my sister can get from His Highness Rhine is...

My sister has been controlled by His Highness Rhine's blood and has become His Highness Rhine's lackey.

However, unlike his sister, in order to maintain a clear will, His Highness Rhine did not reward Elchibald with his pure blood, let alone have a relationship with Elchibald.

Aiqibade showed a bitter but happy smile.

Is this the care His Highness Rhine gives me...

Forget it... let's take care of mother first.


Passing through the space delivery point with prosperity, Lain and others returned to their residence in an instant.

Rhine asked Prosperity to put down Cowper, and then Prosperity voluntarily avoided it, leaving the space between the two of them to Rhine and Cowper.

In the quiet bedroom, Cowper looked at Rhine eagerly.

Cowper: Your Highness...

Rhine: Well, don't move.

Rhine opened up Cowper's broken dress without hesitation and cleaned her wounds.

Cowper, why are you hurt so badly?

The weak Cowper showed an apologetic and ashamed smile to Rhine:

I blame me for being too stupid and reckless... I just want to share the trouble for His Highness Rhine... I am ashamed that it was Cowper who caused trouble for His Highness...

Looking at the bruised Cowper,

Rhine showed a loving smile.

You didn't cause me any trouble. I have a responsibility to you and of course I will take care of you.

Don't worry, I will cure you.

He gently wiped away the blood on Cowper's face and stared at the enchanting blonde vampire queen.

Your Highness...

Cowper stared at Rhine as well.

His Highness Rhine’s eyes are very beautiful, very beautiful...

Why are those eyes... so charming?

It was as if it wanted to suck her soul away, turning her into the soulless plaything of the owner of these eyes...

Cowper couldn't help but reveal an infatuated smile.

She waited shyly, and the man in front of her invited her to love... She was ready.


Rhine chuckled and asked Cowper in a low voice:

Cowper, did you do this on purpose?

Cowper's eyes trembled: Huh?

Rhine continued: You wanted to hurt yourself on purpose so that I could treat you with blood, right?


The smile on Cowper's face became very narrow:

Your Highness, I...

Think carefully before you speak.

Suddenly, Rhine grabbed Cowper's chin and stared into Cowper's eyes. His voice was calm, but seemed to be full of anger:

Cowper, I don't want you to lie to me.

When Cowper heard this, he immediately collapsed.

The man in front of her is really important to her.

How dare she make him angry?

Cowper tried his best to beg for mercy in a weak voice: Your Highness... I'm sorry... It's all Cowper's fault. I blame me for being too greedy... Please, Your Highness, please forgive Cowper. This time...

There was no extra emotion in Rhine's eyes, and he just asked lightly: Forgive you?

Yes Yes!

Cowper nodded desperately,

She sensed the coldness and alienation in Rhine's tone, which frightened Cowper.

Your Highness Rhine...it is Cowper who is despicable and stupid, trying to deceive His Highness's love. Cowper will never lie to His Highness again in the future. Please, please His Highness trust Cowper again, just once!!

She didn't want to be hated by Rhine, and she couldn't even imagine how desperate and miserable her life would be if she was abandoned by Rhine...

There was pleading and regret in a pair of frightened eyes.

Then, Rhine said sincerely:

Okay, just this once, I forgive you.

Thank you, Your Highness!!

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