Suddenly, Cowper breathed a sigh of relief, and the tight strings in his heart relaxed for a moment, feeling relieved.

A light once again appeared in Cowper's eyes. She was grateful for her surviving life and at the same time thanked His Highness Rhine for his great tolerance.

On the other side, Rhine's stern face finally showed a gentle smile again. He stared at Cowper and said the second half of his sentence in a gentle and kind voice:

After all, who would lose their temper with their own dog?

As soon as these words came out,

Cowper's eyes, which were once again radiant, became dull again.



Am I...a dog?

for a moment,

Cowper understood Rhine's intention.

Rhine would forgive Cowper, he would be tolerant and gentle, pretending that nothing had happened, and forgive Cowper for being careful with her.

This is not because Rhine favors Cowper,

This man had only met Cowper a few times, and there was no love between them at all.

Rhine would be so tolerant,

Just because Cowper is a beast he raised...

Who would compete with an animal that is one level below him in terms of personality?

If you want Rhine's forgiveness,


Cowper must submit to the new identity Rhine gave her.

When Rhine-Hein'

What a humiliation this is,

How full of malice,

The unruly Third True Ancestor actually wants to kneel down to others, give up his dignity to others, and endure the humiliation of him by others as a domestic animal.


Can Cowper resist?

Does she still have the capital to resist Rhine Hein's control?

It can't be done...

Cowper can only obey, obey, obey, obey without a bottom line...

Dedicate your dignity, your body, your soul, everything to Rhine...

Cowper, you are too weak, why don't you eat something first?

After saying that, Rhine cut his wrist and handed the wound to Cowper.

When Cowper saw this, he was overjoyed and stretched out his tongue desperately to catch the dripping blood.

But when the bright red blood pours into the throat,

Cowper could taste nothing,

On the contrary, under the stimulation of blood, her hunger and thirst became even stronger, so strong that she almost suffered a nervous breakdown and could not contain it!

Cowper seemed to have fallen into madness again...


She wants that sweet, divine blood, the best in the world!

And that blood,

There is only one person who can supply Cowper.

Rhine Hein...

Cowper's eyes suddenly froze. She looked at Rhine stupidly, and her heart... gradually felt relieved.

Since Cowper was no longer able to resist the tyranny of the Rhine,


Why doesn't she simply give in and enjoy the joy of being enslaved and being a dog?

Rhine's body still exudes the fragrance that fascinated Cowper, but now this fragrance no longer emanates from everywhere in Rhine's body, but is concentrated in...

Cowper swallowed hard.

She wants...crazy want!

She knew what kind of bliss she would get once she succumbed to this man. As long as she was willing to give up the false name of true ancestor and queen, she would have everything.

Cowper needn't be afraid that Rhine will continue to add more money;

Because of the soul, Cowper could finally be sold to Rhine as a tribute.


His Royal Highness Rhine is right...

Cowper is just...a dog adopted by His Highness Rhine... Without the blood rewarded by His Highness Rhine, Cowper would not be able to survive. Cowper's survival depends entirely on the gift of His Highness Rhine. The meaning of Po's existence is to beg for mercy from His Highness, obey all His Highness's orders, and satisfy any of His Highness's requests...


Cowper smiled ingratiatingly.

The proud and noble vampire queen in the past, now her face looked extremely flattering and despicable.

Seeing this, Rhine smiled in his heart.

The once ruthless Third True Ancestor was full of contempt and contempt for Rhine, the human emperor. She seemed to be loyal to Rhine, but in fact she was just arrogantly enjoying Rhine's tribute, not only for a higher bid, even if she was in a bad mood. At any time, he might betray Rhine outright.

She just always goes her own way, following her own aesthetics and her own elegance.

No matter how hard Rhine tried his best, he couldn't win over this arrogant and inexperienced woman.

But now...

Rhine studied Cowper's flattering smile.

This is really...

So funny.

Cowper, don't worry. From now on, you will never go hungry again. I will satisfy your appetite and be responsible for you to the end...

Rhine caressed Cowper's delicate cheek and said sincerely: Because you are so, so interesting.

Cowper: !!!

Hearing Rhine's praise, Cowper was extremely surprised and elated!

Rhine is approving her...

He finally admitted his love for Cowper!

This compliment is what she has always dreamed of getting!

At this moment, Cowper's heart was greatly satisfied, and at the same time, he became more loyal to Rhine.

When punishment and praise come together, from the proud soul of the former Queen of the Night,

Then there is a despicable servility, which quickly comes out.

Since you think Cowper is interesting, then please do more things to Cowper that you will find interesting. Cowper will accompany you and try his best to please you...

The atmosphere is already there.

Cowper was ready.

She stared at her owner infatuatedly, and with a call, she put heavy shackles on her elegant soul with her own hands, which she would never take off for the rest of her life.



outside the door,

Prosperity and silence guard the master's bedroom. The holy and powerful goddess is forced to listen to the collision of decorations in the house, but she is in a calm mood.

Basic Divine Law Module: By the way, we were finally beaten to death by you, just to stand guard here and listen to the wall?

The annihilation module said: We are observing and learning, knowing ourselves and our enemies. Intelligence is very important.

Light Particle Module: Speaking of which, have leaked coolant, a lot of it.

Building blocks: Huh? Indeed.

Detective module: At the scene, I was her pantyhose.



The 500-word draft has been changed to 6k words, and there are still 2.5k drafts left to be revised when I wake up tomorrow. Theoretically, this should mean that there will be an extra chapter at noon tomorrow.

I'm a little embarrassed. There are four modules left. Can I ask for your opinions? I want something that is particularly sci-fi and awesome. I really can't think of any.


Chapter 268 The Queen of the Night awakens her servility

Another day has passed since the three modules were eliminated.

Long Night Palace,

The ridiculous decisive battle between the module and the true ancestor left tragic wounds on the castle.

Among the ruins, there are still deadly memetic poisons and the residual power of blood magic contained in the scars that flicker on the walls and ground, ready to explode.

The true ancestor entered the palace and killed the queen's guests while the queen was out...

For this humiliation,

The queen who ruled the night said nothing.

This was both because of her commitment to her lover and benefactor.

Also because...

The queen now is facing an unprecedented crisis.

Outside the queen's chamber,

The medical team, composed of a female werewolf and a female human magician, respectfully saluted the wolf's throat guarding the door of the Queen's bedroom.

The two doctors were worried: His Majesty Hedwig has ruled the Long Night for three hundred years and has never had any physical problems. We have never treated a werewolf who is immortal and will not be injured or sick... We can only Try your best, but I’m afraid I can’t guarantee anything.”

Don't be nervous, doctors.

Wolf Throat said in a kind voice: Leave the leadership to you two.

The two doctors nodded, opened the door, and walked into the queen's boudoir.

The Queen's boudoir is in line with the Queen's style - simplicity.

The room was quite large, but very empty. Apart from a few ordinary-looking trophies on the wall, there wasn't even a bed.

Just a large animal skin rug,

This is probably the Queen's daily bed.

At this time, the beautiful wolf queen was quietly waiting for the doctors to arrive.

The doctors were a little surprised;

The Wolf King is indeed ill...

Today's Hedwig is obviously a little different from the king of wolves in the past.

The Wolf Queen's face was flushed, her body was soft, and her whole body exuded the intoxicating female fragrance.

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