Boom: Yes.

In the palace of Hein, the blindfolded angel was holding the hand of Queen Kessers to reminisce about the past.

For ten years, Kessus reunited with her oath angel after a long separation. She was deeply moved. She had so many things to say to Euphemia.

Euphemia had a gentle smile on her face. She stared at Kessus, staring at the emperor who made Euphemia swear to give everything. The angel's eyes were full of affection, but...

Although Euphemia looked happy too.

But she seemed a little... absent-minded.

The prosperous investigation alerted Euphemia.

The blindfolded angel showed a meaningful smile. The return of Rhine immediately made her energetic. She also activated her perception and projected it on Prosperity. She looked up and down Prosperity, her eyes were a little too kind... .It’s almost like a mother is looking at her daughter-in-law.

Prosperity actually felt a little restrained. The nano-machine operated silently and quickly helped Prosperity tidy up his clothes and hairstyle that were messed up by the wind.

Fortunately, the other party was very satisfied with Prosperity. After leaving a comment, The training was really good, he looked away with a smile.

On the other side, after learning the news, Rhine also smiled.

This time when I went home...there was a small change that appeared in front of Rhine.


It turned out to be her.

Calculating the time, if she wants to come back, now is indeed a good time.

It seems that my move into the Netherworld this time made you change your mind?

In so many reincarnations,

You actually came back to me for the first time.

My dear...Teacher Euphemia.

As the sworn angel of Kessus, Euphemia also took care of Rhine when he was a child, especially Rhine's magic, and his universal language, Euphemia, who taught him of.

Unfortunately, since Kessus was cursed, Euphemia disappeared from the imperial capital and has not been heard from since.

Now that Rhine was guilty, it was not suitable to visit his elders, so Rhine just smiled and put aside the matter of the fallen angel who returned unexpectedly.

Beth is slightly different from her sisters. Compared with her sisters who regard mortals as ants, Beth's attitude towards mortals can be regarded as respect.

Although Rhine was a felony suspect, Beth was not in a hurry to interrogate Rhine, but gave Rhine plenty of time to settle down.

Rhine first sent Prosperity to his home for waiting. As for the three insect swarms, Rhine handed them over to the shepherd of the underground ecological tank.

Under Rhine's strong suggestion, the herdsmen placed these three harmless little meat balls on the dangerous third floor of the holding room.

At the same time, the shepherds were wondering what kind of illness the prince had fallen into today, and he wanted to use his pets to feed the monsters and ghosts in the third floor.

In short...after everything has been arranged,

He returned to Beth's presence.

Rhine has learned the real reason why he was summoned.

Rhine was very calm about this and asked politely: Now, let's get down to business, shall we?



Good news, no need to apply for leave.

Bad news, it's dawn.

315. Sister nun’s affectionate care

Royal Sanctuary.

The dungeon for judging heretics is not suitable for Rhine now. Beth plans to interrogate Rhine under the witness of the goddess.

In the quiet and deserted church, the crystallized statue of the Goddess of Order stands in the center of the church. Her cold eyes are staring straight ahead, turning a blind eye to all the living beings under her feet.

The goddess statue seems to have changed.

Rhine sighed: The goddess' eyes used to be so cold.

The goddess has always been like this. How could Your Highness have such an illusion?

Beth raised her head and looked at the statue of the goddess. She asked softly: Your Highness Rhine, have you accepted the accusations against you?

Rhine: Is it blasphemous?

Beth: Do you admit the charge?

Rhine said leisurely: Admit it, I suggest you chop me down immediately.

Beth couldn't help but smile bitterly when she heard this, and comforted her softly: Your Highness, stop joking, this is a very serious matter.

Beth asked Rhine to sit down and explained to him: Theoretically, the Holy Church is indeed obliged to execute you immediately, but Your Highness, we now suspect that someone has framed you.

By this time, Beth's wariness towards Rhine had weakened a lot.

From the time Beth came to the door until now, Rhine's behavior has been normal.

His speech and behavior are appropriate and elegant, and everything he does is consistent with his status as a prince.

Maybe it's just like Hestia said...

His Highness Rhine has been framed.

There was someone else taking over Hestia's body...

In fact, Beth is willing to believe Rhine.

Speaking from the bottom of her heart, she has no hostility towards Rhine.

Just like Hestia and other imperial guards,

The Imperial Guards had no ill intentions towards Rhine Hein. They had no intention of interfering in the selection of the imperial power, and were willing to follow the oracle and obey the emperor's orders to a limited extent.

Although Rhine's immaturity gave Beth a slight headache, Beth still had high hopes for him.

He is Etalien's biological brother, and the Imperial Guards grew up with him. The Imperial Guards actually silently look forward to the fact that this prince will one day lead them to make Hein even greater.


Individual sisters who received money will be charged separately.

Beth is the nominal leader of this generation of the Forbidden Army and the bishop of the Holy Church. Although she is not the most powerful among the Forbidden Army, she has the most real power.

She holds the highest say in the state religion and leads the empire's strongest combat force. Although it is arrogant to say this, but based on the resources on the books, Bess's power is completely enough to challenge the imperial power.

It is precisely because of this that Beth needs to handle her relationship with Rhine even more.

Beth naturally cannot be greedy for wealth and power. She just wants to wholeheartedly serve the great goddess who bestows order and gospel on the world, and inherits her will to make the world more just and beautiful.

It's like the crystallized divine kingdom high in the sky.

And her ideal must be realized by Rhine in the future.

It's just embarrassing...

Beth hadn't met the prince for a long time, but when she met again, it was to interrogate and judge Rhine...

Beth silently prayed that this was just a misunderstanding, and then she took out the information she had prepared.


let's start.

Beth first needs Rhine to clarify his actions in the past few months.

Leita, Golden Land, Heaven, Long Night...

Wherever he went, Rhine helped the locals solve many major crises, which greatly maintained the order of the world. Moreover, Rhine was very efficient and could predict the situation every time, far faster than the reaction speed of the Holy Church. Faster, things will be done more beautifully.

This is good.

But at the same time... Rhine also did something that was criticized domestically.

When he was in the Kingdom of Heaven, he married the God-Princess of the Kingdom of Heaven as his wife.

Taking the political leaders of other countries as concubines and using marriage to control other countries may be a beautiful victory in other countries.

But in Haiyin, this violates the iron law of goddess customization.

This is the only stain on Rhine so far.

However, after communicating with His Highness Rhine about this matter, Beth secretly breathed a sigh of relief in her heart.

It is basically the same as the information obtained.

The relationship between the prince and the God Princess is not that Rhine covets the beauty of the God Princess, or that he is trying to dominate the Heavenly Alliance.

Rhine had no choice but to become the new God King in order to win the war against the Demon Star.

Although what Rhine did was irregular, under the circumstances at that time, there would be no better solution for others to come in.

Beth could understand Rhine's difficulties.

It's not like the Holy Church wanted to execute Rhine just because of this matter.

Beth smiled: When the Imperial Guards perform their tasks, they will inevitably take illegal actions when faced with the complex local situation. Whether they are maintaining order or interfering with order... This is actually a fuzzy boundary. It’s hard to define, don’t worry, Your Highness, we won’t punish you for this.”

Next, Beth asked a few more questions.

Rhine answered fluently.

In the end, Beth came to the conclusion that although Rhine had a lot of violations when traveling outside in the past few months, it was... barely acceptable.

If it were just these, Rhine wouldn't be punished.

Beth closed the document. She had already asked all the questions she needed to ask, and Rhine's suspicion had been eliminated.

Beth smiled and asked casually: Your Highness, how do you plan to deal with your relationship with the God Princess in the future?

Rhine said solemnly: Of course I will marry her according to the original plan. This is the end of the matter. If I don't marry her, things will be more troublesome, right?


Beth tilted her head: But, do you plan to just take the God Princess as your concubine? Does it mean that Your Highness already has a candidate for the position of Queen?

Rhine thought for a while and showed a distressed look: This... I'm still thinking about it. This is a difficult problem.

And Rhine can predict,

This question will only become more difficult to decide as time goes by.

At this time, Beth was no longer interrogating Rhine. She was just chatting with Rhine with a normal heart.

In fact, Beth also had some personal opinions about Rhine's marriage.

Beth: Your Highness, I guess you haven't taken Moss into consideration?

Beth smiled bitterly and said: You always treat Moss so coldly, the wrath of heaven, will you be sad?

Rhine asked calmly: Moss wants to kill me every time she sees me. Why is she sad?

Beth: She just expects too much from you...

The smile on Beth's face became gentler, even a little apologetic.

Beth became more and more convinced that the church misunderstood Rhine in this incident.

This conversation with Rhine gave Beth a surprising discovery.

The Rhineland has changed a lot.

He has matured a lot.

Not only Rhine, but also the Imperial Guards who have worked with Rhine recently have also undergone considerable changes.

No matter Hela or Italion, although their strength has not improved, their work performance is still the same as before.

But the two of them are obviously more energetic than before.

It was as if I had been reborn and was full of enthusiasm for life.

These are things Beth can clearly feel from her daily conversations.

Even Hestia, after fighting side by side with Rhine, expressed a lot of recognition for Rhine in her words.

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