The Imperial Guards are being influenced by Rhine in a subtle way.

That's really a good thing.

Beth looked at Rhine tenderly, feeling sincerely happy for Rhine:

Your Highness Rhine, you are becoming more and more like your mother.

The wise kings who can be recorded in the history of Haiyin all have a common characteristic.

That is to be able to lead the Forbidden Army and control the Forbidden Army.

Haiyin is supervised by the goddess and the oath angel. As long as the emperor is not extremely stupid, Guo Zuo can continue stably.

However, the only ones who can really achieve great things on the crystal throne are those emperors who can make the imperial army surrender to him.

Kessers is one of the rare people who can do this.

And Rhine has already shown his talents.

Beth was deeply touched at this moment. She grew up with Rhine and studied together. Although Rhine was just a mortal, Beth still left a place for Rhine in her heart.

It was as if he saw his useless brother finally growing up.

Beth's heart was filled with relief,

Don't worry, Rhine...

I am willing to swear in the name of God that as long as you are still loyal to our goddess, I will assist you wholeheartedly and become a right-hand man worthy of your unconditional trust.

So, the questions that need to be asked have been finished. Although there are still needed materials that need to be investigated slowly, at this stage, Beth can already rule out Rhine as a suspect.

The interrogation is over,

There is one last step left.

Detection of corruption in the netherworld,

In fact, in Beth's opinion, this step is very unnecessary.

Rhine's spirit is very normal, and there is a clear difference between him and the fallen who have their souls polluted by the netherworld.

Obviously, Rhine has no problem.

But after all, the process is like this,

Beth also needs to write a report and report to the trial team.

So Beth pulled out the testing equipment.

In Heine, most of the carriers and appearances of magic products are very uniform.

It's basically a piece of silver-white crystal covered with magic circles.

Please, Your Highness.

Beth said: As long as we test your netherworld corruption, the interrogation will be over.

Beth smiled: As an apology, can you allow me to invite you to dinner? Ah... Of course, forget it if you have already made an appointment with another girl. It is rare for His Highness to return to the imperial capital, so he would probably like to have dinner with you. Live your own private life, right?”

At the end of the sentence, Beth smiled awkwardly.

At this time, Beth was no longer vigilant. She was already thinking about what to eat tonight.

He even worried deeply about whether his rash invitation would delay Rhine's private life.

Rhine, on the other hand, just smiled softly, unable to tell whether the laughter was out of joy or regret.

In short,

The moment when Rhine stretched out his hand and held the silver crystal.


All completely changed.

316: Beth: Traitor! Fallen! Kill you!!!

The silver crystal broke through Rhine's disguise, leaving the dirty power in Rhine's body nowhere to hide.

Two masses of vast divine power suddenly erupted from Rhine's body! !

That is the strong divinity of the evil god!

The terrible corruption of the netherworld turned into a frenzy and surged,

The two completely different evil gods seem to be naturally in conflict with each other. At this moment, they are like two terrifying giant beasts, struggling and fighting endlessly! Strong corruption continues to erupt!

Blood God [Justice],

Evil dragon [color■].

Beth recognized the source of both divinities at a glance.

They are the two most terrifying evil gods in the Nether Realm and the greatest threat to the mortal world. They are also the lifelong enemies of the Goddess of Order!

And now...

They actually bet on Rhine together, leaving their vicious blessings in Rhine's body! !

The Blood God even gave Rhine an abominable gift of extraordinary significance—her blood.

The evil god's blood poured into his veins, making Rhine and justice inseparable from now on.

Rhine became her extension in the mortal world...

At this moment, Beth was sweating profusely and her scalp was numb.

A voice exploded in Beth's mind, deafening and almost knocked her unconscious!

The Chosen One! ! !

Rhein Hein, the future emperor of Hein, was chatting and laughing with Bess just now, which made Bess look at him with admiration and silently swore allegiance to him in her heart...

His true identity is actually the most devout and craziest believer of the Blood God! !

After experiencing countless bloody tests, holding countless brutal sacrifices, and using countless inhumane vicious methods, he finally pleased the evil Supreme Lord of the Netherworld and obtained the highest blessing...


Rhine’s true face! !

Beth, her mind went blank.

But Rhine is still calm at this moment,

He had no intention of hiding the fact that he was the chosen one.

after all,

This cannot be hidden.

Rhine knew what he was about to face...

A demigod who was betrayed by him, violated his bottom line, and fell into madness.

A peaceful atmosphere, a gentle nun, a sister who silently cares about him...

Everything disappeared in an instant.

The air in the church dropped to freezing point, and it was bitingly cold.

The smile on Beth's face disappeared.

The surging filth and corruption deeply stung the softest part of her heart...

The elegant prince in front of me,

Suddenly became so strange...

Hateful appearance! !


Beth's eyes trembled, and a strong emotion was brewing crazily in her eyes.

Until finally - bursting out!

That's murderous intent!


In the flash of lightning, Beth suddenly took action and strangled Rhine's neck fiercely! Lift Rhine up!

Beth's movements were crisp and merciless.

Beth was in full fighting mode.

The tenderness towards Rhine evaporated in an instant.

The nun stared at Rhine, her voice cold and angry, without any kindness or gentleness at all: Are you a degenerate?

Rhine nodded.

The man in front of her is no longer the useless brother she grew up with, let alone the emperor she wants to serve.

He is just a heretic!

It's the enemy! !

These cruel facts continue to hurt Beth's heart.

She was heartbroken! !

The grieving and angry nun continued to increase the strength in her hands, almost breaking Rhine's neck!

But Beth didn't care at all, and she shouldn't show any mercy to this man!

He deserves it! !

Beth: Answer me! Rhein Hein! Is all this a conspiracy of the evil god, or have you really fallen!

Rhine had difficulty breathing, and his neck was almost crushed, but there was still no fear in his eyes.

He tried hard to say in a dry voice:

I said, Sister, I am guilty and you should execute me immediately...

Zheng! !

The sword is unsheathed,

The sword Beth pulled out from the rift in space pierced Rhine's heart without hesitation.


——I really should execute you immediately.

- Blasphemer! ! !

Beth had already made up her mind.

If Rhine is determined to be a blasphemer, she will kill him immediately without hesitation! !


The next ruler of the Empire?

Precisely because he will inherit the Heine Empire in the future, even so, he dares to ignore his mission and easily lose to the temptation of the evil god.

This made him even more unforgivable! ! !

Beth will never, absolutely never show any mercy or compromise to this degenerate!

And at this moment, Beth finally understood,

There is nothing wrong with the oracle of the goddess.

A hateful traitor has indeed appeared in Haiyin! !

A devil who can destroy an entire country with his own power if he is not careful! !

Beth's eyes were red with hatred, but at the same time, she couldn't help but shed tears.

She couldn't control the sadness in her heart...

answer me!

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