It was a magnificent color like the legendary Sea of ​​Gods, deep and blue, yet crystal clear like a gem, almost dreamlike.

And deep inside these beautiful eyes...

But there is a lust that is crazy, seductive and depraved.

Rhine trembled inwardly.

He looked at Euphemia and those blue eyes. He was unable to resist and could only let her gently invade Rhine's soul, quietly stirring up the countless desires in Rhine's heart.

Euphemia's charming dragon eyes looked at Rhine tenderly. She lowered her voice and whispered in a sexy and long whisper:

...Rhine, we are accomplices.

Rhine's heart was rippling uncontrollably.


Thanks to the disciple of Zhaishen for the reward, the boss is very generous!

323. Euphemia: This despicable at your mercy?

He was very emotional.

The charming dragon eye is Olivia's highest level blessing. According to Rhine's knowledge, only Rhine and Euphemia have this ability in the world.

Now it was the first time for Rhine to be hit by the same ability as himself.

Rhine understood in an instant the terrifying power of the Charming Dragon Eye.

The dragon eye, which can capture even demigods, is even more effective for a mortal like Rhine.

Even though Rhine thought he was strong-willed enough, he still couldn't help being fascinated by it, and his consciousness gradually began to drift.

Rhine quickly activated magic to clear his mental abnormality and tried hard to wake himself up. He complained helplessly to Euphemia: Teacher... don't make such a joke with me... ...

But Euphemia just chuckled, lovingly admiring Rhine's gaffe.

Euphemia did not continue to make things difficult for Rhine. She coughed twice and returned to the topic: There has been too much small talk, Rhine, let us get back to the topic.


Euphemia told the main story of her trip: Rhine, according to the order of the Holy Church, no matter whether you are guilty or not, before you are tried and executed, you must conduct a successful Holy Advent ceremony, because it is a natural union, Therefore... someone needs to examine you physically to confirm that you are capable of performing the ceremony.


Physical examination, Euphemia is here to give Rhine a physical examination.

Rhine was still in a daze.

But... OK.

He understands.

There was no need for Euphemia to say those obscene and obscene words, Rhine already knew what was going to happen next.

In order to prepare for the coming Holy Advent ceremony, the church needs to check Rhine's physical condition in advance.

This physical examination is generally a non-essential procedure.

After all, the only thing the church cares about is the blood of the royal family, and this thing has nothing to do with the physical health of the royal family.

But the situation on the Rhine side is slightly different...

After all, what comes next is natural union.

Since then, there is an extremely necessary inspection indicator.

As expected,

Euphemia took out a crystal bottle from her arms and handed it to Rhine.

Euphemia: Use this, Rhine, the church needs to collect some samples to predict the results of the ceremony.

Rhine took the crystallization bottle, and then...

After Euphemia handed over the bottle, she sat next to Rhine, holding her chin, quietly admiring the handsome appearance of her lovely student.

Waited for a long time...

Rhine didn't see Euphemia's next move either.

Rhine showed a slightly embarrassed smile: Do I want to take a sample now? Teacher Euphemia.

Euphemia showed a loving smile, and comforted her softly: I'm sorry, Rhine, I know this is difficult for you, but now that you are guilty, I can't take you out of here...

Then, Euphemia added seriously:

Of course, the teacher will always be on your side. If you want me to disobey the Holy Church's orders and take you away from the cell, well... as long as you say so.

No, it's not necessary to do this.

Rhine was a little speechless: I just want to say, Teacher Euphemia, can you... avoid it?

When Euphemia heard this, she smiled kindly:

Rhine, I really want to listen to you, but you should know... With the teacher's ability, even if you avoid it, you can't change anything, right?

This... is not wrong either.

As a top divine creature, Euphemia's perception can cover the entire imperial capital, and it is more than enough.

It would be pointless to let her leave the prison, or turn her back or whatever...

She could still see, clearly.

Even if Euphemia leaves the imperial capital and goes further away.

Even then, Hestia and Etalion were watching closely.

For these two people, if Euphemia did not open her wings, the shielding barrier she had set up would not be able to stop them.

But having said that...

Even if everything is inevitable, and Rhine has long been accustomed to the surveillance of these demigods.

But Rhine still didn't understand why Euphemia had to stare at Rhine like this, just in front of Rhine, waiting for Rhine to take a sample.

..... It is as if a loving mother is patiently watching her child perform a difficult task, and is always waiting for the child to ask her for help.

Speaking of which...

Due to his status as a prince and the affectionate Sia who has been by his side all year round, Rhine's sexual life has always been too rich.

It seems that he has never had the experience of being alone in such a long time.

For a moment, a ridiculous idea flashed through Rhine's mind, and as if by some strange coincidence, Rhine immediately turned this idea into language and said it...

Teacher...can I ask you to help me?

After saying this, Rhine regretted it.

The charming dragon eye shattered his reason,

He said the wrong thing.


Euphemia blinked, seemingly surprised by this request.

But after a moment of surprise,

The archangel's face was filled with a gentle smile.

If Rhine wants the teacher to do this...

Rhine quickly corrected: No... no need, teacher, I just said the wrong thing.

Euphemia stood up and walked towards Rhine:

Even if you say something wrong, you must have had such an idea in your mind first, right?

It's okay, Rhine.

You don't have to think of your teacher as so pure and inviolable.

Rhine, you know some things...

Although Olivia used her power to erase the name of 'Fallen Angel Euphemia' from this world when I left the table, there are still people who remember me... ...Is it right?

Euphemia smiled an enchanting smile,

She sat next to Rhine, her hot body pressed against Rhine:

Teacher is just a dirty and despicable fallen angel who associates with succubi. Rhine...your request is not too much.

The teacher is willing to satisfy you.

Rhine's body stiffened.

Although she had experienced too many things and accidents, Rhine had almost lost the ability to be surprised, but for this archangel who only existed in her childhood, her sudden and drastic behavior...

Still to Rhine's surprise,


Thank you Mio for the reward. The boss is very generous. I wish the boss good health!

324. Euphemia: Take me away from your mother? Five chapters and 1.1k words

Reunion with elders who have been separated for thousands of years,

Rhine was still filled with emotions in her heart.

The result suddenly happened like this...

It really caught Rhine off guard.

Rhine should reject Euphemia at this time.

Euphemia is a completely trustworthy partner of Rhine. Rhine does not need to charm her at all, and he cannot charm her as the leader of the lustful army.

But if Rhine rejects Euphemia,

Will she stop?

As the leader of Olivia's legion, Euphemia has been fighting in the netherworld and the mortal world for a full ten years. She has been immersed in the most depraved and promiscuous camp on the entire planet for a long time, and she is also the leader of those obscene demons... ..

No matter how noble an angel is,

Even if I no longer have a good impression of the camp I joined...

After so many years, there must be some changes in her mind.

Only then did Rhine vaguely realize...

It seemed that... Teacher Euphemia's friendship and loyalty were not all given to his mother.

At this time, the archangel's slender hand had already reached out to Rhine's thigh.

She asked softly in Rhine's ear: Rhine, I heard... you seem to be very indulgent in these years, is that right?

Rhine: That's right...

Euphemia continued to ask: I also heard that you like married women very much? Do you like the feeling of fighting for love?

Euphemia's voice was so seductive: Is a woman like the teacher... considered your favorite wife?

Do you want to take the teacher away from your mother?

Rhine: ...

Rhine's heart trembled. Euphemia's teasing was too bold and he could not answer this question.

The current atmosphere is increasingly ambiguous.

Euphemia's eyes were lowered, and her attention was no longer focused on Rhine's face: have really grown up...

There was a bit more self-blame and pity in Euphemia's voice: It's all because the teacher is not by your side, causing you to suffer so many grievances... Please give the teacher a chance. In the future, the teacher... ...I will make it up to you slowly.”

Euphemia agreed to Rhine's request for help.

She will be patient and enthusiastic. After many years, she will take up the responsibility as a teacher again to help Rhine and solve his problems.


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