Teacher, this is... my first time touching this thing...

The archangel gently bit Rhine's ear, his voice gentle and emotional:

Don't tell others what happened today?



In the underground blood bank of the Royal Chapel.

A group of female priests responsible for the arrival ceremony have been waiting here for a long time.

It is no exaggeration to say that these taciturn scholars are the hope of the Hein Empire.

The Holy Advent ritual is a profound subject. In order to understand and pass on this inscrutable technology, the Holy Advent professional priests will spend their days in endless academic research, constantly thinking about practice and improving existing technologies. , in order to purify, purify, and continue to purify the increasingly thin goddess blood before the royal family's blood is exhausted.

The existence of Shenglin's profession is Hein's powerful superiority that distinguishes him from other kingdoms that simply and crudely inbreed the holders of divine blood and cultivate countless deformed children.

Now, the process of Holy Advent ceremony has been started.

In the imperial capital, the priests specifically responsible for this ceremony have also gathered.

In fact, holding a forbidden army-level Holy Advent Ceremony at this time was not within the expectations of the church and these priests.

The training of the Forbidden Army is cyclical.

Nowadays, the new generation of Imperial Guards has just taken office. They are at their youngest and most powerful peak period.

We should wait until ten or twenty years later, when the strength of the Forbidden Forces gradually declines, and they are almost ready to retire, and then focus on launching the Holy Advent Ceremony and training a large number of new Forbidden Forces.

But now,

For the sake of the prince who was about to be executed, the preparation ceremony could only be started in advance.

All right,

Not a big problem.

Rather, the priests are actually extremely looking forward to seeing what kind of powerful forbidden army the prince, who is said to have ultra-pure double blood of justice and order, can use his seeds to breed?

After a period of waiting,

A space crack opened in front of the priests.

Euphemia walked out of it, holding a filled potion in her hand.

The priests took the vial handed over by Euphemia.

Looking at the full crystal bottle, the priests smiled.

Quantity is quite rich.

Euphemia showed a shy smile and explained to the Priestess awkwardly:

His Highness was a little uncomfortable with having to synthesize the solution needed for Shenglin alone, so I asked a maid from the palace to help.

But fortunately, the maid is very skilled in her craftsmanship. His Highness Rhine seems to have found it useful and has made many rounds...

When the female priests heard this, they felt extremely embarrassed and guilty.

The priests felt very sorry for letting the holy archangel do such dirty work.

Thank you for your hard work...Master Tianzhimian.

But that prince, after all, is also the God-King of Heaven. He has extremely strong combat power and the protection of the twin evil gods of the Nether Realm, making him extremely dangerous.

Probably only a strong person of Tian Zhilian's level who comes into contact with him can guarantee everything.

Euphemia smiled and shook her head: This is nothing. Then, I will take over all the sampling work from now on.

The priests were very grateful: Then I'll help you, Lord Tianzhi Pity.

Euphemia said goodbye to the priests with a smile.

Although this sampling was able to end smoothly thanks to the help of a certain maid.

But Euphemia didn't want to be grateful to the maid at all.

It's a pity that the maid is really a hopeless bitch.

She is a maid serving the Queen. In terms of seniority, the prince should call her aunt.

However, she was so shameless that she secretly fell in love with a junior whom she had hugged when he was a baby...

It's really ridiculous to do such a thing...

If the child knew how many times that despicable maid had committed suicide thinking about him over the years, he would definitely be shocked to the point of nausea...

That is really a... degenerate, despicable, hopeless maid...



After handing over the Rhine sample, Euphemia said goodbye to everyone and left the church.

Outside the cathedral, the Hain Imperial City was bustling and bustling with traffic.

People were enjoying the wonderful afternoon carefree, but no one knew that the catastrophe of world destruction was approaching step by step and was about to destroy everything they cherished or hated.

If it weren't for the relationship between Rhine and Olivia, Euphemia would not have had the chance to return to the imperial capital.

Now fate has given Euphemia a second chance to make those dark fallen wings white and flawless again.

Euphemia decided to start a new life.

This new life is by no means a return to order and service to the goddess who created him.

After hearing too many truths from Olivia, Euphemia no longer had any attachment to the goddess of order.

She now,

I just want to continue living as Euphemia.

Heaven's Mercy is one of the most powerful punishment angels, attracting much attention and unparalleled in the world, but she is just a tool used by the Goddess of Order to hunt down the original gods, and is nothing more than a handy weapon.

However, Eufemia is different. She is a living being. She has close friends who will stay with her until death, students who admire and respect her, and...

The child that made her heart beat.

Euphemia liked that child so much. During this visit to Rhine, Euphemia could not help but carefully observe Rhine's expression.

Rhine didn't seem surprised at all when he found out he was going to have Advent with Beth. ,

He calmly accepted the situation, as if he had known this would happen.

It seems that Rhine should have his own strategy in order to deal with Beth's trial.

Although Euphemia saved Rhine once, even without Euphemia's help, Rhine could have achieved the same effect by sending others to remind Kleist.

Not only that,

Perhaps he already had a strategy to deal with the entire crisis.

Just like what she heard from Princess Evil Dragon,

This prince, who has a strong aura of the Broken Saint, has obviously experienced many things that ordinary people cannot understand.

This child has indeed grown up...


His expression at that time was still very cute.

Euphemia recalled what had just happened in the prison, and couldn't help but smile ambiguously.

And at this moment,

In an area outside the Imperial City, suddenly, an extremely subtle spatial fluctuation appeared.

Euphemia was stunned for a moment.

Because with that momentary spatial fluctuation that quietly appeared, Euphemia suddenly smelled a pungent smell in the air.

It was a strong smell of blood, mixed with sulfur and fire, death and fear, as if the stench was emitted after flesh and blood had been burnt and carbonized, and it was deeply covered by various pungent smells...a faint floral fragrance. .

An extremely powerful being had just quietly arrived in the imperial capital using a secret method of teleportation.

However, she still left some clues in front of opponents of the same level as her.


I see.

Euphemia smiled happily.

as expected.

Things are getting more interesting.

You're actually here too...

Your Excellency, Legion Commander.



1.1w words meow, finally finished, meow, thank you all for your votes, meow, I will make the dog author into a little sister tomorrow, meow


Thanks to Mio and the disciples of the house god for the reward. The boss is very generous. I will take the razor money to get the author sterilized tomorrow.

325. Beth: Shia, I’m going to meet Rhineland...

Regarding the results of Rhine Hein's interrogation, Beth reported the truth to the church.

Naturally, Beth would not shield Rhine in the slightest, and she also seriously emphasized Rhine's potential harm.

According to the detection of the magic, there is no doubt that Rhine Hein is a degenerate who was corrupted and seduced by the evil god.


He has obtained the divine blood of the Goddess of Justice, completely changing his bloodline, essentially sublimating him, and becoming the original ancestor of the demigods throughout the mortal world - the Chosen One.

The Goddess of Justice is the most powerful goddess in the Nether Realm, and the Gospel Blood Riders under her command are also the type of demon that poses the greatest threat to the mortal world, far more than any other type.

She represents the whitewashed instinct of violence, killing, blood, and war.

This is almost the richest emotion that the entire mortal world can provide to the Netherland.

Even under the rule of the Goddess of Order, almost no large-scale world-class wars broke out in the mortal world, but this still cannot change the fact that the Goddess of Justice is the most powerful evil god.

This is the final divinity that was finally born after the evil gods of the Nether Realm had gone through endless fights and annexations.

Perhaps there will never be a god more diverse and powerful than her divinity in the entire Nether Realm.

Now that it is known that Rhine Hein has surrendered to the command of the goddess of justice,

So it seems that Rhine Hein's series of actions have another explanation.

After investigation, it was found that Rhine Hein once killed the ancient dragon Obadiah, and this was obviously because the ancient dragon family was the descendant of Olivia, the enemy of the goddess of justice. He did this to please the goddess of justice.

And in Golden Township,

Rhein Hein seems to have defeated Lady Justice, but in fact, this may also be a scene between her and Lady Justice.

Rhine Hein was also kidnapped by elves and stayed in Leta for a period of time. According to information from informants, it was during that time that believers of justice released blood curses to murder the top leaders of Leta.

All this...

The identity of the God's Chosen One makes Rhine's past achievements smell of conspiracy.

Overnight, this prince with a promising future became an evil stooge playing big chess.

Beth passed her verdict on this.

The mere fact that Rhine Hein possesses the status of the Chosen One is enough to sentence Rhine Hein to death.

And now with the Oracle of the Goddess of Order, Rhine must be executed quickly and severely.


Before executing Rhine, there is one thing that must be done first.

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