The blade of flowing fire was brewing rapidly in her hand.

The next moment, she desperately used her legs to exert force, and finally she stood up in a weird posture!

good! Stand up!

The legion commander's eyes were fixed on the target, and the flaming blade hidden in the palm of her hand was about to stab the first enemy who approached her at the next moment——

But...just then,

Suddenly, the crowd fell silent!

The passers-by who were running away noisily suddenly stopped. Everyone's eyes instantly became shocked and focused on the legion commander.

Then, passers-by quickly knelt down and stared at the legion commander with longing eyes.

Even the warriors who wanted to chop off her head suddenly changed their expressions. They immediately dropped their weapons and knelt down to salute with infinite respect! !

The legion commander was stunned.

She was surprised by the unusual behavior of passers-by and enemies. Her movements stagnated, and the magic she held in her hands forgot to use, and gradually dissipated.

Fa, what happened?

The legion commander looked surprised,

Why are these people all kneeling in front of me...

Do they finally know who I am?

No, that's absolutely not the case...

The legion commander reacted immediately,

The person they kneel on is not me.

Someone is standing behind me! !

The flower elf immediately turned her head to look, but the movement was too large, causing her to lose her balance and fall towards the ground again...

But at this moment, a pair of hands firmly supported the legion commander.

In the sight of the legion commander, a breathtakingly handsome face appeared.

A young nobleman was looking at her with a smile.

He has a pair of deep and charming eyes, like the stars in the night sky, containing billions of brilliant lights.

The legion commander was fascinated. Without the armor to stabilize her emotions, she became sentimental again. She felt that the eyes of this human being reflected in her eyes and penetrated straight into her heart, making her heart tremble and her heart tremble. A strange feeling emerged that I had never experienced before in my life.

The legion commander knew this man.

Rhine Hein...

She remembered this beautiful face, deeply.

He is the legion commander's rival, the love rival who has taken away the goddess's love from her, and the inner demon that makes the legion commander toss and turn.

In another world, the legion commander used a corpse lantern to observe this man more than once.

But I didn’t expect that,

When she finally met Prince Heine, it was on such an occasion, under such circumstances...

She heard the subtle whispers of the Haiyin people behind her,

It's His Royal Highness. Isn't His Highness still in detention?

His Royal Highness Rhine is free! So sure enough! Your Highness is innocent!

Haven't you heard yet? Lady Hestia has pronounced His Highness Rhine innocent, and that is Lady Hestia!

That's no problem! Your Highness was indeed framed by that old asshole of Edgeworth. Bah, you dirty old thing!

Ah...His Royal Highness Rhine is still so handsome today, my heart almost melts...

Your Highness ■me?!!


The legion commander sneered helplessly in his heart.

She was rescued by Rhine.

Unexpectedly...the dignified commander of the army now owed his competitor a favor that he could not repay. this really the end?

The legion commander was not wearing armor at this time, so Rhein Hein probably didn't recognize him.


How will this prince, who is highly respected by the people of Haiyin, deal with an extremely dangerous troublemaking elf who holds deadly magic in his hands and hides the corruption of the netherworld in his body?

The legion commander became vigilant again.

Rhine first helped the flower elf, then let go of his hand, unbuttoned his coat, and gently put it on the flower elf's shoulders.

The legion commander only had a thin petticoat on his body, which was unable to withstand the cold wind at night.

Now that she had an extra coat on her body, she suddenly felt a little warm.

Then, the legion commander saw the man she hated so much, and he smiled like a spring breeze at her:

What can I do for you? Beautiful lady.

With that gentle tone and that handsome appearance, Rhine was so eye-catching in the eyes of the legion commander at this moment that he was almost dazzling!

Under the gaze of those deep eyes, all the vigilance and hostility in the legion commander's heart suddenly dissipated.

Behind the legion commander, jealous glances from countless women pricked her back.

But she was already looking away flawlessly.

Rhine looked at her, and she looked at Rhine.

that moment,

The legion commander's heart beat twice quickly and uneasily.

The legion commander had no choice.

She has reached a desperate situation, and behind her are the people who regard her as an accomplice of the evil god and want to kill her.

The legion commander had no armor and no ability to protect herself. She couldn't even activate the teleportation magic to send herself to a safe place.

Haiyin's abandoned sons are still staring at her in the abyss.

There is only one person she can rely on.

That enthusiastic, gentle, considerate, and very pleasing to the eye...

Very helpless,

She must owe this favor to her competitor.


The legion commander nodded shyly:

Can you... take me out of here first?




The strongest evil god army commander is the flower elf, and the second strongest evil god army commander is an angel. As expected, evil spirits are the primary productive force.

357. The scumbag prince’s trick to seduce girls, the legion commander’s secret wish

Wearing Rhine's coat, after Rhine calmed the passers-by, the regiment commander was led away from the crowd by Rhine's hand.

Walking through the bustling streets of Haiyin, the legion commander felt the eyes from all around, which kept gathering towards her.

Her pointed ears and beauty constantly attracted looks of hatred or greed to her.

at this time,

The only thing she can rely on is the man walking in front of her.

It was his prestige that could suppress the restless crowd and protect the legion commander.

On the way, they also met the city defense team who came after hearing the news, and the Templar Knights who received the report.

Faced with these violent agencies that cast hostile glances at the flower elves, and faced with their respectful but serious cross-examinations, Rhine deftly resolved them one by one.

that's all,

Rhine brought the flower elf into the palace.

After leaving the busy city, the surroundings finally became quiet.

The legion commander's mood was very complicated.

This was the first time in thousands of years that she was so weak and helpless, so dependent on another person.

On the way, Rhine asked about the origin of the legion commander.

The legion commander also gave an answer that she had thought of for a long time.

Legion Commander: Has Your Highness ever heard of the Flower Elf?

Rhine nodded: I know, that is a race... that lives in the forest. They coexist with nature and live a simple life - you are the flower elf, right?

Rhine seemed to know a lot, but out of politeness, he tried to choose some good things to say.

Superfluous move.

The legion commander said lightly: Yes, but the flower elves no longer live in the forest. They live in gorgeous showcases, on the beds of the powerful, and in courtyards. They were once the best-selling living creatures in the world. , as for me, Your Highness, I am also one of them.

Rhine understood: You have a master, but you escaped, right?

It's smart to give ambiguous hints and then let the other person give you the answer.

Now the legion commander has his own personality.

A poor slave who was trafficked from his hometown to a big city and just escaped from his master's home.

It was a perfect setting, and it also explained why a flower elf would run barefoot and wearing a nightgown on the streets of Hain Imperial Capital.

The legion commander wanted to pretend to show a somewhat pitiful expression, but she found that she couldn't do it at all, so she nodded coldly: That's right, Your Highness.


Now that Rhine already knew that what he picked up was not a noble lady from Leta or Heaven, or even a natural person with human rights, but just a meat toy queen with an owner.

So what will the prince do next?

The legion commander can probably guess it.

Rhine Hein, this bastard favored by the goddess of justice, is also a fanatical believer of the evil dragon Olivia.

His thirst for lust is limitless,

He rescued the legion commander. To be precise, he rescued a strange flower elf. In the final analysis, he was just coveting the legion commander's beauty and taking advantage of it...

After all, the legion commander also knew that his frail body, not to mention his combat power, seemed to be quite good in terms of appearance alone.

The legion commander has probably guessed what's going to happen next.

Since he is willing to rescue the legion commander, it means that he is quite satisfied with the legion commander's appearance. Now that he knows that the legion commander is a commodity that can be traded, then...

The legion commander sneered in his heart.

really not bad,

The legion commander can finally complete his life as a flower elf and experience what it is like to be the plaything of a powerful man.


There is no way the legion commander can just obey.

Away from the crowd and free from the entanglements of violent agencies, the legion commander was considered safe.

She also has a blood dragon, and this weak body still has some resistance.

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