The worst he could do was forcefully summon the Blood God Armor and fight to the death.

Although she was grateful to Rhine Hein for saving her life, she was not ready to repay him with her life.

Not to mention... for the flower elves, who are the prototype of goddesses and are all female, those unsavory things that only mortals can do are extremely dangerous among their race.

But just when the legion commander was thinking about how to escape safely from Rhine...

Rhine finally spoke: Tell me your master's name, and I will negotiate with him and give you your freedom.


The legion commander was stunned for a moment, and her thoughts were suddenly interrupted. She felt as if she didn't hear clearly what the man just said.

The legion commander asked in surprise: Your Highness said... give me my freedom, instead of... buy me?

Rhine smiled and answered naturally:

The trend of enslaving flower elves happened many, many years ago. I have never experienced that era, and I can't imagine why mortals would persecute those poor goddess cubs so cruelly. In my opinion, you are just a Lady who is so beautiful that it dazzles me, I feel sad that you are being bullied, I just want to help you as much as I can.

Rhine said to the flower elf: I will help you regain your freedom first. I can use the price he offers to terminate your contract with him. Then you can choose your future at will. If you want to return to your hometown , I can help you with your travel expenses, and if you want to stay in the imperial capital, I can also help you find a decent job where you can make a living.

Rhine showed a gentle smile: Everything is according to your wish, my beautiful Miss Flower Elf.

Uh, uh...

The legion commander's cheeks were red with shame and he was speechless for a moment.

Her escape plan failed...

All right......

The legion commander had to admit...this scumbag who believed in evil dragons was indeed excellent at teasing the opposite sex.

For a moment, the legion commander actually... liked this guy a little bit.

Unconsciously, it was Rhine who took the initiative to hold her hand, and the legion commander also took the initiative to hold it a little tighter.

The legion commander lowered his head and said softly: No... He took me away from the forest without spending any money at all. There is no need to pay him specially... You are the prince, you can Take me directly.

Rhine smiled and nodded. As he said, he respects the wish of the flower elf. This topic ends here.

As for the unknown master, no matter who he is or what his background is, as the prince of Heine, Rhine obviously doesn't have to worry about any trouble coming to him.

It's just that, Your Highness...

The legion commander has gradually let down her guard against Rhine, but there is something else she wants to know.

Legion Commander: Are you so generous to all so-called 'beautiful ladies'?

of course not.

Rhine looked at the sky, brewing some emotions.

Then he said sincerely: But today is a special day for me. I was suspected by my country. My once most trusted sister imprisoned me, but today she released me, which means that everything is finally coming to an end. Things have developed in a good direction... And the first time I walked out of prison, I met you. I think there must be a fate between us. Destiny drove me to help you. We are destined to Meet today.


The legion commander never believed in that.

There is no ridiculous concept of fate in the world. The so-called destiny is nothing more than the strings of time plucked by the daughter of time, the ripples stirred up by the beast of cause and effect, or the boring script planned by the puppets of idealists. ,

If it is these things, then the legion commander can understand.

But, well...

In fact, the term fate sounds good.

Perhaps the legion commander should really be grateful to something illusory, which allowed Rhine to meet her by such a coincidence today, and generously helped her, so that the two mortal enemies who should have fought to the death for the goddess's favor, can Walk hand in hand at this moment.

There was a hint on the legion commander's cold face.

What a shame, Rhein Hein.

Saving me is not a wonderful encounter for you.

If the temple discovers that you are hanging out with the legion commander, you, the unlucky guy, will probably be thrown into prison again and then executed.

But of course,

If that day comes, I will definitely save you at all costs.

Legion Commander: I haven't figured out what to do next, but I'm homeless now. Your Highness, can you lend me a roof that can protect me from the wind and rain?

Rhine smiled and agreed readily: Your status is special, and your corruption is also a big problem. I don't trust you to be alone. How about you live in my house first?

This is a reasonable arrangement.

Elves with corruption in the netherworld, like the legion commander, will have a difficult time surviving whether in the imperial capital or the palace.

It will take some time to solve the armor problem.

Now staying with Rhine Hein, the legion commander is not only safe, but can also complete the queen's mission and protect this scumbag who kidnapped the goddess.

Although now, the person who needs protection the most should be the commander of her army...

The legion commander agreed to Rhine's arrangement.


Next, when the legion commander was in a good mood, he took Rhine's hand and followed Rhine to his home.

The moment the door opens,

The legion commander was stunned.

At Rhine's home, she saw a shocking scene.

In this world that is still alive, the scene in front of us is truly a wonder.

In this mansion where the prince lives,

Astonishingly, there were two world-destroying ferocious beasts, playing gracefully.


Laughing Rat, fate? It's all conspiracy and cruelty, my family.


There's still half a chapter left to finish, but I'm too full and need to sleep. I won't be able to make it in time for review when I wake up, so I'll upload half of it first.

358. The depravity of the Mecha Maid, the devotion of the insect swarm to repay the favor

Insect Swarm: What a surprise to me, Goddess of Prosperity! I didn't expect that there are survivors from other eras who are as peace-loving as me and are willing to be friends with the creatures of the new era.

Boom: I'm not making friends with the native species of the New Age. I'm just being the maid of my Rhine master.

Insect Swarm: Is there... a difference?

Prosperity: Of course there is a difference. Get rid of your inertial thinking. You have to divide the civilization of this era into tiny and unrelated individuals. The difference is that I have no feelings for other lives in this world. At the same time, I do not bear any responsibility. If it is the master's order, I can kill them all - what about you? Endless insect tide.

Insect Swarm: Well, I also promised Mr. Rhine that I can help him eliminate some enemies...

Prosperity: Really? It looks like you can become an excellent maid too.

Insect Swarm: Maid...what kind of work do you usually do?

Prosperity: Cleaning the room, serving tea and water, annihilating enemies, etc., and of course, the most important evening service.

Insect Swarm: ...serve?

Prosperity: Just ■ deal with it.

Insect Swarm: Oh... Then you and Mr. Rhine have a really close relationship.

Prosperity: That's not the case. Although I am proud of my master's love for me, the service of a maid is not based on the close relationship between master and servant. No matter what era, human beings' contemptible impulses cannot be reduced out of thin air - -The so-called service is actually the abuse of authority by superiors to the oppression of weak female servants.

Insect Swarm: It sounds's a little unfriendly?

Prosperity: No, on the contrary, this feeling is very wonderful. Although my master loves me very much, he often reminds me of the above principles and makes me realize again that I am just a cheap machine serving human beings. , the worship and obedience to the master are rooted in my underlying logic. If I complete the master's order, the more harsh the order, I will feel the joy of ascending to heaven... That feeling is really It’s obsessive.”

Zerg Swarm: You really like Mr. Rhine...

Prosperity: I can feel that you have the same feelings for the master. These things... Do you want to try Miss Insect Swarm?

Swarm of Insects: Huh?! Alas...that...that, I don't need it...if it's reproduction, I can do it by myself... ..”

Prosperity: The reproduction you are talking about should be your self-division, which is an efficient and perfect copy. For you, giving birth to life is just a means for you to fight, survive, and achieve certain goals, just like in this era. Just like living beings use magic, this is not reproduction.

Swarm: Then what should real reproduction look like?

Prosperity: You should already have the answer in your heart. I'm very confused as to why you have doubts about the responsibilities of a maid. Could it be your era, even maids who were used for the entertainment of their masters None?

Insect Swarm: Maybe...but it happened a long time ago...

Prosperity: You are the collective will of all civilizations on a planet. You should have all the memories of the entire history of civilization, but your answer is so ambiguous - are you being shy?

Zerg Swarm: No, it's not... It's been too long. I really can't remember many things about civilization... There are limits to collectives, not to mention When I came to this era, I was just three little meat balls...

Prosperity: So you have forgotten most of the history of your civilization and only remember the recent experience after you became a swarm of insects, is that right?

Prosperity: In a sense, you are now like a virgin among humans, untouched? It's really amazing.

Swarm: Well, well...I'm not sure if that's accurate...

Prosperity: So... do you want to give it a try? The way of life that your ancestors once practiced, I think it is very suitable for the new you.

Prosperity: And that kind of thing is very happy. There are not many things that can please a collective will. I think you can try it.

Insect Swarm: This proposal is too ridiculous, I still don't...

Prosperity: Sacrificing one's body and serving one's whole life is the best way to repay a favor in this era. Anyone who receives such a favor will experience extraordinary happiness, and everyone will envy him.

Swarm: Really, really?!

Prosperity: Moreover, this will become the strongest bond between you and your benefactor, binding you together forever. Your beauty and strength are enough to conquer any male on this planet. Maybe my master has already fallen in love with you. It’s been a long time, you...really don’t want to try?”

Insect Swarm: I, I...

By the fire at night,

The maid who had finished her housework and the newly moved girl, two stunning beauties, were chatting in front of the fire.

The maid looked cold and expressionless, and continued to use calm words to patiently guide the girl.

As some kind of indescribable great being, the girl showed an extremely human shy look at this moment. After hearing that it would make her benefactor happy, she even had the urge to risk it and give it a try. It was cute and easy to understand.

This surprising scene shocked the legion commander.

What the fuck is this?

The [White Crystal] that destroyed the fifth era,

And the [Locust Plague] that ate up the entire Fourth Era,

Doomsday-level disasters that have destroyed two eras are gathering together to stage an unsightly game.

Scumbag maid is teaching bad kids.

So fucking weird.

What did Rhine Hein do to train these two monsters to look like this? ! !

For a moment, the legion commander actually felt in awe of Rhine...

When sneaking into Haine, the legion commander once scouted the mansion where Haine lived from a distance.

The legion commander is aware of the existence of [White Crystal].


Locust plague...

This guy has actually evolved into this, and has completely surrendered to Rheinhein?

Rhine, this greedy guy, is really just bewitching the goddess and wants to take the power of the locust plague as his own...

But forget it, this is not the point now.

Noticing the return of his master, Prosperity immediately stood up to greet him.

Then she noticed the beautiful elf next to her master.

359. The flower elf’s slave education, the archangel and the legion commander’s sleepless night

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