姝ゆ椂鍙屾楠寮哄急涔嫔娍锛岀珶浠 鏄 鏄 阃呜 Cloud Light Cloud Sword 镄剆word spirit 鎺у埗锛孼huang Wudao镄勫 鏀 鏀 纴浣緽 纴浣緽 纴浣緽 纴浣緽 纴浣緽 纴浣緽 纴浣緽 纴浣緽 纴浣緽 纴浣緽 ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro揩鏀剁缉鍒 揩鏀剁缉鍒 揩鏀剁缉鍒 鍏 鍏 鍏 鍏 鍏 鍏 huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang嗘渶浣庯纴

涓嶈 鐪嬩 鐪嬩 be be o be in strained circumstances 锛屽凡缁忔笎娓愬姏涓崭粠蹇 power殑妯°C牱锛孼huang Wudao 鍗寸煡杩椤叾瀹炴槸琚玒un鈥檈r镄凡 ist Technique 锛岃繛缁笉鏂殑铡嬭揩 镊 镊 镊 镊 傛 傛 傛 傛 鎷 鎷 鎷 鎷 鎷 鎷 鎷 鎷 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 备 备 备 备 备 备 备 备Eitang Wan鈥檈r 涓嶅缑涓嶆克锛屼笉寰椾笉阆匡纴涔熶笉寰椾笉阃€锛佽槠链夊弽鍑讳箣蹇碉纴鍗村线寰€鍦ㄩ偅鎸囧Award 绋嶆湁寰€澶栨帰浼镐箣锷挎椂锛屽氨瑕佽杩€€€

Zhuang Wudao 涓岖煡Beitang Wan鈥檈r 姝ゆ椂锛屾镞剁殑 傛兂濡 傛兂濡 綍銆 綍銆 浠呬粎鍙槸杩欎箞鐪嬬潃锛屼篃 浠呬粎鍙槸杩欎箞鐪嬬潃锛屼篃緽eitang Wan鈥檈r 镒熻闅 銆 銆

杩欐浮鑸 殑绗簩灞傦纴 锛屽彲钀 锛屽彲钀 锛屽彲钀 锛屽彲钀 澶勬瀬灏戙      殑 殑 殑 殑 art art art art art art art art art art artョ ョ Wu Wu 镄刡 Wu Wu 镄刡 Wu Wu 榊 榊 榊 埗涓嬶纴闾 埗涓嬶纴闾 埗涓嬶纴闾 埗涓嬶纴闾 埗涓嬶纴闾 埗涓嬶纴闾 埗涓嬶纴闾 埗涓嬶纴闾 埗涓嬶纴闾 – – – – – – – – – – – – – -屾槸镒埚彂镄勭伒娲 纴濡傞 纴濡傞 寰楁 寰楁 寰楁 銆傝 銆傝 銆傝 銆傝 銆傝 銆傝 纴涓嶆柇镄勬尓绉 纴涓嶆柇镄勬尓绉 纴涓嶆柇镄勬尓绉 纴涓嶆柇镄勬尓绉 纴涓嶆柇镄勬尓绉€

鍙嶈Beitang Wan鈥檈r 锛屽嵈宸 槸琚笎娓愬帇杩埌浜呜埞鑸 槸琚笎娓愬帇杩埌浜呜埞鑸 殑 殑 殑 鍩熴 鍩熴 鍩熴 彧浜屼 彧浜屼Han dynasty 镞讹纴婧 一 (1) 嚭镄勪 锷诧纴鎶婅 锷诧纴鎶婅 锷诧纴鎶婅 鑸 鑸 埍锲涘锛屽 埍锲涘锛屽 埍锲涘锛屽 鎴 鎴 鎴 鎴 鎴 鎴 鎴

鈥滀笉阌欙紒 嬩 嬩 Captaining Dragon 锛屽娍濡俉ild Tiger 銆傗€

Beitang Cangjue 鍦ㄦ梺鐪嬬潃锛岀溂绁炰腑鐣ュ惈璧炶锛 Descending Subduing Tiger Fist Technique 锛屾妸Wan鈥檈r 铡嫔埗鍒 绉崭 绉崭 绉崭 绉崭婏纴鍙﹄互鎶€宸ц€岃锛屾浜哄湪杩椤Fist Technique 涓婏纴宸茬粡鏄嚭绁炲叆鍖 鈥

鈥滆 Umbrella Zhuang Wudao 鍦ㄥ煄鍖楋纴纭疄 chain 塛ild Tiger 涔嫔悕锛岄鏄媷 嶏纴璁 嶏纴璁 浜 浜 浜 兘鐪嫔ソ浠栧墠绋嬨 傗 傗 傗

Beitang Qin 寮 帺镌 鐪 鐪 腑 腑 腑 鈥滃彧鏄痶 鈥滃彧鏄痶 鈥滃彧鏄痶 鈥滃彧鏄痶 鈥滃彧鏄痶 鈥滃彧鏄痶 鈥滃彧鏄痶 鈥滃彧鏄痶 鈥滃彧鏄痶 鈥滃彧鏄痶 鈥滃彧鏄痶 鈥滃彧鏄痶 鈥滃彧鏄痶 鈥滃彧鏄痶 鈥滃彧鏄痶 鈥滃彧鏄痶 鈥滃彧鏄痶 鈥滃彧鏄痶牚蹇э纴鏄笉寰楀凡嶅姝ゃ嶅姝ゃ 效 寮 寮 寮 寮 镞 镞 镞 悗锷涗笉缁э纴鎴栬 呬絾 呬絾 呬絾 呬絾 呬絾 呬絾 呬絾忓鍙嶅 镄勬満浼 镄勬満浼 镄勬満浼 镄勬満浼 纴灏卞彲鍐 畾鑳滆礋銆 濡 濡 濡 濡 濡 濡 濡 濡 濡 姘撮噷铡嬶纴瓒婂帇鍙嶅 姘撮噷铡嬶纴瓒婂帇鍙嶅 姘撮噷铡嬶纴瓒婂帇鍙嶅Ammonia

Beitang Cangjue 娣°C贰镄勭瑧锛屽苟涓嶅弽椹筹纴鍙猯 纴鍙猯surely said 锛气滃滃滃缁忓揩鍏崄涓洖钖堜 銆傗€

闾eitang Qin 镄勯镄勯鑹诧纴椤挎椂涓€ plating point 俍huang Wudao 镄凡ist Technique 鑺效鏋佸揩锛屼娇寰桞eitang Wan鈥檈r 锛屼篃涓嶅缑涓嶆彁阃熷簲鍙朴€效彧鏄彧鏄涓鐬纴鍙屾鐬纴鍙屾鐬纴鍙屾镄勪氦镄勪氦镄勪氦嬶纴灞呯劧灏卞嬶纴灞呯劧灏卞杩囦杩囦

璁板缑涔嫔墠Beitang Wan鈥檈r 璇 锛屾拺杩囧崄钖堬纴闾 锛屾拺杩囧崄钖堬纴闾 楗禯 楗禯 Wu Wu Wudao 镐 懡銆傛拺鍒 懡銆傛拺鍒 懡銆傛拺鍒 huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang濂 弸锛屼篃鍙畨鐒 弸锛屼篃鍙畨鐒 棤鎭欍 埌锲涘崄钖堬纴鍒栾祻涓夌栌涓ょ 埌锲涘崄钖堬纴鍒栾祻涓夌栌涓ょ 埌锲涘崄钖堬纴鍒栾祻涓夌栌涓ょ 埌锲涘崄钖堬纴鍒栾祻涓夌栌涓ょ 阈 阈 阈 躲

粖宸茬粡鏄痵ur粖宸茬粡鏄痵ing by far 锛

There are not many three hundred and two silver patterns. However, if Zhuang Wudao is really successful, then it is difficult to give him a Leaving Dust Palace inner disciple.

鍝€曟槸Surpassing City 绗竴aristocratic family 镄凚eitang Family 锛屾兂瑕侀€佷汉镊矻eaving Dust Palace 镄勫唴闂纴涔熸槸暗€浠桦嚭鏋佸ぇ镄勪唬浠紒鍙狟 紒鍙狟 紒鍙狟 紒鍙狟 紒鍙狟 紒鍙狟 紒鍙狟 紒鍙狟 紒鍙狟 紒鍙狟 紒鍙狟 儏銆侺 儏銆侺 儏銆侺 儏銆侺 儏銆侺 儏銆侺 儏銆侺 儏銆侺 儏銆侺 儏銆侺 儏銆侺 儏銆侺 儏銆侺 儏銆侺 儏銆侺 儏銆侺 儏銆侺 儏銆侺 儏銆侺 儏銆侺 儏銆侺 儏銆侺灏戜汉鐩潃銆傞偅鏄嵆渚挎湁阍鐩潃銆傞偅鏄嵆渚挎湁阍湁锷匡纴涔熸湭蹇呰兘锷炲埌镄勪簨鎯呫€

Thinking about this, Beitang Qin shook his head slightly, his face was self-proclaimed. With the strength of Beitang Wan’er to win the prize, it will never lose!

At this time, Ma Yuan Li Han, his expression was slightly relieved, and both of them released their swords. If Zhuang Wudao does not support thirty rounds, it is natural to be prepared.

However, at this time, the two men have already played this number. Today, they three, can’t say for sure, they can retreat from the boat. Beitang Family has a huge presence in Surpassing City. Can not provoke, or try not to provoke it. What’s more, in front of Beitang Cangjue, the three people are not as good as one finger.

Zhuang Wudao is also a heart out out a long friendly breath. By this time it was more than sixty rounds, and then I saw ‘Yun’er’, how it was defeated. Make this Beitang Wan’er not feel damaged.

In fact, there is no need to worry about anything, just pretend that it will not be able to continue. If he didn’t practice the Ox Demon Origin Hegemon Body, it would be impossible to have enough stamina to support such a long-term storm.

After he pushed Beitang Wan’er to a corner of the cabin, Zhuang Wudao felt that the strength of each punch was indeed weakening.

About a few more breaths, it is estimated that it can no longer be suppressed. At that time, when Beitang Wan’er broke out, he could admit defeat.

However, by chance, Zhuang Wudao’s eyes were intertwined with Beitang Wan’er’s eyes, but his heart was still moving.

I saw this woman’s eyes, still fighting spirits, with eight points of shame and unwillingness, and two points of decisive.


Zhuang Wudao is inwardly shocked, and sees the body of Beitang Wan’er. With a little change, he does not go backwards, and the finger is also included. Then there was a crack in the ‘Boom’ at the bottom! Actually, only with sufficient force, the deck of this second-class cabin will be broken!

As the silhouette of Beitang Wan’er falls, the distance from Zhuang Wudao opens. The fierce fingering was finally no longer oppressed by Zhuang Wudao’s boxing, and finally it was the space for display.

Beitang Wan’er’s eyes are also unusually dignified at this time. At the tip of the tip of the finger, there is a faint white light. The suffocating swells, such as the wall sweeping a circle of ten feet.

Zhuang Wudao suddenly jumped in the heart, what is this Culture Technique, has not yet launched, there is such a big momentum?

Even if you listen to Beitang Wan’er mouth indifferently said: “This is my False Profound Technique, Hundred Splitting Thousand Edge! I have been practicing for seven years. Since the year of self-repair, you are the first one except Senior Sister. Those who can force me to perform this technique, I am proud of it!”

When the words fell, Beitang Wan’er’s feet were already on the bottom of the cabin. Zhuang Wudao has not yet reacted, but the body is already involuntarily, like a hungry tiger, and the volley is falling!

Beitang Qin, who has a smile on his eyes, sees a slight sigh, and Beitang Wan’er is also startled, and then there is no need for the slightest hesitation, but it is not only the strength of the mountain, but also the volley to bring up a dozen winds. The huge cracking edge of the suffocating qi, cross-cutting!

The figure of Zhuang Wudao seems to be faster, and when it is cracked, it has already been forced to the front of Beitang Wan’er. Zhuang Wudao looked at the finger-shadows that had been shocked and had no half-dead corners, but almost closed their eyes subconsciously, and the heart stopped. At this time, do not avoid the reverse, this is simply to die!

‘Yun’er’ was fearless, and the fists burst out, and the sound of dragon cry tiger hiss came out again. The boxing frame is not any of the familiar 13-subdued Subduing Dragon Strike by Zhuang Wudao. It seems to be a combination of Shaking Dragon and Shaking Dragon, and it is somewhat plausible.

When the fist was out, Zhuang Wudao was violently bombarded, winding around the dragon shaped Qi. It was a hard life, and two of them were forcibly crushed! The figure is as strong as a dragon, and shuttles in.

Then Zhuang Wudao, seeing the confidence and pride that Beitang Wan’er had in the eyes, it was gone, and it turned out to be a bit flustered. Her suffocating suffocation on her fingertips is still turbulent, and new cracks are constantly emerging around her body. The figure seems to be difficult to move, clumsy standing in place.

‘Yun’er’ has no half-pity and cherished jade, and loves the feelings. Both hands changed into fists, and the hand ‘Capturing Dragon Strike’ grabbed the left arm of Beitang Wan’er.

Then she slammed and slammed, and when the body of Beitang Wan’er was knocking, she slammed her body to the side.

Not only did Beitang Wan’er fall into disarray, but he fell on the ship’s board. The sturdy air blades that were triggered by Beitang Wan’er’s Prfound Technique ‘Hundred Splitting Thousand Edge’ were also scattered. It was easily solved by Zhuang Wudao.

And within the entire ferry, at this moment, it was dead. Ma Yuan Li Han Although they are stunned, then Beitang Qin is also a round of apricot eyes, full of horror. She originally thought that her own lady would have won. The mood is too relaxed, so that I have not had time to shoot. When the reaction comes, the two men at the bottom of the ship are already divided.

— Broken Armor pointed to the 1st Heavenly Layer, and the younger lady who had a ‘False Profound Technique’, was it so defeated?

Only Beitang Cangjue, although a little accidental between the eyebrows, his face was still quite calm. Just looking at Zhuang Wudao’s gaze, I have a little more to explore.

As for Beitang Wan’er, it was a dull lying on the board that had broken into the water, and had not stood up for a long time.

Zhuang Wudao’s mind was also blank, first of all, he was at a loss, and then vacated countless thoughts. This is the Hundred Splitting Thousand Edge of Beitang Wan’er, the so-called False Profound Technique? Where did Yun’er counterattack come from? It seems to be based on ‘vanquishing tigers and dragons’, and both Concept and Power are on the original Subduing Dragon Strike!

And this ‘Yun’er ‘, how come you win? How do you end up now? This Beitang Wan’er, will you be angry and angry? How should you retreat yourself?

Until the voice of Beitang Cangjue sounded, he interrupted his thoughts.

“View your cultivation qualification, but only between 5th Grade and 4th Grade. However, this Martial Dao innate talent is really out of the ordinary. I don’t know if I can offer you a second class for Beitang Cangjue’s Disciple ?Beitang Family. If you can cultivate in the future, Beitang Family will definitely give you a future.”

Zhuang Wudao raised his brow and looked up. I saw this Beitang Cangjue, although the face is kind and kind, the look at this time seems to be appreciated.

However, Zhuang Wudao did not know how, inexplicably, the whole body was cool. It seems that there are two sharp knives that are cut into the body of oneself.

The heart is fretting, with Beitang Cangjue as the teacher and the second-class offering of the Beitang Family. In terms of cultivation resources, it may not be worse than the inner disciple of the Leaving Dust Palace.

With the teaching of ‘Yun’er’, he is afraid of not having to go to the Great Sect and seek the best of the Heritage Technique.

As for the qualification of the Leaving Dust Palace inner disciple promised by Beitang Wan’er, I don’t have to think about it. Before the fight, Zhuang Wudao did not expect the Bigang of the Beitang Family to achieve.

So it seems that the invitation to join the Beitang Family seems to be good –

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