However, this idea was only vetoed by Zhuang Wudao decisively. I remembered the assassination that took place on the river bank pier not long ago.

This Surpassing City Eastern Wu, can’t say for sure will soon become a place of right and wrong, repeat the story six years ago. How can I jump in without knowing how to hide?

Beitang Family tang虹劧鏄湴浣嶅皧宕囷纴姣忓劧鏄湴浣嶅皧宕囷纴姣忓涔熻兘棰嗗埌涓嶉娄簬澶娄簬澶 disciple 镄刴edicinal pill 銆傜劧Key 岃Epilepsy eitang Family 鍗 満锛岄渶瑕佽嚜宸 満锛岄渶瑕佽嚜宸 満锛岄渶瑕佽嚜宸 嫾 嫾 嫾 欙纴闾 欙纴闾 欙纴闾 欙纴闾 欙纴闾 欙纴闾 欙纴闾 欙纴闾 欙纴闾 欙纴闾

Zhuang Wudao is a person who has climbed from the mud pile and has been mixed in Surpassing City for more than ten years. Know the pies that have never fallen from the world, and pay for it always. Knowing the very ruthless means of Beitang Family, if the situation is sinister and you need to send yourself to death, then the people of Beitang Family will never hesitate.

掓槸€掓槸Leaving Dust Palace 锛岄偅阆 笟 笟 笟 笟 笟 笟 笟 笟 笟 笟 笟 笟 笟 噳銆侺 噳銆侺 噳銆侺 噳銆侺 噳銆侺 噳銆侺 噳銆侺 噳銆侺 噳銆侺 噳銆侺 噳銆侺 噳銆侺 噳銆侺 噳銆侺 噳銆侺 噳銆侺 噳銆侺 噳銆侺 噳銆侺 噳銆侺屽瓨鍦ㄥ凡変竾浣椤変竾浣椤変竾浣椤涔嬩箙锛屽娍锷涚锲涔嬩箙锛屽娍锷涚锲笉鎽囥傛湁濡傛湁濡竴寮犻竴寮犻(3)墷阆洊浜嗕笢鍗椾箣鍦纴鍦 纴鍦 綅瓒呯劧锛孒 eaven 璇 浗涓棤浜 浗涓棤浜 暍鎯 暍鎯 傛棤璁哄摢鏂 傛棤璁哄摢鏂 锛岄兘琚槸 锛岄兘琚槸 锛岄兘琚槸 锛岄兘琚槸 锛岄兘琚槸 锛岄兘琚槸 锛岄兘琚槸 锛岄兘琚槸 锛岄兘琚槸 锛岄兘琚槸 锛岄兘琚槸 锛岄兘琚槸 锛岄兘琚槸 锛岄兘琚槸 锛岄兘琚槸 锛岄兘琚槸 锛岄兘琚槸 锛岄兘琚槸 锛岄兘琚槸ラ棬锛屽 ammonia 蹇僣ultivation 銆

鐒 岃 岃 B B Beitang Cangjue 镄勬嫑鎻 箣瑷 箣瑷 锛岃嚜宸卞 锛岃嚜宸卞 璇ユ 璇ユ 庝箞锲炲锛 庝箞锲炲锛

Zhuang Wudao 姝g鎺︻潃瑷€杈炴嫆缁濓纴镞佽竟涓嶈翻镄凚 eitang Wan鈥檈r 锛屽嵈宸叉槸绔栾捣浜呜韩锛岀洰鍏夊鏉傦纴 move towards Beitang Cangjue 寰井鎽囧ご锛气滀滀滀 鐖 瘚 瘚 濡傛锛佹垜涓庝粬鍏埚墠宸 濡傛锛佹垜涓庝粬鍏埚墠宸 濡傛锛佹垜涓庝粬鍏埚墠宸 濡傛锛佹垜涓庝粬鍏埚墠宸 璧岀 璧岀 璧岀 璧岀 璧岀 璧岀 璧岀 浠婃棦鐒 浠婃棦鐒 浠婃棦鐒纴灏 笉鑳 笉鑳 笉鑳 姝ゆ惇濉炰 浜嬨 傗 傗 傗

闾eitang Cangjue hearing what was said 璇у纾镄勬壃浜嗘壃鐪夛纴key屽悗銮炲皵锛气淲淲淲鈥檈 浣犺嚜灏忎 鏄湁涓 鏄湁涓 鏄湁涓Change the 鏄紒鎴戠湅浠栧 鏄紒鎴戠湅浠栧 钖戦珮杩滐纴涓嶆槸姹犱腑涔嬬墿锛屽皬灏忕殑 钖戦珮杩滐纴涓嶆槸姹犱腑涔嬬墿锛屽皬灏忕殑 tang tang tang tang tang tang tang tang tang tang腑銆傗€

铏 槸鍦ㄧ瑧锛孼 Wu Wu 镄勬祽韬笂涓嬶纴鍗 Wu 镄勬祽韬笂涓嬶纴鍗 槸涓嶈嚜绂佺殑涓 阒靛喎姹楁穻婕撱 阒靛喎姹楁穻婕撱 阒靛喎姹楁穻婕撱 惉鍑 杩欎綅 杩欎綅 杩欎綅 杩欎綅 杩欎綅 杩欎綅 杩欎綅 杩欎綅 杩欎綅 杩欎綅 杩欎綅 杩欎綅 杩欎綅 杩欎綅簩寮鸿€呰涓殚钖殑涓嶆呰涓殚钖殑涓嶆涓巏 inging intent 銆

瀵 簬 簬 tang tang tang tang tang tang tang 璇纴鍒欐洿 璇纴鍒欐洿 璇纴鍒欐洿 璇纴鍒欐洿 涓嶆垚锛熷姩鐢 傞毦阆撹 傞毦阆撹 傞毦阆撹 涓嶆垚锛熷姩鐢 涓嶆垚锛熷姩鐢 涓嶆垚锛熷姩鐢 涓嶆垚锛熷姩鐢 涓嶆垚锛熷姩鐢 涓嶆垚锛熷姩鐢 涓嶆垚锛熷姩鐢̇eitang Family 忥纴涓嶆儨浠 忥纴涓嶆儨浠 锛屽皢浠栭 锛屽皢浠栭 佸叆 佸叆 佸叆 Leaving Dust Palace 闂ㄥ唴锛

This woman can not turn face on the spot today, such as about letting the three of them leave, the character is very good.

Beitang Wan鈥檈r 鍗存祽鐒朵笉瑙夛纴鍐嶆寰€Zhuang Wudao 鐪嬫潵镞讹纴绁炶壊宸叉仮澶嶅宁细细鈥滃箪Senior Brother 锛孡eaving Dust Palace 褰扑笘澶 畻銆傛垜涓庝綘铏 畻銆傛垜涓庝綘铏 畻銆傛垜涓庝綘铏 畾涓嬭祵绾 纴鐒 纴鐒 纴鐒 纴鐒 岄偅 岄偅 岄偅 岄偅 ei ei ei ei ei ei ei ei ei ei ei ei ei ei ei ei ei ei ei ei ei墦涓晢 忓浣曪纻 忓浣曪纻 Junior Sister 鎴戞棤鑳 锷涳纴鐒 锷涳纴鐒 锷涳纴鐒 屼篃涓嶆 屼篃涓嶆 屼篃涓嶆 屼篃涓嶆 氢 氢 氢 氢 氢浣狅纴鍗存效缁橲enior Brother 浣犱竴涓満浼泛紒鈥

“Opportunity? What opportunity?”

Zhuang Wudao asked strangely, but in the dark, he squeezed his fists hard, thinking that there is no such good thing in this world. This woman said that she can give him a chance, I am afraid that it is not a good thing. But if you listen to it, it’s fine.


娓¤埞涓婄殑鑸 か镞╁ か镞╁ か镞╁ か镞╁ 阃冭 阃冭 阃冭 阃冭 阃冭 阃冭 阃冭 阃冭 阃冭 阃冭 阃冭 阃冭 阃冭 阃冭搴曟洿琚殑Beitang Wan鈥檈r 镄凚roken Armor 灏栭攱鎸囨墦绌 鏁 鏁 鏁 瀛旀礊锛屼笅闱 瀛旀礊锛屼笅闱 瀛旀礊锛屼笅闱 二 二 二 二 二 二 二 二 二 二 二 二 二 二 二鑸 涓嶈 涓嶈 涓嶈 浜嗐

涓嶈 塀 塀 塀 塀 塀 塀 塀 塀 塀 i i Stage Stage Stage Stage Stage Stage Stage Stage Stage Stage Stage Stage Stage Stage Stage Stage Stage Stage Stage Stage Stage Stage Stage Stage Stage Stage Stage Stage Stage Stage Stage Stage鍖楀 銆

杩欓噷镞╁ 夊嚑杈咮 夊嚑杈咮 夊嚑杈咮 夊嚑杈咮 夊嚑杈咮 夊嚑杈咮 夊嚑杈咮 夊嚑杈咮 夊嚑杈咮 Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu鍗旷嫭绀 锛屽潗涓娄 B B B B B B B B B B B B €

杞 <笂浠呮湁涓変汉锛岄櫎浜咮eitang Wan鈥檈r 涔嫔锛屽 ammonia鍙湁Beitang Qin 涓嶣eitang Cangjue 屽屽凡銆 悗浜岃€呴兘涓嶈璇濓纴鍙湁Beitang Wan鈥檈r 锛屽叴镊 inch泿鐒剁殑涓娄笅鐩潃Zhuang Wudao 挞噺銆 挞噺銆 氨 氨 氨 氨 鑸纴瀵 鑸纴瀵 鑸纴瀵 鑸纴瀵 鑸纴瀵 鑸纴瀵 鑸纴瀵嫔墠镄勮 鍖楋纴涔熶 鍖楋纴涔熶 鍖楋纴涔熶 鍖楋纴涔熶 鍖楋纴涔熶

璁 huang Wu 棰囨槸鎯婅锛屼粬铡熶 Wu Wu 棰囨槸鎯婅锛屼粬铡熶 伞 B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B湪浠栬 湪浠栬 镙 镙 殑灏忎 殑灏忎 殑灏忎 殑灏忎 涓 涓

However, the little princess of the Beitang Family did not show much frustration and anger at this time. Instead, she was clever and gentle. Compared with the image of the female martial art who was arrogant and arrogant on the ship, the temperament is changeable and the temperament is also elusive.

椹 缂撶紦 屽姩锛屾鏄┒钖慙 屽姩锛屾鏄┒钖慙 屽姩锛屾鏄┒钖慙 屽姩锛屾鏄┒钖慙 屽姩锛屾鏄┒钖慙 屽姩锛屾鏄┒钖慙 屽姩锛屾鏄┒钖慙 屽姩锛屾鏄┒钖慙 屽姩锛屾鏄┒钖慙 屽姩锛屾鏄┒钖慙 屽姩锛屾鏄┒钖慙 屽姩锛屾鏄┒钖慙 屽姩锛屾鏄┒钖慙 屽姩锛屾鏄┒钖慙 屽姩锛屾鏄┒钖慙 屽姩锛屾鏄┒钖慙 屽姩锛屾鏄┒钖慙 屽姩锛屾鏄┒钖慙 屽姩锛屾鏄┒钖慙 屽姩锛屾鏄┒钖慙 傞偅 傞偅 傞偅 傞偅 傞偅 傞偅 傞偅Av chain 轰 锛岃嚜鐒 槸 av Leaving Dust School 闾d笁涓悕棰濄 箪 箪 箪 箪 箪 箪 箪 箪 箪 箪 Brother Brother Brother Brother Brother Brother Brother Brother Brother Brother 锷纻鑳 锷纻鑳 锷纻鑳 锷纻鑳 锷纻鑳 锷纻鑳 锷纻鑳 锷纻鑳堜綍暗€琛岄橹锛岄棷闾e嚩闄╅毦娴嬬殑闾i 涓欻eaven eavenly Way 锛熲€

Zhuang Wudao ly 寰渿锛屼粬鏄湁镒忕粡阆 笟 笟 笟 笟 笟 笟 笟 笟 笟 笟 笟 笟 av av av av av av av tang tang tang tang tang tang tang tang tang tang镄勶纻

鑳镐腑涔熼】镞舵亶亶燂纴浠婃棩涔嬩簨锛屽彧镐旷粷涓嶆槸浠涔埚涔埚涔埚摢镐旷湡鏄湪杩欐渤涓效摢镐旷湡鏄湪杩欐渤涓浮鑸瑰 tang 阆囷纴杩橞 tang tang tang tang tang 阆囷纴杩橞 纴涔熷鍗婃槸鏁呮剰灞呭銆 纴涔熷鍗婃槸鏁呮剰灞呭銆 纴涔熷鍗婃槸鏁呮剰灞呭銆 纴涔熷鍗婃槸鏁呮剰灞呭銆 纴涔熷鍗婃槸鏁呮剰灞呭銆 璁 璁 璁 槸镞╁ 槸镞╁ 槸镞╁ 槸镞╁ 槸镞╁ 槸镞╁ 槸镞╁殑cultivation base 瀹炲姏锛屼粖镞ラ亣 iv 佸悗锛屽垯鎭 佸悗锛屽垯鎭 佸悗锛屽垯鎭 佸悗锛屽垯鎭 佸悗锛屽垯鎭 佸悗锛屽垯鎭 佸悗锛屽垯鎭

With this in mind, Zhuang Wudao’s face suddenly became ugly and ugly: “Miss Beitang is laughing, I Zhuang Wudao wants to go under the Leaving Dust Palace. However, she is just a street gangster, and she dares to compete with Surpassing City. I don’t dare to be the name of Miss Senior Brother. Miss can call my name.”

鈥沨yrannical Senior Brother 銮潪鏄敓姘斾 锛熲

Beitang Wan鈥檈r hearing what was said 鏄挴鍜殑绗 纴鑺 纴鑺 锛 锛 锛 S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S嚜鐒舵槸娌°C湁浜夊ず钖嶉镄勮祫镙笺€笉杩笉杩嫢鏄姞涓婃垜Beitang Family 湭蹇呭存湭蹇呭 ammonia娌°C湁鍙兘銆侸unior Sister 鎴戜笉鑳 eaving Dust Palace 闂ㄤ笅锛屽嵈鍙湪Sect Great Competition 镞讹纴锷logenior Brother 涓€镊镊

Zhuang Wudao chain 槸蹇冧笅鏆楁伡锛屾镞秇earing what was said 锛屼笉绂佸张寰井镒g銆effective 鏅屼箣钖庢墠鍙嶅簲浜呜 鏅屼箣钖庢墠鍙嶅簲浜呜 鏅屼箣钖庢墠鍙嶅簲浜呜鐒跺悗棣栧厛绗竴涓姩浣滐纴鍗存槸鏂滃悜镞佽 actually 镄凚 eitang Cangjue 銆

Beitang Cangjue 娉ㄦ剰鍒 粬鐩厜锛屽 粬鐩厜锛屽 掗 掗 锛宑 锛宑 the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the檈r 鏄疨atriarch 鐖卞コ锛屾槸璇镐綅elder 阃夊畾镄凚eitang Family 涓嬩竴浠atriarch 銆effectス镄勮瘽锛屽 ammonia鏄垜Beitang Family 镄勬剰镐濓紒鈥

Zhuang Wudao 氱劧 氱劧 屾侪锛屽畾瀹 B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B 纴杩欎綅 纴杩欎綅 纴杩欎綅 纴杩欎綅 纴杩欎綅 纴杩欎綅 纴杩欎綅 纴杩欎綅 纴杩欎綅 纴杩欎綅 纴杩欎綅锛岄櫎浜嗗洓Beitang Family Patriarch 瀚”コ涔嫔锛屽眳鐒闲缮链夌潃濡傛鎯娄汉镄勮韩浠斤紒

闾eitang Family 涓 嵁璇 嵁璇 睿 睿 睿 睿 笌 笌 笌 笌 笌 笌 笌 笌 笌 笌 笌 笌 笌 笌 笌 笌 笌 笌 笌 笌 笌 笌 笌 笌 笌 笌 B Wan鈥檈r 锛岃秺杩囧ス闾e嚑浣嶅厔闀匡纴鎴愪Beitang Family Seto gallium 夸 锛熸濂 変粈涔坥 ut of the ordinary 涔嫔锛

鈥沦enior Brother 杩欐槸淇’ 锛熲 渗 ei ei ei ei ei ei ei ei ei ei ei ei ei 鈥滀笉鐭 鈥滀笉鐭 鈥滀笉鐭 鈥滀笉鐭 鈥滀笉鐭 鈥滀笉鐭 鈥滀笉鐭 鈥滀笉鐭 鈥滀笉鐭 鈥滀笉鐭 鈥滀笉鐭 鈥滀笉鐭 鈥滀笉鐭

Zhuang Wudao 鍗存槸榛樼劧镞犺锛岃笇韬囨蒙钖熶 鍗婃檶锛岀洿鍒 偅Beitang Qin 娴侀湶鍑轰笉Key愪箣鑹诧纴杩欐墠娣°C贰鍑锛 锛 沧垜钖 沧垜钖 沧垜钖 Leaving Dust Palace Origin Mountain 锛岃繎镞ヤ 夊贰镆ヤ 镊砈 urpassing City 鐩戠潱great competition 锛佲€

浠栧缁埚潥淇★纴澶╀笅娌°C湁锏借悆镄勫崃椁愩€侭eitang Wan鈥檈r 涔嫔墠镄勮瘯鎺纴杩樻湁浜嫔悗镄勭儹琛凤纴閮戒娇浜虹敓鐤戙€

“There is this!”

Beitang Wan鈥檈r 璇腑鐣ュ惈璁ヨ锛气€劧劧Key孲enior Brother 杩樻槸涓嶈鎶卞お澶氭湡 chain 涙墠濂 纴浣犲彲鐭ヤ笁 chain 堜箣钖庯纴浣犵殑瀵 鏄皝锛熲 鏄皝锛熲

涓嶅緟Zhuang Wudao 锲炵瓟锛孊eitang Wan鈥檈r 灏卞凡寮€鍙o鈥沧槸Eastern City Guyue Aristocratic Family 锛岀栌鍏靛爞Xia Clan 锛屾滠鍜孠ong Family 锛孲urpassing City瀹埚搴滐纴Surpassing City 闀囧畧澶︻洃鈥曗€曚笉涔呬箣钖庯纴鏁翠釜 Surpassing City 鍐咃纴鍑犱箮 € € € € 殑 殑 殑 殑 risto aristocratic family 锛笌锛佲备笌锛佲

“How can this be?”

Zhuang Wudao 涓 镞跺け澹 镞跺け澹 纴涓 笉鐞呜 笉鐞呜 笉鐞呜 笉鐞呜 笉鐞呜 笉鐞呜 笉鐞呜 笉鐞呜 笉鐞呜 in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in镄勬潈璐佃 闂ㄥ弬涓庯纻 闂ㄥ弬涓庯纻 笉鏄庣槠锛孊 笉鏄庣槠锛孊 笉鏄庣槠锛孊 笉鏄庣槠锛孊 笉鏄庣槠锛孊 笉鏄庣槠锛孊 笉鏄庣槠锛孊 笉鏄庣槠锛孊 笉鏄庣槠锛孊 笉鏄庣槠锛孊 笉鏄庣槠锛孊 笉鏄庣槠锛孊 笉鏄庣槠锛孊 笉鏄庣槠锛孊 笉鏄庣槠锛孊 笉鏄庣槠锛孊 笉鏄庣槠锛孊

Guyue Aristocratic Family 浠栨槸like thunder piercing the ear 锛屽湪鍏 涔嫔墠锛孏 涔嫔墠锛孏 uyue Aristocratic Family 峉 峉 urpassing City 涓殑绗竴aristocratic family 銆effect叚骞村墠闾f澶т Gongga庤槠鏄疄锷涘ぇ鎹燂纴鍙粓绌舵槸搴曡暣娣卞帤锛屾渶杩戝凡寮€濮嫔0锷挎笎澶嶏纴鍏夋槸鍏舵棌鍐呯殑锛孮i Condensation 澧僣ultivator 灏卞凡杈杈簩鍗佸洓浜簩鍗佸洓浜箣宸纴鍑犱箮鑳箣宸纴鍑犱箮鑳瘮瘮uyue Family 鍏ㄧ洓涔嬫椂銆

锏 叺鍫俋 叺鍫俋 ia Clan 涔熷悓镙 peak 0 钖嶈 鎾纴缁忚惀镌 锏 锏 锏 叺鍫傦纴鍏靛垉绮 叺鍫傦纴鍏靛垉绮 鍐犵粷涓滃崡锛屽瀯鏂璄 aster aster aster aster杩慩NUMX% 镄勫叺鐢茬敓镒忋€傝€屾滠鍜孠ong Family 锛屽垯镫涅镌€鍩庡chain澶澶殑Origin Storing Stone ore vein rudder棌瀹炲姏钖屾牱涓嶅彲灏忚锛孮i Condensation 澧僣ultivator

鐒 孒 aven aven aven aven aven aven aven aven aven 锛屽苟涓嶅彧 锛屽苟涓嶅彧 锛屽苟涓嶅彧 锛屽苟涓嶅彧 锛屽苟涓嶅彧 av av av av av ust ust ust ust ust ust aster aster aster aster aster aster aster aster aster aster変袱涓猚ultivator sect 瀛 湪銆 湪銆 叾涓竴瀹禨hifting Mountain Sect 镄勫0濞侊纴鎹浠呬粎鍙︷€婅壊Leaving Dust Palace 涓€绛硅€屽凡銆

瑕佹嫓鍏ect cultivation 锛屽苟涓嶅彧鏄疞eaving Dust Palace 涓€阃斻€ 疄鍦ㄦ槸璁╀ 疄鍦ㄦ槸璁╀ 疄鍦ㄦ槸璁╀ 锛岃 锛岃 S S Sursuring City 涓殑aristocratic family 鏉冭 a嫭镫墡鍫嗗湪绂诲煄School 锛岃浜夊ず杩椤瀵ヤ笁涓悕棰濓纻

涓岖鏄湡鏄亣锛岀煡鏅撴湁杩欎簺锷垮姏搴炲ぇ镄刟 涓岖鏄湡鏄亣锛岀煡鏅撴湁杩欎簺锷垮姏搴炲ぇ镄刟 涓岖鏄湡鏄亣锛岀煡鏅撴湁杩欎簺锷垮姏搴炲ぇ镄刟 涓岖鏄湡鏄亣锛岀煡鏅撴湁杩欎簺锷垮姏搴炲ぇ镄刟 涓岖鏄湡鏄亣锛岀煡鏅撴湁杩欎簺锷垮姏搴炲ぇ镄刟 涓岖鏄湡鏄亣锛岀煡鏅撴湁杩欎簺锷垮姏搴炲ぇ镄刟 涓岖鏄湡鏄亣锛岀煡鏅撴湁杩欎簺锷垮姏搴炲ぇ镄刟 涓岖鏄湡鏄亣锛岀煡鏅撴湁杩欎簺锷垮姏搴炲ぇ镄刟 涓岖鏄湡鏄亣锛岀煡鏅撴湁杩欎簺锷垮姏搴炲ぇ镄刟 涓岖鏄湡鏄亣锛岀煡鏅撴湁杩欎簺锷垮姏搴炲ぇ镄刟 涓岖鏄湡鏄亣锛岀煡鏅撴湁杩欎簺锷垮姏搴炲ぇ镄刟 涓岖鏄湡鏄亣锛岀煡鏅撴湁杩欎簺锷垮姏搴炲ぇ镄刟 涓岖鏄湡鏄亣锛岀煡鏅撴湁杩欎簺锷垮姏搴炲ぇ镄刟 涓岖鏄湡鏄亣锛岀煡鏅撴湁杩欎簺锷垮姏搴炲ぇ镄刟 涓岖鏄湡鏄亣锛岀煡鏅撴湁杩欎簺锷垮姏搴炲ぇ镄刟 涓岖鏄湡鏄亣锛岀煡鏅撴湁杩欎簺锷垮姏搴炲ぇ镄刟 great 偅涓夋湀钖庣殑 偅涓夋湀钖庣殑 偅涓夋湀钖庣殑 偅涓夋湀钖庣殑屽凡缁忔槸褰诲簳缁濇湜銆效彧暗绋嶆湁浜涚悊鏅绋嶆湁浜涚悊鏅绋嶆湁浜涚悊鏅纴灏纴灏纴灏煡姝や簨褰挞伩煡姝や簨褰挞伩岃翻岃€

Beitang Wan鈥檈r 鐪 骞 劧锛岀 劧锛岀 劧锛岀 缁 缁 婄潃锛 婄潃锛 沧崲鍦ㄥ 沧崲鍦ㄥ 沧崲鍦ㄥ 沧崲鍦ㄥ 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 ust ust ust ust ust ust ust ust ust Family 涔熸湭蹇呭 浼氭斁鍦ㄥ 傛棤璁 傛棤璁 傛棤璁 垜 垜 垜 tang tang tang tang tang tang tang tang tang tang tang tang tang tang tang s s s s s s s褰纴鍙堟牸澶栦笉钖屼簺銆傛湁娑堟伅璇碙eaving Dust Palace 鍐咃纴浠婂 灏嗘湁涓 锏 锏 笁鍗佸洓浣岶 笁鍗佸洓浣岶 笁鍗佸洓浣岶 笁鍗佸洓浣岶 笁鍗佸洓浣岶 笁鍗佸洓浣岶 笁鍗佸洓浣岶 笁鍗佸洓浣岶 笁鍗佸洓浣岶 笁鍗佸洓浣岶 笁鍗佸洓浣岶 笁鍗佸洓浣岶 笁鍗佸洓浣岶 笁鍗佸洓浣岶 笁鍗佸洓浣岶 笁鍗佸洓浣岶浣岹olden Core 浠欓昵锛屽悓镞跺紑闂ㄦ嫨寰掋€傝€屽叾涓ぇ鍗婏纴閮屽叾涓ぇ鍗婏纴閮皢浠庤涓涓灞婄殑灞婄殑 disc disciple 涓嫨浼樻写阃夈€傝伞娑堟伅杩樻病鏁e紑锛岀劧Key屾渶澶Arg屾渶澶uyue Xia Family 灏卞繀鐒 鍏ㄥ姏浠ヨ 鍏ㄥ姏浠ヨ 镄勪簤澶 镄勪簤澶 镄勪簤澶

Zhuang Wudao hearing what was said 婄劧锛岃嫢鏄姝わ纴灏olden Core cultivator 涔嬬溂锛屾垚涓哄叾搴т笅disciple锛岄偅灏辫呖灏戝彲 濆叏瀹 濆叏瀹 濆叏瀹 鏄疓 鏄疓 鏄疓 olden Core cultivator 涔嬩笅锛岄偅浜汧oundation Establishment 澧佥ate Stage cultivator 锛屼篃钖屾牱鏄湁镌€涓嶅急镄勫▉鎱戝姏銆傛湁钖嶅笀鎸囩偣锛屾洿鏄墠阃旀棤镄勫▉鎱戝姏銆傛湁钖嶅笀鎸囩偣锛屾洿鏄墠阃旀棤忋

Zhuang Wudao 蹇冨唴鍗磇nwardly 姘旗粨锛宻aid ill-humoredly 锛气滃皬濮愮殑镒忔€濓纴銮潪鏄篃鎯濓纴銮潪鏄篃鎯鎴戝弬涓庝粖骞鎴戝弬涓庝粖骞殑inner disciple钖嶉涔嬩簤锛熲€

This looks like a pure girl, it really is not good!

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