Technological Hegemony

Chapter 562: The only way ahead for life science is genetic modification

The art of warfare was clouded, and it was stubborn, and then it was exhausted, and three were exhausted.

The same is true of the refugee wave in the West. The first wave of refugees came fiercely and the impact was the most violent. By the end of this wave of assault, the West has spent a lot of manpower and material resources to reduce the refugee wave heat.

At this moment, Xingchen Technology, which had been silent for more than a month, suddenly issued an announcement that it would show its metabolism control technology to the world on August 25, and it would soon attract worldwide attention.

"Good job!"

"Going out! Going out! And Lengquan Port is hard and fast! For more than a month, Lao Tzu has had enough of the cynicism of the West!"

In this way, the world can be lively. For a long time, it turned out that the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory is not unique. Star Technology has already caught up, and the Chinese people are extremely excited. At the same time, they are also very enthusiastic about what kind of technology line Star Technology uses. And curious.

Although he was psychologically prepared, when Luo Jia arrived at the Hudu Sports Center, he was startled by the crowds outside. The people were enthusiastic. Although most of them did not have invitations, they came to the scene. More than 100,000 people gathered outside the stadium, shouting inspiring slogans.

"After all, it's life science." Enran shrugged and teased: "No black technology can be compared with life. People are only important if they are alive. Believe me, if the gene channel technology is completed, ordinary people will stand by you in the people. The tablet will burn incense for you every holiday. "

"I am! How can a living person have a stand?" Luo Jia shook his lips. "Thank you for your good words, but as a believer in science, I have no interest in things like ghosts and gods. If you like them, I would Don't mind giving you a tablet. "

"My bastard, my kindness has been treated like a donkey liver and lungs by you." Enran said.

"You **** has a kind of fart, and the wolf's heart is about the same." Luo Jiadao said.

Xu Chunbiao, who is in charge of driving, could n’t help but Luo Jia and An Ran called Qi Feng opponents. They cherished each other. The relationship has already exceeded the boss and the staff and reached the pinnacle of friendship.

After a while, Luo Jia appeared in the background on time. Although the brothers Wen were the directors of the life science department, they refused to speak on stage. Luo Jia had no choice but to play in person. Fortunately, everyone liked listening to Luo Jia. Speaking, many people often listen to Luo Jia's speech as a stand-up comic.


Just as Luo Jia appeared, the spotlight shone on his head, and there was a warm cheer from the audience immediately. The sound was fierce and far better than before.

"A liar! A thief! Xingchen Technology will definitely imitate Cold Spring Harbor Labs and pirate fullerene technology!"

"The first person to eat crabs is called the founder. Seeing other people eat crabs, scholars themselves eat them, they are shameless!"

Western audiences issued a barrage. They thought with limited brain capacity. They couldn't imagine that Star Technology would attack the genetic origin. They thought they would only use Fullerene to scavenge free radicals, just like Cold Spring Harbor's laboratory technology. route.

"Fuck! Fullerene technology has not been patented. Why can't Xingchen Technology be used?"

"That is, major black technologies do not apply for patents. This is the practice in the scientific community. There are more scientific and technological achievements that have not been patented by Xingchen Technology. You have the ability to imitate them, and no one is blocking you."

"Fullerene was invented by the scientist Harold in 1985. Cold Spring Harbor is based on this invention only to refine and optimize it to achieve the role of scavenging free radicals into the human body. Since it is all innovative research based on the invention of others "Why can you do it, but we can't?"

Huaxia netizens were quickly distorted. The argument for arguing on patent ownership was really unwise, but there was no way to do it, because the confidentiality work was done too well. Huaxia netizens did not know that Xingchen Technology would move the gene knife. thing.

Luo Jia stood on the stage with a usual smile on her face, looking around, and then said lightly, "Sorry, everyone has waited a long time."

"In this world, there are two forces that can transform human beings. One is external force. For example, the Forbidden City consists of 9,995 houses and half of them. The half house is the legendary eunuch's bidet. , A man went in, half a man came out, his hands fell on the knife, and the transformation was complete, simple and rude. "

The words fell, and there was laughter from the audience. This is also the characteristic of each time Luo Jia came on stage. It is not serious and funny. The people who smile are full of smiles and the listeners are relaxed and comfortable. For two hours in a press conference, no one will think Tired, there is still a sense of endlessness.

"The second power is called genes. For example, there is a gene called FTO, Fatmassandobesityassociated. Studies have shown that the FTO gene is related to satiety and is also called the obesity gene."

"All people with mutations in the FTO gene have a common feature, that is, they have eaten a lot, but they still feel a little hungry, so in the absence of satiety, they eat more food than they consume. Eventually became fat. "

"A considerable part of people, as soon as they hear a genetic mutation, they tend to think about it very seriously, and their brains are full of aliens and zombies, but this is not the case. Genetic mutations are very common. I can responsibly say that There are more or less genetic mutations in the human body. "

"Take the FTO gene, for example, it has three main forms of mutation, which will lead to loss of satiety, codenames RS1421085, RS1121980, and RS17817449. Anyone who carries these three mutant genes is a potential obese group."

"Then the question is, how many carriers of the three major obese gene mutations?"

"Sixty-five-six percent, that is to say, if humans do not have an accident, two-thirds of them will be troubled by obesity. In this world, obesity is a common phenomenon. If you have a comparison Thin girlfriends or boyfriends, so cherish it. Because thin people have scarce resources, fat is the main theme. People in the past were thinner, not because of genetic problems, but because they ca n’t eat enough. ”

"It is well known that weight loss is difficult because we have to fight against nature. However, we can easily control our appetite and then our body by modifying the FTO gene."

"Now the question is, you can control your body through genetic technology. What about life?"

"Of course, we can control or even cut off the release of the aging signal by regulating the MTOR gene channel. This technology has largely surpassed our vision of life extension, that is, metabolic adjustment."

"MTOR gene channel technology belongs to a typical type of gene control, and the delay and decline of metabolism are just side effects of gene control ..."

Luo Jia talked eloquently and showed the world's gene channel technology to the world in a bland tone, and everyone was surprised to find that the solution of star technology was to use the knife at the bottom to directly modify the gene.

Leaving aside the problem of genes is easy to cause controversy. How to make ordinary people understand complex genetic technology is extremely difficult in itself. Only after everyone understands the technical principles can they distinguish between right and wrong. As soon as the big V said, the classmates all regarded gene technology as a flood beast, but forgot that in this world, if life science wants to progress, the only way is to use a knife on genes.

Luo Jia's speech well achieved the goal of letting ordinary people understand. His method is not complicated to say, that is, to give more examples that ordinary people can understand, from the difference between fat and thin, to Vampire legend.

Modern genetic research shows that the so-called vampire actually has a rare genetic defect disease, porphyria, which is a blood disease. It has several types, but all porphyrias have one. The common pathological mechanism is impaired heme synthesis.

Therefore, patients with porphyria have two significant characteristics, anemia and photophobia. When sunlight activates the excessive accumulation of porphyrins in the skin, it will cause the patient's skin to blister, ulcerate, and unbearable pain, even on cloudy days. The dose of ultraviolet light is also enough to destroy their skin. Therefore, patients with porphyria can only go outdoors at night.

The current means of alleviating the symptoms of porphyrins is blood transfusion. Transfusion itself can relieve anemia, and the extra heme can also bring back the inhibition of endogenous heme synthesis pathways to a certain extent, thereby reducing the accumulation of porphyrins.

Interestingly, heme can be absorbed through the intestine, so theoretically, blood sucking can effectively alleviate the symptoms of porphyrin. After the patient **** blood, he will feel comfortable and smooth. Some patients may not be allowed to take the risk because of pain and intolerance. , Suck human blood, so there are more legends of vampires in this world.

The reason why Luo Jia talked about this was not to win public favor, but to try to inculcate a concept to all people. The genes of human beings, the genes of each of us are actually defective.

As the saying goes, human beings are not perfect, but where are humans imperfect, or what causes imperfections?

It's simple, genetically defective.

Even if you are not obsessed with obesity, you may also have lactose intolerance. Drinking two more sips of milk will make you sick. Otherwise, you will be born with thinning hair and cannot escape the fate of middle-aged failure.

Do n’t think that genetic technology has nothing to do with you. The human genetic defect rate is 100%. If your genetic defect is a failure, although it is ugly, it will not endanger your life. It is relatively lucky, but those who are genetically prone to cancer, How should they live?

Suppose it is your child or parent with the cancer gene defect. Can you accept it?

"Science has always been a risk." Luo Jia said calmly: "But the way forward is very clear. If life science is to develop, it must go to genetic modification. Only genetic technology can improve human life and quality of life. "

"Being a person must learn to think and learn to take on the risks of life, not to mention that the well-known public minds give you a rhythm."

"In the past, there was a host named Chai Jing, a generation of talented women. She made a documentary with funding from North America. Under the dome, she criticized China's pollution problem."

"Actually, I really hate pollution. No one doesn't like green mountains and green water, but in the documentary, she proposed to liberalize the national energy market and let international energy giants come in. This is more worrying. Energy security, the lifeblood of the country, Let it go to Western control, and that will pay a terrible price. "

"I didn't understand at first, what happened to Chai Jing?"

"Later, I realized through two things. First, her son was North American, and second, she slammed China into environmental protection, but she said nothing after North America announced its withdrawal from the Paris climate agreement ~ ~ After all, she is also the one who determines the head. "

"In short, there are a lot of so-called experts in this world who know that they ca n’t use a knife on genes, but we still move because we know that there is only this way to go forward. There is no reason to choose between back and forward. Back. "

"Not long ago, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory used fullerene technology to clean up the greatest scourge in the human body, free radicals, to achieve a metabolic slowdown and prolong life."

"And we directly control the gene channel. The body previously gave orders to the gene channel, and we will master it in the future."

"Extending life is only the first step. We also want to solve the problem of obesity and reduce the probability of various diseases. Although the current immune activation technology has been able to overcome most diseases, the over-excited immune system always contains risks. Through genetic modification, the disease can be fundamentally reduced, instead of using powerful methods to treat the disease after it has occurred. "

"If the West likes to become a more imperfect human, it is like its defeat and body odor. I have no opinion, but we at Huaxia are ready to go on a better and stronger goal. We have done the most prolonged life extension. Nothing else is more fearless. "

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