Technological Hegemony

Chapter 563: The raw material of genetic medicine, Luo Jia blows in front of the national team ...

The emergence of any new thing will always be accompanied by the slander and questioning of the old forces. The seventh year of the establishment of Xingchen Technology, and on August 25th, gene channel control agents that can prolong human lifespan are listed. Luo Jia focused on popularizing life for everyone. The future of science.

In any case, if life science is to move forward, it will definitely embark on the genetic path, and this path is destined to make humans faster and stronger.

Although Luo Jia did not deliberately attack the opponent, the crowd's eyes were clear and they quickly discovered the problem.

"Although it has the effect of extending life, the technology of Xingchen Technology and the technology of Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory are completely different."

"That's not it! Cold Spring Harbor uses fullerenes to forcibly scavenge free radicals in the body, and Xingchen Technology has changed the genetic channel and sent signals to the body to stop aging. The former is still in the drug category, while the latter involves the origin of life."

"Let me tell you this, fullerene is a pharmaceutical technology, but gene channel technology is the door to the future. Delaying aging is only the first step. Next, Xingchen Technology will allow humans to achieve a more comprehensive improvement."

"Compared to the two, Sure enough, Xingchen Technology is superior."

The problem that even ordinary people can think about, the Cold Spring Port Laboratory across the Pacific is more aware of the huge gap between the two sides. In short, the road that Star Technology is taking is that Cold Spring Port desperately wants to go, but there is no Go through.

It's not how much Cold Spring Harbor Labs loves fullerenes, but genetic control is too difficult. Reinhardt was not sure, so they took the second step and used the substance fullerenes to achieve what they should have. What genetic technology does.

Reinhardt, with his wide chin, faced the screen, clenched his fists, and stood there. He had not spoken for a full ten minutes, like a sculpture.

"Forget it." Musk patted Reinhardt's shoulder and said, "Star Technology has gene channel control. We have fullerene. Both methods share the same goal and can extend human life. From this point, we Did not lose. "

Reinhardt didn't answer, but his face became more ugly. Did he really lose?

This may be the case at present, but what makes Reinhardt and Cold Spring Harbor Laboratories intolerable is what Star Technology has made. What they have always wanted to do but have failed to open up a comprehensive and crazy genetic future. It is conceivable that in the next few hundred years and thousands of years, human beings will benefit greatly from the continuous progress of Xingchen Technology in the path of genes.

Compared to this star-level sea-level success, Cold Spring Harbor Labs has purified fullerenes, what can it be?

Unconsciously, the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory and Xingchen Technology have stood at different levels. The so-called title of the world's first life science laboratory has since officially changed hands.

At the Shanghai Metro Stadium, Luo Jia's speech was over, and the press conference came to answer questions from reporters. The reporters asked many questions, such as the time of product launch, price, and so on.

"I'm a reporter for the Associated Press." A big-nosed westerner stood up and asked in fluent Mandarin: "Mr. Luo Jia, I don't understand one thing. Since gene channel drugs and fullerenes Pharmacy, the scientific principle is completely different, one is to clean up free radicals, and the other is to control aging signals. "

"So does it mean that the best effect can be achieved by combining the two agents? The Star Channel Gene Channel agent is not the optimal version. Only the fullerene agent in our Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory in North America is the ultimate solution. Program?"

This question is very interesting. The originally noisy scene suddenly calmed down. Everyone was thinking quickly. Yeah, since the principles are different and the two drugs are combined, isn't it a combination of two swords to maximize the effect of the drug?

Reinhardt's eyes flashed. With such a simple question, he didn't even think of it. Instead, he was the first reporter to grasp the key to the problem.

"I'll just say it." Musk said to Reinhardt with a smile: "Your fullerene technology is absolutely valuable. Without your help, Star Technology cannot achieve the best results in this life. In the ultimate battle of science, we and China were almost evenly divided, and we did not lose to them at all! "

Inside the Cold Spring Harbor laboratory, the mood has gradually become enthusiastic. The products developed by scientists can be sought after and needed by the world. They are the happiest. No scientist likes his own research.

Now the situation is moving towards a trend that is beneficial to the West. What used to be both you and me, has suddenly reversed and turned into a complementary technology between East and West. No one can do without others.

Since no one is inseparable from anyone else, it is undoubtedly an increase in the bargaining chips of the Western negotiations. If they can really be equal to Xingchen Technology, they will win half of the country.

Facing the camera, Luo Jia said with a small smile: "Yes, according to our laboratory data, the addition of fullerene has indeed improved the effect of the gene channel agent."

"So, you still have to seek cooperation from Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, right? Because of your technology, you cannot do without fullerene support!" Western reporter said with emotion, probably he also wants to save some face for his motherland. .

Who knew that Luo Jia frowned slightly after he said this: "Why can we cooperate with Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory for something we can make ourselves?"

"This is the case. In our pharmaceutical formula, fullerene is one of the constituent elements. That is to say, in the gene channel drug, there is already a fullerene element. Fullerene is the entire life extension system. portion."

The words came out, shocked the world!

This is undoubtedly a naked face. The fullerenes advertised by Cold Spring Harbor Labs are just a part of the formula of Xingchen Technology.

After a pause, Luo Jia spoke another sentence in his outspoken tone, and almost strangled the western people collectively.

"Thanks to Cold Spring Harbor Lab for thinking about fullerene for us. This is an excellent solution, but unfortunately Cold Spring Harbor Lab has not applied for patent protection. So from the legal level, we use the fullerene element to improve the gene medicine Effect, there is no infringement, and there is no need to pay any patent fees to Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. "

"But in any case, everyone is a scientific worker, and I still want to express my gratitude to the scientists at Cold Spring Harbor. After all, without their cooperation, there would be no perfect birth of today's genetic channel medicine."

This statement is very polite, but I do n’t know why, the scientists at Cold Spring Harbor heard that there was an urge to vomit blood, for whom it was hard for whom, and in the end, all made wedding clothes for others. Or your opponent, just ask you to get angry?

"Thank you, thank you! Cold Spring Harbor Lab has done a great job for China!"

"It's a different camp, but it's selfless dedication in the field of life sciences. What an internationalist spirit!"

"As a Chinese, but this time I stood at the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory! They didn't say, it's really good buddy!"

Chinese netizens sent joyous barrage, while western netizens were stunned, feeling like a fly in their mouths, no, a flock of flies in their mouths, blocked uncomfortably, and sickened to death.

Sure enough, God assisted!

Had it not been for the wonderful use of fullerenes at Cold Spring Harbor, gene channel agents would not have been so perfect.


The seventh year of the establishment of Xingchen Technology is really a harvest year. After harvesting the huge space plan, the Chinese people once again mentioned the life extension plan, laying a solid foundation for the road to the sea of ​​stars.

If you want to get out of the solar system, the challenges you face are too daunting. At present, the 1.4 billion people in Huaxia are not too many, but they are poor. The number of scientists is far from enough. Luo Jia not only hopes that Chinese scientists can live a hundred years. And I hope they will never grow old.

After all, in this world, the population can be improved by encouraging fertility and publicity and education, but wisdom has always been scarce. Human needs for scientists have never been enough, but the more the better.

In the Shanghai Metropolis Sports Center, Luo Jia lit the gene technology tree the next day. General Secretary Lu Junlin came from Beijing and was warmly welcomed by Luo Jia.

"The general is fine."

"His old man didn't close his eyes the whole night, you guessed, what was he doing all night?"

"Wrong. The general and his old man chanted all night about the tablets of their former comrades-in-arms, saying that they failed to catch up with the good times, but he caught up. God has eyes. Star Technology gave him fifty more years. He We must not waste it in vain. We must watch our army with our own eyes, go from space to space, and accomplish the feat that no one has ever done before. "

Luo Jia listened to Lu Junlin, and nodded slightly, it seemed that the general had plans to return to the mountain. This is definitely a great thing for Luo Jia and Xingchen Technology, because everyone knows that behind Xingchen Technology, it stands in fact It's the military.

"You are here for this today?" Luo Jia said with a smile. "Relax, the general's medicine will be sent to the Military Medical Research Institute as soon as possible."

The general's status as a river and lake is not trivial. Her old man is a legend that the military is alive. Although Luo Jia has been providing life science and other products for the general in recent years, these products are not delivered directly to the home. It was given to the Military Medical Research Institute for a pharmacological test. The expert group thought that it could be taken by the general before it was finally delivered to his elderly.

Lu Junlin smiled and shook his head ~ ~ General told his elderly before leaving, do not urge you, saying that you are doing science like fighting a soldier, you cannot act impulsively, you must plan first, otherwise you will Hurt self and others. "

"The real reason has nothing to do with the general, but because of the construction of the stars." Lu Junlin said.

"Star construction?" Luo Jia touched his chin with his hand. "The feeling is that the military is going to build a base. This is easy to handle, just leave it to us."

Who knew that Lu Junlin waved his hand unexpectedly and said to Luo Jia: "Of course, the base will be built, but it will not let me make a trip for the construction of the base. You should remember that at the beginning, you should cut off the outflow of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Water, will the desert in the west of our country become an oasis? "

Luo Jia scratched her head. "Well, I did say that, not long ago, when we were planning to develop the Star City, we had come to this place and it was like this."

Lu Junlin said positively: "I don't care whether you are in the interest or have a premeditated plan. The current situation is that the national team takes your speech seriously and is extremely excited about it. They hope you can fulfill your promise as soon as possible."

After hearing this, Luo Jia was stunned. "If we really want to do this, India will not be over?"

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