The tone of voice reveals a feeling of blatant anger, which makes people feel that Li Wanting has plans to take those weapons that were reduced to goods one after another.

“Those are obviously treasures that can help us understand the mystery of mechanism art! How can we treat them like this!”


Sue Kirin is speechless for a while.

It seems that Li Wanting attaches great importance to these newly unearthed organ weapons. Since she regards them as precious research objects, it is natural that others will not sell her cherished items as commodities.

This can be considered a typical researcher mentality…Sue Kirin wrinkled his nose. Noting the conversation between them, Xia Xue suddenly interjected:

“Senior Sister Li, this is as it should be by rights. If you don’t like it, you can buy them all with money. Well. It doesn’t help if you are sulking like this. If you get angry, you will lose more than you gain.”

Hearing this sarcasm, Li Wanting froze and opened her eyes. Saying “Of course I know” lowered his head, even the usual energetic ponytail became drooping.

Sue Kirin was surprised that Li Wanting had such a side, and on the other hand, he was a bit dissatisfied with Xia Xue’s meanness.

“Xiaoxue, you said too much!”

Xia Xue glanced at Sue Kirin, then smiled and asked:

“I have Did you say it wrong?”

“Uh, no, no, but—”

“Aiya, that’s really a shame, I’m not used to speaking tactfully.”

Xia Xueyin’s weird tone made Sue Kirin annoyed. She grinds her silver teeth secretly, tilted her mouth in anger, and stared at Xia Xue fiercely.

“Don’t stare at me, I just speak frankly. Even more how, I don’t want to cause any trouble.” Xia Xue smiled intriguingly, narrowed her eyes, and scanned all around, “I can’t stand it anymore. There are quite a few people here who are waiting for excuses for “black eating black”.”

Sue Kirin’s mind suddenly calmed down after she said that, and this is what Xia Xue meant.

“What’black eat black’, it makes us look like a gangster…” Sue Kirin murmured.

“Am I wrong?”

Xia Xue asked disapprovingly, Sue Kirin was speechless.

Indeed, this is the place where the Three Sects gather, not only the Great Sect Imperial Court, some Upright Sect Aristocratic families and various organizations, but even imitate the dog and There is no shortage of steal chicken.

In this place of dragons and snakes mingle, it is extremely irrational to cause conflict.

Perhaps frightened by the name of Heavenly Jade Palace, there are not many people who dare to take the initiative to pick things up, but if it is true, it is another way of saying it. Not to mention the kind of thieves like robbers, even other people will never mind stabbing you. Afterwards, they can still have a reasonable excuse to stand in the righteous position, and Heavenly Jade Palace is not good when it is wrong. Be held accountable.

If Heavenly Jade Palace takes the initiative to provoke others, there is basically no doubt that others will loudly preach that Heavenly Jade Palace is domineering, and then stumbling over Sue Kirin and the others will happen.

After all, the things in the Mohist Secret Hall are limited. One less person can divide it up, and the others can get more. Seeing this, Xia Xue will “remind” Li Wanting, who has a criminal record, not to get into trouble in a very personal way.

On the other hand, this principle also applies to explaining the appearance of the three dazzling lights.

The brilliance of golden silver and pure white are placed in the three corners of the edge of this mountain. Their roots are undoubtedly the three Grandmasters in Beiming, Yu Canglin and Jialan. The three of them are like the corners of an equilateral triangle, maintaining an equal straight-line distance between each other, enclosing the entire mountain.

The majestic breath emanating from them, pressed down like the sky, is warning people from each other’s country not to try to use any means to oppress their country’s people.

Inadvertently, Sue Kirin’s eyes met with Beiming Youyu’s eyes. Sue Kirin nodded to her, and then seemed to hear the other party’s warning to be careful.

As for Jialan’s sight, she ruthlessly ignored it.

“Wow, look at Kirin! What a big wall!”

Tianji, who has been drifting away from the conversation, suddenly chose to exclaim at this time.


Sue Kirin tried his best to roll his eyes up, only to see Tianji’s fingers pointing forward, which can only be described as mini-slender. Sue Kirin followed along and stayed for a while.

A few seconds later, she came back to his senses and wrinkled her nose anger.

“Idiot Dimensity, this is not a wall! Is this a cliff, okay?”

Dimensity exclaimed in amazement, “Oh-oh”, then changed her words and said again:

“What a big cliff!”

“You don’t need to say it again.”

Sue Kirin rolled the eyes, and then looked towards standing at the end of the land The huge cliff facing him and filling his field of vision.

She made a rough estimate and noticed that the cliff is not high, probably only ten zhang ─ ─ about thirty meters, but it is very wide. Suddenly, the cliff is rugged and uneven. The surface is covered with rocky protrusions of different shapes and sizes, but as a whole, it can be said to be flat, without bending and undulations. If you insist on saying it, it is like a pavement. The horizontal walls of sand and stone of different sizes are the same.

Sue Kirin once suspected that this is not a natural product, but its surface is full of traces of weathering. It is absolutely impossible that it has been temporarily repaired like a mountain in recent days. In other words, even if it is artificially processed, it is a long time ago.

Apart from this, Sue Kirin has another question:

“Xiaoxue, aren’t we going to the Mo Family Secret Hall? How can we walk to the cliff? Do we have to climb up? “

Sue Kirin found that his entire group was approaching the cliff straight, so he asked. As a result, what she got in exchange was Xia Xue’s sarcasm.

“I’m really worried about your eyes.”


Probably I can’t stand it anymore, Li Wanting stepped in and said:

“Little Ancestor Master, there is our destination.”

Almost reaching the dream destination, her voice is full of excitement and impatient.

“Hey, Elder Sister Li, is the Mohist secret hall actually a wall?”

At Tianji, I made a guess like a heavenly steed, soaring across the skies At the same time, Sue Kirin suddenly noticed something abnormal, so he sighed softly.

Regardless of whether she was suspected of wiping oil or not, she leaned back into Li Wanting’s arms as far as possible, striving for the largest possible field of vision.

When the entire cliff was brought into view, she discovered it.

──It turned out to be rectangular. Generally speaking, the overall outline of the cliff can hardly show such a regular shape, let alone fit perfectly on a plane.

If this is the case on the other sides, then the cliff is attached to a cuboid made of rocks. However, do there really exist cuboid-shaped “mountains” in natural objects-structures?

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