Perhaps, but Sue Kirin can find similar examples if he tries his best.

Too abnormal.

This cliff and the mountain on which it is located obviously will not be a product of nature. Since it is not a natural product, it can only be a man-made object.

In this way, the answer is ready to come out.

“──The Mo Family’s Secret Hall is inside this cliff!”

Sue Kirin exclaimed in disbelief as if he was waking up from a dream.

If the Mohist Secret Hall is really hidden in this strange mountain, it also means that the “mountain” itself is probably also artificially built.

And this is beyond Sue Kirin’s imagination.

After reaching the bottom of the cliff, Sue Kirin and his party turned to move along the denser side of the cliff edge.

It didn’t take long for them to see a simple horse corridor.

That was probably built by a businessman who saw the business opportunity. Regardless of the age, businessmen still meet with stitches like this! Sue Kirin thought so depressed.

They paid to settle the horses in the porch, handed over the camping tent to the tea store next to the porch for safekeeping, and then proceeded to the entrance of the secret hall lightly.

The entrance is actually a big gap on the cliff face.

“It’s really inside…”

It’s like breaking a corner of the source stone, revealing the gems inside. After crossing the corridor, you can see the cliff. A large-scale peeling of the surface layer appeared in a corner at the bottom of the face, forming a large gap.

The secrets that have been hidden for a long time are here in the world.

The dark and dull wall is exposed from the gap on the cliff face, and it is beautifully leveled. If you don’t look closely, you might mistake the entire wall for the bloody stretched by the ten thousand zhang abyss. mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl.

This is probably the outer wall of the Mohist Secret Hall, which explains well what is meant by “darkness.”

The entrance of the Mo family’s secret hall is located on this wall. It is an open arch. It is about two people high and five people wide. It is not closed by any what sect board or anything. decoration.

It’s worth mentioning that if it’s not for the first-arrival people to hang torch in the aisle connected to it for lighting, there are those who continue to cross the boundary between light and dark and step into the secret hall and disappear in The people in it, the people who came later may not be able to distinguish the entrance from this wall.

The walls are too dark.

What material is it made of? Sue Kirin curiously reached out and touched the wall. The touch was incredible. It was as smooth and smooth as a mirror. People who touched it for the first time would be as surprised as Sue Kirin.

The surface of the wall is so smooth, but it does not reflect a trace of light.

Moreover, this wall is long and uninterrupted, without any traces of masonry piled up, as if it were carved out of a single stone.

But, will there be such a huge stone in the world?

Sue Kirin doesn’t think that this wall has not been assembled, but she can’t imagine how this wall was built by what means, tools or materials.

Perfect seamless splicing structure.

Even in modern times, it is still difficult to build such a large one-piece structure as heavenly ascension, even more how is civilization stagnating in the ancient Chinese dynasty?

Simply is not something that this World should have-this is Sue Kirin’s most straightforward thought.

As for, Li Wanting has long since stopped studying this wall. She put her ear on the wall and knocked on the wall like a knock with her fist.

The noise is unexpectedly small, as small as a mosquito.

“What kind of stone is this…”

Li Wanting frowns, moving his face away from the wall. The light in her eyes and her slightly curved lips all told her excitement.

“Xiaoting, you don’t know what exactly is this made of?”

Sue Kirin was a little surprised. She originally thought Li Wanting would have nodded threads.

“I don’t know, I’ve never seen a stone like this. It’s very hard, and the sound of striking is very small and heavy.”

Li Wanting shook her head excitedly.

Next, she didn’t know where to take out a small wooden pickaxe and knocked it hard against the wall without saying anything.


The crisp metal sound penetrates the eardrum. With this alone, you know how much energy Li Wanting has exerted.

Does she want to dig a piece of the wall? Sue Kirin’s mind just came up with this thought, and then stared wide-eyed.

“How is it possible!”

Sue Kirin was shocked by a short cry from his lips.

──Workers must first sharpen their tools if they want to do well.

This is the belief that Li Wanting has always adhered to, so all her tools have excellent performance. Take the pickaxe in her hand as an example. The pickaxe body is made of hard “black black iron”. In terms of tenaciousness alone, it far exceeds many Divine Weapons.

However, such a pickaxe cracked after violently hitting the outer wall of the Mo Family Secret Hall, and fell into fragments under Sue Kirin’s surprised eyes.

This picture once again proves that the outer wall of the Mohist Secret Hall is beyond imagination.

“It is no less than’the universe of heaven’-no, it is even worse.”

Li Wanting’s tone was high, and Sue Kirin was unbelievable at her speech , Even Xia Xue couldn’t maintain her usual indifferent attitude, and her face became a little more panicked.

“Senior Sister Li, are you serious? I remember you said that the’Heaven of Heaven’ is made of’Heavy Ink Gold’…”

Xia Xuehadi Breath out and questioned:

“Don’t tell me that these walls are the same, they are made of’ink and heavy gold’, right?”

The reason why the other party would react like this, Sue Kirin probably understands.

Sue Kirin knows something.

When she was in her free time all the time, she had read a book about metal on Li Wanting’s bookcase, which contained a record of heavy ink.

It is an extremely rare natural alloy, the composition is unknown, the whole body is dark black, as strong as Vajra, as tough as spider silk, it is the best known sword metal. The weapons cast by it are cut like mud, can withstand a thousand catties of force, and have the patience that will not deteriorate after thousands of years.

The axis of the universe of the sky is made of heavy black gold, while the other components and the blade are made of black iron and a small amount of heavy black gold.

In spite of this, the tenaciousness of the sword body of the Universe of Heaven is far superior to other swords made purely of black iron, and the performance of heavy gold in ink is evident from this. Although the ink-colored heavy gold is an incomparable sword-making material, as mentioned above, it is an extremely rare metal, and objects made from it can be counted on one’s fingers.

In other words, it is priceless.

If the entire wall of the Mohist’s Secret Hall were made of black heavy gold, it would not only be appalling, but unthinkable. In this way, Sue Kirin ─ ─ even the entire world, will inevitably have to re-evaluate the Mohist’s disappearance in the world and its once glorious degree.

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