“Senior Sister Li, you’d better not be too much—”

Xia Xue tried to stop, but Li Wanting had already said:

“She didn’t want to be an Ancestor Master can take care of one more person!”

next moment, there is only silence between them.

No way? Sue Kirin looked at Xia Xue uncertainly, wondering how she thought about herself. Tenji sitting on Sue Kirin’s head tilted her head unclearly, as if she didn’t quite understand what they were talking about.

Xia Xue pressed her mouth tightly and kept silent.

“──Senior Sister Li, sometimes I really want to sew your mouth with a needle and thread.”

This sentence leaves Xia Xue’s lips, it’s already a good one Some time later.

And when she saw Sue Kirin’s intriguing smile immediately, she turned her head away annoyed, snorted.

After parting with Xia Xue, Sue Kirin, Li Wanting, and Tianji finally crossed the fuzzy boundary between light and dark, and set foot in the Mo Family secret hall for the first time.

“It’s dark…”

Sue Kirin has the illusion of stepping into another world, and there is only a thin line between the two worlds.

The voice fell unfathomable mystery, and even the light became dim. In the dark passage the same width as the entrance, only a faint candle flickered.

In her feelings, it seemed as if the distance of everything had been stretched indefinitely in an instant since entering the secret hall, people’s breaths were strangely far away, even their voices were small A lot. Even Li Wanting, who is walking side by side with her, Sue Kirin feels she is a thousand feet away from her.

This is probably an illusion caused by the dark environment, Sue Kirin thought.

It’s like walking on Yellow Springs Road, and I feel a dead silence. Even the zhi zhi keeps chatting Tianji is silent, for fear that a little sound will be caused by it. Dark entanglement.

Walking in the dark is always hard to notice the ebbing of time. I don’t know how long it took, the three of them finally walked out of a relatively narrow passage and came to an open space.

“Wow, it’s so beautiful! Kirin, look at you!”

“The light comes from the wall…”

God Ji’s joyous voice sounded, and Li Wanting, who looked around from the left and right, muttered to herself like this, Sue Kirin couldn’t help but nodded agree.

This should be a lobby-style entrance.

The height of the building is about the height of ten adults, about two ten meters, and the length and width are about the same as half a football field. This space is as unusual and neat as the impression of the outer wall of the Mo Family Secret Hall. , Is an internal space in the shape of a cuboid.

There are no decorations on the wall in the lobby, nor are there any common things in the Chinese dynasty such as Totem carvings. You can’t even see a pillar or beam. If it weren’t for the people who stayed here to reorganize, come and go here People, here will be a perfect interpretation of what is empty.

And what amazed them is──

The wall of the lobby is not hung with torch. Instead, it plays the role of lighting, which is the light from the wall.

Just like embedding countless tiny moons in the wall, there are countless light dots in the wall. The soft light covers the entire wall and presents the color of moon white. Looking at it, it looks like a night sky filled with white stars, which makes people feel floating in the starry sky.

Obviously, this is not a light source related to “fire”.

“This should not be the legendary night pearl…or is it something like fluorite…?”

Thinking to himself, Sue Kirin Driven by curiosity, he reached out and leaned against the wall.


Sue Kirin discovered the mystery hidden in the wall before he touched the wall. She murmured, “This is…” staring slightly

Every light spot in the wall is connected.

Some hard-to-see “pipes” are hidden in the walls to connect these points of light. If these “pipes” were not for the extremely weak light, Sue Kirin would probably not Discover their existence.

If the light spot is likened to a small lake, and the “pipe” is a river, then these lights are the water flowing inside.

In fact, those lights really seem to be flowing.

The light source flowing inside is of course not water or other liquids that emit light, because Sue Kirin’s spirituality center is constantly beating.

It’s Spiritual Qi.

It’s incredible! Sue Kirin stroked the wall lightly, looking up at the wall. Her perception really told her that the thing flowing in the pipe in the wall was Spiritual Qi.

And ── is a high-density Spiritual Qi.

The higher the density of Spiritual Qi compression, the easier it is to observe with naked eye. When the density of Spiritual Qi is higher than a certain level, it will enter a state of self-luminescence, and in this state, the brightness of Spiritual Qi is directly proportional to the density.

However, how exactly do these “pipes” attract Spiritual Qi and how do they drive them to flow inside?

Sue Kirin guessed that there should be a source of power. Her gaze wandered along the “pipe”, and she noticed it not long after.

“is it possible that ──!”

Sue Kirin took a breath and exclaimed. Therefore, Li Wanting withdrew from watching all around and looked at her.

“Little Ancestor Master, are you──”

Sue Kirin raised his hand to signal Li Wanting not to speak.

The girl slowly stepped back under Li Wanting’s questioning gaze, until the entire wall was in her eyes, and she stopped.

The gleaming “pipes” are criss-crossed in the wall like blood vessels, and eventually form extremely complex circuits ─ ─ just like electronic circuits.

“Sure enough…” Sue Kirin exhaled a breath of surprise, “What mechanism technique, this is clearly the spirituality loop!”

If these criss-crossed “pipes” “They are all regarded as regular line segments, so they will eventually outline an extremely complex Totem pattern on the wall, which looks similar to things like the array technique pattern pattern magic array.

The so-called spirituality circuit is also a kind of surgery.

Spiritual Qi alone has meaning in gathering and flowing.

Natural weather migration will cause weather changes within the body meridian’s True Qi flow will strengthen physical fitness Fire Element Spiritual Qi gathering places are more likely to ignite flames, and when they flow according to a certain rule, It will form a technique and cause various phenomena.

And this technique embedded in the wall is naturally not just so simple for lighting. The surgical technique for lighting does not require such a complicated technique. To be honest, this has exceeded the level of surprise. However, it is strange that Sue Kirin’s heart is unusually quiet, which may be because she had already expected it.

No wonder it is so hard. Sue Kirin believes that the reason why the walls of the Mohist Secret Hall are so hard is the specialization of the inner wall technique.

The technique does not belong to the system she is familiar with. She cannot judge in a short time what specific effects the technique in the wall has-she needs a little research to confirm, but This does not mean that she cannot make a preliminary judgment.

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