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Everything comes to the same destination.

Do you want to try to confirm it? Sue Kirin was entangled in this, Mingyellow’s eyes flickered and flickered with strange light.

However, it is quite dangerous to intervene in a surgical procedure without determining the structure of the surgical procedure, because no one can predict what kind of changes the surgical procedure will produce. There will be no irreversible collapse.

More importantly, if the hardness of the wall really benefits from the technique in the wall, then once the technique collapses, the worst possibility is that the Mo Family’s Secret Hall will collapse and the palace will collapse. People buried alive.

Sue Kirin can only retract the palm of his hand just touching the wall and scratch his wrinkled nose with surprise.

Then she sighed and said:

“Let’s go!”

Li Wanting looked at the wall and then at Sue Kirin’s face. Hesitatingly asked:

“Little Ancestor Master, did you find any mystery? Is there anything strange about this wall?”

“Yes, yes, Kirin, you Did you find something?”

While pushing the dumpling bun on top of Sue Kirin’s head, Tian Ji also echoed the question.

“Never mind if Xiaoting asks, Xiaoji, what are you three-year-old kid doing for fun?”

I heard Sue Kirin say so badly, Tianji panting with rage He clenched his fists and slammed Sue Kirin’s innocent dumpling bun.

“You bully me!”

Sue Kirin let Tianji make trouble and glanced at Li Wanting.

“Xiaoting, we’ll talk about it later.” She glanced all around, “There are so many people here.” Sue Kirin thinks that there are techniques in the secret hall of the Mo family. It is not suitable for outsiders to learn about the style. I don’t know if Li Wanting has read Sue Kirin’s thoughts, anyway, she obediently put aside her plan for investigation.

“Oh, yes, I’ll talk about it later. But, you must tell me.”

“It’s alright.”

Sue Kirin gave Li Wanting a big eye and walked towards the center of the lobby without looking back. Li Wanting glanced at the wall again, unable to relieve herself, before raising her leg to leave the place.

The lobby looks like extending in all directions. Every wall has an entrance and exit that leads to nowhere. Except for the wall where Sue Kirin and the others walked in, there is only one entrance and exit, and the least of the other walls has three entrances and exits. , There are seven at most.

In this way, which entrance and exit should be explored is the problem that is urgent to be solved.

“Xiaoting, how do you think this is like a temple…”

In the middle of the lobby, Sue Kirin clasped his chest impatiently and looked sideways at Li Wanting . Li Wanting glanced at the entrance on the wall, and replied with a sigh, “Yes.”

“Like a maze!”

Although she couldn’t see the heaven above her head from her angle, Sue Kirin couldn’t help raising his eyes.

“It’s not bad-like a metaphor!”

“Little Ancestor Master, where should we go?”

While watching all around, Li Wanting is like this Asked.

“Hey, why did you ask me?” Sue Kirin looked at Li Wanting in amazement, “You decide to bae.”

“You should be determined by you as an elder, and…”

Li Wanting scratched her head, her dry hair rustled like branches and leaves.

“I’m not very good at this kind of thing either…In my opinion, these entrances and exits are the same.”

“Ha──So you said that you are not good at this kind of things. Good at choosing entrances and exits? To be fair, who in the world is good at choosing this stuff? And not only you, these entrances and exits to me look exactly the same!”

Sue Kirin helplessly spread out both hands , Jokingly said:

“Or, do you want me to divination like a magic stick, which entrance and exit is the correct choice?”

“Well, it seems like… “Li Wanting nodded suddenly, “But divination seems to be worth a try, but what is the principle? Can it be used in organ surgery?”

Is the point wrong? Sue Kirin almost tripped with his left foot and fell to the ground with his right foot. She was silent for a while, and when Li Wanting was concerned about what was wrong with her, she put her on the shoulders of the other party earnestly and said: “Xiao Ting, you can actually come out with a little time to fiddle with the weapons. Fiddle with your head, if there is any lack of muscles, you can make up for it as soon as possible.”

Li Wanting was taken aback, then frowned unhappy and looked towards Sue Kirin.

“What stupid things are you saying? How can your head be messed up…” She put on a confused expression, “By the way, little Ancestor Master, are you saying I’m stupid?”

Sue Kirin slumped his shoulders and let out a heavy groan.

The next second, she stood upright again and answered no. Now Li Wanting seemed more confused, but she didn’t seem to have any intention of asking questions.

“Okay, back to the topic.”

Sue Kirin patted his hand, and then asked Li Wanting a second time with a face of “You don’t choose, we just go”:


“Where shall we go?”

“Kirin Kirin, can’t you divination like the last time?”

Tenji leaned out and looked down Sue Kirin. She was referring to the divination in the Martial Demon Realm last time.

“Bu, you are a big head, Bu, you gave me a gem?”

“Woo…I don’t have one.”

“no no no, isn’t your body a gem?”

The mischievous heart burst, Sue Kirin’s face showed a bad smile, and he caught Tianji in front of him:


“You said, can I use it first?”


It seems that I still remember the processing of gemstones before divination, Tianji broke free of Sue Kirin’s palm and flew away in a panic.

“It’s not over!”

Sue Kirin opened one eye and spread out both hands.

“Even if you need divination, you don’t know what to divination? Which entrance is better? This concept is too vague. Even if you need divination, you can’t get it.”

” What shall we do now?” Li Wanting showed a troubled expression, “Will you choose?”

“Yes, otherwise I will find someone to inquire about it.”

Sue Kirin glanced at A group of people who have just returned to the lobby from a certain entrance. They seemed to have gained nothing, with frustrated expressions on their faces.

“Let’s not consider the entrance and exit.”

Li Wanting also noticed the team, nodded with approval.

“Kirin, let me choose!”

Tenji shook Sue Kirin’s dumpling bun, looking eager to try.

“No way!” Sue Kirin ruthlessly refused Diana’s request.

“Woo… bullying.” Tianji made a grieved voice.

At this time, another team came out from a certain entrance. They still found nothing, and there were no wounds on their bodies. I’m afraid they didn’t even encounter the agency.

A place without organs is unlikely to be a place to collect the secrets of Mohist school.

Adding the entry and exit of the team just now, there are two exits that can be eliminated. However, there are still too many options.

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