The birth of the Hong Kong Island family

Chapter 553 [Lin Zhichao’s beautiful words]

A New Year Comes (1991).

After New Year's Day, Lin Zhichao and Tang Caiying came to the capital and were received by senior officials.

Later, accompanied by the leaders of the Ministry of Education, the group went to Sichuan for inspection.

The purpose of this inspection trip was Lin Zhichao's decision to donate a huge amount of money to the southwest region (Sichuan, Guiyun) to develop a large number of primary and secondary school infrastructure. As for the amount of donation, the decision will be made after investigation.

Mainland officials did not dare to treat Lin Zhichao and his wife lightly, and sent Mr. Muzi, the director-general of education, to accompany them. The destination of the inspection was a remote mountain village primary school in Sichuan, which was decided by Lin Zhichao himself.

Before setting off, Lin Zhichao and his wife were prepared to endure hardships, but they didn't expect it to be so difficult in the end.

On the plane flying to Shudu.

Director Muzi said: "Mr. Lin, the per capita GDP of Shuchuan exceeded 1,100 yuan last year and reached 1,136 yuan. How much is this figure compared to Hong Kong? Is it a hundred times higher?"

Lin Zhichao shook his head and said: "Last year, Hong Kong's per capita GDP was HK$110,000, which is roughly equivalent to about 70,000 RMB, so it is almost sixty or seventy times."

Chief Muzi sighed: "I didn't expect Hong Kong to be so developed, and I didn't expect our country to be so poor. And the funds used for education are often stretched. Fortunately, with the help of Mr. Lin and overseas compatriots like Mr. Lin, we have been able to Education in our country has improved a lot.”

Lin Zhichao said: "Whether we have been wandering overseas for fifty years or a hundred years, our feelings for the motherland will not weaken by half. Therefore, everyone is willing to come back and visit us over the years to see if we can help the country's construction."

In recent years, when overseas Chinese wealthy people return to China, they will basically choose the education industry if they want to make donations. Chief Muzi should have a deep feeling about this aspect.

Education is the foundation for a country's development.

No matter in his past life or in this life, Lin Zhichao has great recognition of Huaxia education. Although "exam-oriented education" has many disadvantages, it is the fundamental reason for Huaxia's rapid development. If China is a developed country, it can also learn from the "happy education" of Europe and the United States, but it is obvious that China has its own national conditions in the field of education.

As for the donation of infrastructure for primary and secondary schools this time, the ‘Lin Zhichao Foundation’ has no budget and no upper limit. This is because Lin Zhichao feels that now is the time when national education needs donations most.

This trip, Lin Zhichao took his colleagues from the "Lin Zhichao Foundation" and his wife Tang Caiying, it was a real "experience trip"; only by experiencing that kind of environment in person can you truly do charity work.

If Lin Zhichao purchased political insurance alone, there would be no need for him to donate so much. Just like the Guo Desheng family in the previous life, they still won many real estate projects in the mainland without donating any money.

Lin Zhichao's charity work is purely a matter of reaching a certain level of self-realization and the promise he made when he obtained the "first pot of gold". The gold he picked up that year was worth one million Hong Kong dollars. He promised to give back to the society ten thousand times, that is, he would donate tens of billions.

Of course, giving back to society more than 10,000 times is definitely more than enough, and 100,000 times is almost the same. Now that Lin Zhichao is semi-retired, he will also increase his efforts in philanthropy.

After renovating in the capital of Shu for a night, Lin Zhichao and his party set off again the next day, rushing to a primary school in a mountainous area. The number of accompanying staff increased again, and they were accompanied by provincial officials.

When I came to Shuchuan this time, I didn't consider investing, so I didn't stop in Shudu. Despite this, the big boss here still accompanied him in person yesterday, and everyone had dinner together.

"Mr. Lin, Mrs. Lin, it will take about six or seven hours. There are some bumps along the way. Please bear with me!" Director Muzi said apologetically after getting in the car.

He had just told people in the province that they must pay attention to this trip. The conditions may be bad, but there must be sincerity.

After all, according to Lin Zhichao's style, the amount of this donation is probably huge, and Southwest Education will benefit a lot.

Lin Zhichao immediately said politely: "General Muzi, please don't think about us. We also experienced hardships back then, and we are not so pretentious. And for this inspection, we just want to experience the most real situation, so please don't take special care of us or violate the rules." My original intention.”

He has repeatedly emphasized that there is no need to spend a lot of time on this journey. As long as we can get there smoothly, everything can be simplified. He is now semi-retired and can stay there for as many days as he wants.

As for Tang Caiying, although she has never suffered, she will be fine with Lin Zhichao taking care of her. What's more, she is the manager of the "Lin Zhichao Foundation", so it is necessary to accompany her husband on this inspection. She is also looking forward to it, and she has no complaints about the entire trip.

"Okay, Mr. Lin is really a saint!" General Muzi spoke highly of him.

This Hong Kong entrepreneur has been of great help to China. It is just a Foshan University, but it is very beautiful and has won the recognition and support of people at the top.

This road was really rough and difficult. It was originally an eight-hour drive, but the road was blocked for two hours due to falling rocks. Finally, it was not until the evening that we arrived at the Bazhong area under the jurisdiction of the Daxian Prefecture of the Northern Sichuan Administration (governed today's Dazhou).

This trip is not completed yet, because we have just arrived at the county seat, and we have to go to the countryside tomorrow, which is expected to take another two or three hours.

That night, Lin Zhichao and Tang Caiying truly experienced what it means to be "poor" in the guest house.

This is still the best guest house in the county. The room has yellowed sheets and a faint musty smell. The important thing is that this is a typical mountainous area, and the cold and humid air makes people feel uncomfortable at minus 20 degrees Celsius.

Lin Zhichao looked at Tang Caiying who was at a loss and said with a smile: "I said you don't need to come. You must follow me!"

Tang Caiying immediately regained her disgusted expression and said, "How can there be any point in doing anything if you don't come? As you said, charity is not just about giving away money, but about truly feeling its value." Then. He also added: "What's more, I won't feel bitter wherever I go with you."

After saying that, she held Lin Zhichao's arm and still refused to go to bed.

Lin Zhichao took her helplessly and lay on the bed together, holding Tang Caiying in his arms to ease her discomfort. Lin Zhichao did not interfere with the consumption outlook of these women. Instead, he encouraged them to wear European and American luxury goods and enjoy life.

Lin Zhichao, on the other hand, has not spent money on clothing for many years. He may wear a suit for ten years, and they are all from his own brand (crocodile shirts, Uniqlo). Of course, Lin Zhichao’s private jets and superyachts are very expensive.

In short, when he reaches Lin Zhichao's position, he will not pursue things that are "intangible", such as clothes worth hundreds of thousands; as for private jets and super yachts, they are enjoyments that can be truly felt.

"After this trip is over, I plan to redevelop the 'Lin Zhichao Foundation', mainly by holding equity in other companies to maintain future philanthropic undertakings. For example, if I invest 2 billion Hong Kong dollars, I will not take it immediately. Instead of doing charity, I will choose to invest in the equity of some companies and use the dividends from these companies to do charity every year.”

Tang Caiying lay comfortably in Lin Zhichao's arms. The man's smell made her forget the musty smell and environment here. She said: "The Lin Zhichao Foundation already holds 21% of Cheung Kong Group and 20% of Wharf Group, and the annual dividends are also several Billions, and there will be more in the future, isn’t that enough?”

Cheung Kong Group and Wharf Group are both large groups of listed companies in Hong Kong. The Lin Chi Chiu Foundation owns more than 20% of the equity, which can be said to be rich in asset value. For example, it is equivalent to half of the assets of Lin Ruihuan and Lin Ruihai.

Lin Zhichao nodded and said: "Not enough! For example, this time, my idea is to donate 300 to 500 million yuan, so the dividend for a year is not even close. But I have been injecting funds for a long time, so I still plan to hold shares way to ensure that the Lin Zhichao Foundation can have more philanthropic strength."

Tang Caiying said: "Well, I support your decision!"

Lin Zhichao said: "In fact, it doesn't cost much. I will use 2 billion Hong Kong dollars from Victoria Harbor Investment and look for opportunities to invest in some Hong Kong listed companies later. In the future, I can basically meet the needs of charitable donations."

In fact, it may not be enough for Lin Zhichao’s ‘charity splurge’ in the early days, but it will definitely be more than enough in the future.

Lin Zhichao also has many group companies, and the shares will not be included in the "Lin Zhichao Foundation" because this foundation is a "public foundation" and will avoid checking the accounts of those group companies. As for companies such as Media Group, Yangtze River Industrial Group, and Universal Group, Lin Zhichao is no longer listed, so naturally he doesn't want outsiders to know what's going on inside.

Therefore, Lin Zhichao plans to let the "Lin Zhichao Foundation" invest in some potential companies in Hong Kong.

The next day.

After having breakfast, Lin Zhichao and others got in the car and rushed to the rural primary school. After a three-hour journey, they finally arrived at a rural primary school.

"Mr. Lin, this is called Wan'an Primary School. It is a primary and secondary education school." The county official introduced.

Maybe, they don't know this school well, so they have been communicating with local teachers.

Lin Zhichao smiled and said: "Who is the principal?"

He had no intention of beating around the bush and communicated directly with the teachers at this school.

Soon, a fifty-year-old man squeezed out from the crowd. He looked much older than Lin Zhichao.

The little old man said simply: "Mr. Lin, I am Ma Wanchun, the principal here. Thank you for traveling thousands of miles to come to our remote place. You have worked hard all the way!"

Principal Ma was very nervous. Lin Zhichao held his hand and said, "Principal Ma, please introduce to me the most real situation of your school one by one!"

President Muzi also said: "Principal Ma, Mr. Lin has traveled thousands of miles to come here just to understand your difficulties. Please be sure to let Mr. Lin truly feel the poverty of rural education in our southwest region."

When Principal Ma saw so many high officials, he still said nervously: "Okay, everyone please!"

After a while, I inspected the school.

Lin Zhichao felt very heavy. Although he had the worst thoughts in his mind, he didn't expect it to be enough. In his previous life, he was also born in 1989, so when he went to school, the conditions may have been better. After all, the reform really improved everything in the country.

The only three-story brick building is used as a teaching building; the dormitories for teachers and students are all mud houses, and the students are dressed in tatters and patched one after another.

Because it is a mountainous area, five-year students from each village have to come to this "central primary school" to study until they complete junior high school. As for high school, generally few people can go to high school. Even if they go to high school, they have to go to a county three hours away to study.

The students eat steamed rice for lunch, and the food that goes with the rice is pickled vegetables. Many students eat it for five days. Some parents may fry fresh vegetables or meat for their children who are studying in the countryside when they go to the market. Therefore, children basically rely on rice for nutrition. After all, what nutrients can pickles have?

The school only cares about cooking rice but not the vegetables. As a result, these children may not grow taller in the future.

After the inspection, everyone accompanied Lin Zhichao to the playground. The students had already gone to have lunch, but Lin Zhichao was not in the mood to eat, so he simply asked the others to accompany him on the playground.

"Take a primary school like this as an example. How much will it cost to add a teaching building, teachers' dormitory building and student dormitory building?" Lin Zhichao asked.

Chief Muzi said: "You have to ask the local people about the cost of the construction ahead!"

Afterwards, everyone quickly asked people in the village. Fortunately, Principal Ma was an old principal and was familiar with the cost of the previous teaching building and the construction cost situation.

He said: "It is estimated that it will cost 250,000 RMB to build three five-story buildings. We are in a mountainous area, and many building materials need to be brought back from the county, so the cost is relatively high."

Later, Director Muzi added: "The situation is similar to what Principal Ma said. For some towns with better conditions, such as those with more convenient transportation, 200,000 RMB can meet the infrastructure construction. After all, the township will also take care of some of it."

Lin Zhichao immediately said: "President Muzi, if a central primary school (including junior high school) like this is based on the standard of 250,000 RMB, I will pay 200,000 RMB, and the remaining 50,000 RMB will be funded by education funds, what do you think? ?”

Director Muzi immediately said: "That is really a blessing, and our Ministry of Education will fully support it."

Lin Zhichao nodded and said, "What if I want to donate 2,500 such schools?"

Everyone was stunned, and someone started to count, but was shocked.

Chief Muzi said in disbelief: "Mr. Lin, are you talking about 2,500 central primary schools?"

Lin Zhichao nodded and said: "These are just my first ideas. If I can achieve good results, I am willing to continue working hard in this area."

President Muzi sighed: "Mr. Lin is really a saint. I promise you that no matter how difficult the country is, we will ensure that these 2,500 central primary schools are successfully renovated."

Later, Lin Zhichao took out the converted cash from his bag, counted 250,000 RMB, and handed it to Principal Ma.

"Principal Ma, this is 250,000 RMB. I hope you will build it like this. After the school is built, I hope I can come back again to see the changes here. I wonder if you can take on this task?"

Principal Ma was at a loss as to how to receive so much money and how much responsibility he should bear!

Fortunately, the officials at the scene knew how to please Lin Zhichao, and quickly calmed down Principal Ma's confusion, and the matter was forgotten.

A few days later.

Lin Zhichao returned to the capital and held a press conference with the Ministry of Education.

In the past few days, Lin Zhichao's donation to build 2,500 central primary schools quickly received strong support from the country. He contributed 80% and the state contributed 20%. And on the advice of relevant departments, the central primary schools and teaching buildings with these profits were all named "Lin Zhichao Teaching Building".

At the press conference, the news was very exciting. After all, this was a donation of 500 million RMB, the largest single donation China has ever received.

When being interviewed, I could fully feel the fanatical admiration of mainland reporters.

So much so that some reporters even took the initiative to ask: "Mr. Lin, have you been wearing this suit for many years?"

Obviously, this is an initiative to establish Lin Zhichao's saintly style.

Lin Zhichao said honestly: "This suit has been with me for several years. The quality is very good!"

It is difficult for his luxurious life in Hong Kong to spread to the mainland media, because the mainland media and officials need to establish Lin Zhichao's high character. This is not what Lin Zhichao asked for, but because everyone is willing to praise him in this way.

It will be more like this in the future. Many publishing houses or related organizations in the mainland need Lin Zhichao's "high integrity" as their material, so as to publish various "Lin Zhichao books and periodicals" and gain more sales.

The reporter said: "You are so rich, why are you so frugal?"

Lin Zhichao cooperated: "It's not frugal. After all, the clothes are not damaged and they fit so well. There is no need to replace them. When I buy something, I mainly consider whether it is suitable for me, and I don't consider other factors."

This interview quickly turned into a variety of good news and was spread by the mainland media. (End of chapter)

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