Jin Chunzhong came to Huxian first, while another group of officials from the Censorship Station rushed to the East China Sea to investigate the bizarre disappearance of General Louchuan and a navy.

The generals, thousands of soldiers, and dozens of warships ordered by the emperor himself disappeared inexplicably at sea. It must be surprising that Qu Zixi, as the censor of the right patrol, took over the first case so thorny. Divide the spirit and dare not make any omissions.

To be precise, the Censor Desk is not responsible for finding the missing, their duty is to supervise the work of the relevant yamen and officials. In this case, the main targets are the Ministry of War and the East China Sea.

The King of the East Sea has never been in the country, and has never participated in the affairs of the country. He handed it over to the Prime Minister of the State, Yankang, to deal with it, which saved a lot of trouble for the relevant parties, and no need to look for him again.

The emperor and his party are getting closer and closer, and Qu Zixi is staring closer and closer. It has been more than a month. Apart from rumors, there is still no accurate information, so there is really no way to explain to the emperor.

This afternoon, Yan Kang sent someone to invite him, saying that he finally had the exact news.

The officials of the Ministry of War had arrived and stood outside the gate together with Yan Kang to welcome the imperial censor and his party.

The censor of the right patrol was only one step away from the prime minister.

Although Yan Kang was a son of an aristocratic family, he also studied the classics hard in his early years and passed the jinshi examination. He has always respected Confucian scholars. Although he has a long history, every time he sees Qu Zixi, he is very respectful.

Qu Zixi returned the salute every time. He was not arrogant because of his position. When he entered the yamen, he refused to sit on the throne. It's all of you who do things.

After some humility, Yan Kang still took the main seat, Qu Zixi was on the right, a little closer, and a servant came to the Ministry of War, sitting sideways, not daring to be juxtaposed with the censor on the right.

After another courtesy, Yan Kang finally said the business, General Louchuan went to attack Lonewood Island before, but he didn't return after the deadline. This officer immediately sent someone to investigate. As a result, the island was empty and there was no trace of battle. So this officer The search scope was expanded, and a reward was offered to collect clues, just this morning, a boat of fishermen returned to the port, saying that they had seen the general of the building ship with their own eyes.

What? Is it dead or alive? asked the Ministry of War official.

Yan Kang sighed heavily, It's better to be alive than to die.

The Ministry of War official was stunned, Could it be...

Yan Kang nodded, The fishermen saw with their own eyes that the general of the boat has surrendered to the pirates and became one of the leaders.

What? How could there be such a thing? The Ministry of War official was taken aback and glanced at the censor of the right patrol.

Qu Zixi did not speak, and listened silently.

Huang Pugong was named General of the Building Ship, and he has a promising future. Why should he betray the imperial court? the Ministry of War officials asked inexplicably.

Yan Kang shook his head, This officer is also puzzled, the fishermen just glanced at it from a distance, did not dare to approach, and fled immediately. This officer has sent people to the sea again, this time with direction, should be able to get the exact news soon.

The Ministry of War official frowned, It's really better to die, Prime Minister Yan, Huang Pugong used to be a servant of your family. Guess why he did such a treachery and treachery?

Yankang pondered for a long time, It's hard to say, Huang Pugong is a calm and prudent man, and he is brave and fearless. He is a rare general. There is only one thing. He is naturally good at gambling, and he usually only gambles. When it comes to the battlefield, his gambling nature is hard to change. It's just that he won a lot of times, and others can't see the problem, this time, he probably lost the bet.

The Ministry of War officials shook their heads again and again, To be honest, when Huang Pugong formulated a strategy for going to sea, the Ministry of War felt it was inappropriate. After another year or two, the Imperial Navy will be able to completely gain the upper hand and sweep the pirates in one fell swoop. ? Huang Pugong is self-reliant and brave, betting on His Majesty's trust and the court's navy... Alas, if this is the case, how do we report it?

Both officials looked at the imperial censor on the right.

Qu Zixi said, Report truthfully, what Your Majesty wants is the truth, not the pretense.

The two officials said yes, Yan Kang said: At the moment, I only know one thing, Huang Pugong is still alive, and the other things are guesses by this official. It is not accurate. According to the schedule, His Majesty will arrive in five days. If there is no accident, I will do it here. There should be definite news before that.”

Qu Zixi hummed, and said, The fishermen on that boat, the Censor Station wants to see them.

Of course, they're in town, and they'll be there as they pass.

The three chatted for a while, Qu Zixi said goodbye, went out of the yamen, and appointed a censor under his command to meet the fishermen and return with a confession.

Back at the residence, Qu Zixi buried his head in the old official documents, looking for clues about Huang Pugong's disappearance.

Huang Pugong is indeed a bit gambling, but the preparations before the expedition are extremely sufficient, so small that how much fresh water and how much spare wood to bring are clearly marked.

Qu Zixi didn't understand military affairs, but he also felt that such a general should be victorious in every battle.

Someone knocked on the door outside.

Come in.

Censor Nan pushed the door straight into the room, cupped his hands and said, Your Excellency is looking for a lowly position?

Qu Zixi nodded, pointing to the stacks of official documents on the table and under the table, Have you read all of them?

These official documents are all copies provided by the East China Sea and the Ministry of War. The time span is nearly a year. Almost all of Huang Pugong's experience is on it, and the search process after his disappearance is also recorded in detail.

I've seen it. Nan Zhijin was transferred to the Censor Desk from Zhongshu Province, and because of his rich experience, he was designated as a book reader.

See what?

Nan Zhenjing remained silent.

Why, can't you tell? Qu Zixi was a little dissatisfied. Although he was younger, he was also the censor of the right patrol. He belonged to Nan Zhijin's immediate boss and should not be treated coldly.

Nan Zhi saluted vigorously, I don't dare to be rude, but what I said is all speculation, I wonder if the adults want to hear it?

Since it's a guess, it's a reference, and it won't be recorded.

Nan Zhijin saluted again, From what I can see in my humble position, the general of the building ship was defeated strangely.

how do I say this?

For more than a year, the generals of the building ships have won consecutive battles, and the pirates at sea have been scattered a few months ago, and they suddenly gathered together to defeat the Great Chu navy. There is a certainty of victory, and this certainty is only feared by people from the government.

Someone leaked the secret and betrayed the general of the building ship?

It's possible.

Who will it be?

Nan Zhijin pointed at the official documents, General Huang's pre-war plans are quite detailed. This is a good thing, but it is also easy to be used by others. Those who have the opportunity to see the plan in advance will naturally have the opportunity to leak.

Qu Zixi pondered for a moment, National Prime Minister Yankang claimed that Huang Pugong is a gambler by nature, what do you think?

If you only read the battle book written by General Huang, this is not a good gambler.

Qu Zixi nodded, feeling that Nan Zhijin was worthy of being an old official of Zhongshu Province, You heard the news that I just arrived, saying that Huang Pugong surrendered to the pirates.

Everyone is greedy for life. If General Louchuan chooses to surrender after being captured, it is not impossible, but the duty of the Censor is to find out why he lost the battle before.

Well, it makes sense. You go to the prime minister's yamen and find out who can see Huang Pugong's war book in advance.

Yes, my lord.

Qu Zixi felt that he was getting closer to the truth.

During dinner, a servant frequently peeked at the imperial censor on the right, as if he had something to say. Qu Zixi noticed it. After dinner, he left the person alone, Your name is Zhao Hao?

Zhao Hao was a servant assigned by Donghai Kingdom, and immediately knelt down, My lord has a good memory, and I still remember the villain's name.


Zhao Hao raised his head and said eagerly, The villain has something to say to the adult.

Go ahead.

There is a person in the East China Sea who is about to suffer an eternal grievance, and only adults can save him.

Who? Qu Zixi immediately thought of Huang Pugong.

Lu Dapeng, the capital of the East China Sea.

Qu Zixi frowned. He had seen Lu Dapeng. The commander was nominally the highest military general in a country. In fact, he didn't have many soldiers and horses. This person is not suspected of having a problem.

Who is going to wrong him?

It's you, my lord.

Asshole, when will this officer investigate him?

It will be checked soon.

Qu Zixi was furious at first, then moved in his heart, Make it clear.

Someone has already told the adults that the General of the Building Ship was defeated because he was betrayed, right?

Qu Zixi did not answer.

Zhao Hao continued: No matter who the lord suspects now, he will point to Duwei Lu in the end. He is the prepared ghost to give an explanation to the Censor and the court.

Qu Zixi's face changed slightly, How do you know these things?

Zhao Hao kowtowed, To be honest, the villain and the cook in Duwei Lu's house are sworn brothers. Duwei Lu was persecuted by the state and has agreed to plead guilty, and he is saying goodbye to his family these days. After the villain heard about this , the road sees injustice, come to tell the lord, one does not want to see good people being wronged, and the other does not want to see the adults and the court being deceived.

Qu Zixi was very surprised, Okay, this officer understands. If things are as you said, this officer will definitely not sit back and ignore them. If you are lying, the Censor Station will not only rule the officer, but also a troublemaker like you.

Zhao Hao kowtowed again and again, Even if the villain has a hundred courage, he would not dare to lie to the adults.

Let's step back, don't mention this to anyone, especially the Lu Duwei family, understand?

Understood, adults, villains understand. With adults in charge, villains feel at ease. Zhao Hao bowed out respectfully

Qu Zixi thought for a long time, read the fisherman's confession the next day, and waited for a reply.

Before noon, Nan Zhijin came back and handed in a list of people who had the opportunity to see Huang Pugong's battle book in advance. There were seven in total. The name of the commander, Lu Dapeng, was listed, but the first one was Guo. Xiang Yankang.

Qu Zixi put down the list and asked, Who is the most suspicious?

Prime Minister Yan and Captain Lu.

Qu Zixi's heart trembled slightly, What's the reason?

Huang Pugong was originally a servant of the Yan family, but now he is on the rise. After eliminating the pirates, he has a bright future. It is said that he may be in charge of the Southern Army and his status is higher than that of the old master, which inevitably attracts jealousy.

Well, what's the reason for Duwei Lu?

When Huang Pugong first returned to the East China Sea to fight bandits, there were many conflicts with Lu Duwei because of the arrangement of the warships, and the discord between the two was well known to the people of the East China Sea. Now that most of the pirates have been eliminated, a large number of warships are about to form an army. Whoever commands the battle may win, and Captain Lu may want to take revenge and take credit.

Qu Zixi nodded, but thought in his heart, this Nan Zhijin is so bold, he has just offended His Majesty in the capital and has not yet been forgiven, so he dares to deceive the monarch again in Donghai Kingdom.

Nan Zhijin remained calm, no one could guess what was on his mind.

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