Qu Zixi sat upright in the study, the table was clean, the pen, ink, paper and inkstone were in their respective places, and the official documents had been packed and neatly stacked against the wall.

Nan Zhijin knocked on the door and entered, glanced at the clean room, came to Qu Zixi, held a stack of paper in both hands, and bowed, Master Qu, a new report from the Prime Minister's Office.

Qu Zixi nodded, motioned to Nan Zhijin to put the report on the table, picked it up and glanced at it.

The scouts sent by Yan Kang reported that Huang Pugong, the general of the building ship, had indeed surrendered to the enemy. Not only that, but he also sent someone to shoot a letter on the Chu army's warship. The content of the letter is attached.

Nan Zhijin explained: The letter is a copy, and the original is in the Prime Minister's Mansion. Your Excellency can send someone to check it at any time.

Qu Zixi nodded again, and hastily browsed the contents of the letter. The whole text was Huang Pugong expressing his apology to the emperor, claiming that he had to surrender, that he would never be an enemy of Da Chu, and that he would escape far from the sea, so on and so forth.

Qu Zixi pushed the report aside, not very interested, but stared at Nan Zhijin, as if the real information was on the old official's face.

Nan Zhijin was slightly confused, looked back at the imperial censor of the right patrol, and said after a while, Your Excellency...what are your orders?

Qu Zixi waited for a while before speaking, Has Nanda-sama ever had such an experience? Good things happened to me one after another, and my luck was like a dream.

Nan Zhijin smiled and said: Luck is impermanent, only the virtuous are favored by him. Adults are virtuous, but lowly positions have no virtue. Luck is always average.

Not necessarily, there are many people who have no virtue and good luck, but those who are virtuous may be miserable all their lives.

The views of the adults are profound, and the humble position is difficult to understand. Nan Zhijin certainly did not dare to argue with the censor of the right patrol.

However, Qu Zixi insisted on this topic, Luck is impermanent, and it may fall on any one person, but whether they can afford it is another matter. Many people's actions when they are poor and lowly can be regarded as an example. It becomes gross and stupid.”

Yes, adults can definitely afford it.

Hehe, I hope so, but in fact, it took me a whole day to get rid of a ridiculous idea.

What ridiculous idea? Nan Zhijin had to answer.

I thought good luck should be on my head.

Shouldn't it be?

Qu Zixi shook his head, Once it makes sense, two times it's a bit strange, three times? And it's all delivered to the door voluntarily, so I have to deal with it carefully.

Sorry, I'm not good at guessing, and I don't quite understand the meaning of adults.

I've been in the East China Sea for a long time, and things haven't progressed for a long time. Just when His Majesty was about to arrive, suddenly, all the problems were solved. Qu Zixi glanced at the report on the table and chuckled, President Huang Puyou Knowing the exact whereabouts, the person who framed him was exposed in front of my eyes, and even the new ex-hunter sent me a 'gift' to make a fool of me, so that I, the speaker, had something to do.

It's all good, what's suspicious?

It's a good thing, but it's too concentrated and too urgent, and 'luck' falls on my head, but I don't want me to see it too clearly.

Since it's luck, it's often the case.

Qu Zixi stared at Nan Zhijin, I just want the truth, no luck.

Of course, one of the duties of the Censor is to find out the truth. Where do you plan to start?

Qu Zixi raised his finger to guide him straight.

Me? Nan Zhijin looked surprised, I am just a little censor under the master...

There are a lot of rumors about you. I don't really believe it. How could the civil and military officials of the Great Chu court be manipulated by a small Zhongshushe? In the East China Sea, I believe it a little.

Why did your lord say such a thing? Nan Zhijin laughed, If you have such a skill, why would you offend Your Majesty and transfer him to the Censor Desk from Zhongshu Province?

Qu Zixi said coldly: Your Majesty will arrive the day after tomorrow, do you think I will just hand in a memorial to deal with the matter? Huang Pugong has no reason to surrender to the enemy at all. Even if he surrenders, there is no need to calculate the time. Letter. Lu Dapeng, the captain of the East China Sea, is not a scapegoat. This kind of trick can't deceive anyone, but Yan Kang is. Your Majesty has long hated the Yan family and blamed Yan Kang, just to satisfy His Majesty. And Wang Pingyang, if there is no accident , Your Majesty must not like this person very much.

Nan Zhijin didn't answer.

To put it bluntly, all these arrangements are to please Your Majesty, to make His Majesty feel at ease, and turn your eyes away. Master Nan's prestige is not diminished, and he can still guess His Majesty's preferences, which is much better than my 'Emperor Teacher'.

Nan Zhijin still refused to answer.

I only wonder one thing, why did you choose me? Impeaching Yan Kang and Wang Pingyang is two great achievements. Some of the officials in the court are officials. The Nanda people don't hand it over to 'my own people', but send 'luck' to me, why?

Nan Zhijin took a deep breath, Although there are many officials in the DPRK and China, only Lord Qu can still gain some trust from His Majesty.

Hey, if that's the case, why did you push me to see the car in the first place? Qu Zixi was not stupid, but he realized after the fact that when the emperor rejected Zhao Ruosu and was angry, it was a mistake to go to see the car by himself. means.

I was flustered at the time, I didn't think much about it.

Qu Zixi sneered, What's going on with Huang Pugong? Is he alive or dead? Is he surrendering to the enemy? Is the letter true or false?

Do you really want to know?

Or tell me, or tell Your Majesty. Qu Zixi paused, Or tell the criminals, you are known as the 'official chief', and I don't know if they will show mercy to your men.

Nan Zhijin let out a long sigh, The 'official head' is like a thief. Once everyone knows that he is a thief, how can he steal? There is no real official chief in the DPRK. To be a little more thorough, I can't bear to see your majesty and your courtiers suspicious of each other and fighting each other, so we bridged it in the middle. Unfortunately, things backfired. The more I do, the deeper the gap between your majesty and the courtiers.

If you are not in your position, do not seek your government, Nan Zhijin, you have crossed the line.

Nan Zhijin bowed and saluted, I confess my guilt in my humble position, and I am willing to tell the truth to the adults.

Qu Zixi was a little surprised, the old official was too calm, as if he had expected this moment.

Let's talk about Huang Pugong first.

I don't know whether Huang Pugong is dead or alive, or whether he will join the enemy, but Yan Kang is not a scapegoat. It is indeed that he leaked the war book to the pirates and led Huang Pugong into the trap. Wei Lu Dapeng.

Who ordered Zhao Hao to inform me?

Zhang Shilang of the Ministry of War understood Yan Kang's plan, found Lu Dapeng, and persuaded him to fight back. Zhao Hao was found by Lu Dapeng.

Zhang Qing and Yan Kang have always been very friendly, and they actually used a trick behind their backs.

Zhang Shilang has a grudge against the Yan family?

No hatred, he is doing things for the Ministry of War.

Qu Zixi was shocked, this was not what he expected, Continue talking.

I got news that after the naval battle is over, His Majesty will most likely appoint Huang Pugong as the Southern Army Chief Sima. For the Ministry of War, this is a disaster.

Why? Does Huang Pugong not fight?

It has nothing to do with the war, it's the origin.

Qu Zixi was stunned, but didn't quite understand, Just because Huang Pugong was a pirate?

This is indeed a problem, but it's not serious. There are many people in the army who were born in the rough, and finally they were called generals, but Huang Pugong is different. He is not a real soldier.

Qu Zixi was stunned for a second, then understood, Huang Pugong is a general drawn by His Majesty's hand, and has nothing to do with the Ministry of War.

It's fine if you just promote him as a general, Southern Army? That is the most important elite division of the Great Chu. Once Huang Pugong is in charge of the army, he will not be controlled by the Ministry of War, will not obey the orders of the General's Palace, and will only obey His Majesty's orders. Mr. Qu, you are also a minister in the DPRK, and you should understand the dangers involved.

The Ministry of War doesn't want His Majesty to take charge of the army?

Your Majesty should control the imperial court, and let the imperial court control the army and the people. This has been the foundation of peace in all dynasties. With His Majesty's wiseness and martial arts, once you have power, you will do whatever you want, Lord Qu...

Enough, it's not the first time Your Majesty has promoted officials. I was also promoted by His Majesty, as well as General Chai from the Northern Army and General Deng from the Western Regions.

It's different, General Chai came from a family, and General Deng was after Deng Liao. Your Excellency was the top scholar in the previous division. He was part of the court from the very beginning. In any case, he knew the etiquette, the rules, and the importance of various ministries. People like Huang Pugong, only You should be a fierce general, charge ahead, make meritorious deeds on this basis, and honor the generals, but you cannot control an army.

Are you worried that he will betray?

On the contrary, I'm worried that he is too loyal. Your Majesty may have an emergency. What will Huang Pugong do when he arrives? He is not subject to the control of the imperial court.

Huang Pugong is older, how could it be possible... to die behind?

In case. And once His Majesty discovers the benefits of being in charge of the Southern Army alone, there will be a second and third Huang Pugong.

Qu Zixi pondered for a long time. Although he did not approve of Nan Zhijin's approach, he somewhat understood what he meant, What did the Ministry of War do to General Huang?

I didn't do anything, I just acquiesced to Yankang's actions, but His Majesty's reaction was more intense than expected.

Is the Ministry of War not afraid that Yan Kang will bite back?

Yan Kang has no evidence, and the Ministry of War has never left any traces in the official documents.

Qu Zixi pondered again, and then asked, What's wrong with Wang Pingyang? Why do you want him to come to me to make a fool of yourself?

One is to make Lord Qu more trustworthy to His Majesty, and the other is to take precautions.

Prevention of what?

To prevent government interference in the palace, Da Chu just got rid of one queen mother, and can't welcome another.

Qu Zixi stood up, Do you think I will be at your mercy and act according to your plan?

Nan Zhijin knelt down, kowtowed first, then stood up and said: The official head is like a thief, I am a thief whose deeds have been exposed, and I am worthless, please Lord Qu, tell me the truth and give me to Your Majesty for disposal, I just hope After Lord Qu one day becomes the head of the hundred officials, he will be able to maintain the imperial court and protect the great Chu country.

Qu Zixi was taken aback, and only then did he understand that even Nan Zhijin himself was the luck that came to the door.

You're just an official, why? Why exactly?

Nan Zhijin smiled slightly, there were some things that even the Great Confucian couldn't understand.

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