The days of being a spiritual mentor in Meiman

Chapter 389: A Hero Is an Ordinary Person

While eating and chatting with Stark for a while, Steve suddenly felt a lot more relaxed. He didn't know why, but Stark seemed a little understanding today.

God, what the hell was he thinking? empathetic? How could these few words be juxtaposed with Stark? After Stark left, Steve rubbed his forehead, thinking that he must be hallucinating from too much pressure.

After being rescued from Bucky, he has been receiving treatment in the secret base of S.H.I.E.L.D. According to Nick's feedback to Steve, Bucky's situation is not optimistic.

Back then, Hydra could not be regarded as a spy agency, it was more serving the war situation, and when the war situation was anxious, they were very eager for success, so the brainwashing method used by Bucky was very violent, and now he has completely changed. Become a cold-blooded and ruthless killing machine,

He sighed while recalling those events back then. What Steve himself didn't notice was that whenever he recalled these events, his fingers trembled unconsciously, as if the things he mentioned in the past The heroic deeds of the past are more like poison than antidote.

With complicated emotions, Steve returned to the Avengers base. It was still early and no one came. Steve walked to the dark hall. When he turned on the light, he heard Peter's voice A surprised: Oh!

You're here, sorry, I thought no one was there, why don't you turn on the light? Steve walked over and saw Peter playing with a device, Peter smiled and said: I'm doing a test with the power off, for To prevent accidents, I pulled down the switch directly.

What's this? Steve asked looking at the complicated equipment he couldn't understand, but Peter glanced at Steve's face and said, Captain, what's wrong with you? Why don't you look so good?

Steve touched his face, he sighed in his heart, even Peter could see that he was not in good condition, Stark must have laughed at him in his heart just now for his extreme decline, right?

It's nothing, I just didn't sleep well. Steve just smiled politely, but Peter walked to the side and moved a chair for him. Peter patted the back of the chair and said, Sometimes, you have to Sitting for a while, if you always stand, your waist and legs will be very sore, my uncle often said so.

Thank you, Peter, you are so sweet, but I think it's better to stand up. Steve smiled, and instead of sitting down, he leaned his waist on the pool table beside him.

While adjusting the equipment, Peter said, Captain, sometimes I feel that you are too tense, and you always want people to see you in good spirits, but in fact, everyone will be tired...

That's because you're not a leader, Peter. Steve blinked, lowered his head, and said, You have to give everyone the confidence that you, who are so heroic, can lead them to victory, That's what I've been doing, I've been doing for many years, and I'm going to keep doing it.

Peter shook his head. He turned his head and glanced at Steve again. His eyes were a little worried, but he still didn't say anything. He patted the equipment and introduced to Steve: When we were dealing with Bullseye last time, Steve I was inspired a lot by what Mr. Tucker taught me.

The monitoring system does not have to rigidly select a few locations to monitor or monitor, but can be made into a dynamic system. As for the supporting analysis system, it does not necessarily only summarize data, we can make it smarter .”

I know that this set of things should actually be made by Mr. Stark, but if this is the case, the analysis center he uses must be the super artificial intelligence Jarvis owned by the Stark Group.

Peter lowered his head, and while fiddling with the machine, he said, I can see, Captain, that your relationship with Mr. Stark is somewhat...

Forget it, I know I shouldn't say that behind people's backs, but I think you may not want the Avengers to rely too much on the Stark Group, or SHIELD...

Actually, I think so too. This is not good for us. If justice cannot be pure and independent, but it is likely to be hijacked by other things, then it is not justice.

Steve came over, patted Peter on the shoulder, looked him in the eyes and said, You know what? Peter, you've really grown a lot, remember that vampire attack on the Brooklyn Bridge?

At that time, I thought you were just a brat with a passion, very similar to me when I was young, but now, you are already an excellent member of the Avengers and an excellent superhero, you The speed of progress has really amazed me.

But Peter didn't jump up happily because of the recognition. He said: When I changed, I realized that I stepped into a broader field. In the adult world, there are more problems than experiences. , Responsibility weighs more than faith.”

Captain, you often told me about your previous experience. You said that you heard the war broke out and heard the news of countless deaths on the radio. You felt sad and helpless.

Then you wanted to go to the battlefield to save other people with passion, and you did so successfully.

Peter sighed and said, I'm very glad that now I don't hear the news that the world is going to be destroyed on the radio or TV, and I don't suddenly know one day that I have to grow up overnight, and then I will die immediately. save the world.

If that's the case, I don't know what will happen to me. Peter shook his head, with a little panic in his tone.

If someone told me when I started my first year of high school that I would go to the battlefield tomorrow, face machine gun fire, and bombing by fighter jets, and watch comrades around my age fall and die, I might really Crashed.

Steve looked at Peter with a smile, and said, Maybe I exaggerated the process a bit before, so just listen to it as a story, Peter.

Peter took a deep breath, trying to get rid of that horrible vision, and Steve also looked at the device and said, So, what can it do?

The simplest thing is, I wrote a system for the recent frequent assassination cases, mainly for luxury places such as hotels, mansions, theaters, etc., as well as dynamic monitoring systems for luxury cars in the center of New York. Let us find the suspects in and out of these places faster.

Peter pointed to a display screen in the middle of the device and said: Look here, these colored marks on this car represent the places it has entered and exited within 48 hours.

Orange represents hotels, blue represents bars, and purple represents popular commercial streets and luxury stores, so we can see whether the trajectory of this car is normal.

If there is a car that does not go to any place where the upper class should go during several monitoring periods, but suddenly appears in a high-end location, then its suspiciousness will increase.

This is the most preliminary and simple application of data flow, but it is enough for us. Peter shrugged.

In fact, the most difficult part is to install the monitoring, but because we have enough special materials, the volume of the monitoring can be compressed to a small size, but the definition is very high, and it is not difficult for us to install the monitoring, so to achieve this.”

In the final analysis, it is the progress of material science, which has brought about the progress of technology. Peter pinched a patch camera and said, Don't look at this thing is small, the parts inside these things are added together, and the amount of molten steel used, Possibly a year's worth of vibranium production in Wakanda.

It's already great, Peter. Steve said quite pleasantly: The only thing I agree with Stark is that you are really talented, boy, no matter how you look at it.

Not necessarily. Peter walked to the chair he moved and sat down, and said with some dejection, Didn't Dr. Schiller move back to the clinic in Hell's Kitchen before?

I wanted to stay at his place for a few days, but for some reason, when I walked to the door, my spider sensor started beeping non-stop.

My God, it's never been that loud, it's deafening me, I don't know what's wrong, so I don't go in.

Dr. Schiller stood at the door and talked to me. We chatted for a while, and then we talked about the psychology part. Dr. Schiller said that I was not suitable for studying psychology. I thought he was very optimistic about me...

It is impossible for a person to be good at every subject. Steve comforted Peter: No one can know everything. Your talents in machinery, engineering, mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, etc. are already high enough. .”

But I don't understand. The reason why Dr. Schiller said that I am not suitable for studying psychology is that I am too kind. Isn't it true that people who study psychology are not kind? But Dr. Schiller is obviously a good person.

Steve pursed his lips. He recalled the recent performance of Schiller on Hive Prime, which was not related to the word kindness anyway.

But he still said: Maybe, he thinks you are too compassionate. If you try to understand the world of those mental patients, it may affect your own.

Let's not talk about it. Peter quickly got rid of that depressed mood. He sat on the chair and looked up at Steve. From this angle, he could clearly see Steve's stubble. It looked like he hadn't shaved this morning, and though he was still handsome, he looked a little haggard.

Peter said tactfully: Captain, did you go to the psychological counseling arranged by S.H.I.E.L.D. on time?

They seem to have only arranged 10 sessions of psychological counseling for me. According to Nick, it seems that Schiller's asking price is too expensive, but I actually didn't go to 10 times, only went to five or six times. I think my The mentality is okay, and there is no need for counseling.

But I heard from Dr. Schiller that psychological problems need regular review just like other physical diseases?

Okay, Peter, you don't have to go around the corner. I know you want to say that my current state doesn't look right, but it's just because I'm a little busy at work and I have a little insomnia.

Seeing this, Peter didn't say anything, but Steve's tightly pursed lips betrayed his restless heart.

In the evening, the base finally became more lively. Everyone discussed the battle plan together. Peter brought pizza on the way, and everyone ate it.

The polished and shiny mixing glass was thrown high, circled twice in the light of the bar, and then fell into Matt's hand like a meteor falling from the stars, and he smashed the glass in his hand A turn around caused several children to cheer. Eric the Blade Warrior was sitting on the sofa, telling them the scary rumors about vampires.

Peter, Steve, Erica, and Hawkeye Barton were playing flying chess. They were staring at the chess pieces while discussing what happened in S.H.I.E.L.D. After a while, several mutant children and Eric also left Come over, they started sitting in a circle chatting.

In the underground base, there are no windows for judging the light. It seems that as long as the lights don't go out, the joyous atmosphere can continue forever.

But soon, several younger children started to feel sleepy, and they went to rest in their bedrooms, and the few who had to go to work the next day also left.

In the end, Steve was left alone, sitting on the sofa and packing up the pizza boxes on the coffee table. Peter and Matt wanted to stay and help him, but Steve refused.

He originally thought that he needed some alone time to sort out his confused thoughts, but when the alone time really came, a feeling of uneasiness began to spread in his heart again.

He reached out to grab the pizza box, only to find that his fingertips were shaking constantly. Steve's eyes froze, as if surprised by the reaction of his body, since when did his hands keep shaking?

No... Steve denied inwardly.

It should be from the beginning, and others should not have seen it.

But there was another voice in his heart telling him that this situation had already happened a long time ago, and everyone saw that he was a haggard, flustered, flustered, weak guy, and they would no longer trust you, and would never trust you again. Think Captain America is an immortal leader, they will think you are old and no longer the savior...

Bang! He dropped a stack of pizza boxes on the ground, and Steve leaned back vigorously, making the sofa squeak, as if the only way to show that he still had strength.

He pinched his eyebrows with his hands, clearly feeling the muscles in his arms trembling, and there was some pain from his shoulders to his elbows, but he still persisted, refusing to let his arms go, like a man who just gained his body The puppet is trying to adapt to its limbs.

Steve is telling his body with a strong attitude: You have to listen to me, stay still, steady, and full of strength!

But the more he did this, the more he felt that his body was out of his control, and an anxiety that he knew was wrong but could do nothing was gradually engulfing him.

Steve tried his best to take a deep breath, but he didn't realize that the depth of his inhalation and exhalation became shallower and faster, and the speed became faster and faster until the air passed through his nostrils and lips with a soft puff sound, Then he squeezed the muscles around his mouth until his entire face became stiff.

In the end, an unexplainable panic swallowed him. He swallowed hard, took out the mobile phone from his pocket with trembling arms, dialed the number and said, Hello? Doctor? I think I may need treatment, tomorrow morning Is that okay? . . . ok, thank you.

...The current situation? No, it's actually okay, I just feel a little nervous, maybe I'm tired.

Okay, shall I breathe to the sound of the timer? But I feel a little... a little too slow, that's not my breathing rhythm.

Okay, I'll try my best, exhale...breathe...

During the longer and longer exhalation, Steve felt the drowsiness gradually spread, but the tension kept him from falling asleep, because he didn't know what he would dream about, just like that, after a few minutes, He hung up the phone, but he was still awake, just feeling a splitting headache.

He stayed awake like this until the morning. When he was about to go to the psychological clinic, he paced in front of the door with some hesitation, and even wanted to take out his mobile phone to tell Schiller that he was not going, but in the end he stepped out of the door and took a boarding.

When he came to the psychological clinic in Hell's Kitchen, he saw Schiller in a suit sitting behind his desk. For some reason, he didn't want to get close. The person in front of him made him feel very strange.

With a flick of Schiller's fingers, Steve turned his head instantly, and when Schiller stood up, Steve took a quick step back, he froze for a moment, turned around and closed the door, pretending that he backed up just to close the door.

Finally, he walked to the table and shook hands with Schiller. When the two sat down again, Schiller introduced himself: I think you should already know that I am another personality of Schiller, so I have not participated in the diagnosis and treatment of the two of you, but I have read all the medical records left by him...

Are you a psychiatrist too? Steve asked him. Can't you get Dr. Schiller out?

My experience is much richer than his. Among all the cases I have encountered, you belong to the mild category, so don't feel nervous, and you will be relieved soon.

As he said that, Schiller took a medical record from the shelf next to him, flipped through it and said, You have some post-traumatic stress disorder from war, but it's not serious. According to a previous diagnosis and treatment record, you have almost cured.

Your current performance may be an acute anxiety disorder caused by certain stimuli, that is, a sudden panic attack. Why are you afraid?

No, no. Steve denied it, and Schiller did not continue to ask, but looked into his eyes and asked, Which aspect have you been thinking more about recently? Is it the past? Or the future?

In the past, I like to miss the past. Steve replied quickly, but Schiller kept staring into his eyes, and Steve began to breathe a little shortly again, and he said, Well, it's actually the future , but I don't know what I'm worried about.

This is also a very typical performance. I repeat, you don't need to be nervous about it. I know that in the era you lived in, psychology and psychiatry were not very popular, and you may not have been exposed to this knowledge. So I don’t feel like I’m behaving normally.”

But actually, anxious moods and anxiety attacks are an extremely common condition, and you know people like me, Stark, Blade, and Agent Hill of S.H.I.E.L.D. 80% of the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. that I see have a medical history.”

Steve opened his mouth, which was a bit unimaginable to him, and Schiller went on: You lived in an era where people didn't have this disease, it was just because it wasn't diagnosed, and even if someone noticed After all this, they are too ashamed to speak.

Okay, your seizures are a bit sudden, and neither breathing adjustment nor mild hypnosis has any effect, so you may need drug treatment.

Do you have any history of allergies? Or is there any important event in the future, and you cannot use tranquilizers?

No, I... Steve put his fingers to his eyes and said, I don't want to take medicine, I think, it's okay to...

Well, I know that people who take medicine for the first time will have a very obvious resistance to the medicine. My principle is, if you feel that it is painful, then I will prescribe you the medicine. time.

Steve shook his head, but didn't say anything. When his handsome face showed less obvious painful emotions, it made him look like a classical statue, with the melancholy emotions unique to the Romantic period .

Okay, we can chat, it will help you relax.

As the sun outside the window gradually rose, it was already noon when Steve came out of the clinic. He wanted to eat something casually, but found that he had neither a wallet nor a mobile phone, so he could only walk Back to base.

As soon as he returned, Peter walked up excitedly and said, Captain! Great discovery!

Steve cheered up and basked in the sun for a while on the road, which made him feel better. He asked Peter, What's the big discovery?

Remember what I mentioned to you before, the new surveillance system? We found a very suspicious car.

Steve walked over quickly, looked at the screen and asked, Which one can be tracked?

Here, it hasn't been seen since it left New York last night, but we found the same place he passed twice, which is a park phone booth.

Steve speculated: That might be the way to communicate with his employer, I've seen many cases of this, they use the telephone box on the street to communicate.

Are we going to install surveillance? If he calls again, I should be able to monitor what they communicate.

No, they seldom use a phone to stop multiple times. Twice is the limit. Let's go over now and see if we can find clues from the phone booth he used.

The two immediately drove to the place Peter found. When they got there, there was no one there, only three phone booths placed side by side. Steve asked Peter: Can you find the phone records?

I can try. Peter walked back, returned to the car, took down his toolbox, and started to study it. At this moment, Steve felt a little uncomfortable again, and he shook his head hard , sober yourself up.

He regretted not accepting Schiller's suggestion to get some medicine, but felt that there was no time to give him a good night's sleep now. He felt an inexplicable fear in himself, but he didn't want to admit this fear and Hydra has anything to do with it.

At this moment, Peter said while fiddling with those connecting wires: It seems that there is a clue. Generally speaking, this kind of street phone booth will not leave a dial record, but I should be able to trigger the current through the key... let me see……

After a while, just when Steve felt his back was a little stiff and wanted to find a place to lean on, Peter let out a cry of surprise and said, It's done!

Steve hurried over and asked, How? What clues did you get?

I got a bunch of phone numbers, but I'm not sure if it's a one-off, we can call and see.

Steve didn't show any disappointment, he just said, I'm afraid it's probably a one-off, and their vigilance shouldn't be so bad.

Peter wrote the call on a note, and Steve went into the phone booth to dial. After a series of busy signals, Steve heard a very familiar voice, which he hadn't heard for a long time.


Peter saw Steve in the phone booth froze, and within two seconds, he hung up the phone. Peter asked, How is it? Are you connected?

Steve shook his head stiffly and said, It's indeed a one-time number, and I didn't get through.

Peter showed a little disappointment, but he was not too frustrated. He said, It's okay. This at least proves that the system is useful. As long as we continue to wait, we will definitely find key clues.

Steve nodded, and after returning to the Avengers base, he said to Peter: You go back to class first, your lunch break should be almost here, right?

Seeing Steve's strange state, Peter wanted to stay with him, but was rejected by Steve. After Peter left, Steve quickly put on his coat, took his shield, and came to Hell's Kitchen psychiatric clinic.

When walking up the stairs, Steve tightly held the handle of the shield, as if only in this way could give him a sense of security, and when the door was pushed open, the figure in the dark suit was still sitting behind the desk , it seems that he has been waiting for him for a long time.

Steve walked in and stared at him and said, You really are...

Who are you referring to? Schiller interrupted his conclusion.

You, Schiller Rodriguez.

But I'm not him, remember? I'm his alter ego.

You're Hydra, or, at least you're related to them...

Schiller also stood up, put a pen on the table, and said, You don't need to use this speculative tone, I am Hydra, and I have a code name that you should be very familiar with...

Steve stared at him, but Schiller lowered his head, smiled and said, You still called me that in the morning, have you forgotten?

...'Doctor', you are 'Doctor'.

It was me, but not him.

Why on earth are you... Steve exhaled, and he hammered the wall beside him angrily.

It seems that you did lack such knowledge at that time. I have already said that I am not him, and we have two personalities.

As Schiller said, he bent down to open his drawer, took out a document from it, and handed it to Steve. Steve didn't pick it up, but just looked at him, and Schiller pointed the document. file, saying, About Bucky.

Steve's Adam's apple moved, but he finally reached out and picked up the document. After he opened the first page, it read Howard Stark Car Accident Investigation Report.

The more he turned back, the more dignified Steve's face became. In the end, he showed an expression of disbelief. Schiller sat back on the chair and said very lightly: I know you don't believe it, or you don't want to Believe it, your best friend ever, killed another friend of yours.

But the fact is that Bucky Barnes, a member of Hydra's Winter Project, a successful Winter Soldier, used a car accident to kill Howard Stark.

Enough! Steve slammed the document on the table and said, You despicable Hydra, you want to fabricate this document to influence me, and I won't let you do it!

Really? Then let another guest of ours talk about his impressions. Schiller looked down at the watch on his wrist and said, He should be coming soon.

As soon as he finished speaking, Stark, wearing a battle suit, walked into the office of the clinic. With a serious face, he looked at Schiller and said, Why are you the one who answered the phone? Schiller, tell me...

Why is it you who answered the call of the assassin's contact person in the assassination case?

Isn't this an obvious fact? I'm afraid you not only got my number, but also my code name and what I did. You are much smarter than him, so I don't have to explain it all over again.

Schiller was still sitting comfortably on the chair. He looked at Stark and said, Another friend should have something to ask you about your father.

Although he didn't want to be diverted from the topic, Stark still involuntarily turned his head to look at the somewhat sluggish Steve. Steve shook his head and said, It's nothing, it's just a conspiracy, it must be like this.

Stark looked at his face, Stark walked over, picked up the document in front of Steve, and after turning to the first page, he put it down, and then threw the document on the desktop as well.

Seeing his movements, Steve's body froze. He slowly turned his head to look at Stark and said, He made this up, right? It's Hydra's conspiracy...

Stark was silent for a long time, he said: Actually, you should know better than me, this is true.

If the killers created by the so-called Winter Soldier project are aimed at killing important people, then Howard must bear the brunt.

Steve's Adam's apple started shaking wildly, and he shook his head and took two steps back, saying, No, it's not...he's not...

Suddenly, he looked up at Schiller and said, You deliberately exposed your own contact information, and then called us here. From the beginning to the end, you wanted us to have a civil war...

Schiller stood up again. He walked to the side of his room and patted the top of a TV placed there. The eyes of the two followed his movements, as if they were worried about his sudden attack. Le just leaned over behind the TV and flipped a switch.

A picture suddenly appeared in front of the two of them. It was a man nailed to the wall, with blood all over the wall. Steve opened his eyes and exclaimed, Bucky! What did you do to him? ?!!

Why do you ask knowingly? Schiller himself turned to look at the TV and said, Obviously, I kidnapped him and nailed him to the wall with many wedges with a diameter of 6 centimeters.

Steve slammed it hard and roared: You crazy!!! What are you trying to do?!!

At this time, Schiller calmly walked back to the table, opened the drawer, and took out a pistol from it.

Steve immediately picked up the shield, Stark opened the gauntlet, but Schiller just lowered his head, with a click, the magazine was ejected, Schiller took a bullet from the side, put it into the magazine, and pushed superior.

Then, he put the gun flat on the table, flicked it forward slightly, and the gun spun and slid in front of Steve. Schiller looked up, looked into his eyes and said, Take it, and shoot at me. Gun, destroy your most hated Hydra.

His attitude was very provocative, as if he was betting that Steve would not dare to do this, Steve was irritated by him, he picked up the gun, loaded it, pointed at Schiller's forehead, and said, Do you think I will let you go? ?!!

I know you won't because I'm a Hydra, but what about Schiller? Isn't he your friend?

He was a doctor and a good guy, and he saved a lot of people, probably including you, and a lot of other superheroes.

As for me, I'm just a product of Hydra's brainwashing, just an emotionless tool. This was not Schiller's original intention, it was just an accident.

Schiller comes out from behind the desk, and Steve keeps pointing the gun at him, and Schiller walks up to Steve until the muzzle is directly on his forehead.

Schiller looked Steve in the eye and asked, If you're going to shoot me, why can't Stark kill your best friend Bucky?

Steve's arms began to tremble uncontrollably, and Stark stepped up and said, Enough, Schiller, don't do this, I think there may be some misunderstanding here...

Steve's breathing became more and more rapid, and when he passed Schiller's figure, he saw that what was displayed on the screen was not a picture, but a real-time video. Bucky no longer had that cold expression, his face Pain is written all over it.

Steve's finger pressed down slightly, and the loose part of the trigger had been pulled to the bottom by him. If he continued to press, the bullet would fly out immediately, but Schiller had no intention of avoiding it at all, he still let the muzzle of the gun touch the trigger. on his own forehead, and then looked at Steve with his eyes.

A few seconds later, Steve's arm was lowered, his little finger and ring finger tightly gripped the handle of the gun, but the finger that pulled the trigger had already loosened. He curled up in some pain and kept shaking Head, seems to be shaking off some hallucinations.

Stark didn't look at him anymore, he stepped forward, trying to help Steve up, but the moment he touched his arm, he was thrown away. Steve's strength was unbelievable. Xia was shocked by him and took two steps back.

Steve straightened his body with some difficulty, he looked at Schiller and asked, What are you going to do before you let Bucky go?

The Winter Soldier and I are brainwashed by Hydra. We are just guns for killing people.

If you kill me, it means that you have denied your defense of Bucky, because the Dr. Schiller you knew was also innocent, but you killed him.

That proves that Stark can kill Bucky just like you did, and avenge his father, even anyone can do it, which is justice.

Steve, you didn't shoot, not because you sympathized with the innocent Dr. Schiller in my body, but because you were afraid that if you did it, Stark might also do it to Bucky, and some righteous people would kill him. killed him.

You wanted to pull the trigger just now, didn't you? At that moment, did you think about it? Schiller asked, looking Steve in the eye.

Bucky's your friend, isn't Schiller?

Two people in the same situation, why do you react completely differently?

Is it really because you and Bucky have a better relationship?

Is it really Bucky that you care about? Or the era he represents?

The... war years that carried all your past and memories, all your splendor and honor?

Steve stood where he was, with guns in both hands, but he didn't raise them. He listened to all Schiller's questions in silence, his blue eyes appeared even bluer in his red eye sockets, and his voice trembled a little.

You're right, I've always been a person living in the past, the war didn't bring me any benefits, it only left me with all kinds of nightmares, but if I had to choose again, I would still choose the past... ...

He turned his head, looked at Stark on the side, and said, Bucky, Howard, and Schiller are all my friends. You may think that I have no choice.

Either for Bucky, let you go, you despicable Hydra, or kill you, kill Schiller, kill Bucky...

Steve took a deep breath, straightening his back, as he had done countless times before.

But I have one last choice, one that people like you will never understand.

He looked at Stark and said word by word: Tony, I know you have the ability to do it, save Bucky, save Dr. Schiller...

And I will pay the price for all of this.

Stark suddenly had a bad premonition. At this moment, Steve raised his gun without hesitation and pointed it at his temple.

With a bang, the gun went off.

The gunshots were loud, but the bullets slowly dissipated into a wisp of gray mist, and then floated back into Schiller's body. Schiller looked at Stark and said, My symbiote told me that there is no doubt that He just pulled the trigger.

Stark held onto the edge of the table with his hands, as if he had lost his strength, and fell down. Steve shook a few times and staggered against the wall.

The room fell silent until the light climbed onto the rhombus of the floor. It seemed like a long time before Iron Man stood up straight again, and Steve also stood up straight with one hand on the wall.

The look of confusion and fear disappeared from Steve's face, and the determination in his eyes was no longer what a certain identity required him to show.

At this moment, the two looked at each other and saw the same emotion in each other's eyes.

Iron Man will never retreat, because he is the last steel barrier in front of everyone, but Stark's emotions are more sensitive than ordinary people, he will be suspicious, confused, and sad.

But Iron Man, who was only one step away from becoming an eternal god, gave up the endless power of gods and the dazzling scenery of the universe. He chose a mortal body because he felt that humans are greater than gods.

Captain America cannot be vulnerable, because he is the inspiring banner of that special era, but Steve's heart is no different from that of ordinary people, he will be tired, painful, and withdrawn.

But Captain America, who is like a god, is even more great because of the fragility of ordinary people. Steve, with a mortal body, has become a man greater than a god.

When they suddenly see each other's fragility in this way, and at the same time realize the greatness that the other is pursuing, then no one can understand each other better than them, and can feel that another me in this world , will always be my amiable and loathsome opponent.

They both exhaled at the same time without saying anything.

A few seconds later, they turned their heads to look at Schiller together. At this time, Schiller lost the shocking and dangerous temperament just now. He suddenly stood there for a few seconds, and then his eyes recovered.

Ha...a perfect vacation, enough to make up for the trauma of my previous overtime work. Schiller sighed, and when he looked up, he saw Stark and Steve staring at him.

He glanced down at his watch, and said with some doubts, Why are you here? Isn't it an appointment time now?

Ten minutes later, at the entrance of Midtown High School, Peter and Gwen crowded in front of the crepe shop. After paying the money, he took the pocket handed over by the clerk, and when he turned his head, he froze.

Gwen came from the other side, patted him on the shoulder and said, What's wrong? What did you see?

Peter turned his head back, stared at the open space in front of him, and asked doubtfully, Did I have a hallucination just now?

How can I see that Iron Man and Captain America are running after a cloud of fog???

On the skyline of New York, Schiller, who turned into a cloud of gray fog and fled desperately, heard another voice of himself ringing in his heart.

Congratulations on your return from vacation, I have bad news, another bad news, worse news, another worse news and last worse news for you.

First of all, I just helped you piss off Iron Man and Captain America at the same time. The kind of real fire, you may be chased by them around the earth...or the solar system.

Secondly, I helped you assassinate many Hydras disguised as important officials before. Now the Hydra headquarters is going crazy and wants to kill you.

Then, I deliberately used the performance of a mental patient to arouse Stark's interest. Now both he and Jarvis can be called experts in psychological theory, and your consultation fees will definitely be very hot in the future.

Also, it was revealed that you crossed the Supreme Mage and sold your soul to Mephisto. I didn't mean it.

In the end, I got the Winter Soldier out of the S.H.I.E.L.D. secret base, which was a little bit violent, so the base was pretty badly damaged, and Nick paid a lot of money to build that base, and I didn't mean to.

I'm done, you're welcome...

Who made you miss my umbrella?

Schiller is really sick.

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