The days of being a spiritual mentor in Meiman

Chapter 731: With Great Power, Comes Great Responsibility (Part 2)

Generally speaking, the gods and the pope should have a mutually beneficial relationship. The gods give the pope power, and the pope helps the gods spread faith.

However, the relationship between Schiller and all his gods is relatively diversified. It can't be said to be happy and harmonious, but it can only be said that watching the excitement does not think the other party is in bad luck.

Seeing that Schiller seemed to be locked up by someone from another world, Lucifer's first reaction was to slam the brakes to death, then put the reverse gear on, and when he retreated to a safe distance, the original Start eating melons.

According to his observation, Schiller was locked in a cube-shaped cage. The cube was blue, with sparkling waves shining on it, like a vast ocean, and it was even more dazzling against the background of the dark universe.

Schiller in the cube, of course, saw the universe, but he didn't pay attention to Lucifer he just called. He knew very well who picked him up from the bed and threw him here, so he said to shouted into the air:

Eternity! What do you want? Put me back!

Eternity appeared outside the cube, and he asked Schiller in a calm tone: This is the question I want to ask you, what do you want to do?

You actually have the nerve to ask me what I want to do??? Schiller crossed his arms and said viciously, I want to kidnap if the threat fails. Is this the god of Marvel???

Eternal was really shocked by Schiller's straightforward attitude.

After getting through with OAA, he will naturally be able to see why Deadpool went to his house to throw shit? In short, there is no shit in this wave of Schiller.

Not only did he pour shit into the multiverse by himself, but he also ordered Deadpool to send shit to paint the walls. Afterwards, he planned to use Spider-Man to create bugs for the universe and trap the Supreme Being.

What kind of medicine did this human named Schiller Rodriguez take wrongly?

Of course, Eternity does not rule out that he may be living an unsatisfactory life and want to take revenge on the society, but looking at his life history, isn't this quite normal? It can even be said to be smooth sailing, so why is he?

Since Eternity had already written doubts on his face, Schiller became even more angry. He took a deep breath and said, You kidnapped me, and you still come to ask me why????

I brought you here just to find out why you do these things? Eternal is still very calm, not because he is good at nourishing Qi, but mainly because his big boss is still watching. You still have to pretend to be polite.

Schiller also put on a shocked look, saying, Why did I do this? What did I do?

First of all, why did you order Deadpool to go to the Temple of Eternity... When Eternity said this, he had already gritted his teeth, but he still tried his best to control his emotions.

That's just a means of asking for salary. You won't give me compensation. Why can't I use my own method to ask for salary? Schiller asked. He felt that everything he did was very normal, whether it was logical or Emotionally, there is no problem at all.

Compensation? Why should we compensate you? Eternity asked again.

Schiller took a deep breath and said angrily: Of course it's because you reset my universe. Do you know how long it took me to write that paper?!!!!

Looking at Eternal's incomprehensible expression, Schiller tried hard to calm down his mood, and then said:

At the beginning of this year, the solar system development plan entered a new stage. The mutants in the Andromeda galaxy also began to communicate normally with other star civilizations.

On this basis, a new discipline has been derived, which I call 'Cosmic Social Relations'. Since the discipline is too new, there are basically no similar researchers and students, so I can only start researching it myself.

Since the beginning of this year, in order to develop this new subject, I have searched all kinds of classics on philosophy, social relations, psychology, etc. in human history, read many papers related to it, and then completed more than a dozen papers opening topic.

Until the end of this year, I already had five finished papers, which took me a lot of energy, and because they involved some secrets, I kept them in the secure computers of several forces.

Tony made the storage facility out of molten steel, and Jarvis did a quality inspection of the hardware and connected them to a power source that never stops...

Then, you reset the entire universe.

At this time, Eternity suddenly said: Don't talk about it, there are some problems with your physical indicators, your blood pressure is rising at an abnormal speed, you'd better take a deep breath...

You don't need to teach me!!!!

So, it's because you lost the fruits of your labor, and you want us to compensate you? But we reset the single universe to fix possible errors and for the smooth operation of the universe. Eternity explained.

So why did the universe go wrong? Whose responsibility is it? Schiller asked with his hands on his hips.

Yes... wait a minute, isn't it your responsibility? Eternal asked: Isn't it because you want to go to the kingdom of death and conflict with the rules of the universe, which caused mistakes?

So, why do I want to go to the kingdom of death? Schiller asked again.

Because... As soon as Eternal said this, he paused for a moment, and then asked very puzzled: Why do you want to go to the kingdom of death?

Because Death signed a resurrection agreement with other people, but refused to sign with me. Instead of asking here, I might as well ask Death why he refused to sign the contract with me. Schiller said with a wave of his arm.

Having said that, eternity is somewhat unanswerable.

It's like, the big boss came here to investigate the case, and the person under investigation accidentally revealed the corruption of the department manager, and it just so happened that he cleaned up the mess for the department manager some time ago.

Eternal feels that if he has blood pressure, he must also be concerned about an abnormal rate of increase now.

Actually, it's against the rules for death to make a deal with life in the universe. She's abusing her power... After thinking for a long time, Eternity decided to confess that he didn't do it by himself. .

After all, Schiller really poked a hole in the sky this time. Throughout the ages, he is the only one who dares to throw shit into the multiverse.

As a result, now, after checking and checking, it was found on his own head, how could OAA not be angry?

Since it is a violation, why didn't the upper management find out? Why didn't the lower-level employees report it? Why didn't the supervisory department intervene in the investigation? Why didn't they directly report it?

After a series of questions, Schiller stood up from the ground, rolled up his sleeves and said, Since you are assigned according to the order, then I will not be polite! Where is my boat?!

Wait a minute! Schiller, calm down, we are discussing a solution...

Eternity is really discussing a solution with OAA. In fact, the best solution is, if the problem cannot be solved, then get rid of the person who raised the problem. This is not difficult for OAA.

However, Schiller could see Lucifer who was watching the fun with his naked eyes. Eternity and OAA also noticed it. Eternity probably sensed the opposite level, but he didn't know who he was, but OAA knew it all too well.

It's easy to get rid of the person who asked the question, but the friends and businessmen who were watching next to him had their mouths cracked to their ears, and they almost laughed at them.

OAA believes that since he can travel thousands of miles and come here to watch the excitement, he will definitely not be stingy. After returning home, he grinned and started chattering. Afterwards, the other party will definitely show him an allied surprise .

Things have progressed to this point, the reason is not too important, the main reason is to win.

Suddenly, there was a burst of laughter from within the cube, and Schiller suddenly lowered his head and laughed.

Finding that Eternity and OAA were staring at him, he said, Do you think that I will trouble you because of such a boring question?

To make up for? Perhaps yes, greed is the nature of everyone, but greed for material is only the lowest level, and what I want to get more is your interesting reaction.

An omniscient and omnipotent god? Schiller showed a smile, and had already written the word sarcasm on his face.

Schiller looked up at Eternity, and Eternity saw in his eyes a madness that he couldn't understand at all. How dare a weak and fragile human being laugh at the gods? Isn't he afraid of death?

But soon, Eternal discovered that the other party might be really crazy. Because other than ridicule. The greedy desire to choose and devour people emanating from Schiller almost ignited this silent space.

There is no crazier emotion in this world than greed. If all Schillers are crazy, then greed must be the craziest one.

I have always hoped to be an ordinary person, but obviously, in this case, I did not do so.

This is because I once said to a child that 'with great power comes great responsibility', and I never thought it was a joke.

So, now, on behalf of all creatures in all universes, I stand on the opposite side of you and ask you a question.

Schiller narrowed his eyes and looked towards eternity. In the dimly changing light of the cube barrier, eternity saw that he showed fangs sharper than bats.

'With great power comes great responsibility', you have taught Spider-Man the truth through the mouths of countless people, have you really achieved it?

Are the responsibilities you undertake really worthy of your omniscience and omnipotence?

Answer me... are you worthy?

Just when the universe was silent, Schiller suddenly heard a familiar voice in his mind: It seems that they might want to kill you, how about it? Or I will take you away?

You can cause such a big mess! If I had known this, I would have proclaimed you my pope, well done!

Is there something wrong with you? Schiller said angrily, You know I'm going to be killed by them, so why don't you take me away quickly, otherwise, I will return to that universe and tell the whole world immediately, you pick up a female police officer, Even more...

Shut up! Don't talk! Lucifer immediately interrupted: I think the other party may be about to attack. I'll take you back to the universe first, so that the feathers won't be swallowed by them.

After finishing speaking, the universe controlled by Lucifer began to float this way. Although it was floating, the speed was very fast. It almost came to the side of the cube in the blink of an eye.

Lucifer originally wanted to break through the outer wall of the cube with his own strength after approaching the cube, pull Schiller out, and then stuff it into the car he drove. This is also a general prison routine.

However, as soon as he got close to the cube and covered it with power, Lucifer found that his personality was not enough, and he couldn't break through the defense of the cube at all.

In this case, things became a bit embarrassing. The jailbreaker came and the tools were ready, but the rope couldn't be cut.

And when Lucifer froze here, he heard Schiller in the cube shout:

Eternal!! Someone is going to rob the prison!!! Eternal! Eternal! Wake up!! Eternal! Someone is going to rob the prison!!!!

Lucifer cursed, turned around and ran, cursing as he ran: Schiller! Are you sick?!! Which side are you from?!!!

But at this time, it was already too late. OAA sensed that someone had moved the cage containing Schiller, and instinctively activated the cube.

Many functions of the blue cube cannot be reflected in Lucifer in another world, but one thing remains unchanged, that is, when it is activated, it has a strong suction.

Before Lucifer ran far, the car flew towards the cube together with him, as if in reverse gear.

Although Lucifer is under one person of DC, he is still under one person after all. OAA is truly above ten thousand people. Comparing the two existences, Lucifer is not as good as OAA.

As Lucifer flew there, he yelled, Schiller!!! Do you want to kill me?!!!!

At this moment, Schiller's extremely calm, even cold voice suddenly came to his mind:

Bump straight in! Then shout to God!

Are you crazy?! What do you want!

What do I want? Schiller's voice revealed endless madness:

I want to teach the gods a lesson!!!

You are crazy!!!!

Do it!!!!

Knowing that he couldn't run anymore, Lucifer gritted his teeth, stomped his foot, stepped on the accelerator to death, and the whole universe crashed into the blue cube directly.

The completely incompatible, but more advanced power swallowed Lucifer in an instant, tearing his body and energy apart.

The threat of death made him instinctively shout out that word:


In an instant, the cosmic light lit up, covering the entire cube within a very short time invisible to the naked eye.

Whoosh, the person, the car and the cubic cage disappeared together.

In the universe, only Schiller's sneer echoed:

Remember, this is what you said, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility...

The greater the responsibility, the greater the compensation!

thank you!

If you don't listen to Schiller, you will suffer in front of your eyes

If you don't suffer by luck, you must be in bad luck

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