The days of hanging out at Hogwarts

Chapter 107 At this moment, the curtain rises

During the Easter holiday assignment, Professor Flitwick mentioned problems related to making fruit dance.

Loren, just for fun, argued with Hermione about which dance was appropriate for Grape. Just now in the examination room, when Hermione heard the test questions, her mind was filled with the process of arguing with Loren.

She was so nervous that she couldn't help but let Pineapple start dancing ballet. It wasn't until halfway through that she realized she had made the wrong dance.

"Pfft." Loren couldn't help laughing after knowing the whole story. Seeing Hermione's murderous look, she suppressed her laughter again.

"Hermione haha ​​- don't haha, don't worry, there are other exams later." He tried his best to control his smile, the muscles on his face were a little stiff due to too much exertion.

When Hermione saw that this guy was still laughing, she was so angry that her teeth started to itch. She clenched her fists and punched him on the arm, feeling much relieved.

After Harry and Ron finished their exams, they walked to the restaurant together.

Loren's arm received an angry punch from the girl from time to time, trying hard to pretend to be in great pain.

"My grades in Charms must be very poor," Hermione said with tears in her eyes as she kept repeating the mistakes she made during the exam. "I also failed in the written exam. Regarding the characteristics of the Levitation Charm, I only answered 7 points and didn't write anything. The floating spell cannot be applied directly to the human body..."

Harry and Ron shivered in the background.

"You know what? I thought I answered pretty well before this. Although there is no O, it should be an E." Harry murmured.

Ron nodded stiffly, "I only wrote three points about the floating spell. I thought I could get full marks for that question."

The exam was conducted amidst the relief and struggle of the little wizards.

Perhaps considering that this was the first exam for first-year wizards, the professor prepared novice benefits for them. The test questions are basically selected from the Easter holiday homework.

As long as you are careful when copying your homework, you can get a good score.

For the practical exam of Transfiguration, Professor McGonagall chose the same method as Professor Flitwick. Let the little wizards come to her one by one to demonstrate the transformation technique, and Professor McGonagall will grade them based on their performance.

Students who have completed the exam are warned not to reveal the content of the exam. But in fact, it doesn't matter if it is leaked. This is a practical exam. If you can, you can, and if you can't, you can't.

You listen to other little wizards talking about the key points of spellcasting, and your mind thinks that you know it, and then your hands and wand tell you that you know how to use a hammer.

While waiting, Hermione's fingers moved uneasily, simulating the trajectory of waving the wand, while she muttered various key points of transfiguration.

Loren lined up behind her, not daring to say a word for fear of being beaten.

"Hermione Granger." Professor McGonagall's voice came from inside.

Hermione took a deep breath and walked straight into the classroom.

A few minutes later, she came out with a smile on her lips and a relaxed expression. Seems happy with the results.

"Loren Morgan."

When Loren entered, Professor McGonagall was putting a snuff box into a small box, as if to treasure it.

The front of the snuff box is painted with the Hogwarts school crest, and the other sides are the iconic animals of each house - lion, eagle, badger, and snake.

The watercolor colors are bright and lifelike, and there are exquisite hollow patterns on them.

Professor McGonagall poured out a white mouse from another box, "Turn the mouse into a snuff box. The more beautiful the box, the higher the score."

If there are rat whiskers or fangs on the box, points will be deducted. But Professor McGonagall felt that there was no need to emphasize this to Loren, as she knew Loren's level.

Thinking of the intricate, colorful snuff boxes I saw just now. Loren's breath froze, Hermione, what kind of ultimate scroll king are you?

With mixed emotions, Loren waved her wand. His snuff box basically copied Hermione's idea, but replaced the animals with swords, gold cups, crowns, and lockets.

Professor McGonagall frowned. This child was obviously very skilled in transfiguration, so why was he always sneaking around?

She pursed her lips and was silent for a while, then said: "From the perspective of transfiguration, it's perfect. But I can't give you the same score as Miss Granger. You can change into a snuff box again."

Loren waved his hand. He didn't want to spend time designing the shape of the snuff box. "Thank you, Professor McGonagall. That's it. As long as it passes the test."

What words, what words are this. What does it mean to just pass the test? Loren's words made Professor McGonagall, who was extremely well-behaved, laugh angrily.

She watched Loren walk out of the classroom, thinking about how this kid usually behaved.

He is extremely talented and can always finish the first few new things he learns in each Transfiguration class, but he always muddles through and is lazy in paddling. The homework is always excellent, but he never takes the initiative to answer questions in class.

He is kind-hearted and always loves to tease people, especially poor Miss Granger.

She made up her mind to focus on this "problem student" next school year.

The Potions Practical Examination is conducted in colleges, and the little wizards prepare potions at the same time.

The test question drawn by Gryffindor's first-year students was to prepare the forgetting potion alone from beginning to end.

It wasn't difficult, but Snape made it more difficult. While the potion was brewing, he stood behind each student for five minutes, watching them closely.

If you have experience in brewing potions, or any experience in taking exams, you will understand the pressure of having an invigilator standing behind you for a long time.

Loren doubted himself for several steps. When he paused, Snape would make a sound of disgust like "chi".

In the end, those who made no mistakes while being watched were O (perfect) and E (exceeded expectations), those who successfully brewed the potion were A (pass), those who were frightened and cried were P (failed), and D (terrible) ), T (Troll).

There was something wrong with Neville with this scoring system. He was frightened to tears by Snape, but reluctantly prepared the amnesia potion.

Snape disliked Neville's bottle of darker forgetfulness potion, which contained tears and snot.

Loren secretly wondered if, as a Potions Professor, Snape should try out the potions brewed by his students before giving a grade.

The last exam was History of Magic, and the last question was about which eccentric old wizards invented the automatic stirring crucible.

When Professor Binns asked everyone to put down their quills and roll up the parchment for answering questions, everyone couldn't help but cheer. They can easily play for a whole week until the results are announced.

All the exams are over, and the bright and hot summer has truly arrived.

The group followed the crowd onto the sunny meadow, chasing butterflies and pulling at flowers and plants. After a while, Harry and Ron went crazy and disappeared.

Loren and Hermione ran across a section in the bright sunshine, enjoying the smell of green grass.

Hermione seemed to be unloading a heavy burden and walked briskly, "It's much easier than I originally thought. In fact, there is no need to remember the "1637 Werewolf Code of Conduct" and the history of the elf rebellion. "

Loren complained: "There is also a whole "History of Magic" textbook."

He was sweating slightly and opened his clothes to let the wind blow more comfortably.

The white shirt seemed to glow in the sunlight, reflecting the boy's fair face and the strange red mole between his eyebrows, which was particularly eye-catching. The girls on the lawn greeted Loren warmly.

Loren also noticed that the mole was too noticeable, so he cut out a strand of bangs from his hair to cover his eyebrows.

Out of some small thought, Hermione pulled Loren away from the crowd.

They walked down the slope to the lake and plopped down under the tree. Hermione curled up her legs and put her head on her knees, and Loren lay down directly.

Over there, a large squid basked in the warm shallow water, and the Weasley twins, Ron and Lee Jordan, gathered around to watch Rolf gently fiddle with its tentacles.

Loren wanted to fish when he saw the lake, but he gave up thinking of the unethical fish and Grindylow in the lake and the need to prepare fish food. Watch quietly as they play with the giant squid.

Loren didn't say anything, and Hermione didn't want to say anything either. This kind of weather made people unconsciously lazy.

The two of them didn't have to work hard to find a topic, they just sat together under the tree, feeling the breeze blowing from the lake, feeling relaxed and comfortable.

Over there, the Weasley brothers were eager to try, and they also stretched out their hands to fiddle with the tentacles of the giant squid. Perhaps they used too much force and disturbed the big squid. Its tentacles were raised high and slapped on the water, making a splash.

The group of people who were hit by the lake were even more happy. They cheered and thought it was a very fun game.

Loren and Hermione smiled unconsciously.

Under the blue sky, an owl flew past, its snow-white feathers illuminated very beautifully by the sun.

After a while, Harry ran over panting and squatted next to the two of them. "Hagrid knew that we had finished the exam and asked us to go to the hut at night. He prepared the first crop of pea pods for us."

As he said this, he saw a group of people playing happily with the big squid, their eyes bright. Without waiting for a reply, he threw his legs away and ran over.

In this way, Loren and Hermione leisurely watched a group of people being beaten to death, laughing from ear to ear. The wind was blowing, and Loren fell asleep at some point.

The sunset was like a flame, burning the entire sky, and a warm glow enveloped the castle and forest.

The big squid slowly sank to the bottom of the water, and Harry and Ron walked towards the two of them. Their clothes had been dried using magic by George and Fred.

"Come on, let's go to Hagrid's place for dinner." Harry said happily.

Hermione smoothed back her wind-tossed hair and lowered her head to wake up Loren, who was sleeping.

The four of them set out towards the Forbidden Forest, and met Yaya at the edge of the forest. Its tail was wagging so that no shadow could be seen, and it was circling around the little wizards.

Hagrid was sitting on a chair outside the hut, his trousers rolled up, facing a large bowl, busy shelling pea pods.

"Hey! Is the exam over?" Hagrid greeted happily, "You're in time, come and see the first pea pods this year."

Four people gathered around and helped deal with it.

The last bits of the sun sink into the horizon and night takes over the sky.

In the hut, Hagrid poured the fragrant pea soup into bowls for several people, along with the mixed boiled pea pods.

The soup is pea pods boiled with onions and chicken. The boiled pea pods are also seasoned only with salt and olive oil. A simple and crude method, but it becomes extraordinary because of the ingredients.

The little wizards had a great time eating, and except for Hagrid's signature rock biscuits, all other dishes were finished.

Hagrid put away the tableware and took out a large ball of white unicorn hair from the wooden box and handed it to Loren, "This is a thank you gift from the unicorn tribe. They think that if it weren't for us, the mysterious man would hunt more. Many unicorns.”

"You happened to want this, so I got some for you."

These long white hairs are smooth, thick and shiny, not just the tail hairs, but also the manes. It is full of magic power and contains no impurities.

But Loren was a little embarrassed, "This won't be like last time..."

He didn't finish his words, but Hagrid understood what he meant, and Hermione quickly retracted her hand.

Could it be the hair from the two unicorn corpses last time? Although Loren needed fresh unicorn hair, he had not thought about harvesting hair from the corpse after seeing the miserable appearance of the unicorn last time.

"Don't worry, unicorns will not desecrate the corpses of their own kind." Hagrid said in a cheerful voice, "This is combed from a living unicorn."

Loren suppressed her joy and put the unicorn fur away.

Ron sighed: "Everything has been good since the confinement. All my wishes have come true."

Harry heard this and touched his scar. No, he's not good. He kept having nightmares after returning from the Forbidden Forest.

When he heard "All your wishes come true", something flashed in his mind, and he hurriedly asked Hagrid, "Hagrid, have you wanted a fire dragon for a long time?"

Speaking of Norbert, even though he had been sent away, Hagrid was still happy, "Yes, this is my long-cherished wish."

"Every wish comes true, how could it be such a coincidence!" Harry looked anxious, "Do you remember the night you played cards and won the fire dragon egg, and what did the person who lost to you look like?"

"What does he look like?" Hagrid recalled the situation at that time, "I didn't see what he looked like."

Except for Loren, Harry, Ron and Hermione had shocked expressions on their faces. You made a drinking bet with someone and won a fire dragon egg worth hundreds or thousands of galleons, but you didn't know what the opponent looked like!

Hagrid said: "What's so strange about this? There are a lot of weird guys like this in the Pig's Head Bar. He wears a hood and refuses to take off his cloak,"

Harry froze in place, motionless.

Hermione also realized that something was wrong. How could someone bring illegal dragon eggs with them to the bar and lose to others casually?

Loren sighed that Quirrell was really sincere.

The salary of Hogwarts professors is not low, but professors mostly get rich because of their side jobs. How many years of salary would Quirrell, who used to teach Muggle Studies, have to put in before he could buy a genuine dragon egg from the black market?

Just give it to Hagrid simply like this.

Do Death Eaters have any intelligence buffs?

You are the villains!

What about Veritaserum?

What about the Imperius Curse?

Let’s use some villain tactics.

Quirrell couldn't use the Imperius Curse, and Voldemort couldn't do it either?

Although Hagrid has high resistance to demons, with Voldemort's attainments in black magic, not to mention half-blood giants, pure-blood giants will not be able to withstand them.

It seemed that Voldemort was in such bad condition that he couldn't even cast the Imperius Curse.

No wonder Dumbledore finally let Harry go solo with him.

Under repeated questioning from Hermione and Harry, Hagrid recalled. When chatting with the man about the fire dragon, he mentioned that he could even deal with a three-headed dog, let alone a fire dragon.

"I showed off to him that I could make the three-headed dog fall asleep by listening to some music." Hagrid said this, covering his mouth, "I shouldn't have to tell you this!"

Upon hearing this, Harry pulled Ron and ran towards the castle, and Hermione quickly pulled Loren behind.

"Hey, where are you going?" This was Hagrid's voice.

"No strenuous exercise after meals." This was Loren's voice.

The same thing is that no one pays attention to them.

Harry said his guess as he ran.

Hagrid told a stranger the way to get through Lu Wei, who must be related to Voldemort. They need to tell Principal Dumbledore the news as soon as possible.

Running all the way into the hall, Harry was very tired, but he didn't dare to relax at all. He looked at Loren, "How do I get to Dumbledore's office?"

"You want to see Dumbledore? Why?" Professor McGonagall's voice sounded from the other side of the hall, and she approached holding a stack of books.

Harry swallowed, not knowing what to say.

Others didn't dare to say, but Loren was quick to talk and said sternly: "We suspect someone is trying to steal the Sorcerer's Stone and want to tell the principal."

When Professor McGonagall heard about the Sorcerer's Stone, she was so shocked that she dropped the book in her arms on the ground, but she did not pick it up. "I don't know how you found out about the Sorcerer's Stone, but it is strictly protected and is foolproof."

Her eyes were full of stress, "Now, you should go back to your dormitory to rest. The end of the exam does not mean you can violate school rules, unless you still want to be detained."

After saying that, she waved her hand and the book that fell on the ground flew back to her hand. Professor McGonagall turned and left.

"Professor McGonagall!" Hermione shouted.

"Principal Dumbledore received the letter and went to London to deal with urgent matters. He will not be back until tomorrow." Professor McGonagall's voice came from afar.

Loren didn't know if Professor McGonagall knew Dumbledore's plan, but he always felt that the acting was a bit stiff in the scene where Professor McGonagall just dropped the book on the ground.

"Tonight!" Harry became more determined. "Snape didn't dare to take action when Dumbledore was at school, but he will take action tonight."

"Even this letter might have been forged by Snape."

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