The days of hanging out at Hogwarts

Chapter 108 Prologue, Voldemort appears

"What letter?" A sinister voice sounded, and Snape, dressed in black, appeared next to him.

Hermione covered her mouth violently to prevent herself from screaming.

Snape had a weird smile on his face, "Just a reminder, if you dare to run around after lights out, I will personally expel you!"

Harry felt that Snape must want to do this, because they were the only ones in the school who knew about Snape's conspiracy.

"Now!" Snape raised his voice, "Everyone go back to your dormitory!"

Under Snape's threatening gaze, the group returned to the Gryffindor common room in panic.

Snape watched the four young wizards go away until their figures disappeared.

He could feel that Quirrell had been acting strangely recently, becoming smellier and weaker, and shunned him like a mouse when he saw him. But there was excitement in his eyes that was eager to try, and malice that was almost overflowing.

No matter what Dumbledore's plans were, it was clear that Quirrell couldn't wait as the holidays were approaching. These stupid and reckless little things can put themselves in danger at any time.

Loren glanced back at Snape one last time. He was looking at them deeply in the dim candlelight of the hall.

He realized that Snape's series of actions were to protect them. So, it must be that Dumbledore, the Riddler, was not angry with Snape?

The four of them returned to the Gryffindor lounge and found a stool in a remote corner to sit down.

"He will definitely do it after the lights go out." Harry said with certainty, and what Snape just said confirmed his suspicion.

Hermione looked at Loren, who had been avoiding Loren as much as possible when they talked about Snape.

"What do you want me to do?" Loren shrugged, "I won't tell anyone, but I still insist that Snape is not a bad person."

Harry stared at Loren with burning eyes, full of hope, "Loren, you don't have to deal with him with us. If you can, please help us keep an eye on Snape. If he comes out of the office, follow him."

"Okay, sir, I promise to complete the mission." Loren smiled, of course he was happy and relaxed.

He was not worried about the safety of the three people. Unlike the trolls, Dumbledore had arranged the scene of the Iron Triangle's fight with Quirrell for a whole year, so there would definitely be no mistakes.

Quirrell could only use the fire dragon egg to trap Hagrid, and Professor McGonagall dropped the book stiffly. These were all guarantees.

It would be best if he could hide and relax. If he got involved, he might end up in the school infirmary and lie down for a few days.

Harry then made an arrangement, "After the lights go out, we will go to the fourth floor and try to take out the Sorcerer's Stone before Snape."

The three of them began to plan their actions tonight. They planned to use invisibility cloaks to sneak into the fourth floor and play a short piece of music for Lu Wei...

They discussed over and over some possible accidents, such as what to do if they met Nick on the road, or how to avoid Mrs. Norris.

Loren sat on the stool like a superfluous person.

It was not as relaxing as he had imagined. This feeling of being alone and doing nothing was not wonderful.

Why would he want to get involved? Damn it, Dumbledore must have influenced him.

The sound of the three people discussing continued until the lights outside the corridor were quietly extinguished, the little wizards in the lounge returned to their dormitories, and the lounge became empty.

Harry stood up first and returned to the dormitory to take out the invisibility cloak.

As the invisibility cloak enveloped them, the three of them disappeared in front of Loren's eyes. Then the sound of the Fat Lady opening the door sounded, and the lounge became completely quiet.

Loren also stood up and walked slowly towards Snape's office.

Harry and the others successfully arrived at the room where Lu Wei was on the fourth floor. Harry uses the piccolo that Hagrid gave him for Christmas to put Fluffy into a deep sleep.

Hermione and Harry jumped into the hole under the trap door. Ron landed on it alone, looking at the pitch-black, bottomless hole below. He wondered if it would be too impulsive to jump directly.

But they both jumped, and Ron had no choice but to grit his teeth and jump in.

At the bottom is a network of black plants and vines, which catches the three people who fell.

"Ha, luckily there are these plants." Ron touched here and there, and soon his eyes widened.

Black vines crawled along their hands and feet, wrapping and binding them tighter and tighter.

Harry and Ron struggled in horror.

"Relax, this is a devil's net. The harder we struggle, the faster we will die." Hermione lay down on the vines, her voice relaxed and even sounded a bit leisurely.

"The sooner you die! Then we should really relax!" Ron was like a fish that had just been caught ashore, his whole body was straining.

Hermione looked helpless, and her body slowly sank, as if being swallowed by an unknown monster.

"Hermione! Hermione!" Harry panicked and shouted urgently.

"Relax! Don't struggle, trust me." Hermione's voice came from below.

Harry did as he was told, and his body slowly sank.

Ron was immersed in his own world, unable to hear the sounds outside at all, and watched helplessly as Hermione and Harry were "eaten" one after another.

"Ah!!! Harry!" his scream broke.

Below, Harry looked helplessly at the squirming devil's net vines above, "He can't hear us, can he?"

"Devil's Net, Devil's Net..." Hermione kept recalling the content in the book, "That's right! Devil's Net is afraid of light and heat."

"[Burning Flame]" She used a variant of the fire spell used for heating in winter.

Several blue bellflower-like fireballs erupted from the tip of the wand, slowly floating up to loosen the vines wrapped around Ron's body.

Ron fell straight to the ground, flat on his butt. He stood up and rubbed his butt, smiling: "Ha, luckily I relaxed."

"Fortunately, Hermione is good at Herbology." Harry shook his head. He felt that he was nervous and worried about the Sorcerer's Stone, which seemed a bit inappropriate for the current atmosphere.

"I didn't expect that this kind of flame would be useful in summer." Ron still didn't answer, looking left and right at the surrounding environment.

The space below was much larger than they thought. It was a one-way stone corridor with a wall on one side and gentle rustling and tinkling sounds coming from the other side.

They walked along the corridor until they reached the end and came to a brightly lit room.

There were four broomsticks in the middle of the room, opposite a closed door. Under the high vaulted ceiling, countless birds as dazzling as gems flap their wings, leaving golden afterimages.

These are the countless golden winged keys. Apparently, this room requires them to ride a broomstick and catch the correct key flying in the air.

Harry sat on the broom neatly, his figure bumping around in the air.

Hermione gave up immediately. Ron took a look and chose to give up after seeing the flying speed of the key. They walked to the opposite door and waited for Harry to succeed.

"Why are there four broomsticks?" Ron discovered the blind spot.

Hermione didn't answer. She tried the unlocking charm on the door lock, but it didn't work. I thought that if it was Loren, there should be a way to open this door.

Harry lived up to their expectations and quickly grabbed the only silver key among countless golden keys.

Opening the door, the dark room suddenly lit up as three people entered the second room.

They stood next to a huge chessboard. The chess pieces were huge stone sculptures, the soldiers' swords and the knight's horses were all lifelike.

They are on the black side, and the white chess pieces on the opposite side are densely packed in front of the door. If you want to get past, you have to win the game.

"Giant wizard chess." Ron murmured. He walked around the black chess pieces, inspected them, and then began to direct.

Under his command, Harry took the place of the Bishop, Hermione took the place of the Castle, and Ron mounted the knight's horse. The chess game progressed quickly, and Ron grasped the opponent's chess style and quickly ended the battle.

The White King took off the crown from his head and threw it at Harry's feet. The white chess pieces bowed and retreated, making way for them.

Ron was very proud of this game, "Maybe I can only sacrifice the knight before Christmas, but I am no longer the person I was before."

Continuing forward, the back room was filled with a stench, and the corpse of a troll lay in the middle, larger than the one they had dealt with before, with a bloody mass on its head.

The three of them were no longer in a relaxed mood. The murderer who stole the magic stone was right in front of them.

"At least we don't have to fight the troll." Harry whispered, "Come on, we need to speed up."

They carefully stepped over the troll's body, and as soon as they stepped onto the threshold of the next room, purple flames rose from the door behind them, and black flames rose from the door opposite. They are stuck in the middle.

There are seven bottles of different shapes and a roll of parchment in the room.

The content on the parchment showed that there were seven bottles in total, two of which were fire-proof potions. One pot could pass through purple flames, and one bottle could pass through the black flames in front. Two bottles are nettle wine, which will be fine if you drink it, and three bottles of poison will kill you if you drink it.

Four more clues:

1. The poisons are all to the left of the nettle wine.

2. The two bottles on the edge are not the same liquid, and there is no forward magic potion in them.

3. The largest and smallest bottles are not poison.

4. The positive number and the penultimate bottle are the same thing.

Harry thought to himself, we just have a bottle of poison each.

Hermione took the parchment and read the clues several times. She reached out and took out the smallest bottle first, "This contains the magic potion that can move forward through the black flames."

Then he pointed to the bottle on the far right and said, "This is the potion that goes back through the purple flame."

Harry looked carefully at the two bottles of potion. In the smallest bottle, there were only a few drops of the potion that passed through the black flames, less than a sip. There was a full bottle of potion on the way back.

He quickly uncorked the smallest bottle and poured a few drops of the cold potion into his mouth. The potion penetrated his whole body like ice cubes, calming down his body and mind.

Before Ron and Hermione could react, Harry threw the empty bottle to the ground.

"You go back and go to the professor for help. The trolls have been killed, and they will believe it." Harry said in a calm voice, "I may be able to contain him."

Hermione's voice trembled, "What if Voldemort is in there too?"

Harry forced a smile and pointed to the lightning-shaped scar on his forehead, "I am the Boy-Who-Lived. I can deal with Voldemort a second time."

Harry and Hermione grew up in Muggle society and could call Voldemort by his name without any scruples.

But Ron couldn't. He opened his mouth, wanting to say something to lighten the atmosphere, tell a joke, and pulled Harry to go with them.

But he couldn't say anything.

"Go find the professor quickly." Harry turned around and stepped resolutely into the surging black flames.

Hermione and Ron suppressed their sadness, steeled themselves, and were about to drink the potion. But Harry flew out of it at a faster speed and hit the table, smashing the table and the potion on it.

The two hurriedly helped Harry up.

"Ahem." Harry clutched his chest and gasped in pain.

Why did Hagrid act as if nothing happened when he was hit? He felt like his bones were about to fall apart.

Before Hermione and Ron had time to ask what happened, thick black mist came out of the front door, and the burning black flames met the black mist and melted like snow.

The black mist filled the door of the purple flame, and the purple flame was quickly melted.

In the direction of the source of the black mist, a strange person slowly walked out. His face was as white as plaster powder, his scarlet eyes were gleaming, and his nostrils were as slender as a snake.

"Let's go!" Harry said, suppressing the sharp pain from the scars on his chest and forehead.

Without enough time to take a closer look, Hermione and Ron pulled Harry and fled in the direction they came from. But Harry was seriously injured and they couldn't run fast.

Voldemort didn't chase him. He took a deep breath and felt something he hadn't felt in ten years, the human body.

"Master, they are about to run away." A flattering, cowardly voice came from behind.

Voldemort felt a sense of disgust. This voice reminded him every moment that this was not his body.

Without giving the servant an answer, he moved forward slowly but unstoppably.

On the way, Harry was helped, and he told what happened, " was Quirrell...I got the Sorcerer's Stone...he couldn't touch me, so he knocked me out."

There was the Mirror of Erised at the door of the room in the black flame. As soon as he entered, he saw Quirrell looking in the mirror for the Philosopher's Stone.

Then his reflection in the mirror put the Philosopher's Stone into his pocket, and Harry actually felt the Philosopher's Stone in his pocket.

Harry took the Sorcerer's Stone and turned around to run away, but Quirrell knocked him down from behind and grabbed his neck with both hands. But as soon as Quirrell's hand touched him, it seemed as if it was burned by fire, and he screamed in pain and struggled to move away.

His scarf then falls off, revealing a face on the back of his head, and Quirrell calls him his master.

Harry realized that his body could cause harm to Quirrell, and rushed towards him with a cry. As a result, the two faces changed places, and the devil-like face was blown away by a spell.

"Now, as long as we run out, tonight will be a success." Ron said, holding back his voice that wanted to cry.

Harry and Hermione were silent. Seizing the Philosopher's Stone, Quirrell's master, they all guessed who it was.

They escape all the way to the room where the chess board is, and this time they can get through without playing chess. The chess pieces on the chessboard are sparsely scattered and cannot block the path at all.

The three of them staggered across the chessboard.

In front of the door, Ron let go of Harry's hand and stopped.

Harry and Hermione looked at him confused, wondering why he stopped.

"You go first, I'll cut off the queen." Ron turned to look at the chess pieces.

Hermione didn't say anything, but also stopped Harry who wanted to speak, and helped him escape.

Ron walked back to the center of the chessboard, picked up the white king's crown, and straddled it across his body.

Then he rode on the horse of another black knight, and he said loudly: "Reset!"

The young voice was serious and serious, echoing in the empty chessboard room.

The base of the stone statue made a rough scratching sound on the chessboard, and the black and white chess pieces fell back into place, waiting solemnly.

Thanks to the guardian knight of the sky and the earth, book friend 20181230172621290, I like Xiao Ai’s reward.

Thanks to kopcn, Lucifer’s little teacher, zxfbai, and the monthly ticket that expresses love like a rose.

I will update more tomorrow and try to finish defeating Voldemort tomorrow.

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