The days of hanging out at Hogwarts

Chapter 379 Aren’t you happy that the exam is easy?

Entering May, the days become clear and cloudless, and the sun gradually heats up every day. The little wizards gradually take off their heavy sweaters and velvet wizard robes and put on light summer clothes.

The handover of the Quidditch team came to an end. Wood handed over the captaincy to Angelina Johnson, and wrote down his experience as a goalkeeper in notes to Ron and McLagan, although he thought Ron was the one. The right person, but not biased at all.

But Ron didn't have time to study his goalkeeping notes; he had to prepare for his upcoming final exams.

As the exam approaches, the lovely Hermione turns into the stern Professor Granger again. She reduces the number of communications with Professor Bubbaji and supervises Loren, Harry and Ron's review with a straight face every day.

Professor Granger asked them to recite over and over again things related to hunting witches in the Middle Ages, and to memorize the origins and key points of use of dozens of spells in the Charms textbook, including the Happy Curse, as well as the key points of almost the entire book in the Transfiguration textbook, and Potions. A recipe for a whole school year…

The most frightening thing is that Hermione predicts that the content of the final exam of the Divination class will be the chapter on the crystal ball, requiring Loren and the others to recite an entire book of signs and revelations from images.

"Merlin's beard!"

Ron's eyes twitched as he looked at the redlined recitation content in the textbook. He yelled, "Hermione, even if you put this book into my brain, I won't be able to memorize it."

Across from her, Hermione was immersed in her textbook. She didn't even look up when she heard the voice. She was calm and composed. From a distance, she gave people a sense of oppression, very much like Professor McGonagall.

"Hush!" Harry, who was sitting next to him, pointed to the librarian not far away, "Mrs. Pince will kick us out if she hears this."

"Oh, I'd rather be kicked out..." Ron raised his neck and looked at the ceiling and said weakly, "Spare me Hermione, even Loren can't remember so much knowledge."

"Huh? I thought I heard someone calling me..."

Loren poked his head out from behind a book and blinked: "Are you talking about me? I have already memorized the book from Professor Granger. Although it is not verbatim, Professor Granger gave me Scored an O (outstanding).”

Hiss, is this a scary good student?

Harry and Ron lowered their heads in frustration, not daring to say a word.

Loren, a good student, put down the book "Language Jokes: American English" in his hand and looked out through the window. The clear sunlight filled the grass. It looked warm, but not too hot. It made people want to bring a few pints of pumpkin juice. Walk out to the venue, sit down, and enjoy the nice weather.

Looking back, the girl was wearing a white women's shirt under her wizard robe, with a ruffled ruffle collar made of soft fabric surrounding her smooth neck. It must look good in the sun, the kind that sparkles.

When the temperature warms up in a few days, Hermione won't be wearing ruffle-collared shirts.


Loren pondered for a moment, closed his own book, and then reached out to close Hermione's book.


Hermione blinked.

"Let's go to Hagrid's."

Harry and Ron, who were immersed in reading, suddenly perked up their ears.

Loren said seriously: "The Monster Book of Monsters is not easy to review, and the Care of Magical Creatures course spans too much. It is not the same book at all. We can't review it blindly."

Hermione frowned, her intuition telling her that this person was definitely not here to study, but thinking back to the hippogriffs, Flobber caterpillars, fairies she had learned this school year...

What he said seemed to make sense.


"Let's go give Professor Hagrid some advice. By the way, let's ask how the exam will be conducted and what content will be tested... It would be nice to even give him an exam syllabus."

Hermione's face showed some hesitation.

"Ms. Granger, you don't want to bother reviewing all the Care of Magical Creatures courses and end up not taking the exam, do you?"


A few minutes later, Hermione put all the other irrelevant textbooks and notes into her schoolbag, holding the Care of Magical Creatures notebook in her hand, and stood up to leave.

Harry and Ron looked at each other and smiled, their eyes flashing with surprise, and they made the mouth gesture of "praise Loren" in unison.

Hermione suddenly turned back to stare at them and said seriously: "You stay in the library and continue to memorize and review, while Loren and I go to find Hagrid."

"Why?" Harry asked dissatisfied.

"Why don't you memorize the origin of the Happy Curse after a whole day!"

Harry and Ron sat back down in frustration.

Are good students amazing?

Looking at the retreating figures of the doggy man and woman, Harry clenched his fists and said bitterly: "Damn it, I'll study hard next semester, and then I can play whatever I want!"

Ron kept nodding: "Yes, yes, let's see how they control me!"

"Examination scope?"

In the pumpkin patch, Hagrid, who was pruning pumpkin seedlings, slowly stood up and patted his leather coat with his big hands stained with soil. He looked at the two of them with strange eyes and muttered:

"How can there be a little wizard who memorizes all the knowledge without knowing the content of the exam? It's even more incredible than Gorgon running around the Quidditch pitch..."

Hermione's fair cheeks began to heat up, and she retorted unyieldingly: "Isn't this the purpose of exams? To test students' learning achievements. As long as I master all the knowledge, I can pass the exam with excellent results!"

Loren stood leisurely aside, watching with a smile.

Suddenly, he showed a serious thinking look——

Should I buy a magic camera next year and prepare some developing potions?

It can be used when filming the Triwizard Tournament, and it can also be used when filming Hermione. It’s a win-win situation!

"Merlin bless the future little wizards, I hope you will not return to Hogwarts to be a professor after graduation..."

Hagrid muttered in a low voice, stepped out of the fence from the pumpkin patch, sat on the stone next to him and knocked the caked soil on his sleeves. The dry soil was not sticky at all, and it fell to the ground with a light touch:

"I am in my first year as a professor. I have no experience and have done a lot of stupid things, so I don't intend to embarrass you. The exam I prepared for is very simple, even a troll can pass it.

Hmm... The troll might not be able to, but Fang can definitely get through. "

Hermione's fingers on the notebook were trembling slightly. She didn't know what kind of exam Yaya could pass, but Yaya definitely didn't have to recite the biological structure, appearance characteristics, living environment, and living habits of nearly ten magical animals...

Probably after several years of getting along with each other, Hagrid also figured out Hermione's character, and added: "I have discussed it with Professor McGonagall, and she also agrees with my approach."

Then a depressed and aggrieved expression appeared on Hermione's face, as if she had a lot of words stuck in her heart.

"We understand, Hagrid, we will help you convey it to other students."

Loren suppressed a laugh and quickly pulled Hermione away.

Watching the two of them go away, Hagrid scratched his head. It was strange that the little witch was not happy that the exam was easy...

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