The days of hanging out at Hogwarts

Chapter 380 Third Grade Final Examination

Under the clear sunshine, the girl's cheeks and shirt were so white that they dazzled her eyes, and her whole figure seemed to be glowing.

It's just that the girl looked a little depressed, holding a notebook and taking long, hurried steps, with her long, fluffy brown hair floating behind her.

Loren followed her slowly, admiring the scenery.

After taking several steps forward, Hermione suddenly turned around and stared at him, her fair face tense: "Why are you moving so slowly? Walk faster!"


Loren responded, but still took his time, not looking at the road, concentrating on admiring the scenery.

Hermione simply put away the notebook, grabbed his arm and dragged him towards the castle: "Don't waste time! We have to go back to the castle to review!"


Hermione felt his gaze and looked back with doubt. She quickened her pace slightly and moved forward. His gaze moved with her. When she slowed down, her gaze also moved back.

Hermione vaguely noticed something and asked tentatively: "You didn't want to ask Hagrid about the content of the exam in the first place, right?"

Loren nodded calmly.

Hermione frowned nicely: "Then why did you pull me out?"

"I think the sunshine is very good today. You will look good in the sunshine." Loren replied.


Hermione was silent. She felt happy in her heart, but remembering that she had been depressed just now, she felt that she couldn't laugh now. She tried to keep a straight face and imitated Professor McGonagall's serious expression: "Loren, we are about to have the final exam. , should be reviewed carefully.”

"Yeah. I know."

"Don't do that again."

"Yeah. I know."


If it weren't for the uncontrollable smile on the girl's lips, Loren would probably be more convinced.

In the days that followed, their review locations were no longer limited to the library, but moved to the courtyard, the field, and even the top floor of the tower. Therefore, Harry and Ron felt that the pressure to study was less.

When the moon was full in May, Harry and Ron, together with many young wizards, buried the Animagus secret potion, although they had little hope for it because the school year was about to end.

The sun shines brighter and brighter, time flies by, and it’s exam week in a blink of an eye.

The test on Monday morning was Transfiguration. After the written test, Professor McGonagall was in the classroom checking the students' learning results this year. One of the questions was to turn a teapot into a turtle. The lines on the turtle shell were very time-consuming.

The exam lasted until lunch time, and the third grade students finished the exam.

At the dining table in the auditorium, the third-grade wizards were all exhausted and their faces were pale.

"The turtle I conjured has a tail that looks like a pot spout. Professor McGonagall might give me a failing grade..." Dean sighed and said, "It's really scary, right?"

Seamo, who was always chirping, didn't say a word. People around him found it strange and looked at him.

The luster in Seamus's eyes changed, as if he didn't hear what he just said at all. He looked at Dean with hopeful eyes: "It's normal for a turtle to spit out steam from its mouth, right?"

The little wizards around him were silent for a while.

Should turtles spit steam? That's a good question.

Parvati came back from fetching the meal and broke the silence: "The turtle shell I conjured also has a willow pattern on it. Do you think this will deduct points?"

"I don't know. Isn't it obvious?" Lavender looked at Hermione who was absent-minded and asked casually, "Hermione, how did you do in the exam?"

Hermione sighed in frustration: "The turtle I conjured looks like a turtle. Professor McGonagall probably won't give me any satisfaction -"

Loren blocked her mouth with a piece of lamb meat in time: "Stop talking, eat well, I have to prepare for the afternoon exam later."

Hermione glared at him and swallowed the lamb in her mouth.

The little wizards around him fell silent again for a long time.

The exam in the afternoon was Charms. Professor Flitwick focused on the Happy Charm. He divided the students into pairs and asked each other to cast the Happy Charm. Professor Flitwick scored based on each other's performance. Loren and Hermione were in a group, Harry and Ron were in a group, Seamus and Dean were in a group...

During the formal exam, Professor Flitwick was reading names in the classroom, and the little wizards who were called pushed the door in and demonstrated the happy spell to each other in front of the professor.

Dean's expression was normal when he entered the classroom, but when he came out, it became very strange. The corners of his mouth sometimes rose and sometimes drooped, and his face was drooped, as if he was crying or laughing.

According to Seamus' explanation, he smiled because he was under a happy spell and cried because he was worried about his grades.

"Next group, Harry Potter and Ron Weasley!" Professor Flitwick's shrill voice came from the classroom.

Ron glanced at his partner and warned with a serious expression: "Harry, remember we agreed that if one person fails to use the Happy Charm, the other person will pretend to smile happily!"

"Yeah!" Harry nodded heavily.

Loren watched the two of them disappear behind the classroom door. In his ears, Hermione recited the key points of the Happy Charm over and over again.

I don't know why, but I always feel like they are going to fall over.

A few minutes later, Harry helped Ron, who was laughing so hard that he was about to shed tears, to walk out of the classroom. Ron clutched his stomach and his shoulders kept twitching. He closed his mouth tightly, and the sound of the kettle boiling kept coming from the gap between his lips. : "Kukuuku..."

Loren asked, "What happened to Ron?"

Harry replied with some shame: "I was too nervous and used the Happy Charm too hard..."

Loren wanted to watch for a while longer, but Professor Flitwick's urging voice sounded:

"Next group! Hermione Granger and Loren Morgan!"

The next morning the test was on Care of Magical Creatures.

On the sunny field, Professor Hagrid spoke at the top of his lungs about the exam requirements:

"There is a large bucket of Flobber caterpillars here. Everyone will receive one later. If you want to pass the exam, you must ensure that the Flobber caterpillars are still alive after one hour!"

As he said, even if Fangya comes, he can pass the exam easily. The little wizards almost cheered. Flobber caterpillars can live for several months without any problem, so this is the easiest exam they have ever taken. take an exam.

After receiving their respective caterpillars and leaves, the little wizards carried the leaves and scattered around the venue, enjoying a rare moment of relaxation.

In the afternoon, the Potions exam went well except for Harry, who was watched by Professor Snape. I took the astronomy test in the middle of the night and the history of magic test on Wednesday morning...

The Herbology exam happened at the time of day when the sun was at its strongest, so many people got sunburned, and the young wizards came back from the greenhouse to the common room with uncomfortable itches on the backs of their necks.

Still, everyone looks forward to this time tomorrow, when it's all over.

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