Mo Xie understood that the strength of the Mo Family Guild was not the top large-scale guild among the professional guilds, and there were now professional league rules that allowed them to take the initiative to compete with the arrogant guild, which would probably not work.

But just like the little wolf of the Mo family said, it is too early now, and there is still a lot of time to think about a perfect plan.

And the current top priority is to improve the strength as soon as possible, and grab the hand before the arrogant guild takes the lead...

This is also the most appropriate method that Mo Xie can think of...

"Continue to level up, your pet is the most critical factor for us to deal with in the future, hurry up and raise it." Mo Jia Xiaolang reminded.

"Okay, start leveling." Mo Xie nodded. During the time they were discussing things, the corpse of the orc in the distance had long been refreshed, and the steady stream of experience points never stopped. His experience bar It is slowly rising a little bit, and it is now 7% of level 15 experience.

He just went online today, he wanted to know how many experience points he could get in a day in this team leveling mode?

Mo Xie looked at the iron tower-like figure in front of him. The steel angry ape had been standing there quietly, carrying its terrifying mace, as if waiting for his master's instructions at any time.

The operation method of the demon spirit pet is the same as that of ordinary pet players. As long as the players look at their pets, various command options will pop up in front of them.

But demon spirit pets have a brand new control method than ordinary pets, voice commands...

In other words, players can issue commands only by voice, and the demon spirit pet can understand the owner's meaning and perform various activities according to the commands.

This can be considered an advanced feature for advanced pets, anyway, Mo Xie is very satisfied.

Seeing such a tall pet in front of him, as if blocking him like a hill, gave him an inexplicable sense of oppression.

Mo Xie stood in front of it, like a child, looking very funny.

"You're so big, I'll call you a big guy from now on, can you understand?" Mo Xie asked, touching his forehead.

"Roar." The steel angry ape had been standing still, when he heard the owner's question, he actually let out a dull low roar, and his terrifying head also moved twice.

"I really understand... the big man listens to the order, stand here and don't move." Mo Xie said.

"Roar!" The steel angry ape roared again, and the surprised surrounding players concentrated their eyes.

I saw the huge guy standing there motionless, but the short body of its owner had already turned and dashed towards the mouth of the valley again.

Standing on the hillside, Little Wolf of the Mo family saw Mo Xie act again, and immediately notified the leader of the shield war ahead.


The shield wall cracked once again, and a burly orc rushed directly into the middle of the valley from the crowd and met Mo Xie head-on.


The black light flew in and hit the monster again, drawing its attention to Mo Xie, then he turned his head and rushed to the center of the clearing, leading the monster to the open area.

In the center of the clearing this time, the tall figure of the steel angry ape stood there, standing like a giant pillar.

Moxie suddenly felt his heart, with a smile on his face, leading the orcs to rush forward...

Quickly rushing to the front of the steel angry monkey, he turned around to attack, and rushed around the pet's huge size...

The half-orcs had blood-red eyes and held the giant hammer in hot pursuit. One person and one monster were spinning around the body of the steel angry ape, until Mo Xie's continuous black smoke ball hit the monster behind him The last trace of blood is all cleared...

With a puff, the sad monster failed to hit the enemy's hair until his death, and the corpse fell to the ground!

The black halo automatically flew towards the body of the steel angry ape, and a beam of light fell from the sky with a ding-dong, completely covering the behemoth...

After killing a monster again, it successfully reached level 7, but it was not as scary as it was a few consecutive levels.

It can be seen that the spiritual power of a half-orc is only enough for it to rise from level 0 to level 6, and the higher it goes, the less effect it has.

Now Moxie still has a lot of questions about the upgrade of monster spirit pets. The spiritual power value of these monsters is a fixed data for monster spirit pets, or is it the same as the players. The higher the level of monsters, the closer the level. The least effective?

These situations are unknown mysteries, and they are all the latest and strange settings, only through their own exploration can slowly understand.

Click on the pet attribute interface and follow the method of adding points in 311. He immediately added all the remaining points to the big man. Watching his health and defense increase again, he turned around contentedly and looked at the half-orc on the ground. Corpse.

His demon sage class now has no other attack methods available except for the ghost hand spirit chasing skills. Only by attaching to the monster corpse can he play the strongest advantage of this class.

With a flick of a short foot in his hand, Mo Xie's body suddenly turned into a cloud of black smoke, and the Devourer Soul skills were activated, and he quickly rushed into the monster corpse on the ground...


A black light flashed, and the fallen corpse stood up. Mo Xie successfully controlled the corpse, which immediately caused the surrounding players to exclaim.

"I'm going, he is a demon wise man?"

"You are also a demon wise man, and depending on how good people are, you can get a demon spirit pet so soon."

"Stop talking and see how Mo Da fights with Devourer Soul."

Among the onlookers, many of the players chose the demon sage profession. Now they all want to know how others operate this strange combat profession...

The half-orc corpse controlled by Moxie, except that the blood-red eyes became the black eyes of the players, there is no other difference, because the player will not be displayed on the monster corpse in the state of Devourer Soul. Their level and guild information can only be a white Mo sad name, very inconspicuous.

This is also the key link for him to successfully escape the arrogant guild siege by attaching to the corpse of the wild monster.

Moving his legs, Mo Xie felt very awkward to walk, especially the heavy hammer in his hands appeared to be heavier, which greatly restricted his movement.

This is the first time he has manipulated this type of monster, and he has to become familiar with the fighting methods of the Orcs as soon as possible.

In striding forward, every time his footsteps land, there will be a loud vibration, and it will attract countless players to stare at his actions.

Mo Xie tried to swing the giant hammer with both hands, but sadly discovered that the half-orc's attack speed was so slow that it was unbearable. It took more than a second to swing a hammer out and then retract it.

I'm going, how do you deal with monsters?

Mo Xie was speechless, but his opponents were also half-orcs, and their attack speed was only slow.

Stepping and swinging the heavy hammer, he seized the time to adapt to the operation method of this new body, and gradually approached the side of the valley.

The leader of the shield warfare who was notified issued an order again, and the two sides of the shield wall moved, and another half-orc was put in...

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