The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 192: Peculiar fighting skills

The two tower-like bodies faced each other, and the monster seemed to be taken aback, and wanted to turn his head to attack the surrounding players.

This guy actually ignores himself?

Mo Xie took a big step and rushed straight towards the opponent under the gaze of the large group of players. After a step or two, he quickly approached the monster.

Seeing this half-orc had lifted the heavy hammer, he was about to smash it down towards the crowd of onlookers on the left. However, the two sides of the valley were overcrowded. Seeing the monsters were about to act fiercely, these players had nowhere to go. Prepare to resist its attack.

At the same time, a large group of melee professionals have raised their weapons, preparing to besiege this monster.

But Mo Xie didn't want to waste time waiting for the next monster to appear. As soon as he rushed to its side, he found that it took too long to attack the opponent with his weapon. He could only find a way to bring back his hatred as soon as possible.

He didn't hesitate to slam into the sideways, and the weapon was too late to attack, so he could only use this burly body as a weapon.


Damage -31!

Repulsion is achieved!

A dull voice sounded, Mo Xie rushed sideways, his shoulder slammed into the orc's chest, suddenly knocked the opponent back a few steps, and caused a lot of damage to the opponent...

It turns out that the half-orcs wear an iron armor shoulder guard on their shoulders, and there is also a raised spike on the shoulder guard. Just now, the impact just inserted the spike into the half-orc’s chest, causing damage, but also Comes with a knockback effect!

Mo Xie was extremely excited when he succeeded in an attack.

He has long known that the system has a peculiar attack method for each type of monster setting. He has understood a lot, and now he understands the attack mode of half-orcs...

The heavy hammer is too heavy and the attack speed is extremely slow, but the burly and powerful body of the half-orc is another novel attack method.

Mo Xie looked at this body and was pleasantly surprised to find that in addition to the spiked armor on his shoulders, he was also wearing spiked armor on his elbows, knees and toes.

He immediately understood that if the weapon's attack speed is too slow and not powerful enough, he can also use various parts of his body to attack. With the powerful power of the half-orc, plus the spiked armor on various parts of the body, he can launch faster. offensive.


Just as Mo Xie was thinking about things, the orc who was hit by him rushed forward in anger, holding heavy hammers high in both hands, and slamming down on his head!

However, the monster swinging the heavy hammer was extremely slow, and Mo Xie smiled coldly, manipulating his cumbersome feet to face the monster...

Two iron tower-like figures quickly approached face to face. Seeing that the other's heavy hammer had been raised above his head, the moment the howling wind began to sound, he also accelerated and rushed forward, dragging the heavy hammer with both hands and did not start any movement.

Because he knew that the opponent had already wielded the weapon first, no matter how he fought back, he couldn't keep up with the opponent's attack speed.

Mo Xie speeded up his forward pace, taking advantage of the moment when the monster lifted the hammer with both hands before it fell, suddenly raised his right foot, his knee slammed upward...


Hurt -39!

Bleeding damage achieved!



The muffled sound sounded again, his knees were first to press against the opponent's waist and abdomen, and the sharp iron thorns plunged directly into the monster's body!

Immediately afterwards, the burly bodies of the two sides slammed into each other, and the closest face-to-face relief came...

The blood-red eyes and Mo Xie's eyes were facing each other. In less than half a second, the counter shock came oncoming, and the two burly figures moved back three steps after they collided...

Looking at the head of the monster on the opposite side, the blood bar dropped again, followed by a series of bleeding damage numbers that jumped out continuously, and it disappeared after a full three seconds.

There is such a hidden effect?

Now not only was Mo Xie very surprised, but the large group of players watching the game were also stunned by Mo Xie's two attacks just now...

"I'm going, I'm a master, I can actually trigger the hidden combat effects of the system!"

"Isn't it, the first attack caused a knockback effect, and the second attack was bleeding damage, and he hasn't used a weapon to attack."

"It's so awesome, no wonder Wolf and the bosses value him so much, they are super masters!"

A group of Mohist guild players watched with excitement. They didn't know that the battle scene just now was just an effect that Mo Xie happened to try. It was just because the half-orcs' weapons were too heavy, he didn't like to use them.

"Brother Xiao Mo is very smart. Please remember that you will also try to experience this game more carefully in the future. Don't use the previous game experience. It will only deceive us by the system." Mo Jia Xiaolang stood on the hillside, watching After the two lightning-like attacks just now, there was a flash of light in his eyes, as if he understood a little bit.

"I see, boss." The commander replied in unison.

From Moxie, they can see clearly that it is not any previous game to be continued. Although the general framework of the game is very similar, in the bones, this is no longer the common settings of traditional games...

Especially the combat system. This virtual world is closer to reality. The diversified attack mode determines that professional skills are only an aid in combat. The most important thing is that players have more combat skills.

Looking at the clearing in the valley, the two sturdy orcs were entangled again, all the players hurriedly watched carefully...

After the two attacks, Mo Xie gradually understood the attack mode of the half-orc's body. The spiked armor distributed on the body was not a decorative item of the system, but a special setting that triggered each attack effect.

A quick charge strikes the opponent with a shoulder stab, which can cause damage to the opponent and trigger a knockback effect.

Use the spikes on your knees to hit your opponent, and when it may cause damage to the opponent, the bleeding effect is added for three seconds.

So, are there more surprises when the spikes on your elbows and toes hit your opponent?

Mo Xie is a guy who likes to study. Since he has guesses in his heart, he will not be satisfied if he doesn't try it carefully.

The half-orc in front began to rush forward again, swinging the heavy hammer with both hands horizontally, trying to knock him into the air.

But this time, when Mo Xie strode closer to the opponent, both hands began to swing the sledgehammer, directly facing the opponent's heavy hammer...


When the two sledgehammers met in the air, they immediately made a deafening explosion, mixed with countless sparks.

Mo Xie only felt his hands numb, and his body went straight back as if struck by lightning, and it took three or four steps to stabilize before standing.

The same was true for the other party. When he stood firm, the monster was still staggering backwards, trying to stabilize his body.

He wouldn't give the monster any more chances, immediately took a big step and rushed forward, rushing to the half-orc, and twisting his waist, just to avoid the hasty hammer return after the opponent stabilized.

This twist and turn, not only avoided the heavy hammer attack, but also his elbow quickly hit the opponent's back, and the spikes correctly plunged into the back of the orc!


The half-orc hit by the attack immediately uttered a mournful cry. At the moment when the red damage number above his head appeared, a glyph strange status icon appeared at the same time...

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