Although the contract with UB has almost been completed before, the price given by Arnold on behalf of Activision is really tempting.

Without further entanglement, Ye Jiayi chose Activision Blizzard instead.

The specific treaty in the contract requires further negotiation. For example, where will the payment method of agency money, the test of the finished game, and the announcement of over 100 million be used...

However, relatively speaking, these things are not that important. Both parties have reached agreement on the most important matters, and even if there are differences on these minor conditions, it is easy to resolve.

Ye Jiayi will continue to stay in Los Angeles and negotiate with Activision. He will not leave and return to China until the contract is signed.


Fan Qing and Li Rong were an old couple. After dinner, they sat on the sofa and prepared to watch TV for a while to sleep.

The two of them slept quite early at night. They would not have a rich nightlife like young people. They might have to go to bed at about ten o'clock after watching the prime-time TV series.

There was a news broadcast on TV, but in fact the attention of the two of them was not on this. Instead, they chatted casually with some parents, waiting for the news broadcast to end.

"Lao Fan, tomorrow Aji's son will get married. I heard that they are planning to give away 600. Isn't this too much?"

Li Rong was talking while playing with her mobile phone.

"People give you 600, and we give you 600. You don't miss that little money. Didn't Xiaozhe transfer you a lot of money this year?"

"That's too bad! When Xiaozhe and Jiayi got married, Aji's family only gave 300! This year, I will pay 600 for the gift?"

Li Rong mumbled unwillingly, but found that her husband hadn't spoken anymore.

"Lao Fan? Lao Fan?"

Turning her head, she found that her husband's eyes were staring at the TV in a daze, turning a deaf ear to what she said.

Li Rong was very upset. She turned her head, but she was also stunned.

This one on TV... isn't it your own son?

"A few days ago, my country's self-produced and developed game, "Taiwu Picture Scroll 2", at the E3 press conference, has won the attention of all parties with its excellent work quality..."

When the news announcer read out the news, the picture on the TV showed Fan Zhe holding the microphone while talking at the E3 pre-show conference.

"Xiaozhe...on TV?"

"Or news network?"

The old two are a little bit shocked, this... my son didn't tell me?

Li Rong was amazed, picked up the phone, adjusted it to the shooting mode, and was about to take this photo.

As a result, when she hurriedly set up her phone, the broadcaster on the TV had already begun to read the next news.

Li Rong, who didn't take pictures of her son on TV, was very unhappy. She slapped her husband fiercely and said, "Why didn't you call me earlier! I didn't take pictures!"

"Hiss!" Taking a breath, Fan Qing said while rubbing his arm, "What are you doing so hard?"

"Who told you not to remind me earlier? I didn't catch Xiaozhe on TV!"

"Didn't you listen to the news just now? There will be an interview with Xiaozhe later, can't you just film it later?"

"Huh? Really?" Li Rong just looked at her son and didn't pay attention to what the news said.

"Why did I lie to you?"

The old couple waited patiently. As expected, after a while, an interview began. The young man sitting on the sofa was Fan Zhe!

After taking the photo happily, Li Rong sent a circle of friends happily.

"My son is on TV for the first time, so handsome!"

There are nine pictures below, all of which were taken by Fan Zhe with her mobile phone during the interview.

This interview actually didn't take long, and the total broadcast time was only about ten minutes.

In the past ten minutes, many relatives and friends in Li Rong's circle of friends have already liked and made comments.

She leaned on the sofa and replied cheerfully.

After a while, she said, "Would you like to call my son?"

"Okay." Fan Qing had this intention.

A call was made and no one answered.

"This little Zhe doesn't know what he is doing."

Fan Qing complained.

"Maybe you are busy, let's call back."

Just after speaking, the phone rang, and it was Fan Zhe who called it back.

"Hello? Dad? What's the matter?"

It's the son's voice, but the background over there is very noisy.

"What are you doing? Why didn't you answer the phone just now?"

"I'm on the set, new project, just busy."

"Oh oh... your mother and I saw you on TV."

"That's pretty good, am I handsome?"

"Smelly beautiful." Fan Qing said to him happily.

"Hehe..." Fan Zhe said, "Someone called me over there, so I'll hang up first. I'm a little busy during this time. When the work is over, I will go back to see you with Jia Yi."

"No, no, I'll be fine with your mother, so please do your business, don't miss us, just come back during the Chinese New Year."

"I still want to bring you to Shenghai."

"Don't, we are quite comfortable in Xunyang."

"Shenghai is pretty good too, I'm still going to buy a new house...Huh? Wait a minute, I'll come right away..."

Apparently someone at Fan Zhe was calling him.

"Okay, go ahead and don't bother you."

When the phone was hung up, Fan Qing still had a smile on his face.

If the son is doing well, that's good.


Fan Zhe has been dizzy recently.

He went to Los Angeles, and after several days of traveling, the work of the crew of "Budo Master" was also delayed.

Although the two assistant directors led the crew to shoot some shots, without the chief director Fan Zhe, the shooting progress was still seriously behind.

So that after Fan Zhe came back to he had to be very busy in his work, in order to recover the lost progress.

At present, they have finished filming all the arena scenes. In addition, a lot of important campus scenes have been done, and there are still some other location scenes left, and they are also rushing to shoot.

With the crew fully winding up, it is expected that the filming will be completed as planned.

In such a busy situation, he really didn't have any thoughts to watch TV.

It's a little regretful that I can't appreciate my heroism.

After tossing with the crew in this way for a week, he received a call from Ye Jiayi.

"The negotiation is settled, 32 million agency money, 100 million announced budget, all in US dollars."

Although he was psychologically prepared, Fan Zhe was still very happy to hear such news.

"Thanks for your hard work, Jia Yi."

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