Regardless of whether it is a hit or not, make it first and then talk about it. What if you hit the big luck?

Looking at the students who were busy doing the questions, Gu Nian's eyes flashed with a smile. She likes the atmosphere, it makes her feel at ease, and getting along with her classmates makes her feel less lonely.

The next day was the physics test. The physics test paper had just been handed out. Gu Nian swept the entire paper, and immediately put his heart in his stomach. This wave, steady!

He Yue is in a very bad mood now. Before the exam, all she was thinking about was Gu Nian overturning the car. But after getting the test paper, He Yue was a little dumbfounded. No matter how bad her memory was, she knew that this was the question that Gu Nianye asked yesterday.

But the key is to get angry. She didn't listen to Gu Nian explaining the questioning process at all yesterday. If she didn't look at these questions, He Yue was numb. How could she be so lucky? So far, He Yue still attributes these to Gu Nian's luck.

This exam is definitely not going to work. He Yue was in tears while doing the questions. Yesterday, everyone listened to Gu Nian's lecture, and thought that everyone should do well in the physics subject.

At the end of the exam, compared to everyone's cheers, He Yue's face was very bad. She came over from the same table and said, "Gu Nian is really good. He even guessed the big questions in physics, and there are many small questions. I have never felt that the physics exam was so smooth."

He Yue glanced at the same table with dead eyes, and lay on the desk without saying a word, what do you want to say? It's a deep regret.

The final exam was just a small episode. After finishing all nine homework, Gu Nian was ready to go back. Originally, she used to take the bus by herself, but when she saw Gu Qingcheng and Zhang Yun waiting in front of the dormitory building, Gu Nian paused.

"Don't you have jobs? Isn't it bad to take time off like this?"

Jiang Chan sighed, Gu Nian, this little girl, basically said that she was unfeeling, but in fact her heart was the softest. As long as others are a little nicer to her, she can't wait for thousands of times in return.

Even if Gu Qingcheng and Zhang Yun had done so much damage to her before...

Zhang Yun: "It's okay, I've been transferred, and I won't be so busy with work in the future. Your dad has taken a half-day leave, and he has to go back to work in the afternoon after picking you up."

Gu Nian: "Don't come in the future, I'm not a child, I know the way back."

Gu Qingcheng said solemnly: "Picking you home is what we want to do, Gu Nian, I know we have done many things wrong, but we are working hard to correct, you..."

He wanted to say that you shouldn't be so eager to stay away from them and give them a chance to correct, but he couldn't say that.

Gu Nian finally raised his head and glanced at him: "Go back, what are you doing so sensational?"

Compared to their cautiousness now, Gu Nian felt uncomfortable. She is so old, and she doesn't need them to please herself so much. She only hoped that the way Gu Qingcheng and Zhang Yun spoke would change, not to belittle her again, and not to force other Gu Nian too much.

Gu Qingcheng was really busy. He came to pick Gu Nian home and asked for a leave of absence. After sending Gu Nian home, he went to the company. Before leaving, she did not forget to ask Zhang Yun to make up for Gu Nian more during the winter vacation.

The last time Gu Nian fainted during military training was still vivid in his mind, and he was really scared.

As soon as Gu Nian went back, he got into the bedroom, euphemistically calling it study. Zhang Yun opened her mouth, but finally fell silent. It is not easy for Gu Nian to be able to face them so calmly now, thinking that they are inseparable...

Jiang Chan: "I already knew that you would be soft-hearted towards them."

Gu Nian looked at Jiang Chan, only Jiang Chan knew her best in this world.

"You say that you are unfeeling, but you are nostalgic for them after all. On the one hand, you try to get rid of the shadows and hurts they bring, but on the other hand, you are greedy for their insignificant care."

Gu Nian was silent for a long time: "Yes, I admit that I am greedy for their care, because I have received too little. Many times I wonder if they love me or not, and since they love me, why do they treat me like that."

"When I fainted and woke up and saw them, I admitted that I was touched. But the touch was not enough to make me take the initiative to go to them. I was afraid that if I got close to them again, they would not be the same as before. ?"

Jiang Chan didn't try to persuade Gu Nian to take the initiative: "Then you should watch it first, long-term habits will not be corrected overnight. It is limited to next summer vacation. If they do change it, you will also give yourself a chance, don't keep yourself trapped all the time. In the past."

"If you win the gold medal, you will only spend eight months with them. When you go to college, they will be too far behind to hurt you. Of course, this is the worst outcome."

Looking at the thin line of kinship on Gu Nian's face, Jiang Chan sighed silently. Whether this kinship line, which is so thin that it is almost gone, can be stabilized depends on the actions of Gu Qingcheng and Zhang Yun.

Gu Nian: "You mean to let me observe more to see if they really change the way they treat me?"

Jiang Chan: "That's the truth, Gu Nian, you are very smart, but smart people are often stubborn. I don't want you to be troubled by the past all the time. I think you will have a good future and grow into a sunny, happy and confident girl."

Gu Nian's eyes suddenly turned red: "I will work hard, and now I am the only one who can trap me."

Zhang Yun herself is an accountant and is usually very busy with work. After Gu Nian broke out last time, she and Gu Qingcheng discussed for a long time and finally decided that she should change jobs.

Now Zhang Yun has switched to administrative work, so she has more time to take care of her family. Just like what Liu Hui said, if you don't save it at this time, the family will be completely scattered.

What did she and Gu Qingcheng work so hard for? Still not looking for a happy family? But if this leads to her daughter's incomprehension and then the cart before the horse is turned upside down.

After changing jobs, Zhang Yun did free up more time, although the salary was a lot less than before. But she has more time to get along with Gu Nian, and she is carefully exploring the mode of getting along with Gu Nian.

For example, Gu Nian said a few more words to her today, and for example, Gu Nian went out shopping with her today, etc. All of these were carefully recorded by Zhang Yun, and Gu Qingcheng came back in the evening to discuss it with the two of them.

The way they treat Gu Nian has changed a lot, and Gu Nian and their words have invisibly increased until the arrival of the Yan family.

Early in the morning, Zhang Yun was busy cleaning up. Gu Nian came out of the room: "What are you doing? So grand? Are there any distinguished guests?"

Zhang Yun: "Breakfast is warm in the pot. Your dad's former monitor is coming over. He went out to buy vegetables this early in the morning."

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