Gu Nian paused with his finger: "Old monitor?"

She remembered that Gu Qingcheng had only one monitor, Yan Lichao. But she remembered that she saw Yan Lichao in her last life when she graduated from college, and she had never seen him before.

She was twenty-three at that time, but now she is sixteen, seven years earlier. Is this the change that her rebirth brought about? Gu Nian's heart was a little flustered.

She was not ready to see Yan Lichao and his wife, and when she thought of the severe cold, Gu Nian's hand holding the porridge trembled.

Jiang Chan couldn't see it: "If you really don't want to see them, then let me deal with the Yan family?"

Gu Nian thought about it and shook his head: "I can't depend on you for everything, sister, I know you are for my own good. But I don't want to depend on anyone in my life, because you don't know when the person you once depended on left. , and in the end, only myself remain."

In a way, Jiang Chan agrees with Gu Nian's words, "From the moment you were born, you are an independent person. You should not depend on anyone. I think the best relationship is to trust without dependence. Whether it's a relationship with my parents or a future partner, I've always thought it was the ideal state."

"Trust but not depend?" Gu Nian pondered for a moment: "This state may be difficult to achieve, right? You know, society is always more harsh on women. Women should have their own careers and take care of their families, but right Men don't seem to have so many demands."

Jiang Chan: "Maybe, then you can work hard to strengthen yourself. You don't have to be with someone in your life. If you feel lonely, you can keep a dog and a cat to accompany you, at least they can respond to you."

Gu Nian's eyes blurred for a moment: "Yes, a wrong relationship brings too much pain to people. No matter how much you pay, you will not get a response. I don't want to experience such a day again."

"Nian Nian, what are you doing here? Breakfast should be cold." Zhang Yun entered the kitchen to wash the rag, and saw Gu Nian standing in front of the range hood, looking a little stunned.

"Oh, I'll eat it now." Gu Nian brought out the Xiao Long Bao and soy milk in the pot, and slowly sat down at the dining table. This time is the winter vacation time, Yan Lichao and his wife can't come alone, the severe cold will definitely come.

She has to adjust her emotions, turn her life over, and she can no longer be trapped in the past.

Jiang Chan: "I'm glad you have such an idea. For those who have hurt you before, don't give them a second chance to hurt you. If you should look forward, look forward, it will be better."

Gu Nian: "I know, I know that my life in this life is very different from the last one, and I will no longer be nostalgic for the past. Those are indeed not good memories."

She took a deep breath: "I will see you sooner or later, but this day is just ahead of schedule."

Jiang Chan: "They went downstairs."

Gu Nian squeezed the chopsticks in his hand tightly, and then ate casually: "Well, we'll be there, they are just friends of Gu Qingcheng."

Jiang Chan chuckled: "The severe cold is here too."

Gu Nian took a sip of soy milk to vent his anger: "Sister, if you are so provocative, I will lose me!"

Jiang Chan: "This is desensitization therapy. When I mentioned the severe cold and your mood was no longer fluctuating, you really let it go."

Gu Nian bit her lip: "I will definitely let him go! If a person chooses to commit suicide, then there will be no one or anything in this world worthy of her nostalgia. I did let go of him, it's just such a deep feeling, not so easy. It calmed down."

"Once someone mentions it, I still unconsciously think of all the things I've experienced."

Jiang Chan: "It's always harder for people who are very affectionate in this world, especially when you make the wrong payment. Next time, don't get into your emotions so quickly, and fall in love on the premise of loving yourself."

Gu Nian: "I'm still young, so I don't think about it at the moment. I just want to graduate early and break out of my career early. I once heard a saying that as long as I have money, my husband is still in kindergarten."

Jiang Chan smiled lightly, knowing that Gu Nian was changing the subject, so she didn't mention it much. Severe cold, a cold light flashed across Jiang Chan's eyes. If the severe cold dared to come up this time, she would have to teach him how to be a man.

Gu Nian: "Sister, I know that you protect me, but I have already planned it. I don't want to have anything to do with the Yan family in my life, no matter how good Yan Lichao and his wife are to me."

"It's enough to experience some injuries once. I'm not that stubborn and go back to the grass."

While the two were talking, Gu Nian's breakfast was also settled. She went into the kitchen with the dishes, boiled a pot of water, and waited for a while to make tea for the guests.

Yes, in Gu Nian's eyes, the Yan family are all guests, not close elders.

"Old squad leader, you haven't come to me for a long time after being discharged from the army for so many years."

"Isn't it? The last time I came here, I was thinking about the full moon. It's been more than ten years in a flash, and everyone is busy."

"I will stay here for a few more days this time, and I will definitely entertain you!"

Listening to the greetings at the entrance, Gu Nian took a breath and met her husband and in-laws in her previous life again. On the surface, she was not nervous, but she was still a little nervous.

Liu Hui: "Lao Gu is too polite to buy so many vegetables! There are only a few of us, and it's good to have a daily meal."

Zhang Yun put down the rag: "That's not good, you rarely come here once. If I perfunctory you with rough food, what will you do next time if you don't come?"

"Sit down, I'll make tea for you."

Hearing this sentence, Gu Nian came out with a tray. Zhang Yun took it over: "I'll just do these things, what should I do if I burn you?"

Gu Nian's face was stern and his tone was calm: "No, not a child."

Liu Hui heard Gu Qingcheng and Zhang Yun talk about Gu Nian's situation, but it was the first time she saw her. The last time she saw her was a I didn't expect her to be so beautiful now.

From the outside, she looks like a very polite little girl, how can Lao Gu be so rebellious as they say? Looking at the relationship between her and Zhang Yun, although they were not close, they did not deliberately distance themselves. Obviously, the relationship between them has eased a little during this time.

She took Gu Nian and sat down beside her: "Is it Nian Nian? I'm your Aunt Hui, this is your Uncle Yan, this is my son, just call you Brother Han."

Gu Nian glanced at Yan Han, then lightly looked away: "Brother Han."

Her fingernails clenched her palms hard. No matter how much psychological work she had done before, she really saw the severe cold again. She was already very emotional, and she had to spend a lot of effort to restrain herself.

Liu Hui patted Gu Nian's shoulder: "Niannian looks so beautiful now. I heard that you won the first national first prize in the mathematics and biology competitions this time. It's amazing!"

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