The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1537: I can make another guitar, and I finally got a long...

The three famous doctors of the Tang Dynasty were very excited because they found a new way to treat the disease in Xia San Lu.

The hearty laughter even reached the office of the Wang Yiling not far away.

Wang Yiling, who was sleeping on a fake day, muttered, turned over, and continued to meet Zhou Gong and his mother in person.

After receiving Zhang Jin's address, the doctor who heard him repeatedly thanked the two seniors, chatted for a while, and then left.

He had to go to the Wei Palace first, and communicate with the **** in charge to see when His Royal Highness Wei had time.

In Lu Guo Gong's mansion, the kitchen steward of Lu Guo Gong's mansion seldom appeared in the kitchen these days. He was ordered by the son.

Every day, squatting in the courtyard, holding on to his posts, the various flowers and plants that the servants of the mansion bought back in and around Chang'an City.

They distilled them out of essential oils slowly, filling them with dark glass bottles one after another.

He was heartbroken for San Gongzi to become the king of daily chemical products in Chang'an City of Tang Dynasty in the future.


As soon as the meeting was over, Li Shimin returned to the Temple of Ganlu, and saw the lady who was already packed and ready to go and Xiao Sizi.

"Xiao Sizi has seen Daddy... Daddy, are you tired?"

Xiao Sizi, who was happily held in Li Shimin's arms, giggled, but did not forget to care about his father who loved him.

Li Shimin held his head and arched the girl lightly, his face full of enthusiasm and joy.

"Ha... Dad won't feel tired as long as he sees Xiao Sizi."

"Okay, Xiao Sizi, come to hold me, let Daddy change clothes, let's go and give Grandpa a surprise together, okay?"

"Okay! Daddy, hurry up and get dressed. We are going to see Grandpa. If Grandpa sees me all of a sudden, he will definitely be very happy.

By the way, mother...Is Brother Cheng San in Lishan? "

"Yeah, your third brother Cheng is in Lishan." Empress Changsun heard this question and couldn't help laughing helplessly as she looked at the girlish black eyes turning around.

"Great, then I can ask Brother Cheng to have something delicious again..."

Li Mingda slapped him with a slap in the face, and looked at the grandson Queen and Li Shimin looking at each other with bitter smiles.


"How, how do you feel today, but what's uncomfortable?"

Cheng Chubi came to Master Deng's room again, nodded slightly towards the compliment who quickly got up and saluted him respectfully, and smiled at Master Deng.

"Thank you Cheng Taichang, the lower official feels better, but the wound is slightly painful, and it doesn't matter."

Master Deng Yue smiled gratefully at Cheng Chubi, and subconsciously glanced at the location of the knife edge.

"Compared with the pain of gallstones before, these pains are really nothing."

Cheng Chubi nodded slightly. "That's true. Okay, Master Deng, don't talk, I'll check again for you."

Stones are really terrible when it hurts. It's not clear if Cheng Chubi is the person who has been suffering from the pain, but he saw the fat and strong man who was so pained to death.

After giving Master Deng a careful check, and checking the position of the cutting edge, Cheng Chubi nodded in satisfaction.

On the side, the gratifying look was very careful and serious, as if trying to keep in mind every movement Cheng Chubi did.

Cheng Chubi, who saw Master Deng's postoperative condition in good condition, couldn't help happily seeing this. "Why, look at you, is it also interested in studying medicine?"

Only when he asked this, he nodded vigorously after seeing the gratification slightly.

"Yeah! The villain wants to learn medicine, save lives like Cheng Taichang, but can the villain learn?"

Oh, this kid, he's good at playing snakes and sticks.

Cheng Chubi looked at this hopeful, but looked a little timidly at his satisfaction.

Master Deng Lei over there was not annoyed when he saw Cheng Taichang's expression, he was a little relieved, and he took a look at what he felt like, and his heart moved.

"If so... if Cheng Taichang is missing a child by his side."

"I don't need someone to wait." Cheng Chubi glanced at Master Deng Lei unhappily. Lao Tzu is a serious person.

When you go to the toilet, you can use your ass, squat in the tub and wipe your back. You will never fake your hands with others, let alone a man.

Musician Deng heard the displeasure in Cheng Chubi's tone and hurriedly apologized again and again.

"Yes, yes, the officials have made a mistake... Alas, it's a pity, this kid doesn't have this blessing."

Some sighing, some lovingly looked at that look suddenly and somewhat sadly satisfied.

Cheng Chubi smashed his mouth, thinking that when he had the operation yesterday, he could feel that when he first operated the knife, his satisfaction was indeed feared.

But afterwards, he stood there stubbornly, and with this courage and courage alone, he was better than many adults.

Moreover, with a keen mind, if you study medicine with yourself, to be honest, it should be easier to learn than a rough master.

There is another important reason. Instead of allowing him to stay in the Tai Le Department, it might be because he follows another unchanging trajectory in historical time and space.

The fateful encounter with Li Chengqian,, Cheng Chubi slowly shook his head.

As a masculine, passionate man with a very positive sexual orientation, as Li Chengqian's spiritual mentor, psychotherapist and physical therapist.

Cheng Chubi felt that he had the responsibility and necessary to reverse the fate of these two men, so that the historic meeting between the two men was no longer full of satisfaction.

In history, Chengxin shouldn't have met himself, but now, he has become the big hand that controls his destiny.

"Are you willing to let him go to study medicine?" Just when Master Deng had already bowed his head sadly, Cheng Taichang's loud voice suddenly came from his ears.

It also made Xinxin, who was standing on the edge of the couch, as if his body was full of electricity, and looked at this Cheng Taichang in disbelief, and then looked at Master Deng with a little timidity.

"Cheng Taichang..." Master Deng Yue looked at Cheng Chubi, took a deep breath, and nodded vigorously. "Xiaguan very much hopes that Xinxin can live better than now."

"If he can get Cheng Taichang's blue Cheng Taichang teaches the art of medicine, it will be cheaper in the future if the official is no longer there, he can also support himself..."

"Master..." His eyes blushed with satisfaction, and he knelt down in front of the couch, biting his lips firmly.

Cheng Chubi sighed lightly, stood up, and beckoned towards the heart

"Then Le Master Deng, please lie down and take a good rest. Cheng Fa, you are here to look at Master Deng, and you are satisfied. Come out with me."

Cheng Chubi led the heart with satisfaction, and walked out of Master Deng's room for more than ten steps before stopping under a pine and cypress.

"Why do you want to study medicine?"

Seeing Cheng Chubi standing still with satisfaction, he gritted his teeth and bowed to the ground again.

"The villain hopes that the master will be ill in the future, and the villain can heal him. It won't be like these few days, the villain can only look at the master so painful that the villain can do nothing."

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