The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1538: What do you mean by the complex in Suzaku Avenue?

Li Yuan happily, while sipping the wolfberry and chrysanthemum tea, which can clear the liver and improve the eyesight, while talking in detail about the bizarre experience of last night.

Li Gancheng couldn't laugh or cry, he was amazed, and had to admit that Brother Chubi was really energetic.

After a long day of tiring, I came over, and there was still energy to take a bath. The important thing is that Grandpa Huang was also so active, bathing with Brother Chu Bi in the middle of the night.

And he would even take a bath, well, anyone should know how to do it, but look at the grandfather's joyous expression.

It's as if Brother Chu Bi's ability to take a bath is very unusual. Li Chengqian thought for a long time, but he couldn't understand what was so unusual.

If you take a bath yourself, there will be eunuchs rubbing yourself, and you don’t think there is any problem.

"Why, don't you believe what Grandpa said?" Seeing the suspicious appearance of his good-looking grandson Li Chengqian, Li Yuan laughed and said in a low voice after thinking about it.

"Well, after the night falls today, go to Grandpa to have a hot spring.

Just let Cheng Saburo do it for you, soothe your muscles and bones, and you will have surgery the day after tomorrow. "

"Well, it's not so good..." Li Chengqian was a little bit embarrassed. After all, Brother Chu Bi is his own good brother, so he asked him to take a bath. Li Chengqian felt uncomfortable.

"What? You are good brothers. Let him help you. Wouldn't he be happy to wash you off for nothing? Tomorrow will be lying on the operating table."

"Don't forget. After the operation, you have many days without water."

It was the last sentence that touched Lee Chengqian, who loves to be more clean.

"By the way, when the kid comes over at night, he can get more drinks and food. Don't be so boring. It's boring."

"..." Li Chengqian looked at the emperor's grandfather with a black line on his face. God's snacks...

He felt that Grandpa Emperor fooled him into taking a bath in the past, just to give him a chance to get food and drink.

When Grandpa Huang left with a tune, Li Chengqian called Cheng Chubi.

Cheng Chubi, who had just been playing cards with two loyal servants, came to the front hall again and heard Li Chengqian talk about it.

Today, at the invitation of Grandpa Emperor, we all have to go there to take a bath, and Cheng Chubi's face went black.

"Couldn't your grandfather specifically confess to your Highness that you asked the minister to bring more wine and food or something?"

"Brother Chubi really knows the thoughts of my grandfather and admire him." Li Chengqian could only smile awkwardly and politely.

Cheng Chubi shook his head helplessly, and the old man who lacked martial ethics smashed his head, and this young man knew what he wanted to do.

But having said that, yesterday rubbing the emperor dragon grime is really a sense of accomplishment, and Cheng Chubi's eyes involuntarily fell on Li Chengqian's fine ribs figure.

I don't know how the washboard feels, do I feel like I am washing clothes instead of the washboard.

"Go and go. That's right, I just show you the secret skills of the Cheng Mansion to make you feel better.

When the time comes, I slap on the operating table innocently, and it's joyful to look at it. "

"..." Li Chengqian looked at the sneaky and weird brother Chu Bi with a black line on his face.

I always feel that this buddy is calculating something, in short, it is not the kind of good thing.


It was night, and the bright moon was shining high in the sky. The Supreme Emperor Li Yuan leaned against the soup spring with a beer belly, enjoying wine and dishes.

He heard the voice of Li Chengqian, his good grandson, sucking cold breath repeatedly. "It hurts..."

"His Royal Highness forbearance, the emperor was so heroic from beginning to end yesterday, and Weilie did not say a word." Cheng Chubi spit out unwillingly.

Li Yuan stared at the night sky blankly, always feeling that Ying Wu Weilie was not a good word.

In the end, Cheng Chubi put a little softer and went through the actual operation.

Cheng Chubi finally understood that people with fat and strong bodies do not have the same feeling of rubbing their backs with those with ribs.

At first, the two went down, and the shriveled ribs Jing Prince almost made him fly out, so he dragged his leg back to the terrified Prince Prince.

Only subordinate power can be used to rub it carefully, because Cheng Chubi feels that he really wants to rub the words of his Royal Highness Li Chengqian with great strength.

Tomorrow, I am afraid that Li Chengqian will treat not only his feet, but also the treatment of rib fractures.

The three old and young men squatted in the upper emperor soup and continued to soak. Li Chengqian touched his skin that was obviously thinner.

When I thought of the dragon grime that had just fallen like rain, um, that white and tender face couldn't help but become a little red.

"How about it, my dear grandson, did Grandpa fool you?" Seeing Li Chengqian's wandering expression, Li Yuan couldn't help laughing.

"Yeah, I didn't expect Brother Chu Bi to have such a hand. In the past, my grandson only felt that taking a bath was just comfortable for a while while staying in the tub."

"Unexpectedly, after rubbing his back, the whole person feels comfortable, as if the whole person is light and light."

Cheng Chubi took a sip of the essence of the wine happily, chewing the dried fish vaguely. "You're at best two or two, and even more skin will be stripped."

"You kid, can you shut up, the fish dregs are almost squirting in the water." Li Yuan glared at the **** unhappily.

The main reason is that this guy's next sentence will say the more shameful question of how much lighter he was yesterday.


The next day, on the day of rest, Li Shimin started to wash himself early. Today he used fennel-scented soap and moisturizing cream.

In the past, Li Shimin was unwilling to use these things. He always felt too damn, but he had the smell of fennel.

I feel that this kind of smell is in line with my temperament, especially after using this moisturizing cream, the whole face is very cool, and it is also moisturizing.

It's as if the crow's feet on the corners of the eyes on the face are missing, this is what Guanyin maid told herself.

Of course, if you’re tired from reviewing the memorabilia at night, apply a mint moisturizer to refresh your mind and the effect is almost immediate.

When he was about to clean up, he heard rapid footsteps. As soon as Li Shimin turned his head, he saw Empress Changsun walking hurriedly.

Seeing his haggard wife, Li Shimin greeted her with distress.

"Kuanyin You didn't rest well last night, why don't you get more sleep?"

Empress Changsun smiled reluctantly, stretched her hand into her arms, and took out the peace talisman she had specifically sought for.

"The concubine body almost forgot a major event. This is the safety talisman that the concubine body gave to Cheng Qianqiu, and the husband is pleased to you..."

Looking at the maidservant Guanyin in his arms, Li Shimin smiled reluctantly, tightened her slender waist, and gently stroked the green silk on her cheek.

"Don't worry, if there is a good husband, there will be nothing wrong. The lady must not forget that I am the emperor, and Cheng Saburo is my lucky general.

Cheng Saburo saved the lives of you and your father, as well as the lives of Xiao Si, um, and the lives of a childish slave...

If you believe him for your husband, you will definitely be able to relieve Cheng Qian's leg troubles. "

"Husband, my concubine only believes in you..." Empress Changsun buried her head deeply in Li Shimin's arms and whispered dullly.

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