The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 578: The ship encounters a headwind again

The letter was brought from Chang'an City.

I'm talking about recent events in various southern states.

Large-scale locust plagues occurred in Chenzhou and Qianzhou.

The rice that was supposed to be harvested in half a month was eaten up by locusts in just a few days.

The local governor, county magistrate and other officials were afraid of being held accountable, so they concealed the incident and tried to suppress the matter. .??.

I don't want things to get too big.

The locust plague turned into a civil uprising.

The enraged people killed the local magistrate, and the matter caused a great uproar.

Didn't I tell Old Li Tou how to prevent the locust plague before? Zhao Chen frowned slightly after reading the letter.

He remembered that he had told Li Shimin how to prevent the locust plague.

There must be several methods for this.

Why was there a large-scale locust plague?

People from the two states gathered in the mountains and forests and killed all the local county magistrates?

The orders from above are not perfectly executed below. The locust plague occurred in Chen and Qianzhou this time. It is probably because the local officials violated it and did not follow the method you said.

The local people may not have paid much attention to it before.

That's why such a thing happened! Wei Zheng and Zhao Chen explained.

That's not what Zhao Chen cares about.

He was thinking that once the locust plague takes shape, it will not be so easy to deal with.

At the wrong time, not only would there be big problems in the two states of Chen and Qian, but once the locusts moved northward, other states in the Tang Dynasty would surely suffer as well.

Even here...

What's going on in Chang'an? Zhao Chen asked.

Your Majesty was very angry. He ordered half of the officials from the two states to be captured on the spot. Now he is losing his temper in the Taiji Hall. Wei Zheng sighed and said.

Li Shimin was confused today.

Originally, everything was going smoothly in the past two months, and soon the summer harvest would begin in various places.

When the time comes, the food of the Tang Dynasty will be

The treasury will definitely be filled with food.

Because the seeds sown in several states around Chang'an are the rice seeds that produce three thousand kilograms per acre in Wannian County.

News has come from various places that the rice is growing very well and is much better than the rice they planted before.

Li Shimin was so happy at that time.

I thought that the decline of the Tang Dynasty would completely change within this year.

But who would have thought...

Four months ago, I made repeated orders here to be careful about this year's locust plague, and I gave them many ideas.


In the two states, all the food was eaten by locusts in seven days.

I wish I could behead all the officials in the two states now. Li Shimin stood on the high platform, his eyes full of anger.

He had almost arranged everything. Zhao Chen told him twice about the locust plague.

Li Shimin himself asked twice for a solution.

In the Taiji Hall, he explained everything to the officials one by one.

But what?

What did they do?

The land of the two states is allowed to be ravaged by locust plagues.

The people of the two states rose up in rebellion.

In the tenth year of Zhenguan, Li Shimin was stabbed hard in his heart.

How can officials dare to speak now?

The current emperor is like a tiger who wants to choose people to devour.

An official who just talked nonsense had his legs broken and thrown out by the emperor.

Everyone knew the emperor's anger.

After being reminded several times, I still made a mistake in the end.

No... it wasn't a mistake, it was the fact that officials from the two states didn't make any preparations in advance.

Just let the locust plague ravage the two states.

Although other prefectures and counties that followed the imperial court's arrangements also had locust plagues, they did not have much impact.

How could the emperor not be angry when comparing the two?

Not beheading all the officials in Chen and Qian prefectures is already considered a mercy of the emperor!

Your Majesty, the top priority is to resolve the civil unrest in Chen and Qianzhou.

The most important thing is disaster relief food. If this matter cannot be resolved, I am afraid this matter will be delayed for a long time. Fang Xuanling stood up and said to Li Shimin.

Things have happened.

No matter how much you complain or deal with it afterwards, it won't be of much use.

The top priority is to appease the people of the two states.

Otherwise, if someone is taking advantage of it, it might cause a big mess.

The Ministry of Household Affairs, how much money can be allocated for disaster relief? Li Shimin looked at Liu Zhenghui, the Minister of Household Affairs.

Liu Zhenghui looked troubled, clasped his fingers, stretched out two fingers, and said, Your Majesty, the Ministry of Revenue can only come up with 200,000 guan now.

Two hundred thousand guan? Li Shimin's face darkened.

In the land of two states, millions of people and a mere 200,000 yuan, what can they do?

What about grain? How is the situation in the grain depots in various places? Li Shimin asked again

If there is enough food, less money will not be a big problem.

The top priority now is to solve the food problem of the disaster-stricken people.

Your Majesty, the grain stored in the grain depots in various places is not enough, because it is the summer harvest season soon, so the grain stored in the stores will be sold to merchants in various places at low prices. The remaining grain is less than one ten, which cannot solve the food ration problem of the people in the two states. Liu Zheng will look troubled.

During the summer harvest season every year, grain depots across the Tang Dynasty would begin selling old grain to grain merchants in various places.

Free up the grain storehouse and prepare to stockpile new grain.

But who knew that something like this would happen this year!

The food stored in the grain storages in various places is not enough to support the food problem of the people in the two states.

The summer grain has not been harvested yet. Once the summer grain is harvested and transported to Chen and Qianzhou, the people will have long since starved to death!

Li Shimin's face became even more ugly.

He thought of Zhao Chen's words, which is that when the house leaks, it rains all night, and when the boat is late, it encounters a strong wind.

Isn't that what he's doing now?

Then you should tell me, what else can you do? Li Shimin became completely furious.

He hadn't been like this for a long time.

Li Shimin knew that if the civil unrest in the two states was not handled well, all his years of efforts would be in vain.

This incident alone is enough for future generations to spray him half to death.

The officials fell silent again.

If they had a way, they would have proposed it long ago. Where would they be now?

Now, the top priority is to have enough food to appease the people affected by the disaster.

In this way, the civil unrest will cease.


Where are they going to find food now?

Your Majesty, you'd better eat something. It's been a day. No matter how difficult the situation is, you still have to take care of the dragon's body. Empress Changsun advised Li Shimin at the side of Ganquan Palace.

Li Shimin has been sitting here since he retired from the court, without moving.

The emperor did not touch his chopsticks even when the palace servants brought him food.

When Queen Changsun heard the news, she was also very worried.

So he made a dish with his own hands and sent it to the emperor.

Guanyin Maid, how can I still think about eating now?

There are millions of people in the two states, what will they eat in the next few days? Li Shimin shook his head and sighed heavily.

The frown in the corner of his eyes seemed to be a little deeper.

A strand of white hair actually appeared on the temples.

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