The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 579: The emperor went to dig potatoes.

Seeing the emperor's worried look, Empress Changsun felt uncomfortable.

But I don’t know how to persuade.

Your Majesty, eat something. Only when you are full can you think about how to solve this matter. Empress Changsun advised the emperor.

The emperor looked over and looked at the pink lumps in the jade bowl, which also contained something that seemed to be beef.

What kind of dish is this? Li Shimin asked casually.

He had never seen this kind of food. .??.

It's a little strange.

Zhao Chen sent this from Wannian County. It's called potatoes. This dish is called potato stewed beef. I also made it according to the cooking method sent by Zhao Chen. I don't know if it tastes good. ! Queen Changsun explained.

Zhao Chen had someone deliver these potatoes to her from Wannian County the day before yesterday.

Seeing such a strange thing for the first time, Queen Changsun also found it doubly magical.

Today it was also because the emperor had not eaten all day, so he took out some.

Hey, if that boy focuses his energy on business, I will feel a lot more relaxed. These things are just to satisfy my appetite.

It's of no use for business. Li Shimin sighed.

He is really at his wits end now.

If only someone could help him solve this problem...

Zhao Chen wrote before that the potato yield is huge, and he also invited me to come over and see the potato harvest.

According to the time, it should be noon tomorrow.

If Your Majesty is in a bad mood and has no clue for a while, why not go to Wannian County with my concubine tomorrow?

Ask Zhao Chen again, maybe he has any ideas! Empress Changsun advised the emperor.

With such a difficult problem, what idea can that kid have, unless he can give me food! Li Shimin sighed.

In Li Shimin's mind, Zhao Chen was capable and could even produce three thousand kilograms of rice per mu.

We will also be fully prepared to face the locust plague.


But now, the locust plague has occurred, what can Zhao Chen do?

Is it possible that he can still conjure that food for himself?

Well, Guanyin, your cooking skills are good. Li Shimin took a bite of potato stew and his whole face was filled with enjoyment.

By the way, you just mentioned that Zhao Chen said in the letter that the potato yield is huge.

How big is the output? Li Shimin took a few bites and seemed to realize what Queen Changsun had just said.

He didn't say this, but it should be good. Your Majesty and your concubine can take a look at it tomorrow, said Empress Changsun.

The locust plague was imminent, and the news about the civil uprisings in Chen and Qianzhou arrived at the palace like snowflakes.

But when Fang Xuanling sorted out the documents and sent them to Ganquan Hall, he did not see the emperor.

After asking, I found out that the emperor took the queen to Wannian County early in the morning.

I said I went to see the potato harvest in Wannian County.

Fang Xuanling once thought that the emperor was crazy.

How long has it been since then, and the emperor actually still has the heart to go out and play?

Go to Wannian County to watch potato digging?

Is this what an emperor should do now?

Prime Minister, is your Majesty in Ganquan Hall? Li Xiaogong walked over and met Fang Xuanling who was coming out.

No, I went to see someone digging potatoes! Fang Xuanling was very dissatisfied with the emperor's attitude, and his tone was not very good.

Digging potatoes? Li Xiaogong had never heard of this before.

But the same goes for him and Fang Xuanling.

I think the emperor is not sitting in the palace at this time, but he goes outside to watch people digging potatoes. Isn't this a joke?

Where did your Majesty go to see people digging potatoes? Li Xiaogong asked.

Wannian County, Zhao Chen! Fang Xuanling complained.

Absurd, simply ridiculous! Li Xiaogong looked ugly.

At this time, the emperor went to Zhao Chen to see what potatoes were being dug. If the emperor was not crazy, then they were crazy.

Prime Minister, you stay in Chang'an and take charge. I will go to Wannian County to invite His Majesty back. Li Xiaogong said coldly.

He held hands with Fang Xuanling, turned around and went back in the direction he came from.

Zhao Chen, how many potatoes have you planted?

It seems like a lot.

In the village, Zhao Chen and others had already arrived here in the morning.

Because there were a lot of potatoes planted, all the students from the academy came over, including Wei Zheng, Li Ruoshuang, and Wu Jue.

Two months ago, it was a piece of dirt. Now, at a glance, it is all green and yellow potato leaves.

There is no end in sight.

It's about a thousand acres, and it goes from here to the two villages below.

It's all potatoes along the way. Zhao Chen said with a smile.

Although they didn't finish planting them last time, the villagers later planted potatoes.

By the way, it was also planted in two other villages.

When the villagers were planting potatoes, they only said one sentence: This is the request of Brother Zhao from our village.

Villagers in other villages did not dare to object.

Who didn't know that there was a seventeen-year-old county prince in the village next to them.

Approximately how many potatoes can be produced? Wei Zheng asked again.

“One acre of land weighs about a thousand kilograms!”


As soon as Zhao Chen finished speaking, he heard the sound of someone falling into the water beside him.

Looking back, he saw Wei Zheng falling from the field ridge and one foot stuck in the ditch in the field next door.

One thousand kilograms? Wei Zheng stood in the water and looked at Zhao Chen helplessly.

What's a thousand kilograms? Li Ke came over with curiosity on his face.

He only heard about one thousand kilograms, but he didn't hear the other things clearly.

Zhao Chen, are you sure you are right? One acre of land can produce one thousand kilograms of potatoes? Wei Zheng suddenly ran out of the water with an excited face and stood in front of Zhao Chen, staring at Zhao Chen with his eyes. .

Ever since he received the news about the locust plague from Chang'an City yesterday, Wei Zheng couldn't sleep all night.

He knew how much impact the locust plague would have on the court at this moment.

The food in the granaries in various places at this moment is simply impossible to support the people through the next few months.

And the national treasury will not have that much money to spend on purchasing food.

I have no money, but I can't buy anything.

Without food, the civil unrest in Chen and Qianzhou would not be easy to resolve.

But where will they get this food?

Wei Zheng was also very anxious.

Otherwise, when he heard Zhao Chen say that the yield of potatoes could reach one thousand kilograms per mu, which means the yield per mu was two thousand kilograms, he wouldn't have stepped into the field.

The yield per mu is two thousand catties, and one thousand acres of land means two million catties.

Although it is still not enough to completely solve the problems of the victims in the two states, at least they have hope again.

Absolutely. Zhao Chen nodded.

He naturally understood what Wei Zheng meant.

Zhao Chen just didn't expect that there would still be mistakes in the prevention of locust plagues that he and Lao Li had explained several times for the first time.

Otherwise, he could grow some potatoes.

When the time comes, you can sell it to Lao Litou for a good price, right?

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