The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1077: Yue Zhengyang

Without any hesitation, Liang Yan opened the golden box in public, and saw that there was a thumb-sized jade lying inside, with colorful brilliance flowing on it, which looked exquisite and luxurious.

"Is this a customs clearance token?"

Liang Yan took out the jade and played with it for a while, and found that although there was plenty of spiritual energy in it, there was nothing special about it, as if it were an ordinary spiritual stone.

At this moment, there is also a prisoner with a superb cultivation level. It is not easy for him to investigate too much, so he can only put this jade in his sleeve first.

"Thank you, senior, for your accomplishment!" Liang Yan arched his hands very politely: "We are bothering seniors today. Now that the matter is over, the juniors will leave."

He was afraid that this person would have any other requirements. After all, he planned to secretly deliver medicine to the prisoner under the nose of Wushuang City. As a teammate, he was already in trouble.

It is impossible to betrayed, Liang Yan still can't do such a thing, but he doesn't want to stay here too much, so as not to have too much cause and effect with this matter, he just wants to leave here as soon as possible.

"Hey...Go, I've played enough today, I wish you three can get what you want in Wushuang City..."

The long-haired man still half-downed his head and couldn't see his face clearly, but his low voice echoed in the cave.

Liang Yan, Li Xiran, and Ji Lai, after listening to the second half of his sentence, their complexions changed slightly, and their eyes flickered. At this moment, it seemed that they were all seen through their minds.

But after the long-haired man finished speaking, he stopped speaking, and the cave fell into silence again.

When the three of them saw this, they didn't say much. They each looked at each other, then turned around at the same time, followed the passage when they entered, and walked out of the cave...........

After Banzhuxiang, Liang Yan and others left the cave and returned to the valley.

At this time, many cultivators had already come out of the cave. Those with strong strength, such as Situ Kuangsheng, Cang Yueming, Mu Hanxue, etc., had obviously been waiting for a long time, and there was a hint of impatient expression on their faces.

Think about it, the long-haired man they met in the cave is probably the most unpredictable among the thirty prisoners here. The assessment of other monks should be much easier than them.

When I chose the cave before, there were still many auras that were very weak. Perhaps the peak period of the prisoners in the cave was only in the early stage of the Profound Profound Realm. Now they have been chained to their cultivation bases, and they are naturally no match for these Golden Core Realm arrogances. .

There is no fairness in this matter. By observing the aura and keenly judging the strength of the opponent, I am afraid it is also one of the test objectives of this round of assessment.

At this moment, almost everyone in the field focused on the top monks like Situ Kuangsheng, Cang Yueming, and Mu Hanxue. Obviously, they were secretly inquiring about each other, trying to find the flaws in these people. Okay. Add a little chance of winning for subsequent assessments.

However, Liang Yan and others came out at the latest, and other candidates did not pay much attention to them. Occasionally, a few candidates swept their eyes, with a look of disdain in their eyes.

Only Yue Zhengyang’s eyes flashed with a faint color, and he looked back and forth over Liang Yan and the others. He seemed a little curious, but he didn’t ask questions either. He just nodded slightly to Liang Yan and the others, motioning them to return to the crowd. .

"Liang Daoyou, Ji Daoyou, seeing that you have all passed the assessment smoothly, Cang is relieved. After joining Wushuang City, everyone will be colleagues, and you can move around a lot in the future."

Among the crowd, Cang Yueming saw them at a glance. At this moment, she stepped forward and smiled at several people.

"Friend Cang Dao laughed. We were lucky to pass the previous assessment. There are still two rounds waiting for us. Now it is too early to say that it is too early to join Wushuang City." Ji Lai smiled and waved his hand.

"That's bad!"

Before Cang Yueming answered the call, a gentle voice rang next to him. Yu Feihong was walking with his hands folded, and he laughed: "You have a master like Daoyou Liang in your team. Why can't you not pass Wushuang City's assessment?"

As soon as he said this, Liang Yan, Ji Lai, and Li Xiran's expressions changed slightly, especially Liang Yan, who looked at the great monk warily, feeling very puzzled.

In the entire Wushuang City, only Jilai and Li Xiran can faintly guess his strength. Even Fang Liren and the unheard layman don’t know much about him. How come this great monk, who has never met, has always looked at himself differently since entering the examination room. Are you always looking for opportunities to talk to yourself?

"Friend Daoist Yu joked. How can a monk in the mid-Golden core stage, who is in the middle of the golden core, be able to stand shoulder to shoulder with the great arrogances in Wushuang City's territory? Four rounds of selection." Liang Yan smiled and hit haha.

"Friend Liang Daoist don't have to humble himself." Cang Yueming smiled at this time: "At the top of Luoying Mountain that day, the enemy was few and we were few, but fellow Daoists were able to take action out of righteousness. Only this courage and chivalry is enough to win Cang's respect!"

In fact, Cang Yueming didn’t take Feihong’s words seriously. In his eyes, Liang Yan was not weak, but he was only at the level of Tong and Hao monks. He should be able to lead the team on his own. Assessment, it is a bit impractical.

It's just that he looks at people in addition to the realm of cultivation, but also pays more attention to the character and character, so he doesn't hesitate to praise Liang Yan.

"Hehe, Daoyou Liang is indeed too modest. The little monk believes that you are destined to my Buddha. After the assessment is over, why not come to the temple where the little monk has placed orders and study the Dharma together?" Yu Feihong said with a smile.

Liang Yan didn't expect that he would make such an invitation. After thinking about it, he said, "You may be disappointed. Liang is a layman. It is impossible for him to have a relationship with the Buddha, and he is still undergoing the assessment of Wushuang City. This matter should be discussed later."


Yu Feihong smiled and nodded, then put his hands together and uttered a Buddha's horn, then turned and left.

After he left, Cang Yueming looked at Liang Yan again, and solemnly said: "Daoyou Liang, in the subsequent assessment, if our two teams meet and are in an opposing situation, Cang can be guaranteed and will never be embarrassed. Everyone!"

"Brother Cang is interested, and we will not be embarrassed with Brother Cang's team in the subsequent assessment. I wish you all the best and successfully pass this assessment." Liang Yan also responded with a smile.

In his eyes, Cang Yueming would repay his kindness and chivalrous heart. He really deserves the title of "South China Sea Swordsman" and is worthy of his own friendship, but his personality is a little bit pedantic, and he may be able to do so at critical moments. bad thing.

Naturally, Cang Yueming didn't know what he thought of him. He was originally a Confucian chivalrous lineage. He walked straight and made many friends. At this time, he had regarded Liang Yan as his best friend.

The two chatted for a few words, and they understood each other a little better, and they also signed an alliance during the assessment. However, just as Cang Yueming was about to leave, a voice came from a short distance with a sneer. :

"Only the weak can form gangs. If they are really strong, why bother to work so hard, just relying on one person and one sword is enough!"

The voice was deep and deep, and everyone turned their heads to look. It was a middle-aged man with a thin face and a sword on his back. He stood holding his hand at this time, and there was no one else in his eyes, he just looked at Cang Yueming.

"Situ was born crazy?"

Cang Yueming frowned, and said indifferently, "What do you think you have in coming here?"

The person here is Situ Kuangsheng. This person has not teamed up with any cultivator from start to finish, but he can pass two levels with his flying sword. Obviously, his strength is extraordinary.

"Huh, Cang Yueming, you disappointed me too much! Sword cultivators, who are cultivating one sword per person, can't comprehend the true swordsmanship if you set foot in the world like you." Situ Kuangsheng shook his head, eyes With obvious disappointment.

Liang Yan looked sideways and found that this person's expression did not seem to be a disguise, and there was a hint of interest in his heart.

"Haha, I won’t bother with this matter! Cang is repairing the sword of the red dust, three or five friends, happy in the world, happy and enmity, and specializing in injustice! Unlike some people, the sword repair is completed. Sword idiot, even his own family doesn't want to see him. For hundreds of years, he is already a lonely family member!" Cang Yueming said sarcastically.

After listening to Situ Kuangsheng, there was no slightest irritation. His face was still as calm as water. He just squinted his eyes and said, "Well, since you and I have different kendo concepts, there is nothing to fight, just a sword fight, who You know who is right or wrong."

"Hehe, since Fellow Situ invited Daoist sincerely, Cang certainly has no reason to refuse. It's just that this is the examination room of Wushuang City. If you want to fight, we will wait for the end of the assessment before we choose another place." Yueming said calmly.

"Why choose another place? My trip to Wushuang City is not for selection and assessment. I just want to meet various heroes and try the sword in my hand!"

Situ Kuangsheng's eyes were fixed on Cang Yueming, and he continued: "But there is no one here that can be seen. After thinking about it, Cang Yueming is the only one who is reluctantly worthy of a fight with me. It's better to stay here. Win or lose!"

As soon as his voice fell, the flying sword around his waist buzzed in the scabbard, and a cold sword intent radiated, causing the faces of the people around him to change drastically.

Even Liang Yan was slightly startled, and he thought to himself: "Is this man a lunatic? This is the examination room of Wushuang City. In front of so many people, there is an Examiner from the Profound Realm next to him. There is no reason to say that you can do it with your hands?"

At the moment when the swords were drawn in the court, a majestic voice suddenly sounded:

"I don't care what is wrong with you, but whoever dares to make trouble in my examination room is to ignore my Yue Zhengyang. The old man said that he should not invite him to the Asura Palace to have a good talk."

The speaker was Yue Zhengyang, the examiner in charge of the second round of testing!

And everyone present heard the words "Sura Palace", their eyes trembled slightly, and some even stepped back subconsciously, pulling away from the examiner.

Situ Kuangsheng also squinted his eyes, and the flying sword that was originally agitated at his waist gradually calmed down at this time.

He looked at Cang Yueming, and then at Yue Zhengyang who was not far away, his face changed a little, and finally he gave a cold snort and turned back to his position.

The sword intent around the surroundings gradually dissipated, and everyone present sighed. These people originally held the mentality that watching the excitement is not too big, let alone the people present are competitors. If Situ Kuangsheng and Cang Yueming really Fighting, therefore violating the test rules, you can eliminate two rivals at the same time.

It’s just a pity that the situation did not develop as they hoped. Yue Zhengyang, a burly monk with a Chinese character face, calmed things down with just one sentence, even if he was so arrogant as Situ, he didn’t dare to make trouble in front of him. .

In other words, I dare not provoke Shura Palace!

Liang Yan also had a general understanding of this force in Wushuang City at this time. Although he had never been in contact with the Shura Palace, it was not difficult to see from the few words and the reactions of the people present that the Shura Palace was in charge of the criminal law. It is cruel.

Think about it, Wushuang City rules a domain. Although it is said to have a good reputation, it is impossible to be as bright and bright as the surface.

Over time, the monks in this domain respected the Shura Palace, and there was more or less a trace of fear in their hearts.

Then Yue Zhengyang waited until everyone was quiet, and then slowly said: "The second round of assessment is over here, and the teams that have not yet made it out of the cave ~ have been disqualified. As for you... ...Keep the tokens in your hands, and I will send you to the third round of the examination room now."

As soon as he finished speaking, he raised his hand to play a few magic tricks, and saw four auras flying out, sinking into the east, south, west, and north corners of the valley, and then the earth began to vibrate.


There was a loud noise after another, and countless white lines appeared on the green grassland on the soles of everyone's feet, and a huge circle enveloped everyone in it.

The next moment, white light flashed all around, and all the participating candidates disappeared..........

In the empty valley, only Yue Zhengyang was left. He looked up at the rock cave on the cliff, and suddenly jumped into the air and landed directly at the entrance of the fifth cave on the left.


At this time, Yue Zhengyang was uncharacteristically. He didn't have the slightest prestige of a prison officer. Instead, he respectfully saluted, and then said: "This is the matter, please return to the Shura Palace with me."


An angry scold came from the cave.

However, Yue Zhengyang was not half angry. He neither urged nor left, but stood in place with his hands behind him and waited quietly.

"Huh, your kid is a bit clever, knowing that this ‘Juling Lock’ is not for me, I’ll stay as long as I want to stay, and leave if I want to go!" The voice in the cave returned to calm, and it didn’t seem to be very angry.

"But senior won't leave." Yue Zhengyang smiled lightly.

The voice in the cave was silent for a long time, and suddenly sighed:

"Yes, I won't leave..."

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