The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1078: 3rd round of assessment

Liang Yan, Ji Lai, and Li Xiran successfully passed the second round of assessment. They traveled through the void through the teleportation circle, and it didn't take long for them to feel their feet stepped on the ground.

They settled down, and when the surrounding space gradually stabilized and the white light slowly receded, they looked around.

I saw a towering mountain in front of him. The top of the mountain was illusory and out of sight. The place where everyone was now was at the foot of this mountain.

"Is this the examination room for the third round of assessment? Why is there no examiner here?" Someone among the candidates whispered.

Liang Yan looked around for a while and found that of the more than one hundred candidates who participated in the assessment, only forty-three people were left. This shows that Wushuang City's selection and assessment are harsh.

"It shouldn't be, Wushuang City has never been absent from an examiner in the past years of assessments. Is there a mystery in this?"

Ji Lai also murmured a few words in a low voice. He had experienced the trap of the first round of assessment before, and his mind became very active. At this time, he had secretly released his spiritual knowledge, wanting to see what mystery was hidden in this examination room.

Many of the examinees present had the same thoughts as him, and they each displayed their magical powers to find out. For a while, no one spoke again, and the scene was very quiet for a while.


When there was no sound in the court, a drunken hiccup suddenly broke the silence.

The monks who participated in the assessment immediately reacted, turning their heads almost at the same time, and cast their gazes on a big tree on the side of the road ahead.

That big tree was seven or eight feet high, and it grew luxuriantly and verdantly. At this time, several branches were trembling. It was obvious that something was hidden in the dense leaves.

Suddenly, he heard "Puff!" A heavy object fell from the gap between the leaves and fell directly to the ground.

Everyone at the scene looked at them at the same time, but they were all dumbfounded.

What fell from the cracks in the leaves was actually a young girl with a cardamom age.

This girl looks pretty good, but with a silly smile on her face, she is lying halfway on the ground with her back against the tree trunk, her left hand is holding a red wine gourd that is larger than her upper body, and her right hand is holding it. There was a leg of a beast that didn't know what kind of beast.

The leg of the beast was obviously carefully roasted, the skin was golden and crispy, and the inside was white and tender and delicious. At this time, it was still exuding bursts of fat and meat.

The monks present are all the generations who have achieved golden cores and have passed the bigu period a long time ago, so naturally they would not have any interest in this kind of cuisine. But the silly girl was full of appetite. At this time, she stuffed the animal's leg halfway into her mouth. After chewing and swallowing, she poured a gourd of spirits into her mouth, and her cheeks showed redness. color.

"You...hiccup! That's...hiccup! Are you the candidates for this year?" The girl asked after drinking alcohol while belching.

Many of the candidates present frowned slightly at this time, but a strange color flashed across Liang Yan's face.

Because he had seen this girl before, when he and Song Ru rushed to Liangyue City, this woman came out to greet her. He still remembered that this woman was named Ye Qing, who had a very advanced cultivation level and had reached the late stage of the Tongxuan realm.

It's just that at this moment, Ye Qing's aura didn't show up at all, she looked like an ordinary person.

"We are naturally candidates for this year, who is your excellency?" a candidate wearing a Confucian robe said with an ugly expression.

"I... hiccup, I'm your examiner!" Ye Qing said dimly with drunken eyes.

"Joke, how could True Monarch Tongxuan of Wushuang City lose his stance during the exam? If you are an examiner, then I am still the palace owner of the five palaces of Wushuang City!" Laughed.

However, his laughter didn't last long. Everyone heard a "pop!", and then the man in Confucian robes flew out involuntarily, breaking through several towering trees on the side of the road before he barely stopped. Come down.

Looking again at this time, I found that there was a bright red palm print on the face of the man in the Confucian robe, as if he had been slapped on his face with a palm.


Many monks took a deep breath. You must know that although this man in Confucian robes is not supernatural, he still has the cultivation base of the later stage of the golden core, but now he has a slap on his face without knowing it. Yin, if you use a little bit of strength just now, is this person already dead?

You don't need to think about this matter to know who did it. At this moment, everyone looked at Ye Qing with a trace of awe.

This small female cultivator was standing swayingly from the ground at this time, pointed at the man in Confucian robes with the animal legs in her hand, and stammered: "Just..... .Just like you, also............and the lord of the five palaces? Hiccup............Don’t laugh so hard!"

After she said this, she in turn pointed at herself with the animal leg, still stuttering: "I...I am Ye Qing from the Linglong Palace, this time. ......... is the examiner of your third round of assessment, you............all of you must listen to me, have you heard?"

Although she was still drunk, but only with the hand just now, no one in the room dared to look down upon her anymore. Among them, a few cultivators who saw the opportunity quickly had already taken a step forward and saluted Ye Qing respectfully.

"Since Senior Ye is an examiner, how dare I be disrespectful? I was reckless before. Please forgive me, Senior!"

"Yeah, yeah, I have heard about the prestige of True Monarch Dali of Linglong Palace for a long time, and I see it today, and it is really well-deserved, it is admirable!"

Many people started to flatter, but in contrast to these people, Liang Yan stepped back without a trace, trying to hide behind the crowd as much as possible.

Although this Ye Qing looks silly, she has a keen sense of spiritual power. It can be said that she has a natural sense of smell. When we first met for the first time, she could see that there were four different types in Liang Yan's body. Spiritual power, even said that he was better than Song Ru.

Fortunately, none of the monks present at that time took the girl's words to heart, otherwise Liang Yan would be in an embarrassment.

Therefore, Liang Yan was quite jealous of her. He wanted to join Wushuang City. He didn't want to be exposed. When encountering such a keen monk, he naturally had to stay away.

Just when the crowd was a little confused, a cold voice suddenly said, "Senior, please tell me the rules of the third round of assessment. I'll wait for the assessment as soon as possible."

The speaker was a female cultivator wearing a red robe. Her cultivation level was in the late Jindan stage, and her appearance was ordinary, not good-looking, but not ugly.

But what is strange is that for such a plain-looking woman in red, it's okay if she doesn't open her mouth, as soon as she opens her mouth, many male repairmen present have turned their attention, even Liang Yan is no exception! He only felt that there was an inexplicable attraction on the woman's body, and there was infinite charm in every gesture.

Liang Yan was stunned for a moment, thinking that he had some magic illusion, and hurriedly ran the exercises in his body, but found that he was doing everything as usual.

"It's weird! This woman seems to be naturally charismatic, and her every move can attract a man's attention."

Liang Yan was curious, and looked at the two monks who were on the same team as the red-clothed woman, and found that they were both the cultivation base of the late Jindan. One of them is tall and thin, with prominent cheekbones, and a very cold face; the other has a big waist and a round face, with a look of cruelty in his eyes.

"Brother Ji, do you know the origins of these three people?" Liang Yan couldn't help but ask through voice transmission.

"This..." Ji Lai shook his head and said: "There are more than one hundred candidates participating in the assessment. Ji only investigated a few of the most famous ones, and it is impossible to inquire about each of them. This The three of them seem to be studying overseas. As for the specific origin, Ji does not know."

When the two people were communicating secretly, Ye Qing in front of the crowd spoke.


Ye Qing shook the big wine gourd in his hand and said with a smile: "I don't have that many rules here. Everyone fights a fight, which is harder than anyone's fist. Whoever is strong will pass my assessment!"

As soon as she said this, there was an uproar in the field. Each team was secretly separated by a certain distance, and everyone looked at other candidates with a hint of vigilance.

At this moment Ye Qing turned around again, pointed to the tall mountain behind him, and then said, "Did you see this mountain behind me? Each of your teams chooses a mountain path to go up. Which one will you encounter on the mountainside? I don't know the team, but as long as you bring the four Linglong Stones to the top of the mountain, you will be considered to have passed my round of assessment. As for this mountain top, it will be your next round of assessment."

"Linglong Stone?"

Most of the cultivators present had reacted at this moment. In the second round of assessment just conducted, isn't the token they got from the cave prisoners a colorful and exquisite spiritual stone?

"It turns out that what I got just now is Linglong Stone, this is the first time I have seen it!" Someone took out the Lingshi and secretly played with it.

"I heard that the Linglong Stone of Linglong Palace is a treasure in itself. Compared with the best spirit stone, this Linglong Stone can not only help people in their cultivation, but also has the effect of calming and dispelling distracting thoughts. Probability."

"It turns out that this stone still has such a magical effect! Today is an insight."


There was a lot of discussion among the monks in the field, but Liang Yan looked up at the high mountains in front of him. There were dozens of mountain roads starting from the foot of the mountain and winding up all the way, and halfway up the mountain, there was a large area of ​​thick fog, which obscured the gods of everyone. It is impossible to see the route of the clear mountain road at all.

However, looking at the twists and turns of these mountain roads, there must be many intersections halfway up the mountain, but which mountain roads will meet together, everyone can't see through.

"How about? My rules for this round of assessment are good, right?"

Ye Qing said with a smile: "Everyone depends on ability and chance! You choose a mountain trail, and no one knows who you will meet in the middle. In short, if you meet on a narrow road, the brave will win, and rely on your own supernatural powers to make a pass. Come on!"

As soon as she said this, the atmosphere in the court immediately became serious, and at this moment, someone suddenly laughed and said:

"Hahaha! This round of assessment is quite interesting, it suits my mind! Everyone present, if you are not afraid of death, you can come and touch me!"

The speaker was Situ Kuangsheng.

He didn't even look at the crowd. He only pressed the long sword at his waist with his hand, stepped out, chose a trail at the foot of the mountain, and walked forward without looking back.

With this person at the beginning, everyone else also reacted. At this time, they all scrambled to choose a mountain path and began to march towards the top of the mountain.

Liang Yan naturally saw the nuances. Although these mountain roads are intertwined and covered by heavy fog, no one knows who they will encounter, but if you go up early, you can get ahead at the intersection of the two mountain roads. Lay an ambush, wait for work with ease, and seize the opportunity.

"Let's go too."

Liang Yan said, Ji Lai and Li Xiran naturally did not have any objections. The three of them chose a mountain trail at will and began to climb up.

This mountain road is very wide, and it is not tortuous along the way. After Liang Yan and others walked for a while, they found that there were special restrictions on both sides of the mountain road.

Although these prohibitions do not have much power and can even be easily surpassed, the purpose of setting them here is self-evident. Obviously, they don't want them to leave the mountain road without authorization. Otherwise, even if they violate the rules, they will be deprived of their qualifications.

The three of them knew this well and didn't talk at this time, but just mentioned the fastest speed..............

The mountain peak hidden in the clouds looks calm, but in fact it has already been surging.

About the time of a stick of incense, three figures rushed over at a certain intersection halfway up the mountain.

The three of them have a gray robe one is dressed as a scholar, and the other is a woman in a Taoist robe, but they are Liang Yan, Ji Lai and Li Xiran all the way here.

The three of them came here, slowing down involuntarily, and stopped to look around.

I saw that there were three mountain roads converging from below at this intersection. There were large blood stains near the intersection, as well as traces of magic weapons and spells. Obviously, a fierce battle had taken place here.

"Unexpectedly, there will be three roads converging together. It seems that the other two sides are fighting first, and the winner has already been determined." Ji Lai said thoughtfully, looking at the traces on the court.

"Looking at these bloodstains and magical aftermaths, it should be some time before the end of the battle. I didn't expect that we were in such a hurry, and we were still much slower than others. Could it be that the mountain road we chose was more tortuous than others?" Li Xiran was a little confused. Opened the mouth.

"Most likely!"

Ji Lai nodded, checked the surrounding traces, and then said: "It seems that this battle is very fierce. The defeated side has crushed the token and was eliminated, and the defeated side seems to be It’s not good either. We should all have suffered serious injuries. So there is no plan to ambush us here. Instead, we leave this place quickly and take the time to recover our spiritual strength and injuries."

"In that case, do we want to catch up?" Li Xiran asked.

Jilai also had the same idea, both of them turned their eyes on Liang Yan, but saw Liang Yanzheng frowning, staring at a pool of blood on the side of the road.


Liang Yan suddenly let out a low voice, grabbed both his left and right hands at the same time, pulling the arms of the other two and flying back!

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