The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1214: Out of town


Liang Yan quickly understood and said, "Could it be that Your Highness suspects that your trusted subordinate was also secretly captured by the Second Prince?"

Xuanyuan Lingwei nodded and said: "Yes! Now, the second brother is the most suspect, but these evidences alone are not enough. The most crucial piece of evidence is missing, that is the Rakshasa Demon Bull!"

"The Rakshasa Demon Bull is born with a keen sense of smell for spiritual roots. If the second brother really uses purple bamboo to practice evil methods, then he will definitely have corresponding spiritual roots in his body. And purple bamboo and yew are twin spiritual roots, as long as Let the Rakshasa Demon Ox smell the spiritual roots of the yew beforehand, and then you can judge whether the second brother has the spiritual roots of the purple bamboo in his body!"

"I see."

After hearing this, Liang Yan showed a sudden look, and thought to himself: "No wonder she has to go to great lengths to find the Rakshasa Demon Bull, it turns out that it is not just to practice the exercises, but also because this is the key evidence to verify the crimes of the second prince! "

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but ask: "Since His Highness has successfully captured the Rakshasa Demon Bull, and the Second Prince has also come to Guangling City, why don't you go and verify it?"

"Because it takes a certain amount of time to tame the Rakshasa Demon Bull."

Xuanyuan Lingwei shook her head and smiled bitterly: "And the second brother seems to know something, this time I brought a lot of helpers to Guangling City, the Confucian **** general Ling Chongxiao, who we met in the secret realm before, was by his side, always I will not leave an inch. And my power is not in Guangling City, and now even the Princess Mansion is in danger, if I dare to attack, it will be extremely disadvantageous to me!"

"Confucian general?"

When Liang Yan heard the name, his eyes narrowed slightly, and a sharp edge flashed in his eyes.

This person has fought with himself several times, and he was not his opponent before, but now that Jianying has become, he is not afraid of him.

After thinking for a while, Liang Yan asked again, "According to His Highness's words, even if you find evidence, how can you not dare to take this second prince?"

"Brother Liang, I, Xuanyuan Lingwei, didn't just hide, I was just waiting."

"What are you waiting for?" Liang Yan raised his eyebrows.

"Wait for one person, the commander-in-chief of the Flying Dragon Army, one of the twelve divine generals, the flying dragon divine general!"

"Another **** general?" Liang Yan was a little surprised. He didn't expect that he had only been in Xuanyuan for half a year. The famous twelve **** generals have already met two, and now the third one is on his way... ......

"The flying dragon **** is the top six gods, and he has the right to be executed first and then to pay. Moreover, he is a firm supporter of the laws of the imperial city. In his eyes, even the prince who breaks the law should be treated equally. After him, he immediately set off for Guangling City."

When Xuanyuan Lingwei said this, she paused for a while, and then said: "It just so happens that it will take a certain amount of time for me to completely tame the Rakshasa Demon Bull, and when the Flying Dragon God will arrive, I can also control the Rakshasa Demon Bull. When the time comes, hand over all the evidence to him, and then use the Rakshasa Demon Bull to correct the second brother in person, so that the flying dragon **** will take the second brother into custody!"

"It turns out that His Royal Highness has a plan, so what are your plans when you invite Liang here to talk secretly?"

"We would like to ask fellow Daoist Liang to protect His Highness's safety before the arrival of the Flying Dragon God." Before Xuanyuan Lingwei could answer, Zheng Gongbu, who was next to her, spoke for her.

"The second prince already knows that we are going to be unfavorable to him. With his character, he may attack the sixth princess at any time. The strength of the Confucian gods is no trivial matter. Now in Guangling City, the only one who can help us resist him is Liang Daoyou." Tan Youli on the side. He also spoke.

"Let me keep you safe?" Liang Yan smiled with a noncommittal look on his face. "Isn't there Fang Jun from the Qingyun Chamber of Commerce? Why don't you ask him for help?"

"The 'Wentai Doubao Conference' is approaching, Sun Qianli has no time to take care of him now, and Fang Jun, as an elder of the chamber of commerce, is still by Sun Qianli's side, so they can't help me."

Xuanyuan Lingwei sighed lightly, looked into Liang Yan's eyes, and said solemnly: "Brother Liang, you and Ling Wei are allies, just promise to help me, and after this matter is over, feel free to ask for any reward you want."

"Okay, if that's the case, Liang also has a condition."

"Brother Liang, please speak."

"If you really overthrow the second prince, then Xuanyuan City must be under your control. I want to look for the sub-sage level of pure Yang fire in Xuanyuan Yu, and hope that the sixth princess can call someone from Xuanyuan Army to assist Liang Mou. ."

"The fire of pure Yang at the sub-sage level?"

Xuanyuan Lingwei's expression changed slightly, but after a while, it was back to normal.

"Okay! I promise you, as long as things are successful, my Xuanyuan Lingwei will be in power in the future, and you will be my most reliable ally, not to mention the matter of looking for the fire of pure Yang, as long as it does not violate the laws of Xuanyuan City, I will do anything. I will do my best to help!" Xuanyuan Lingwei said solemnly.

Seeing that she was so serious, Liang Yan knew that the matter had reached the most critical step. Perhaps Xuanyuan Lingwei was pressing too hard, causing Xuanyuan Haoyu to resort to thunderous tactics, or perhaps Xuanyuan Potian was about to leave the prison and let his The princes and princesses were all moved.

And joining at this time may be able to play a role in influencing the situation.

In Xuanyuan Yu, it seems to be a good thing to have someone close to him in power.

Liang Yan pondered for a moment, then suddenly said, "If that's the case, then even if we form an alliance again, the princess' mansion is no longer safe, and we have to find another place to live."

"We think so too, but we haven't found a suitable place yet... The second prince controls the government, and there are too many people available to him. Now most of Guangling City is under his surveillance. Even this teahouse is probably not safe, it won't take long for them to track down here." Zheng Gongbu sighed softly.

As soon as this statement came out, everyone present fell into silence. Liang Yan observed the situation and knew that the matter had reached a very serious point, otherwise these people would not have called themselves to such a secret place.

"It's better to go to the Luofeng Temple in the Cumulus Mountain. I have some connections with the senior in the back mountain. It should not be difficult for him to help take care of you." After being silent for a while, Liang Yanhu suggested.

"Cumulus Mountain? You mean Jingyuan?"

Xuanyuan Lingwei didn't know that the little monk Jingyuan was just a clone used by the old monk to escape the robbery, but she knew that this person's strength was not trivial, and even Confucian generals would be afraid of three points.

In the forbidden area of ​​Cumulus Mountain that day, it was this little monk who came forward to mediate and resolved the conflict between the two sides. After that, Liang Yan was indeed left alone. Obviously, the relationship between the two was not ordinary.

"Since Fellow Daoist Liang and this senior Jing Yuan know each other, then Cumyun Mountain is also a good place." Zheng Gongbu coughed and said slowly.

"Now the entire Guangling City belongs to the second prince. It is indeed dangerous for us to continue to stay here. It is better to leave the city first and go to the Cumulus Mountain to avoid it for a while. As long as the flying dragon **** arrives, we can justly arrest the second prince. "Tan Youli agreed.

After listening to the suggestions of the two, Xuanyuan Lingwei pondered for a moment, then nodded and said, "That's fine, just as you said, go to the Cumulon Mountain for shelter first. After that, Brother Liang will also work hard to help me take care of mine. Tell Xuanyuan Qi about the situation, let him be careful in Xuanyuan City, and try not to arouse the second brother's suspicion."

"Okay, I promise this."

Without any hesitation, Liang Yan nodded and agreed, because he was originally the messenger between Xuanyuan Qi and Xuanyuan Lingwei, and this matter was of course obligatory.

Several people reached an agreement, lowered their voices, and carefully discussed the details of leaving the city in the teahouse.


Before I knew it, it was already late at night, and the already secluded street seemed even more deserted at this time.

In this quiet atmosphere, only a few people know that a secret contest has begun, and after this confrontation, the division of forces in Xuanyuan City may undergo earth-shaking changes!

At the gate to the north of Guangling City, a group of people came slowly.

This is a chamber of commerce team, and a flag is erected in front of the carriage with the words "Qingyun Chamber of Commerce" written on it.

In the caravan, an old man dressed in gold and silver and dressed as a worldly shopkeeper walked out with a smile.

"Every fellow defending the city, this old man is Luo Zhentian of the Qingyun Chamber of Commerce. Please open the city gate and let our caravan leave the city."

"Qingyun Chamber of Commerce?"

The general guarding the city glanced at the old man and said indifferently: "The city lord issued an order yesterday. Since the 'Wentai Doubao Conference' is approaching, everyone is not allowed to enter and leave Guangling City at will. Now the city has opened a defensive ban, and there is no city lord. The customs clearance ultimatum, I will not let you go."

"It turns out that Brother Li is guarding the city!"

Luo Zhentian laughed and said: "Brother Li, we are also old acquaintances, why are we so rigid? I have been ordered by the president to send this batch of goods out of the city, and I also ask Brother Li to be accommodating and open a convenience for us. door."

At the same time as he spoke, he quietly handed over a storage bag. After seeing the old man guarding the city, he hurriedly glanced around to confirm that there was no one else nearby, and then quickly put the storage bag in. sleeves.


Using his divine sense to check the contents of the storage bag, the old man guarding the city smiled slightly and his expression softened a lot.

Things like this kind of caravan going out of the city happen every day. Although the city owner has given an order, they will occasionally let it go. After all, the caravan gives a lot of sweetness.

"Since it's Fellow Daoist Luo from the Qingyun Chamber of Commerce, let you go."

The old man guarding the city turned around and waved his hand, signaling his subordinates to open the city gate. The guards also knew how to observe the situation and understood that the old man had benefited from it.

"Thank you, Brother Li!"

Luo Zhentian was still smiling and kind. After bowing his hands to the other party, he was ready to lead the caravan out of the city.

However, just as he walked to the door, a loud shout came from behind him:


Luo Zhentian's smile froze, he turned around slowly, and saw three men in black above the street, each riding a black eagle, swooped down and landed at the gate of the city.

"The city owner has an order that everyone should not leave the city for the past few days. Haven't you received an order?" A tall and thin man in black yelled loudly.

The old man's eyes twitched, his face pale.

"My subordinates understand, but they are Qingyun merchants..."

"Not anyone!"

The black-clothed man glared at him and shouted: "Recently received a secret report that some fine work from Liangyi City has entered, it is very likely that in this Guangling City, the city owner has ordered not to let them go out of the city, how dare you let people go out without authorization? "

"Liangyi City? Delicate work?" The old man guarding the city broke out in a cold sweat and waved his hands again and again: "I'm just being greedy for a while, and I never know what kind of meticulous work is going on. I also ask three envoys to investigate!"


The man in black ignored him and flew to the Qingyun Chamber of Commerce's convoy with his two companions.

The three of them had already reached the Profound Opening Realm, and the person in the lead even had a cultivation base in the middle stage of the Profound Opening Realm. At this time, the breath spread, and a powerful pressure made everyone gasp for breath.

"You are the caravan of the Qingyun Chamber of Commerce?"


Luo Zhentian nodded and said with a smile: "The three seniors are too concerned, our Qingyun Chamber of Commerce is a serious business chamber, and this time I came to Xuanyuanyu to participate in the 'Wentai Doubao Conference', it can't be two ceremonies. A fine work of the city."

"Hmph, isn't it, what you said doesn't count!"

The man in black glanced at everyone, and suddenly said coldly: "All of you are very suspicious, follow me back to the City Lord's Mansion for investigation!"


Luo Zhentian and the other monks from the Qingyun Chamber of Commerce all changed slightly.

However, before they could react, they saw that the black-clothed cultivator stretched out his right hand, his palm spread out, and a black whirlwind was born from his palm, which grew from small to large in midair, and finally involved all the members of the Qingyun Chamber of Commerce.

Poor Luo Zhentian and other talents are only in the Yuanyuan Realm. How can they resist the magical power of the man in black. After being swept up in the air by the black whirlwind, the body becomes smaller and smaller, and finally turns into a villain like a soybean grain. Grab it in your hand.


The black-clothed cultivator didn't seem to have expected it to go so smoothly. At this time, he opened his palm and carefully examined the cultivator in his hand, revealing a hint of disappointment.

"It seems that they didn't mix in here." The black-clothed cultivator said to the two companions.

"Run for nothing!" Another black-clothed cultivator shook his is not a run for nothing, as long as they are still in Guangling City, the Second Highness's plan will not go wrong. The young master of the Qingyun Chamber of Commerce has a very good personal relationship with the sixth princess, and it is always right for us to be on guard. "The last monk also voiced.

"Forget it, let's go back to the city and try to find the whereabouts of those people as soon as possible."

The first monk shook his head, put all the villains in his hands into a cloth bag, and left the city gate with his two companions.


With the departure of these people, the city gate was closed again, and the two city gates slowly closed.

After everything was calm again, outside the city gate, on a small dirt slope, a tiny mosquito slowly flew up.

Strange to say, this mosquito seems to be ordinary, but its speed is extremely fast, almost in the blink of an eye, it has already flown several miles away......

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