The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1215: Revisiting Luofeng Temple

After leaving Guangling City far away, the mosquito stopped on a remote path.

Immediately afterwards, countless cyan streamers emanated from the mosquito's body, surrounding it, turning faster and faster, and finally forming a small whirlwind of sheep's horns.

After a while, a tall and straight man in a gray shirt walked out of the blue glow.

He looked around, glanced around with his divine sense, and after confirming that there were no other monks nearby, he raised his hand and patted the blue gourd on his waist.

A white light brushed out from the mouth of the gourd and fell in front of him. Four figures appeared, it was Xuanyuan Lingwei and her three subordinates.

"It's very dangerous. I didn't expect that the city owner of Guangling City, Zhu Youqing, had already colluded with Xuanyuan Haoyu. If you hadn't helped Daoist Liang this time, I'm afraid that it would not be so easy for us to get out of Guangling City." Tan Youli was a little scared. said.

"Thank you Brother Liang!"

Xuanyuan Lingwei bowed her hands to Liang Yan, and then said with a smile: "The longer I have been in contact with you, the more unfathomable the fellow Daoist becomes. The prohibition of Guangling City was arranged by the Heavenly Power God himself. What means did the fellow Daoist use? , can you actually hide from the sky and cross the sea?"

"It's just a little trick."

Liang Yan smiled slightly, and was noncommittal about Xuanyuan Lingwei's compliment.

It was Liang Yan's idea that they went out of the city this time. He used the name of the Qingyun Chamber of Commerce to deceive the city gate. Just in case, he included everyone in his Taixu gourd.

As for Liang Yan himself, he used the "Soul Seeding Technique" to plant a ray of soul into the mosquito's body, and then used the "Soul Separation Secret Technique" to swap the position of the deity and the mosquito, so he left Guangling City unnoticed. None of the bans were triggered in between.

However, Liang Yan will never reveal any of these secret techniques. Xuanyuan Lingwei and the others entered Taixu Gourd, and when they came out, they were already outside the city gate. They had no idea what method Liang Yan used.

Seeing that he was reluctant to say more, Xuanyuan Lingwei did not ask any further questions, but turned her head and glanced at the direction of Guangling City for the last time.

"Guangling City, second brother... Hmph, you are so active now, it shows that you have a ghost in your heart! Anyway, I will let you relax for a few more days, and when the time comes, I will definitely take you back. The crimes are made public!"

After muttering to herself, Xuanyuan Lingwei turned around, never looked at Guangling City again, and followed Liang Yan to the direction of Cumulus Mountain......

Half a day later, five rays of light flew over the Cumulus Mountains.

These five escaping lights stopped at the door of Luofeng Temple. It was Liang Yan, Xuanyuan Lingwei and others.

Just a month ago, they had just been to Luofeng Temple. The difference was that they took the Luan car with great pomp, but this time it was quiet, and even the escape light was as restrained as possible. Don't want anyone to know.

The monk guarding the gate recognized several people, and his face showed a surprised expression.

"His Royal Highness, why are you suddenly visiting?" One of the young monks stepped forward and saluted.

"There are some things in this room that have not been announced in advance. Please pass it on to the inside." Xuanyuan Lingwei was very polite, with a kind smile, which made people feel like a spring breeze, without the air of a princess at all.

"That's it, Your Highness, wait a moment."

The young monk nodded, turned and walked in. After a while, Huitong hurried over with a group of disciples, and when he saw Xuanyuan Lingwei, he immediately smiled and said, "Amitabha, the princess is here, I am missing a long way. Welcome, and hope for redemption!"

"It doesn't matter, it was my sudden visit that disturbed the cleaning of your temple." Xuanyuan Lingwei smiled apologetically.

"I have informed the host just now that the old man is waiting in the hall. Your Highness, please come with me." Huitong turned around and made a "please" gesture.

Xuanyuan Lingwei nodded and followed Huitong's side, while Liang Yan, Zheng Gongbu, Tan Youli and others followed closely and walked all the way to the main hall of Luofeng Temple.

I haven't seen it for a month, but Luofeng Temple is still like the last time I came. The whole temple is clean and tidy, the steps are filled with the elegant fragrance of flowers, and in the surrounding Buddhist halls, there are faint sounds of chanting sutras.

Before they knew it, Xuanyuan Lingwei, Zheng Gongbu, and others were also affected by this quiet atmosphere, and their originally tense and restless mood gradually relaxed.

"Luofeng Temple is worthy of being the true inheritance of Buddhism. Just the sound of chanting sutras and paying homage to the Buddha can stabilize the mind of Taoism and get rid of distracting thoughts..."

Xuanyuan Lingwei sighed in admiration secretly, and she felt a little more favorable towards Luofeng Temple in her heart.

However, when several people passed through a tree-lined path and approached the door of a Buddhist temple, Liang Yan suddenly stopped.

"Huh? Brother Liang, why didn't you leave?" Zheng Gongbu turned around with a puzzled expression.

Huitong and Xuanyuan Lingwei, who were walking in the front, obviously noticed it, and stopped at the same time. Among them, Huitong turned around and said with a smile: "This benefactor, why did you stop moving all of a sudden, as long as you pass through this Buddha I went to the main hall of my temple, and the host is waiting for you there.”

"Through the Buddhist temple?"

Liang Yan suddenly sneered, and a light flashed in his eyes.

"After entering from here, I'm afraid we will die!"

This sentence was very abrupt, and Xuanyuan Lingwei, Tan Youli, Zheng Gongbu, and Ye Shan were all stunned for a moment.

However, the next moment, they reacted immediately.

"Protect Your Highness!"

Zheng Gongbu shouted loudly, and the other two rushed forward instantly, protecting Xuanyuan Lingwei in the middle.

The three of them had seen Liang Yan's ability and believed in him, so after hearing Liang Yan's reminder, they directly protected Xuanyuan Lingwei without any hesitation.

"This... Your Highness, what do you mean by this?"

Huitong looked confused, looked at Liang Yan, then looked at Xuanyuan Lingwei, and said slowly: "His Royal Highness suddenly came to worship the mountain, we have always treated each other politely at Luofeng Temple, but I don't know where the offense was. This donor, slandered me as soon as he opened his mouth."


Liang Yan snorted coldly, not bothering to talk nonsense with him at all, flicked his right hand, and a sword qi shot out, going straight to Huitong's face.

The moment before that Huitong was pretending to be stupid and stunned, the next moment his pupils shrank suddenly, seeing the sword qi whistling, he rolled on the ground, turned into a cloud of black smoke and dispersed around, and in an instant disappeared.

"What an eminent Buddhist monk, but he is playing with the magical powers of the Demon Sect! How about it, has it been revealed?"

Liang Yan sneered, his tone full of sarcasm.

At this time, Xuanyuan Lingwei and others also understood their own situation, and each offered their spiritual light to protect their bodies. Among them, Zheng Gongbu, Tan Youli, and Ye Shan even sacrificed their own magic weapons, and they looked like they were here. The vigilance of the enemy.

Gu Xi

In the air, a mass of black air slowly condensed, and finally a figure appeared.

This man was wearing a black robe, with a horse face and a long nose, and a dagger stuck in his waist, his eyes were very sinister.

"You are Fan Zuo of the Shadow Guard! Why are you here?"

Xuanyuan Lingwei recognized the person at a glance, her face full of surprise.

But the next moment, she immediately reacted, her face turned pale, and she muttered, "Has your shadow guard been bribed by the second brother too?"

"Hey, Sixth Princess, it's not that the villain is deliberately trying to embarrass you. It's just that the second prince is in full swing. He wants your life, so the villain has to obey!" Fan Zuo sighed, his face showed a hint of sympathy. color.

"Hmph, stop being hypocritical here, don't you shadow guards only obey your father's orders? Now you dare to blatantly hunt me down, I'm afraid my second brother has given me a lot of benefits!" Xuanyuan Lingwei sneered, eyes flashing Passed a chill.

"It's useless to talk too much, take him first and then search for the soul!"

Liang Yan didn't want to talk at all, raised his hand and shot out a few more swords.

In fact, he is also quite interested in this shadow guard. This person's cultivation in the middle stage of Tongxuan was able to pretend to be Huitong just now, hiding from his own eyes and ears. If he hadn't found a flaw around the Buddhist hall, he would have checked it carefully again. This person, I am afraid he is about to be fooled by him.

Seeing the three swords roaring, Fan Zuo was not in a hurry, so he repeated the technique, and the whole person turned into a puff of black smoke, and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Although the others were not seen, the voice came from the void:

"A few of you haven't started yet. When are you going to wait? Don't let our shadow guards be the pawns, we'll be this scapegoat for you!"

As soon as the words fell, there was a sigh in the backyard of the Buddhist hall, and then seven figures rushed up the high wall, in seven different directions, surrounding Xuanyuan Lingwei and others in the middle.

These seven people are all wearing red official uniforms, some hold a brush, some hold a jade board, some hold a seal, some hold a long mace, some hold a long whip, some hold a A bamboo stick, and some wicker sticks, almost all dressed as scribes, looking elegant and distinguished.

"The Seven Sages of the Bamboo Forest?"

Xuanyuan Lingwei was stunned for a moment, obviously not expecting these seven people to appear here.

After a moment of silence, the princess said abruptly: "I didn't expect that even the seven sages from the bamboo forest, who are highly regarded, actually also took refuge with the second brother?"

Among the seven people, a tall, dignified middle-aged man said solemnly: "Princess is wrong, your second brother is the one appointed by His Majesty, and if I serve His Highness, it is equivalent to serving the city lord. Where do you come to rely on?"

"Yes, although your second brother is a bit eccentric, he is the one chosen by the city lord after all. I am also under orders. Please come with us, the sixth princess!" Another old man with a seal in his hand said slowly. .

"Let's go with you?" Xuanyuan Lingwei laughed: "I have fought with my second brother for so long, and there is no brother-sister relationship for a long time. We are going with you, can he let me go?"

"Your Highness's words are bad. He is your second brother after all. As long as you can't do anything, you will not be embarrassed by him in the future. I believe that the second prince will not attack you." Another monk with a jade board in his hand spoke slowly. , Although this person is a man, his voice is very soft, which makes people feel inexplicable trust when they hear it.

However, Xuanyuan Lingwei sneered again and again, obviously not persuaded by his words, but looked at Liang Yan instead.

The two exchanged glances, and Liang Yan understood, and he didn't need to say more, just a thought, a thousand-year-old tree in the courtyard immediately rose from the ground, turned gently in mid-air, and unexpectedly exuded infinite sword intent.

"what is that?"

When the seven sages of Zhulin saw this scene, their expressions changed slightly, some were puzzled, and some had solemn eyes.

"I'm dazzled. It doesn't seem to be a wood attribute spell. Why does the ancient tree in the air look like a flying sword?"

"What a strong sword intent! Could it be that he is a sword repairer?"

"Be careful, this kid is not easy!"

Just when they were slightly stunned, the ancient tree had already charged towards the sky, and the end of the trunk was incomparably sharp, as if the tip of the sword pointed straight at the seven people.

The Seven Sages of Bamboo Forest exchanged glances secretly, and the monk holding the seal shouted:


As soon as the words fell, the person threw the seal in his hand into the air, and immediately after the magic trick, the seal quickly grew larger, as if a hill descended from the sky, suppressing the top of the ancient tree.


There was a loud noise, the seal and the ancient tree collided, countless purple awns flickered, and runes were born from under the seal, as if they were going to be carved into the ancient tree to completely suppress this magical power.

However, those runes had just appeared, and the trunks of the ancient trees spun in place, and countless sword energy rushed out, as if thousands of troops, just a moment, smashed these runes into pieces!

brush! brush! brush!

These sword qi broke through the rune, did not stop, rushed up again, pierced into the seal, and immediately appeared a fine crack visible to the naked eye!

The cultivator who threw the seal never imagined that the sword qi in the ancient tree was so powerful, this was just a face-to-face meeting, and it was about to destroy his own magic weapon!

"Brother! Quickly take back the magic weapon!"

Among the Seven Sages of the Bamboo Forest, the cultivator who held the jade board in his hand shouted, raised his hand lightly, and a large hand, as white as jade, immediately grew out of the jade board, grabbed it forward, and directly grabbed the root of the ancient tree.

The ancient tree, which was galloping, was blocked by this big hand, and its speed instantly slowed down a lot, and the cultivator also got a breather before, and hurriedly took a move and took the seal back.

At the same time, the other five members of the Seven Sages of the Bamboo Forest also circled behind Liang Yan and used their magical powers.

Some took a writing brush to write and draw in the air, and created many tadpole-like insects, which burrowed into the ancient tree, gnawed on the bark of the ancient tree, smoked the rhizome of the ancient tree, and wiped out the ancient tree in an instant. Got riddled with holes.

Four more took a long mace, a long whip, a bamboo stick, and a wicker stick to beat Liang Yan. The first two magic weapons were murderous, while the last two magic weapons were silent and silent. Cooperate very tacitly.

"The seven sages of the bamboo forest have some means!"

Liang Yan smiled slightly, carrying his hands on his back and keeping his feet on the ground, just a thought, the surrounding stone walls shattered inch by inch, and countless rubble flew into the air, condensing into a stone sword!

The sword intent on this stone sword is strong, and it is a bit stronger than the previous tree swords. The Seven Sages of Bamboo Forest were caught off guard. Unexpectedly, while controlling the ancient tree, he could also evolve a flying sword at will!


There was a loud noise, and the stone sword held the long mace and the long whip, and slammed into the air, immediately knocking them back.

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