The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1523: Dreaming back to eternity, the past is like smoke (5)

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Ling Zi has been fighting for thousands of years, fighting with her companions and other killers.

In her eyes, no one can be trusted, everyone can be the person she wants to kill, and they can also become the person who kills herself.

"Before others kill themselves, kill others first!"

This is Ling Zi's creed.

So she couldn't understand Shen Nongtuo's philosophy, let alone the fact that the other party didn't kill her.

After a long silence, Ling Zihu snorted, turned his face away, and said coldly: "What you do is up to you, but I didn't ask you not to kill me."

"Naturally." Shen Nongtuo said with a smile, "Whether to kill or not to kill is my own choice. No matter what the road ahead is, I will not regret it at all."

"Hmph, as long as you know!"

Ling Zi's eyes were a little erratic, she didn't dare to look at Shen Nongtuo, and she didn't know what was going on in her heart.


The two were silent for a while, and Shen Nongtuo's voice sounded again: "Although your "Ziwei Tiankilling Secret Art" is exquisite, it seems that there are still some deficiencies in the exercises. Practicing this exercise for a long time will damage your body. A burden that even your saintly body cannot bear."

"I know this."

Ling Zi lowered her head, and said calmly: "From the day it was refined, the "Ziwei Heavenly Slaughtering Secret Art" will continue to eat back my original power and erode my true spirit fire. Although this process is long, it will eventually There will also be a day when it will end, and that time will be my death day."

Speaking of this, Ling Zi suddenly smiled bitterly, and said softly: "It's ironic to say that other saints have endless lifespan, but I have already foreseen my own death from the moment I became a saint."

"Then why do you want to practice this technique?" Shen Nongtuo frowned.

"Because I have no choice."

Ling Zi hugged her knees, stared at her toes, and said quietly: "'The monks in the holy court are not as glorious as you. We must always prove our value. Once the fairy court thinks that we are worthless, we will Erase us without hesitation. At the beginning, I was in an absolute disadvantage when I competed with another killer. If I hadn't gotten a chance at the time of life and death, and created "Ziwei Tiankilling Secret Art", I am afraid that I would have been killed at that time. It's already dead..."

"Although "Ziwei Heaven Killing Truth" will continue to erode my original power, but the speed of improvement is extremely fast, and its power is unmatched. With this self-created technique, I surpassed the dust, and finally won the appreciation of the Queen Mother of the West , gave me countless opportunities, and finally became a saint. But only I know that the wounds in my body have been accumulated for a long time. Constantly gnawing away at my true spirit, this is also the reason why I become obsessed."

After hearing Ling Zi's words, Shen Nongtuo's expression was complicated, and he sighed lightly and said, "It seems that you understand your situation very well."

"So what if I know?" Ling Zi laughed a little self-deprecatingly: "Unless I am willing to dissipate this magical power, I can prevent the loss of the original power. But in that case, I have no use value for Xianting. It is possible to beat me back to my original form, after all, I was able to become a saint because of her cultivation."

"You're wrong. To stop the loss of the original power, you don't necessarily have to disperse the supernatural power." Shen Nongtuo said lightly.

As soon as this remark came out, it was like a thunderbolt from the blue sky, making Ling Zi's eyes widen, and he turned his head suddenly.

"What did you say? Do you have a way to cure me?" Ling Zi asked impatiently.

"I can't say I'm 100% sure, but at least 70%..."

Shen Nongtuo pondered for a moment, and then said: "In your body, the magic energy and the power of the stars collide with each other, forming countless black holes like swirls. I have never seen this kind of black hole before, so I have no experience. But according to my The observations of the past few days show that these black holes are constantly eating away at your original power, if you didn’t have the body of a saint, you might have already been sucked dry.”

Ling Zi was taken aback when he heard this, and murmured: "The black hole of the vortex? Why haven't I discovered it myself?"

"Because these black holes are very hidden, hidden in your

In the flesh and blood, the spiritual sense cannot be detected. I used special treasures of heaven, material and earth to detect it. "

When Shen Nongtuo said this, he paused for a while, and then continued: "It's strange to say that these black holes seem to have a cycle, which is similar to the ebb and flow of the tide. Whenever the tide recedes, these black holes will close. At that time The effect on you is minimal; and when the tide is high, the black hole will open to the maximum, and this is when you go crazy."

"So that's the case." After hearing this, Ling Zi nodded with a half-understanding. "You have been tortured all these years, not only your physical body has been damaged, but your soul has also been severely injured. To heal your injuries, you must first stabilize your soul. My white jade bed is made of 'narcissus ice jade', which can help people concentrate Calm your breath and help people slowly restore their souls. Of course, monks under the sub-sage may not be able to withstand this cold air, but you have the body of a saint, and even if you are unconscious, your body will not be damaged."

"No wonder..."

Ling Zi hugged her knees with her hands, shrunk her shoulders slightly, and muttered softly.

Just now she slept on this ice jade bed, it was really sweet and fragrant, in her dream she went back to her childhood, playing beside her parents, although thousands of years have passed, the faces of her parents have long been forgotten, but the peaceful feeling , but made her feel extremely relaxed.

This kind of relaxation is something she hasn't experienced in the thousands of years since she joined the "Holy Court".

"It's also the first time I've seen your injury, so I can only create my own method to heal it..."

Shen Nongtuo didn't seem to notice Ling Zi's expression, and still said to himself: "During the days when you were in a coma, I visited several dangerous places, picked a lot of herbs, and tried repeatedly with my own body, and finally found It’s a healing method. It’s just that this potion needs to use Immortal Court’s ‘Wangduanchang’, relying on the method of fighting poison with poison to get rid of the toxicity of the previous medicinal materials, before it can be swallowed by you.”

"It turns turns out that 'Forget Heartbroken' is for this effect..."

Ling Zi's voice became quieter, her hands seemed to have no place to rest, and even her toes were slightly arched.

After a while, she suddenly remembered something, raised her head suddenly, and asked:

"I seem to have heard that you don't like to use poison. When you left the 'Medicine Court', you didn't take any kind of poison with you. Where did you come from?"

After hearing this, Shen Nongtuo smiled slightly and said, "During the time you were unconscious, I went to Kunwu Fairy Court."

"You're crazy!"

Ling Zi showed an unbelievable expression, and shouted: "The Queen Mother of the West has ordered to kill you. The whole Kunwu Mountain is full of people who want to kill you. How dare you go back at this time?"

"Aren't you going to kill me too?" Shen Nongtuo said calmly, "If I die in Kunwu Mountain, you can complete the task, don't want me to die now?"


Ling Zi opened her mouth, wanting to explain, but didn't know how to speak.

For a while, all kinds of thoughts came, Ling Zi only felt upset, and finally turned her face to the side, and said coldly: "I just don't want you to die in the hands of those maggots, you are my prey, I want to kill you with my own hands." kill you!"

After Shen Nongtuo heard this, a smile appeared on his face.

"If you want to kill me, you have to heal your wounds first. The medicine has been decocted. Take it quickly."

As he spoke, he waved his big sleeve, and he ingested the liquid medicine from the medicine furnace, and dropped it into a stone bowl. Shen Nongtuo pushed it lightly, and soon floated in front of Ling Zi.

Ling Zi took the stone bowl with a complicated expression on her face.

She raised her head and glanced at Shen Nongtuo, whose eyes were as calm as water, with a faint smile on his face, like the spring breeze in March, refreshing.

At this moment, Ling Zi felt a kind of relaxation and tranquility that she had never felt before.

"Just drink it..."

Muttering something in a low voice, Ling Zi held the stone bowl with both hands, and drank the medicinal liquid in the bowl in one gulp.

As the medicinal liquid entered the stomach, a warm medicinal power began to spread to the limbs and bones, and the whole body was warm, with an indescribable comfort.

When I woke up just now, because of the madness, there were bursts of hidden pain in the meridians.

Pain, at this moment, with the spread of the medicine, these pains will soon disappear.

Ling Zi squinted her eyes, looking at the little medicine dregs left in the bowl, she actually had the urge to swallow them.

Fortunately, I still held back at the last moment, otherwise I would really lose my face.

Ling Zi was frightened for a while, and looked up at Nong Tuo again, and found that the man in Tsing Yi had turned around, studying his prescription while making medicine.

It was strange to say that in just half an hour, she seemed to be very familiar with this man.

Looking at the thin back of the other party, Ling Zi suddenly remembered the legend about this man.

"Shen Nongtuo, do you really want to taste all kinds of herbs? The Antarctic Immortal Continent is vast and boundless, and there are many exotic flowers and plants in it. Even if we are saints like me, we dare not say that we are invulnerable to all poisons."

After Shen Nongtuo heard this, he didn't turn his head back, but said indifferently: "From my perspective, there are many mistakes and omissions in the ancient books. Now the mainland is desolate, poisonous insects, poisonous miasma, fierce beasts, and plagues are everywhere, and all living beings in the world are like The ants in the furnace are struggling to survive. If I want to practice medicine in the world, I must abandon the old and seek new ones, but to create new medical techniques, I have to collect various herbs and test them myself, so as to get the correct prescription.”

Speaking of this, he paused slightly, and continued: "For example, the injury on your body, you used the magic energy to evolve the stars, and created this star demon art, which can be said to be unprecedented, so your injury is also unique. If I don't How can you heal your wounds by picking all kinds of herbs and testing their toxicity yourself?"


Ling Zi was speechless when she heard this, and didn't know how to answer.

After a long while, she heard her voice whispering: "Even if you can taste all kinds of herbs in the world, and your medical skills are superb, you are only one person after all. No one in the whole 'medicine court' is willing to follow you. You alone want to change the whole world." Is it Antarctic Fairyland?"

After Shen Nongtuo heard this, he sighed softly: "You are right. A person's strength is limited after all, so I plan to record my medical skills. In the future, I will recruit disciples, pass on my medical skills, and teach me the right way."

"I can't tell, so you still want to start a sect."

Ling Zi smiled, looking a little relaxed.

Her gaze slowly drifted out of the window. It was different from the coldness in the thatched hut. Outside the window was green water and green mountains, and the sun was shining brightly. It was a beautiful view of fairy mountains outside the world.

"If there is a day, I mean, "If,, you really founded a sect, why not call it 'Shen Nong Mountain, right...'"

Ling Zi's voice was very low, Shen Nongtuo was still making medicine, leaving only a back view, I don't know if he heard it...

For the next few days, Ling Zi lived in this unremarkable cottage.

Most of the time, she meditated on that white jade bed to heal her injuries. The "Narcissus Ice Jade" is a rare treasure. Although the power of ice cold is extremely domineering, it is not harmful to a saint at all.

The cold air emitted by the white jade bed can help people calm down and heal the soul. Ling Zi practiced on the bed for a period of time, and she could clearly feel that the injury in her soul had improved, and she was secretly happy in her heart.

During her healing period, Shen Nongtuo spent most of her time collecting herbs outside, and only returned to the thatched cottage every ten days.

Every time I return, I can only stay in the thatched cottage for half a day.

Because the medicinal materials needed to treat Ling Zi are extremely rare and the quantity is too large, Shen Nongtuo had to go out for a long time to find the medicinal materials in order not to stop her medicine.

Unknowingly, Ling Zi found that she seemed to have changed a little bit, and she became more and more looking forward to Shen Nongtuo's arrival.

It's just that Shen Nongtuo is in a hurry every time he comes back Either to diagnose her injuries, or to study the toxicity of herbal medicines, adjust the dosage, and finally decoct the medicines himself.

After drinking the medicine, Shennongtuo will use spiritual power to help her unblock her meridians.

This short hour was the only time she could talk to Shen Nongtuo.

At this time, Ling Zi would feel very satisfied, and sometimes she would even think, it would be great if this time was longer, if Shen Nongtuo didn't have to go out to collect herbs, how good would it be to stay with her all the time? If I don't have to go back to Kunwu Immortal Court to return to my life, I will stay here with him forever

In the simple thatched cottage, it seems not bad?

But there is no "if".

The days passed day by day, and the peaceful years finally came to an end.

On this day, Shen Nongtuo did not leave the thatched cottage as usual after dredging Ling Zi's meridians.

"The injuries in your body have fully recovered now. As for those vortex black holes, I have also cleared them with medicine."


Ling Zi replied a little dully, and there was no sly look in her eyes at all.

Once the injury is cured, it means that he has no reason to stay here.

Her gaze was a little erratic, and she turned her head to look out the window, not knowing what to say for a while.

"Remember, in future battles with others, don't overuse the "Ziwei Heaven Killing Technique". This technique is not perfect. Although its power is overbearing, it will devour your original power. These days, I just cured you The old wounds in your body, if you rely too much on this exercise, you will still be backlashed by the exercise in the future."


Ling Zi nodded, with a complicated expression on her face.

"Now that your injuries have recovered, it's up to you to choose whether you want to kill me." Shen Nongtuo said again.


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