The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1524: Dreaming back to eternity, the past is like smoke (6)

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Facing Shennongtuo's question, Ling Zi did not speak.

Her complexion changed again and again, as if two of herself were at war between heaven and man.

After a long time, Ling Zi finally made a decision.

She took a deep breath and said slowly: "The Queen Mother's order cannot be violated. Ling Zi will be a 'Holy Court, a killer, and will be a lifetime. Shen Nongtuo, I'm sorry, after I kill you, I will erect an inscription for you Zhi, spread your deeds, and in the near future, there may be people of your kind."

"Hehe, it's hard for you to have such a heart. If it really ends like this, then it's okay."

Shen Nongtuo smiled slightly, and continued: "However, I still have unfinished business, and I don't want to be slaughtered. It may not be that simple for Ling Daoyou to take my life."

"That's interesting!" Ling Zi said with a smile, "'Upside down the river, the first battle, because I went crazy, everyone didn't enjoy it, and today we compete again, not only to decide the outcome, but also to decide whether to live or die!"

"it is good!"

Shen Nongtuo didn't say much, just nodded slightly.

"Shen Nongtuo, be careful!"

Ling Zi let out a snarl, pinched the magic formula with both hands, and the Xingxiu demonic energy brushed out from the back of his head, turning into a long river of demonic energy, and went straight to Shennongtuo who was opposite.


With the erosion of the demonic energy, the thatched hut where the two had lived together for a year was torn apart by the sound of explosions, and finally turned into specks of dust.

The devilish energy surged towards Shen Nongtuo in an instant!

Shen Nongtuo's face remained unchanged, his body was surrounded by blue light, and huge spiritual power shot up into the sky, and finally turned into a huge blue vortex.

As the cyan vortex slowly rotated, all the oncoming Xingsu demon energy was absorbed into it!

The long river of devilish energy seemed endless, and the cyan vortex also stood firm. One attacked with all its strength, and the other defended with all its strength. The magical powers of both sides maintained a fragile balance.

At this moment, Ling Zi's figure flashed and disappeared in place.

Shen Nongtuo's divine sense is so keen, he naturally noticed this.

He frowned slightly, and his consciousness quickly spread out, trying to find out where Ling Zi was hiding.

However, before he could search carefully, a figure flashed in front of his eyes, and a figure appeared instantly.

This person is Ling Zi who just disappeared.

"Xingxiu magic art, come and go without a trace! Shennongtuo, you have to pay attention in the future!" Ling Zi's face showed a smug look, and the demonic energy in the palm of his right hand gathered, and he slapped Shennongtuo who was close at hand.

At this moment, even Shen Nongtuo was slightly startled.

He didn't expect Ling Zi's magic skills to be so weird that he could hide it from his divine sense.

The demon energy condensed in the opponent's palm is extremely terrifying, even if it is his own saint's body, if he hits this palm firmly, he will be severely injured.

At the critical moment, Shen Nongtuo didn't have time to think about it, and instinctively gathered his spiritual power, and also slapped Zi Ling with his palm.

This palm contained Shennongtuo's ten success powers, and the blue light lingered in the palm, like a blue sea, overwhelming!

Within close proximity, the two held palms together.

Although the supernatural powers are simple and unpretentious, and there are not many mysterious changes, the intertwining of spiritual powers is the condensation of the two people's lifetime skills, and the degree of danger is no less than any fight on the inverted river!

Seeing that the blue light and the devil energy were about to collide, a smile suddenly appeared on Ling Zi's face.

The next moment, her palm tilted slightly, all the devilish energy was restrained, and it disappeared without a trace in an instant!


Shen Nongtuo had no time to react to the sudden change.

Under the blue light, he only saw Ling Zi with a smile on her face and a calm face, gently pinching his face with her powerless little hand.

The next moment, the cyan spiritual power surged out, like the Yangtze River, and imprinted firmly on Ling Zi's chest.


Ling Zi snorted, her face turned pale, she spat out blood, and flew backwards.

Seeing this scene, why didn't Shen Nongtuo understand?

The woman in front of her has been deceiving herself since just now, she has no plans to risk her life at all!

"Ling Zi, why are you doing this!"

Even Shen Nongtuo couldn't keep calm at this moment, and he was about to go up to check on Ling Zi's injuries.

"do not come!"

Ling Zi shouted loudly, and at the same time waved his right hand, a burst of devilish energy was brushed out, leaving a scratch in the void in front of Shen Nongtuo.

Although Shen Nongtuo was able to break through the demonic energy easily, he finally stopped and stood on the periphery of the scratch, watching Ling Zi who was squatting on the ground with a very worried expression on his face.

"'Ling Zi, the lord of the Holy Court, was ordered by the Queen Mother of the West to hunt down Shen Nongtuo. The two fought for ten days. In the end, Ling Zi lost the match and was seriously injured by the bandits. This time, Ling Zi was unable to complete the task of the Queen Mother of the West. , I should go back and plead guilty!"

Speaking of this, Ling Zi took one last look at Nong Tuo, a trace of nostalgia flashed in her eyes, but she quickly hid it.

Next, Ling Zi opened her mouth, as if she wanted to say something more, but the thousand words were finally reduced to two words:

"Take care of yourself!"

As soon as the words fell, Ling Zi had already turned into a ray of light and soared into the sky, galloping towards the west, and disappeared into the sky in a blink of an eye.

In the sunny valley, only Shen Nongtuo was left.

He stared blankly into the distance, as if he hadn't recovered yet...

This story ends here.

The surrounding sunlight gradually faded, and Wu Xin's consciousness returned to the darkness again.

She now understands that the cluster of light in the void may be a memory that has been dusty for many years, and the person who left the memory should be Ling Zi or Shen Nongtuo.

Although I can span the long river of time and personally experience the scenes of thousands of years ago, but the history has already happened, I can only exist as a spectator, and I have no ability to change anything that happened in the past.

Although he knew that he could not change the past, Wuxin had already been aroused by curiosity.

She was full of interest in the matter of Shen Nongtuo and Ling Zi, this time before the next light group approached, her consciousness took the initiative to meet it.

A warm feeling floods into consciousness, and the void gradually recedes.

I don't know how long it took before Wuxin's consciousness slowly awakened.

This time, it was in a jungle.

The night is deep, the full moon is hanging high, the cicadas are singing, and the breeze is blowing.

Everything is so peaceful.

But Wuxin's consciousness was keenly aware that there was a monstrous murderous intent hidden in the night wind!

This murderous aura is boundless, like a raging sea, there is absolutely no such power under a saint, only a strong saint can emit this murderous aura!

Although a little surprised, Wuxin wasn't afraid.

Because she knew that this place was just a memory, and as a spectator, she would not be killed by the magical powers in the memory.

After calming down, Wuxin boldly followed the murderous aura in the night wind and rushed to the source.

Soon, she found a clearing in the jungle.

In the middle of the open space, there is a circle of fierce golden flames, in which the sea of ​​flames is surging, and the flames are raging, a scene of the end of the world.

Wuxin's knowledge is not weak. She knows that although the flame shield is only about ten feet in radius from the outside, it actually contains the universe and forms a world of its own. Class supernatural powers.

A small flame hood contains a world of flames inside!

And in this flame world, there is a familiar figure.

This person is wearing a Tsing Yi shirt and has a thin body. He is Shen Nongtuo, the master of the "Medicine Court"! At this moment, Shennongtuo's body was surrounded by blue light, and spiritual power surged out, turning into various supernatural powers to resist the sea of ​​fire and raging flames around him.

The collision of powerful forces caused this flame world to be in turmoil.

The murderous aura that Wuxin felt just now was just a trace leaked from the flame hood, only this trace

Murderous aura is enough to make her, a cultivator in the Tribulation Transformation Realm, terrified!

"What a powerful magic weapon, this is the battle of saints!"

Wuxin's pupils shrank slightly, and he looked intently again, only to see that although Shen Nong Tuo had amazing supernatural powers, he had been injured in many places. Even the Holy Body of Shen Nong was bleeding profusely at this time, and his face was extremely pale.

"With Shen Nongtuo's ability, how could he be reduced to such a fate?"

Wuxin was secretly a little startled, she withdrew her gaze from the world of flames, and looked up again.

I saw three monks standing on the tops of three ancient trees in the jungle.

One of them was a big bearded man, wearing a red robe with many patterns of evil spirits embroidered on it. I don't know if it was an unintentional illusion, but these patterns of evil spirits were like living things, roaring ferociously on his clothes, and poking their heads out from time to time. , as if about to fly out of his robe.

The other person is an old man in Taoist robes, with a white face and beardless, wearing a purple gold Taoist crown, and carrying a silver dust whisk behind his back, at this time he is performing formulas with both hands, chanting words in his mouth.

Judging from the direction in which he cast the spell, the flame hood trapping Shen Nongtuo below was precisely his handwriting!

As for the last person, she is petite and rides on a fat crane, but she is the woman who appeared in the previous story, Ling Zi!

At this time, Ling Zi was silent, her eyes were fixed on the flame cover below, her face looked indifferent, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

The atmosphere in the arena was stalemate for a while, and suddenly the old man in the Taoist robe sighed softly: "You are indeed the master of the 'Medicine Court', I admire you! If you are fighting alone, this old man may not be your opponent, but it is a pity that you betrayed the Immortal Court , the queen mother ordered to kill, and the old man had to join hands with the two fellow Taoists."

Although the voice was soft, it also spread to the flame world below.

After Shen Nongtuo heard this, although he was seriously injured, his face did not change at all. Instead, he laughed and said, "The Queen Mother of the West really thinks highly of me, Shen Nongtuo. The lord of the three courts, I, Shen Nongtuo, died here today, it is not injustice!"


The old man in the Taoist robe sighed and said, "Friend Shennong, you have superb Taoism, and I am extremely admired by you. Unfortunately, you and I have different positions. Today I will offend you."

As soon as the words fell, the bearded man next to him seemed a little dissatisfied, and said, "Friend Gan, why do you feel sorry for a traitor? He has already won my 'Nine Nether Sorrowful Soul Seal', and was wounded by the three of us together. Now My life is not long, and if I refine it quickly, I can go back and report to the Queen Mother of the West!"

"Hehe, Fellow Daoist doesn't know something."

The old man in the Taoist robe cast a sideways glance at him, and said unhurriedly: "Although my 'golden fire cover' can refine the soul of a saint, Shen Nongtuo is not an ordinary saint. His research on the meridians of the human race can be said to be unparalleled in the world. , and now it has even been refined into the Holy Body of Shennong. Even if he is seriously injured now, it will take at least three times longer than others to refine it."

"Three times the time?" The bearded man stared and shouted, "It's too long! Fellow Daoist Gan, you will change later. I remember that besides the golden light and fire cover, you also have a 'big five elements extermination god's banner, don't you?" You can sacrifice this flag, and Shen Nongtuo will definitely die!"

Hearing the words "Big Five Elements Annihilation Divine Banner", the old man in Taoist robe narrowed his eyes slightly.

The next moment, he had a smile that was not a smile, and said with deep meaning: "It's no wonder fellow Taoist is so careful. As the master of the 'Court of Sin', he really has many eyes and ears, and even the old man's talisman is clear."


The big bearded man smiled but did not smile, and said lightly: "Friend Daoist Gan traveled starry night and night, with the 'big five elements to exterminate the gods' banner, he wiped out the seven major sects one after another, and removed the thorns in the eyes and thorns in the flesh of the Queen Mother of the West. Such a great contribution has long been passed down. Everyone knows about it, and this seat has only heard about it."


The Taoist robed old man snorted and seemed dissatisfied with the explanation given by the bearded man, but he didn't plan to delve into the current situation.

After thinking for a while, the old man in the Taoist robe really took out a flag from his sleeve.

on the flag

The aura is very dazzling, divided into five colors: gold, blue, blue, red, and yellow. Although the distance is very close, Wuxin can't see the appearance of the flag clearly, and can only vaguely see five clusters of aura, which still hurts faintly Lost his consciousness.

The next moment, the Taoist robed old man waved the flag, and the power of the five elements rotated continuously, and the crimson aura with the flame flew out from the flag, and drilled down into the golden light **** fire cover.

With the entry of red light, the flame world instantly became extremely dangerous.

I saw a huge vortex appeared in the monstrous sea of ​​flames, and when the vortex was tumbling, a towering flame demon **** emerged from it!

Even through the golden light god's fire cover, the power of the flame demon **** still makes Wuxin terrified.

There was no extra movement, only the Flame Demon God raised an arm, with the power of infinite flames in his palm, and patted Shen Nongtuo's position with his palm. At this moment, Shennongtuo is almost exhausted.

Before that, he fought against the three saints with his own strength for seven days and seven nights.

But now, he could barely keep his eyes open.

Facing the mighty flame demon god, Shen Nongtuo realized that he was powerless to resist. This powerful flame power will eventually refine his own flesh and soul, and this flame world will also become his own tomb. His consciousness gradually blurred, and his vision began to blur.

At the moment when he lost consciousness, he seemed to see a bright star river rising into the sky outside the cover of the golden light **** fire


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