The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1568: last wish

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Wu Xin and Li Banxi were a little puzzled after hearing this.

"Qingqing, what do you mean by that?" Wuxin asked.

She didn't know Qingqing's identity, but based on the previous clues, she probably guessed that this little girl's life experience might be related to Xuan Mizhu.

"It means that it's time for Qingqing to go back."

Qingqing's face was very calm, she glanced at Wuxin, and said with a smile: "Sister Wuxin, thank you for taking care of me all the way, you were the one who saved me that time in the underground palace, speaking of which, I owe you too much. It cannot be repaid."

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

Wuxin frowned, and asked: "Just now you said you want to go back, where are you going?" Qingqing smiled slightly, pointed at the Xuan Mizhu in mid-air, and said, "Here, that's right there!"

"Mysterious Mizhu?"

"Well, I can feel that the current Xuan Mizhu is not complete. If I guess correctly, the missing part should be me!"

As soon as these words came out, Wuxin's face changed slightly, and she couldn't help but look at Liang Yan.

Liang Yan had been silent before, but at this moment, he sighed softly: "Qingqing, I promised Shen Nonghu that I would never reveal your life experience, but now you have realized it yourself, there is no point in hiding it any more."

Speaking of this, he paused slightly, and continued: "Qingqing, you are indeed a part of Xuan Mizhu. As the magic weapon left by Shen Nong Tuo, you have guarded Shen Nong Mountain for more than 100,000 years. Two hundred years ago, Shen Nong Hu When you failed to cross the tribulation, you did everything in your power to save his life, but your intelligence and memory also disappeared because of this, and you turned back into a newborn baby.”

"Shen Nonghu feels deeply guilty towards you. He knows that you have always wanted to see the world outside the mountain, so instead of confining you in the Xuan Mizhu after rebirth, he shaped your physical body for you and brought you out. Valley, treat her like your own daughter."

After Liang Yan finished speaking, Wuxin and the others suddenly realized.

No wonder Qingqing can open the gate of the underground palace with her mind, and even if she closes her eyes and thinks, the restriction in the underground palace will be automatically lifted. It turns out that this innocent little girl is Xuan Mizhu's weapon spirit!

"Brother Liang, thank you for telling me all this

Qingqing's eyes were a little hazy. At this moment, she recalled the past two hundred years.

The joy of growing up, the carefree life, and the occasional mischief are all good times spent with my father.

"It's a pity that I don't have any memories of the past. The 100,000 years of loneliness must be very cold.

A teardrop fell from the corner of Qingqing's eyes, but she quickly wiped it away with her hand, and said with a smile: "In this life, although it is only a short period of more than two hundred years, I have seen the sun and the mountains and rivers. My father and I crossed After a leisurely time, I also have a good memory with you, and these are enough.”

"Qingqing..." Wuxin understood something, and her expression became a little complicated.

Liang Yan also looked dignified, took a deep breath, and said slowly: "Qingqing,

I have to tell you. Your current physical body was shaped by Shennonghu for you.

You are you only if you stay in this physical body, and once you return to the Xuan Mi Pearl, your consciousness will be integrated into the magic weapon, and at that time, you will die..."

"I know."

Qingqing's face was very calm, but there seemed to be a trace of nostalgia hidden in her eyes.

She turned her head and glanced at the distance. Under the night, black fire meteors continued to pass by. I don't know how many people were screaming and wailing in the dark night.

"Langhuan Continent is beautiful...

Qingqing murmured: "The monks here have nothing to do with the world. They shouldn't have to suffer this kind of unreasonable disaster. My father... Shen Nonghu, he has spent his whole life thinking about it, even going through the robbery by force, just to keep the Langhuan Continent and protect this side. Creature. He's a good guy and didn't deserve to end up like this."

Speaking of this, Qingqing suddenly turned and looked at Liang Yan.

"Brother Liang, do you still remember that you once promised me that you would help me realize three wishes?"

"Remember." Liang Yan nodded.

Qingqing smiled slightly and said, "The first two

You helped me realize all my wishes, and now there is only one last wish left. There are too many black fire meteors in the sky, I want you to send me to Xuan Mizhu, is that okay? "

After Liang Yan heard this, his heart was shocked, and he looked at Qingqing with a complicated expression.

He didn't expect that the last wish of this little girl was to let him send her to die...

"Qingqing, have you already decided?"

"En." Qingqing nodded calmly.

After a moment of silence, Liang Yan slowly said, "This is not a wish. If you have any unfulfilled wish, tell me, as long as it is within my ability, I will try my best to help you realize it."

Qingqing thought for a while, then suddenly tore off half of the jade pendant around her neck. This was given to her by Wuxin not long ago, and the same half jade pendant is at Gu Xingyun's place.

Qingqing stretched out her finger, tapped lightly on the jade pendant, and divided part of her original power into half of the jade pendant.

"Give this to Brother Xingyun."

Qingqing brought the jade pendant to Liang Yan, the reluctance and nostalgia in her eyes could no longer be hidden, a line of tears ran down her cheeks.

"I once promised him that I would accompany him to leave this small world, to see the scenery outside together, and to explore the extreme of swordsmanship together. Now it seems that I can't fulfill my promise. I hope this jade pendant can replace me and accompany him. by his side...


Liang Yan nodded slightly, and solemnly took the jade pendant.

"Thank you, Brother Liang..." Qingqing wiped away the tears on her face with her hand, and said softly, "Time is running out, let's go."


Liang Yan's face was expressionless, but a trace of grief flashed in his eyes.

The next moment, he pinched the magic formula in his hand, and protected Qingqing with the golden light of "all dharmas and emptiness", and the two of them took the old gold together and flew towards the Xuan Mizhu high in the sky.


The starry sky was still shaking, and the huge figure outside the night became more and more clear.

This person seemed to be knocking on the night sky of Langhuan Continent through a door panel. It seemed that he would never stop until he smashed the sky into pieces! As his offensive became more intense, more and more black fire meteors fell from the starry sky.

These black fire meteors have extremely strong destructive power, where they fall, even Shennonghu's four direct disciples can hardly resist, and after the meteor explodes, there will be a violent poison spread, and ordinary monks will die if they touch it , the corpses were all turned into blood, and the mountains and rivers of Langhuan Continent were dyed red.

Liang Yan protected Qingqing and fled under the night.

Lao Jin's speed was extremely fast, and he was able to avoid the black fire meteor every time, but the poison that spread out after the meteor exploded had already covered every area, and it was impossible for everyone to avoid it.

Fortunately, Liang Yan has the "Sacred Physique of Shennong", and took the initiative to block the poison for Qingqing and Lao Jin.

However, these poisons came from the hands of saints. Even if the other party used magical powers through the barrier, and the power was weakened by half, Liang Yan did not dare to resist too much.

"Old Jin, speed up!"

Liang Yan glanced at the poisonous clouds gathering around him, and couldn't help urging.

"This is already my fastest speed!"

Lao Jin protested in dissatisfaction, and at the same time flapped his wings furiously, like a golden meteor, flew straight to Xuan Mizhu.

It was a short distance, but everyone seemed to have spent a long time.

The distance is getting closer.

A thousand feet, a hundred feet... ten feet!

Finally, Liang Yan and Qingqing broke through many obstacles and came to Xuan Mizhu.

At this moment, the Xuan Mi Pearl was covered by a layer of red light, it looked like it was being baked in a stove, the aura flickered on and off, and it might shatter at any time.

"It's the last step...Brother Liang, please!" Qingqing said in a low voice.

"give it to me."

Liang Yan's face was serious, and he pinched the magic formula in his hand.

The Zilei Tianyin sword flew out of the Taixu gourd, and turned into a thunderbolt that slashed the evil gods in mid-air.

It reached the top of Xuan Mizhu.


The sword light slashed across, tearing a very small gap in the red mask covering the Xuan Mizhu.

"It's now!"

Qingqing had been waiting for a long time, without any hesitation at this moment, her body turned into a ray of light, and got in through the tiny gap.


Liang Yan stretched out his right hand, as if he wanted to grab the girl's back.

Qingqing heard his shout in the red light, and turned around with a pure and innocent smile on her face.

It's just that there are tears on her smiling face

"Brother Liang, thank you for teaching me how to practice swordsmanship. I will always remember you."

The voice was very soft, but it reached Liang Yan's ears.

At the last moment of her life, this girl exuding the breath of green grass left only such words of gratitude.

The next moment, a ray of light was born in the Xuan Mi Pearl, spinning continuously in mid-air, like a vortex, absorbing Qingqing into it.

Soon, the vortex disappeared.

After more than two hundred years, Qingqing finally returned to Xuan Mi Zhu.

It's just that after this trip, there will be no more Qingqing.

Liang Yan looked at the place where Qingqing disappeared, and was a little lost for a moment, and was stunned for a moment.

It wasn't until Lao Jin roared that he was awakened again.


Hearing Lao Jin's cry, Liang Yan looked up and saw three meteors falling from the sky at the same time, almost blocking his escape route!


Liang Yan didn't dare to stay any longer, and drove Lao Jin to flee at a gallop.

Although he has the "Sacred Physique of Shennong", he has reached his limit at this time. He dare not resist the poison around him, so he can only use his sword art, using the sword energy of "Wugou Shenlei" to blow away the poisonous cloud, and then Find the right opportunity to escape from the gap in the poisonous cloud.

For a short distance, Lao Jin dodged left and right, twisted and turned, and it took ten breaths of time to rejoin Wu Xin and Li Banxi.

The two also witnessed the scene just now, and their faces were a little bit sad.

"Liang Yan, look!"

Wuxin suddenly pointed to the direction behind Liang Yan.

Liang Yan turned his head, and saw the rays of light flowing inside the Xuan Mizhu, and countless khaki rays of light shot out like sharp swords, piercing through the surrounding red light curtain in an instant.


Even though they were far apart, everyone heard a crisp cracking sound.

The red mask could no longer restrain the Xuan Mizhu, and it split into pieces in mid-air, while the Xuan Mizhu rose high into the sky and became bigger and bigger. In just a few breaths, it turned into a cloud of khaki nebula.

This nebula covered the entire Shennong Mountain. The black fire meteor above the head fell into the nebula and disappeared immediately. The poisonous man in the mountain range was enveloped by this nebula, and instantly collapsed, turning into a wisp of blue smoke and floating in the air.

"It turns out that this is the original appearance of Xuan Mizhu

Wuxin looked at the yellow nebula above his head and let out a sigh of emotion.

Liang Yan remained silent.

He knew that the reason why Xuan Mizhu had such power was because Qingqing sacrificed herself to make up for the missing part of Xuan Mizhu.


There was another loud noise, and the rays of the Xuan Mizhu suddenly burst into bloom. These rays of light rushed to the sky, and the sky that had been torn apart began to slowly repair under the rays of the rays.

"Success! The power of the enchantment is recovering!" Li Banxi saw this scene from a distance, and his face showed joy.

Although Liang Yan was a little bit relieved, he couldn't be happier.

For nearly fifty years, he has been very familiar with Qingqing. Looking back on the first time they met, Qingqing was just a little girl who wanted to sneak out to play. If he hadn't knocked her back to the Langhuan Continent, Will her fate be different?

Thinking of this, Liang Yan sighed deeply.

At the same time, in various parts of the Langhuan Continent, whether it is the disciples of Shennong Mountain or the monks of the Langhuan Hundred Clans,

All of them looked up at the sky.

When they found that the black fire meteors were no longer falling from the sky, and when they found that the shattered starry sky began to gradually repair, everyone's faces were filled with ecstasy.

"Finally the disaster has finally left

"It must be the blessing of the ancestors!"

"Yes, the souls of the ancestors still exist in this continent, they have not abandoned us!"

All over Langhuan Continent, people wept with joy and ran to tell each other.

They attributed this to the heroic spirits of their ancestors, and to the totems underground, but they would never have imagined that the one who gave everyone a chance of life was only a girl whose eyes were clearer than mountain springs.

On a certain peak of Shennong Mountain, Shennong Hu stood on the top of the mountain blankly.

The figure that trapped him disappeared not long ago.

He knew that it was because the power of the enchantment had been restored, and the "Poison Saint" could no longer let his supernatural avatar come to this realm.

The reason why the enchantment can be repaired is only one possibility.


Shen Nong Hu's eyes were full of exhaustion.

His originally dark face was now covered with wrinkles, as if he had aged for thousands of years at this moment.

"I didn't expect it to end like this...It was originally my duty to protect the creatures in this world, but in the end it fell on your shoulders."

Shennong Hu let out a long sigh, and looked around.

Tonight, there were countless casualties in Langhuan Continent.

Under the night, there is the breath of death, but also the joy of the rest of life.

The dead are gone, and the living will continue.

After this incident, I am afraid that the monks in the entire Langhuan Continent will know that the continent they are in is just a small world, and there is a wider world outside.

Where does Langhuan Continent This is a difficult problem before him. But at least tonight, Shennong Hu didn't want to think about it.

He sat down on the edge of the cliff and took off a gourd from his waist.

"Qingqing, remember? You always pestered me to drink the wine in my gourd before. But you don't know, this wine is used for my healing, and the wine is made of highly poisonous substances. Bitter, so I never let you drink it...

Having said this, Shen Nong Hu's face was full of loneliness.

He pulled out the cork of the gourd bottle, and the mouth of the bottle was facing down, and the bitter wine in it was "gudonggugu"

"Boom" flowed out, like a small river, pouring down from a cliff as high as ten feet high.

In the haze, there seemed to be a familiar face reflected in the wine river, with clear eyes, innocent, smiling at himself.


"Here, let's drink together this time."

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