The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1569: Breath of the Turtle (End of this volume)

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Qingqing's sacrifice bought the peace of the entire Langhuan Continent.

On the fifth day after the war, Shennong Mountain was left to be rebuilt.

It can be seen everywhere that disciples in twos and threes are walking together, either refining elixirs, repairing medicine fields, or repairing formations. Almost everyone has their own tasks.

Compared with the busyness of the main peaks, an unnamed mountain on the left side of Qingyang Peak is much quieter.

There is no spiritual vein under this mountain, so no one lives there, not even a name.

But at this moment, at the top of the mountain, there was a man in white standing.

This person looks to be in his early twenties, tall and straight, and handsome. The only fly in the ointment is that his left eye is blind, and he looks a bit hideous. There was a tombstone in front of the man. There was no name on the tombstone, only a flying sword as thin as a willow leaf stuck in front of the tomb.


The man stroked the flying sword, as if touching that innocent and pretty face.

"Didn't we make an agreement? We want to see the outside world together. Why are you lazy by yourself, sleeping here and not getting up?"

"That's always like to be lazy, and you don't work as hard as I do when practicing swords, but you can always be one step faster than me every time. I know, it's because your talent is stronger than mine, although I have never been willing to admit this a little"

"Didn't you want to compete with me? Why did you stop now? If you can keep practicing, maybe you will be able to reach the realm of the master in the future?" The man muttered in front of the tombstone, as if he was with someone invisible people talking.

If someone passed by here, he must feel that he has gone crazy, but this is an unnamed mountain, and no one will pass by it at ordinary times.

I don't know how long it took, and suddenly I heard a sigh sounded behind me.

"Xingyun, you have been standing here for three days and three nights."

The man in white was taken aback for a moment, turned around in a daze, and looked behind him.

There, a man in a long gray coat stood with his hands behind his back.


The moment he saw this person, Gu Xingyun couldn't control it anymore, the emotions accumulated in the past three days exploded at this moment, and he knelt on the ground like a child, crying loudly.

Seeing this scene, Liang Yan sighed slightly in his heart.

He didn't go up to stop it.

Qingqing's death is a knot in everyone's heart.

Especially Gu Xingyun.

This person attaches great importance to friendship. Although he and Qingqing didn't talk about it, they have a tacit understanding, and it can almost be said that they have made a private decision for life.

They love each other, and both are obsessed with swordsmanship, which can be called a match made in heaven.

It's a pity that the way of heaven is impermanent, Qingqing finally chose to sacrifice herself in order to protect all living beings in Langhuan Continent, and because of this, Gu Xingyun lost his love forever...

During these three days, Gu Xingyun stood in front of Qingqing's tomb like a log. Liang Yan knew that he had been depressed for too long, and crying loudly at this moment was a manifestation of emotional catharsis. If he was not allowed to cry, it would be harmful to him.

So Liang Yan kept silent.

One of the two was silent, and the other was crying loudly. After a long time, Gu Xingyun's crying gradually stopped, and there was finally a trace of clarity in his numb eyes.

"Is it better?" Liang Yan asked softly.

Gu Xingyun didn't answer, he turned his head and stared blankly at the tombstone.

I don't know how long it took before a hoarse voice sounded: "Master, what is the way of heaven? Isn't cultivation for the pursuit of the original heart? Why are there so many life and death?"

Faced with this question, Liang Yan sighed lightly.

"Xingyun, since you were born, you have been staying in the Langhuan Continent, so you don't know the outside world. In fact, there has never been any fairness in the world of cultivation. The weak eat the strong, and killing and fighting are things that have happened since ancient times. If you can't accept this happening, I advise you to stay in Langhuan Continent."


Gu Xingyun shook his head violently, and stretched out his hand to hold the jade pendant on his chest.

This jade pendant was once unintentionally

Divide one into two and give it to Qingqing and Gu Xingyun respectively.

But now, the two halves of the jade pendant have been merged into one, forming a complete jade pendant, and there is no trace of cracking at all.

"I'm not alone...Qingqing is also with me."

There was a warm feeling from the jade pendant in his hand, which made Gu Xingyun feel that Qingqing was by his side.

"I promised her that I will go to see the outside world together and explore the ultimate of swordsmanship together. Starting today, I am not practicing alone. I will take this jade pendant to the outside world to complete the common goal of the two of us. wish!"

Gu Xingyun clenched the jade pendant in his hand, his confused eyes just now gradually became firmer at this moment


Liang Yan nodded slightly.

Gu Xingyun finally broke through this hurdle, so he can rest assured.

"Fifty years is a reincarnation, the next time 'Jun Tian's breath is coming, when the time comes, you and I will leave together."

Leaving these words behind, Liang Yan left the top of the mountain by driving the light.

Gu Xingyun must have a lot to say to Qingqing, he doesn't want to disturb here.

Time flies, spring and autumn come, and in a blink of an eye, another two years have passed.

On this day, the wind was sunny and the sky was clear. On the Longtou Peak of Shennong Mountain, more than a dozen monks gathered.

Although the number of people is small, the weight is extremely heavy!

Shennong Hu, the owner of Shennong Mountain, Ai Zhong and Wei Long, the former three elders, and Jia Yi, Ding Feng, Xu Da, Xu Er and other personal disciples were all present. These people were talking and laughing happily on the top of the mountain, and they seemed to be waiting for someone.

After a while, four escaping lights came galloping in the distance and landed in front of everyone. They were indeed Liang Yan, Wu Xin, Gu Xingyun and Li Banxi.

"The Lord of the Mountain has been waiting for a long time!"

Liang Yan saluted Shen Nong Hu with his fists in his hands.

"Fellow daoist, you are welcome." Shen Nonghu chuckled, glanced at everyone, and said again: "Fellow daoists, have you really decided not to stay in our Langhuan continent?" There are still unfinished things, so I really can't leave them here." Liang Yan said with a trace of apology.

"No problem!"

Shen Nonghu waved his hand and said: "After experiencing these things, I have already seen it. Everything is about a fate. It is also a fate that I can meet you... As for other things, there is no need to force it." " It is the best thing that the mountain master can think so." Liang Yan smiled slightly, then cupped his hands and said, "thanks to the mountain master for your guidance in the past two years, the medical skills of Shennong's lineage have too many unique features, especially It is a study on the meridians of the human body, and Liang has benefited a lot!"

The reason why he said this is because in the past two years, Shen Nong Hu took him to participate in the study of "Shen Nong Emperor Jing", and at the same time taught him all his medical skills.

After these two years of study, although Liang Yan's medical skills are still far behind Shennonghu's, if viewed from the outside world, they can be regarded as top-notch. "Hehe, what are you talking about, Fellow Daoist? You saved Langhuan Continent twice, and Shen Nonghu did nothing to repay you. This trivial matter is really nothing to worry about."

Shennonghu smiled, and looked at Li Banxi again.

"Li Daoyou, after you go back, please convey my thanks to your mountain master for me."

"Yes." Li Banli smiled and nodded.

"In addition, please also ask Fellow Daoist Liang to tell Senior Linghu for me, saying that we, Juntian City will no longer hide from the world, and we are willing to form an alliance with Wushuang City. If there is a place for us, we only need to be instructed by Senior Linghu!"

As soon as these words came out, Liang Yan and Wu Xin were slightly taken aback.

Juntian City has been closed for more than 100,000 years, and has never dealt with the Antarctic Immortal Continent. Even though he knew that Tiangong City had ambitions, Shen Nonghu still held the idea of ​​being alone, so what he said just now really surpassed the two. expected.

"Shanzhu, why did you change your mind?" Liang Yan asked curiously. Shen Nonghu took a deep breath, and said slowly: "After experiencing this catastrophe, I have already seen that no one can survive alone under the catastrophe. Although our 'Juntian City' is protected by an enchantment, if the entire Antarctic Immortal If the continent falls into the hands of Tiangong City, then our Juntian

It is only a matter of time before the city falls. If we can keep it for fifty years, can we keep it for five hundred years, five thousand years? In the next crisis, someone like Liang Daoyou may not appear. "

After Liang Yan heard this, a hint of surprise appeared in his eyes.

He didn't expect Shennong Hu to have such an awareness. This is equivalent to a big gamble. If he loses the gamble, Langhuan Continent will fall into a land of eternal doom.

Glancing at Ai Zhong, Wei Long and the others, he found that their faces were very calm, obviously this decision was discussed by them.

"Mountain Lord, are you sure? Once this decision is made, there will be no room for regret in the future."

"I am sure."

Shen Nonghu's face was firm, and he said in a deep voice: "Back then, the Nine Saints and Immortals bought Antarctic Immortal Continent's peace for more than 100,000 years, but now someone is going to be the second Queen Mother of the West, and will bring Antarctic Immortal Continent into a bloodbath! In this catastrophe, no one can survive alone. Once the great war breaks out, I will take the initiative to undo the barrier restrictions and lead Juntian City to join Senior Linghu's camp. Although there are no saints in our Juntian City, there are all kinds of natural materials and earth treasures in the mountains. It is not an exaggeration to say that the medicine is a panacea, and I believe it will help the war.”


Hearing Shennonghu's words, Liang Yan looked solemn, nodded and said, "Don't worry, Lord Shan, I will definitely convey this message to City Lord Linghu!"

"Hehe, we will be allies from now on, maybe there will be a day when we meet again."

Shennong Hu smiled slightly, and looked down the cliff.

"The time is coming, the tortoise 'Juntian' breathes out every fifty years in exchange for the aura of the outside world. Under the dragon head peak is the head of 'Juntian', and when he breathes out, a channel of aura will appear. This is your only chance to get out of here!"

Before the words were finished, there was a dull and loud noise from the foot of Longtou Peak.


The entire mountain began to tremble, and under the cliff, the earth split open, revealing a faint abyss.

Everyone released their consciousness, and saw a huge head vaguely under the endless abyss.

That is the head of the tortoise "Juntian"!

Behind it, there is another tortoise shell that is so large and boundless that only the front part is exposed. There are dozens of tortoise shells on it, and there are totems of different shapes on each tortoise shell.

Seeing this scene, Liang Yan suddenly realized.

"It turns out that the spells cultivated by the Langhuan clan all come from the turtle shell on the back of the divine turtle Juntian."

Before he could think too much, he saw "Jun Tian" let out a deep roar.

The next moment, the tortoise breathed out, and the situation changed!

The powerful force of space surges Those Shennongshan disciples who are in the lower realms can't even stand still, and hide in Ai Zhong's space magic weapon one after another.

In just this moment of effort, hundreds of aura channels of different sizes have appeared in midair.

"Friends, it's now!"

Shen Nonghu's voice sounded, and due to the surging power of the surrounding space, even if he was standing beside him, the voice sounded as if it was separated by thousands of mountains and rivers.

"let's go."

Liang Yan put Gu Xingyun in the Taixu gourd, turned his head and glanced at Wuxin. The latter smiled slightly and nodded slightly.

Without the slightest hesitation, the two held hands and jumped off the Longtou Peak.

Passing through the faint underground abyss, the two finally jumped into the same aura channel...

PS: This volume is all over here, the next volume is "Dancing Demons"!

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