The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 800: Explore the hell

Li Xiaosong just shook his head and yawned a little sleepily before asking, "What's calling me out?"

   Liang Yan looked at her and couldn't help being angry and funny and said: "What a lazy guy! I changed you a wooden house. I thought you would work harder to practice, but I didn't expect to take a nap inside.

   "What do you know!" Li Xiaosong stretched out and said, "Since I successfully built the foundation, I have discovered that I can practice even when I sleep. When I am confused, my practice speed is faster!"

   "Is there such a thing?"

   Liang Yan showed a suspicious look on his face, but after a while, he waved his hand and said, "No, I am calling you out today to show you this baby."

   "What treasure........."

   Li Xiaosong was halfway through speaking, and suddenly there was no sound, because she had followed Liang Yan's gaze and saw the four primitive stone pillars on the table.

The little girl’s eyes glowed, and she was silent for a moment before shouting: “What a rich flame aura, what a magic weapon is this, even in the Master’s place, I rarely see this level of fire. A magic weapon!"

   "This is called the'Heavenly Dragon God Fire Pillar', which I snatched from an enemy. What is so special about this magic weapon?" Liang Yan asked.


Li Xiaosong hugged one of the stone pillars and looked at it carefully for a long time before he replied: "Your cultivation base is far above me. I am afraid I can't even see where you can't see it. But well... ......."

   "But what?" Liang Yan frowned slightly.

   Li Komatsu became rare this time seriously: "I have a feeling that the flame aura within this stone pillar doesn't seem to be very pure, and there is something else in it!"

Liang Yan knew that although Li Xiaosong's realm was lower than her own, she had a special talent in the fire system. This time she called her out just to give it a try and see if she could find it. The origin of the magic weapon.

   Hearing Li Xiaosong said that he felt this way, Liang Yan quickly asked: "Then can you figure out what the impurities are in this magic weapon?"

   "This is not possible yet..." Li Xiaosong shook his head and said, "There are very few impurities hidden in this magic weapon, but it gives me a very uncomfortable feeling."

   When she said this, her eyes suddenly lit up, and she said: "If you give me this magic weapon for refining, maybe I can find what's hidden inside!"

   "What a Li Xiaosong, you are here waiting for me!"

   Liang Yan smiled, and said, "Well, I asked you to come out. That's what I meant, but let's talk about it first. I will only lend you the magic weapon temporarily."


   Li Komatsu stuck out his tongue at Liang Yan, turned around and picked up the four stone pillars on the table, and then slipped into the wooden house around his waist.

   Liang Yan looked at her desperate look, and couldn't help but shook his head. This magic weapon was incompatible with his own practice. No matter how powerful it was, it could only be cheaper than Li Xiaosong.

   The reason why he wanted to figure out the origin of the Nine Dragon God Fire Pillar was not because he valued the power of the magic weapon itself, but because of the four small characters on the pillar:

   "Yellow Spring does not return"!

   To be honest, after coming to the Underworld, cultivation and improvement of strength are important, but the first task is to find a way to get out of here.

   After all, the spiritual energy here is thin, and it is impossible to practice without relying on the immortal stone.

   The entire underworld has existed for an unknown number of years. There are only a handful of Golden Core cultivators who are still alive today, and none of them have reached the Profound Realm.

   If he is stuck here for the rest of his life, then his path of cultivation in the future will be cut off, because the upper limit of cultivation is there.

   Liang Yan had just fallen into this place after all, and was unwilling to sink into it. Therefore, while developing the Yunyanhui, he also ordered people to investigate secretly and search for all suspicious places in the underworld.

   He wants to explore places that others have not found, search for secrets that others have not discovered, everything is to give himself a chance to return to the world.

   The four words "Huangquan does not return" are not like the inscription of any sect in the human race, but rather like a place in this hell.

   Wuxin once said that the leaders and high-level leaders of the four leagues should know more or less some of the secrets of this place, but they will not share it with themselves.

   "Since they don't say anything, then I will find out on my own. One day, I will understand the truth of this world before them, and escape this cage..."

   Liang Yan muttered to himself, his eyes gradually became firm...


   Since Zihengshan and his entourage, the Yunyanhui has soared.

   The news that Liang Yan won Li Yan before 30 strokes was even more widely circulated in the Feixing League. Those who had good things had already rated Liang Yan as one of the eight stars, ranking ahead of Li Yan.

In the next few years, Yunyan will continue to move. On the one hand, it has occupied several controversial territories. On the other hand, it has sent people to actively explore various places in the underworld. Micro veins.

  The monks' style of the Yunyanhui has gradually become tougher. Many of the forces that have offended the Yunyanhui before have gradually been subdued, either sending people to ask for peace or ceding their territory.

   In the process of the rise of the Yunyan Society, the monks who came here admiringly were like the crucian carp who crossed the river. Not only did the number of monks in the foundation stage reach thousands of people, there were even as many as 18 monks in the Ju Yuan realm.

With the addition of many monks and the expansion of the territory, there are more and more affairs on weekdays. Liang Yan is unwilling to spend too much time on managing the Yunyan meeting, so he assigns most of the power to Wuxin and asks her to replace it. Take care of the Yunyan Club by yourself.

   As for himself, he often practiced behind closed doors. After all, he can remain invincible in this **** only by forming a golden pill.

   Time flies, seven years have passed.

   In the past seven years, Liang Yan has never stopped exploring the underworld. Not only has he secretly cultivated a team of people to explore those inaccessible places, but he also personally went into battle and searched several rather strange territories.

   A few times of them were even life-threatening. For example, in an unknown desert, there were quicksands and dark caves. If you accidentally, you would be inhaled into them, not only imprisoning the whole body's spiritual power, but even corrupting the flesh.

   A cultivator in the Ju Yuan realm who was with him, because he was too confident, was eventually sucked into the ground by the dark cave of the quicksand, and then he never saw him come out again.

   There are also places like "Ghost Tomb", "Carrion Valley", "Earth Fire Black Sea" and many unnamed places.

They not only have to fight against these harsh environments, but also guard against other monks that may appear at any time, especially the monks of the Mad Lion League. These people are extremely brave and ruthless. They have never dealt with the Flying Star League. They almost always meet. To do it.

   Fortunately, Liang Yan's methods are good. The only four leaders in the entire underworld can make him jealous. If other people are in his hands, they will almost always come back and forth.

   This is the case. After seven years, Liang Yan has found almost no useful clues, and he is still at a loss as to how to escape from the underworld.

   But he is not discouraged. Hell has existed for so many years, and so many monks have not found a way to escape. Unless he is a son of destiny, it is impossible to find a way out so quickly.

   Liang Yan is convinced that as long as he does not give up, there will always be hope, but if he gives up, it is completely impossible.


   At noon on this day, Liang Yan ended half a year of retreat and drove a light from Kaiyuan Mountain to the general pavilion of Yunyanhui.

   He had just landed at the gate of the city, when a group of patrolling monks from the Yunyanhui took the initiative to open the moat formation and greeted him from the inside.

   "See Liang Zunshi!" All of them bowed down and saluted respectfully.

   Liang Yan smiled slightly, and asked one of them: "Where is Wuxin Deputy Envoy now?"

   "Return to the envoy Liang Zun, Master Wuxin is currently in the reception hall.

   "Oh? Are there any guests here?" Liang Yan asked casually.

   The man nodded and replied: "More than one person has come, including the leaders of the five powers of Baiyuhui, Luoshendian, Seven Star Pavilion, Bloodhand Society, and Nixia Palace."

   "So many come?"

   Liang Yan frowned slightly. Among the five powers, only the Seven Star Pavilion and the Blood Hand would be the powers that have made friends with them. As for the other three powers, there is almost no contact in the ordinary days.

   "It's so good, how come there are five ambassadors here?" Liang Yan whispered, and then flicked his sleeves, turning into a light to go straight to the meeting hall.

   After only a moment of effort, Liang Yan came to the outside of the hall, and he had no intention of hiding his breath, so he walked in directly.

   I saw six people already sitting in the hall, and it was Witch Wuxin who was in the main seat.

   In the first place in her left hand, sat a middle-aged Taoist priest with a seven-star sword on his waist and a Taoist robe. Liang Yan recognized this person as the leader of the Seven-Star Pavilion, the "Nanyang Taoist."

   In Wuxin's right-hand second seat, sitting is a tall man with his arms wrapped in bandages. This person is Duguyun, the leader of the Blood Hand Society.

   Among the five people, Liang Yan only recognizes these two people. As for the remaining three, he has never seen them.

   When these five people noticed Liang Yan's arrival, they all turned their heads together and looked at him at the same time.

   "Liang has been in retreat for many days, and I don't know your envoys have come. Please forgive me for any lack of hospitality." Liang Yan bowed his hands towards everyone.

   "Envoy Liang Zun is too polite!" Taoist Nanyang stroked his beard, and said with a smile: "Envoy Liang Zun has been in retreat for many days, and it must have been a hundred feet better. I really can't wait for the dust!"

   "Friends of Nanyang Daoist said and laughed!" Liang Yan waved his hand and looked at Wuxin again with a questioning expression on his face.

   Wuxin had a pair of wonderful eyes Yingying, and said with a smile: "You can figure it out. If you don't come out again, I really want to send someone to invite you."

   "I suddenly realized something not long ago, so I postponed the exit time a bit. I don't know where the three Taoists came from?" Liang Yan asked directly.

   Wuxin smiled slightly and pointed to one of the pretty sweet-looking female cultivators who was wearing a colorful silk robe and said, "This is Tang Ying, the leader of Nixia Palace."

   The female cultivator immediately smiled sweetly when she heard her introduction, and said in a polite manner to Liang Yan: "Tang Ying has seen Envoy Liang Zun. I have long heard that Envoy Liang Zun is a talented person and has extraordinary temperament. I saw it today!"

   Liang Yan was slightly taken aback when he heard it, and he secretly said: "This flattering is too vulgar!"

   But he still smiled on his face and said: "Tang Zun is a peerless beauty, why bother to ridicule Liang..."


   Wuxin gave a light cough, directly interrupted the conversation between the two, and pointed to another young man in white and said, "This is Tang Shaoyu, the leader of the Bai Yuhui."

   "Happy meeting!" Tang Shaoyu turned his head and arched his hands at Liang Yan.

   "Happy meeting!" Liang Yan also gave a gift.

   Seeing that the two of them didn’t seem to have anything to say, Wuxin pointed to the last tall female cultivator wearing a green robes, and introduced: “This is the leader of Luoshen Temple, Yan Shuyun.”

   The female cultivator seemed very indifferent, she just nodded at Liang Yan, even if she had said hello.

  The cultivators each have their own tempers. Liang Yan has already taken it off for a long time. What he cares about at the moment is why these five people are here.

   "Five fellow daoists came to my Yunyanhui at the same time, I don't know what's the matter?" Liang Yan asked.

   "They came here because they explored an unusual place." Wuxin replied for the five people.


   Liang Yan immediately became interested.

   Hell is vast and boundless. Now the place where the Four Leagues are located is just the tip of an iceberg, and there are many undiscovered territories hidden in the depths of the mist.

   Over the years, he has been rushing around, investigating many places and nothing has been gained, but he has become more concerned about rumors about some weird places.

   "Where is this place? What is unusual?" Liang Yan asked.

   "Let the old man talk about this."

The Taoist Nanyang laughed, stood up from the seat, and said to Liang Yanwei: "Not long Our five forces accidentally broke into a new piece of land during a joint treasure hunt. The realm. The biggest difference between this place and the outside world is that it contains plenty of spiritual energy!"

   "What? There is aura!"

   Liang Yan was really surprised. You must know that in this underworld, the most lacking is spiritual energy. The reason why everyone can practice is all dependent on the spiritual power in the immortal stone.

   The emergence of a place that contains spiritual energy is definitely a major discovery!

   "Daoist Nanyang, where is this place you mentioned, but does anyone else know?" Liang Yan suppressed the excitement in his heart and asked calmly.

   "This place is far away from the boundaries of the four major leagues. At present, only the five forces involved in the treasure hunt know about it. Not only is there ample aura, there is also an emerald green bamboo forest." Nanyang Taoist said slowly.

   "There are bamboo forests?"

   Liang Yan was taken aback. He had been in the underworld for more than ten years. The most in the underworld were ghost vines and other gloomy plants, and he had never seen a bamboo forest.

   "It seems that this place is indeed unusual." Liang Yan murmured, then frowned and asked: "Since you discovered this treasure, why didn't you go deep into it at that time, and you still have to tell us the Yunyan Club?"

  As soon as he said this, the five people present all looked at each other, seeming a little embarrassed.

   In the end, Taoist Nanyang coughed: "It's not that I don't want to go in and find out, but everyone who enters the forest is gone..."

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