The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 801: Deep into the mist

Liang Yan couldn't help furrowing his brows after hearing what he said, and asked: "What was the situation at that time, please also Nanyang Taoist Fellow to explain in detail."

Taoist Nanyang nodded and said: "At that time, our five forces gathered together more than 60 monks in the foundation stage, and five elders from the Ju Yuan realm led the team. After some exploration, they entered by accident. This woodland."

   "The woodland is full of aura, and it is not comparable to any place in the underworld. After the several elders who led the team, after discussing it, they decided to take a closer look."

"But this woodland is very weird, the more they go inside, the more they feel wrong. In the end, with the strength of their Ju Yuan realm, they can't tell the direction. At the same time, there is a strong restriction that prevents them from flying. ........."

   Liang Yan couldn't help but shook his head when he heard this, "Why don't you leave an elder outside to cope, in case of an accident?"

After hearing this, Taoist Nanyang sighed: "The so-called greed, the monks who explored the bamboo forest at that time were all attracted by the strong spiritual energy. You must know that for many years in the underworld, they can only rely on immortal stones to cultivate, and now they have discovered this. Treasure land, who doesn't want to be the first to go in and see what happened?"

   After listening to Liang Yan, he nodded helplessly. It is the monks' instinct to fight for the opportunity. In front of such a treasure, who is willing to be on duty outside, and let others get the opportunity first?

   "What happened later?" Liang Yan asked.

"Later, the entire army was annihilated. Almost all the monks who participated in this exploration died in it. Only our elder Tang Jingyun from the Seven Star Pavilion tried the secret method of burning blood and managed to escape from the bamboo forest. However, he replied. When I arrived at the Seven Star Pavilion, I was already dying. Although I tried my best to treat, I was still unable to return to the sky. I could only watch Daoyou Tang die and disappear." Dao Ren Nanyang said with a sad expression on his face.

   "Daoist Nanyang, please sorrow." Liang Yan comforted him, and then asked: "Then Daoist Tang returned to the sect, can you describe the situation at that time in detail?"

Taoist Nanyang showed a trace of reminiscence on his face, and slowly said: "After Tang Jingyun came back, he explained the situation of exploring the bamboo forest from beginning to end, but when he was finally killed, he only said the word'bamboo demon'. , A look of extreme horror appeared on his face, and then he passed away."

   "Bamboo Demon..." Liang Yan murmured, standing still and pondering.

At this time, Taoist Nanyang stood up and hit the inspector, bowed his hand at him and said: "I will tell Liang Zunji about such a secret thing, and I hope that Liang Zun will be sent out to preside over the overall situation and explore this bamboo forest with me and others. "

After Liang Yan heard this, his face showed a smile but a smile, saying: "Liang is just a newly appointed envoy. There are still seven stars in the alliance and the leader of the golden core. Why do you want to find Liang for such a good thing? Your head up?"

Taoist Nanyang said with a smile: "Liang Zun envoy is polite, and now who doesn’t know your deeds of'Twenty-seven strokes to defeat Li Yan', if you talk about the strength of the fighting technique, I am afraid that the seven stars are not Liang Zun's opponent. Leader Meng..........."

When he said this, he paused slightly, and he seemed to think about it before continuing: "If this matter is reported to the leader of Meng, no matter what treasure is obtained in the forest, I am afraid that it will eventually be handed over to the Feixing League. I will wait at most to get it. It’s just a little celestial stone.... But if I wait for a few people to enter secretly, I can divide the treasures unconsciously."

Liang Yan smiled slightly after hearing this. He had actually predicted that these people were worried about the danger in the forest and wanted to find someone with high strength to lead the team, but they were unwilling to alarm the leader and let the treasure in hand make someone else's wedding dress. .

   "Since Nanyang Taoist friends are all talking about this, if Liang Mou refuses to resign, it would be too bad for you to give face to the Taoists." Liang Yan said with a smile.

   After listening to Taoist Nanyang, there was a hint of joy on his face, and the other four people also stood up and said to Liang Yan, "Please Liang Zun entrusts the overall situation!"

   Liang Yan waved his hand and said: "Everyone is a fellow Daoist in the alliance, you don't have to be so polite! But this Zhulin party must be secretive, please restrain your subordinates after you go back, and don't leak the news."

Daoist Nanyang smiled and said, "Please rest assured, fellow Daoist Liang. Only two confidant elders know about this matter in our Seven Star Pavilion. They are absolutely tight-lipped. As for the other forces in the Quartet, they are all veterans who visit in person and tell the four fellow daoists this matter. , And it didn’t pass through others.”

   "Daoist Nanyang has a heart." Liang Yan nodded slightly, very satisfied with what he did.

   Next, he discussed the specific details of the treasure hunt with five people, and the distribution principles after the treasure was discovered. Finally, after half an hour, everyone reached a consensus.

   "If that's the case, then the matter is so set." Liang Yan pointed at the crowd slightly and said: "After ten days, Liang will go to the Seven Star Pavilion on time and set off with you fellow Taoists."

   The five people got up and saluted at the same time: "I'm waiting in the Seven Star Pavilion to welcome Liang Zunshi."

   After speaking, the few people didn't stay much, and each left. In the huge living room, only Liang Yan and Wuxin were left.

   Wuxin looked at Liang Yan, and asked with some worry: "Are you really going to go?"

   "Naturally go." Liang Yan nodded and said: "I have been exploring the underworld for these years, and I will not let go of any unusual places."

   "But this place is too weird. The five Primordial Judgment Boundary cultivators who entered before have no bones left. I am worried that you will be in danger if you leave." Wuxin said with a frown.

   Liang Yan smiled and said: "It's okay, I act on my own account. If it is really dangerous, I will retreat in time."

   "Then I will go with you, so I can take care of it along the way."

   "No." Liang Yan waved his hand and said: "Yunyanhui will always be our foundation in Hell, and one of us must sit here!"

   Wuxin listened to Liang Yan's words and couldn't help but sighed softly: "No matter, I know you can't change your decision. This thing is for you. If there is an emergency, it may be useful."

   She took out a golden bell from the storage bag and handed it to Liang Yan.

   "What is this? Why can't I notice a trace of aura?" Liang Yan played with the bell in his hand, a curious look appeared on his face.

   Wuxin smiled slightly, stretched out a finger to flick the bell, and suddenly a circle of magic patterns spread, protecting Liang Yan's whole person inside.

   Feeling the surging demonic energy around him, Liang Yan couldn't help but change his color slightly, and quickly hit a ban, covering the entire living room.

   "This is the'Huanhuan Bell', which can withstand the full blow of the cultivator in the early stage of the Golden Core, but it can only be used three times, and after three times it will collapse by itself." Wuxin said slowly.

   "Can you actually withstand the full blow of the cultivator in the early stage of the Golden Core?" Liang Yan was taken aback, but he immediately remembered that Wuxin was once a cultivator of the Golden Core peak after all, and it is not surprising to have such a treasure.

   "This thing is too precious, I..." He was about to say something when he was stuck with a finger out of his mouth.

"I don't care if I get out of the underworld. As long as we are still in the underworld, the two of us are in the same boat. It is also very good for me to explore the way to leave this place. What is a magic weapon?" Said softly with a careless expression.

   After listening to Liang Yan, he was silent for a while, and finally just nodded and said:

   "I will definitely take you out."

   Wuxin smiled, did not speak, but there was a trace of joy hidden in his eyes.........


   In the next few days, Yunyan’s outward exploration and expansion have slowed down, and some forces that have been suppressed by Yunyan for a long time have also temporarily breathed a sigh of relief.

   The Seven-Star Pavilion is close to the western border of the Feixing League. It can be regarded as the border gate. There are 13 monks in the Juyuan realm in the pavilion, and the Nanyang Taoist pavilion has the cultivation base of the late Juyuan realm.

   On this night, an unremarkable gray light cut through the sky and flew from the east.

   The cultivator in this light seemed to hide himself deliberately, and did not reveal a breath from beginning to end. Even the cultivators of the Seven Star Pavilion who patrolled in the late stage of foundation building did not notice his arrival.

   The gray light finally fell on a boulder outside the Seven Star Pavilion, revealing a young man in gray.

   He looked at the city wall in the night and was silent for a moment, then suddenly shook his sleeves, and a white light flew out of the sleeves and sneaked into the city silently.

   After about half a cup of tea, five figures flew out of the city one after another, and finally all fell in front of the young man.

The man at the head of    smiled, raised his hand to disperse the light, revealing his face, he is indeed a Taoist from Nanyang.

   "I have seen Envoy Liang Zun!"

   Nanyang Taoist clasped his fists in a salute, and the people behind him also stepped forward to salute.

   "Stop these courtesy."

   Liang Yan carried his hands on his back, and asked leisurely: "You came out this time, didn't you disturb other people?"

   "Reassured Liang Zun. We all claim to practice in retreat. Except for one or two confidants, no one else knows about this trip."

"That's good." Liang Yan nodded, and said to the middle-aged Taoist priest beside him: "Liang came here alone this time, which shows his sincerity. Nanyang Taoist fellow should stop playing dumb riddles at this time, right? Hurry up and put that bamboo forest. Let’s explain the specific location of ."

Taoist Nanyang hurriedly said with a smile: "Don't blame Liang Zunshi. After all, I got the news after sacrificing the lives of five Taoist friends. I was really cautious before, but since Liang Zunshi came as agreed, I won't hide it. "

He said that he took out a scroll from his sleeves and put it in Liang Yan's hands, and said: "This is the topographical map drawn by the old Dao based on Tang Jingyun's deathbed complaint. The approximate location of the bamboo forest has been marked. ."

   After listening to Liang Yan, he opened the scroll in his hand and only glanced at it, then he was surprised: "It's actually so far away from the Big Four?"

   The topographic map drawn by Taoist Nanyang, where the bamboo forest is, has penetrated deep into the mist of Hell, and is very far away from the location of the Four Great Leagues.

"You also know that Liang Zun's monks have been actively exploring the underworld over the years. Some areas nearby have been explored long ago. Only by venturing into the depths of the mist can they find a chance. Taoist Nanyang said slowly.

   This person is telling the truth. Originally, the entire **** was shrouded in a layer of mist, but after thousands of years, the monks of the four major alliances gradually expelled the mist with formations, and only then had a pure land where one party could survive.

   But in the area outside the four leagues, there is still a lot of mist.

   Many self-confident monks rushed into the exploration, even if some people got the chance to return, but most of them ended up dead.

   Liang Yan has been rushing to and fro over the years, and he does have this feeling. The area opened by the Four Leagues has long been searched. If you want to investigate the truth of the underworld, you have to enter the depths of the mist.

   "Well, since I want to get the chance, how can I not take a bit of risk." Liang Yan took a deep breath and said: "It takes a lot of time to go to the bamboo forest, let's not delay, let's go now!"

   After listening to the other five people, none of them had any comments. Several people pinched the tactics together, turned into six ways of escape, and disappeared into the horizon in a blink of an eye.


   Three months later, in an endless gray desert, six escape lights were flying side by side high in the sky.

   The fog in the underworld prison is vast and boundless, and can block people's spiritual consciousness. Being in the fog, it can only sense a range of several tens of meters around.

   Even with the cultivation base of a few people gathering in the Yuan realm, he dare not fly too fast.

   In the past three months, several people have been attacked by some underworld beasts. Fortunately, the strength is not too strong. The six of them took turns to send them away. Now they are not far from the place marked on the map.

"Liang Zunzhi, here is less than half a day away from the bamboo forest. Why don't we ask everyone to meditate to replenish their spiritual power and adjust their state to the best?" Nanyang Taoist asked Liang Yan thought after hearing this. After thinking about it, he nodded and agreed.

   After all, where they are going to be dangerous and unknown, they still have to be fully prepared.

   The six people pressed down and escaped light at the same time, placed a temporary formation on a piece of yellow sand, and then each took out the medicine to restore spiritual power, and began to close their eyes and meditate.

Liang Yan also practiced the "Dao Jian Jing", "Eight Parts of Yan Yuan", and "Heart Wu Determined Method". The spiritual power in his body is more than that of ordinary monks. He does not need to restore spiritual power. He can just sit on the sidelines. .

   Soon half an hour passed, and everyone crossed their knees into concentration, and each ran the exercises. There was silence in the field without any sound.

   But at this moment, Liang Yan raised his eyebrows suddenly and shouted: "Beware!"

   As soon as his words fell, a huge head came out under the yellow sand, and a blood basin bit at the crowd.

   The other five people all changed their complexions, and each drove a light into the sky.

   Tang Shaoyu reacted the slowest, and was not fast enough to escape. He fell to the end among the six, and was actually bitten in half of his arm by the big mouth of the blood basin!

   This person snorted miserably, but after noticing that a cold air had penetrated his body from his arm, he made a decisive decision and chopped off his left arm with a palm.

   After escaping with a broken arm, Tang Shaoyu's face was pale, and when he looked at the underworld beast, he was born with four eyes and eight legs, his body was huge, but his neck was extremely long, his body was covered with fleshy bumps, and he looked nondescript.

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