The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 825: Entrance

The fire of Xuantian is very important to him. As long as there is a 1% chance, Liang Yan will not let it go easily. What's more, when he came here through the mountains and rivers, he was naturally unwilling to give up.

   So Liang Yan expanded the scope, centered on the location marked on the map, and began to investigate all suspicious places around him.

   In the process, Li Xiaosong couldn't bear to be lonely, and got out of the wooden house.

   To say that this little Nizi practiced at an amazingly fast speed, Liang Yan only entered the underworld for more than 30 years. This little Nizi actually cultivated from the early stage of the foundation construction to the later stage of the foundation.

   If it is placed on a person of ordinary aptitude, without the help of the heavenly materials or the sect, I am afraid that it will only be able to break through to the middle of the foundation building in 30 years.

Even if Li Xiaosong's aptitude is extremely high, and that weird wooden house has a huge bonus to the cultivation of spirit beasts and monsters, so it can break through two small realms in a row in just thirty years. .

   This little Nizi practiced in the late stage of foundation building, but encountered a bottleneck, unable to perfectly compress and refine the spiritual power in the body, so he could not break through the Ju Yuan realm for the time being.

   She was idle in the wooden house. Hearing that Liang Yan was looking for the fire of Xuantian, she volunteered to get out and patted her chest to make sure that she would help him find the target.

   Li Komatsu cultivated Yungangzong’s "Sacred Fire Forging Body Art", which is equivalent to the dual cultivation of fire and body, coupled with her own talent attributes, has a keen sense of smell for all flames.

   Liang Yan naturally raised his hands in favor of this, so this person, a cat, began a journey of searching for fire in the desert.............

   "Komatsu, I said you are sure or not? This is the third place, there is no shadow of Xuantian's fire at all!" Liang Yan complained as he patted the yellow sand off his body.

   "How can I blame this?"

   Li Komatsu pursed his lips and asked, "Is there a fire in this valley?"

   "Yes!" Liang Yan rolled his eyes and said angrily: "Not only is there a fire, but there is also a fire spirit, which almost left me inside!"

"That's not it." Li Xiaosong grievedly said: "My talented supernatural powers are only sensitive to the strong fire attribute spiritual power, and I can't distinguish what is inside........... "

When Liang Yan heard this, he had nothing to say, so he could only sighed and said: "No matter, this desert is far away from the area where the Four Great Leagues are located. Rely on your talent and supernatural powers to investigate a little bit."

   It’s not the time when he first came to the Underworld. He also has some understanding of the situation here. The area where the Four Leagues is located is only a small part of the Underworld. It is a place opened up by monks for people to survive.

   As for the area outside the Four Great Leagues, it is covered by endless fog, where the divine consciousness can extend very small, and there are many unexpected dangers.

  For example, quicksand that can imprison people's spiritual power, underworld beasts that can devour the blood of living people, and violent winds that can kill people.

   But even so, there are still a steady stream of monks from the Four Leagues who come here to explore.

   They either have a longing for the unknown, or they have a little hope that they can escape from the underworld. In short, there are endless explorers, but there are very few truly valuable discoveries.

   "There is no valley here either, it seems we have to go a little further..." Liang Yan muttered to himself while looking at the yellow sand in the distance.

   Li Komatsu closed his eyes and shook his head. After a long time, he opened his eyes and shouted: "According to my sense, the nearest place of flames should be in the southeast."

   "Well, let's hit the road!"

   Liang Yan nodded, turned and walked towards the southeast.

   In such a dangerous place, flying in the air is a taboo, and it is easy to be used as a living target, so Liang Yan chose to walk on foot.

   Kuri Komatsu tilted his head and followed behind him leaps and bounds.


  In the drifting sand, Liang Yan's slightly erratic voice came:

   "When I came out just now, how did I smell the smell of grilled fish?"

   "No...Is there something wrong with your nose?"


While Liang Yan and Li Xiaosong were looking for fire in the desert, in an exquisite attic far away, thousands of miles away, an elderly man with white beard in Chinese clothes was sitting quietly on a recliner, listening Following the report of the person next to him.

   This old man is full of jewels, and he wears a bright ring on his ten fingers, just like a rich and powerful secular merchant.

   After listening to the report from his subordinates, he narrowed his eyes slightly, and said faintly: "According to what you said, the Mad Lion League can't sit still?"

   "Return to your lord."

   The young man beside the old man slowly said: "According to the investigations of his subordinates, the Mad Lion League is already ready to move, and it will be a matter of time before the Blood Moon League is involved."

"It shouldn't be..." The old man in Huafu showed a puzzling color on his face, and said, "Xiang An, the leader of the Mad Lion League, is not a confused person. They have already been with the Flying Star League After decades of fighting, how can they make enemies and provoke the Blood Moon Alliance again?"

   "This... the subordinates are not very clear."

The young man frowned, and then continued: "However, his subordinates heard some inside information. The reason that Xiang An made this decision was made by the two lion kings who ranked first and second. As for the Blood Moon League, By the way, I heard that there were some internal problems. It is estimated that Xiang An also grasped this point before deciding to take action against them, right?"

   The white-haired old man shook his head and said: "There are many strange things about this. You can't just look at the surface. You need to send more people. Be sure to check it out!"


   The young man bowed and bowed, but he did not leave the room.

   "What? Anything else?" The white-haired old man frowned.

   The young man hesitated for a while before he said, "The subordinate has also inquired about one thing, but this is not certain, and I don't know whether it should be said or not?"

   "But it doesn't hurt to say it!"

"A few days ago, a secret agent sent back a piece of information, saying that it was...that the Feixing League had changed ownership...the original golden core The leader Meng Qibai tragically died in the Galaxy Palace, and the only person who succeeded him was the cultivation base of the late Ju Yuan realm."

   "What?" The white-haired old man was taken aback for a moment, and then asked: "Is this true?"

   "This... is not quite sure, the spy hasn't contacted me for a long time. But according to him, Meng Qibai died in the hands of this new leader."

   "Juyuan cuts the golden pill?"

   The white-haired old man took a breath at hearing, shook his head and said, "This is too shocking, right?"

   "Yes, the subordinates also think this is too unbelievable. Maybe it's a false news deliberately spread by the Feixing League." The young man frowned.

The white-haired old man calmed down at this moment. He pondered for a long time before he slowly said, "There is no basis for it. You have to pay more attention to this matter. Some things are seven points true and three points false, and you have to distinguish them yourself. ."

   "Yes, the subordinates know what to do." The young man bowed respectfully.

   "Okay, let's go down."

   As the white-haired old man waved his hand, the young man exited the attic.

   "The tree wants to be quiet but the wind keeps going. It seems that Hell has entered the eventful autumn............"

  In the room, only the white-haired old man was leaning on the couch, his eyes flickered slightly, and he didn't know what he was thinking.


   Half a month later, in the endless desert, there was a man in grey clothes strolling.

   On his shoulder, there was a small white-haired beast, which looked like a civet cat, with a big fluffy tail swinging from left to right behind him.

   "Komatsu, this is already the seventh place, I think your induction is getting more and more inaccurate." Liang Yan frowned and said.

Li Xiaosong stretched out a paw, scratched his head, and said in confusion, "No, I clearly feel that there is a strong fire aura here. Even if there is no Xuantian fire, there should be a flame. The place is right!"

   Liang Yan pointed to the endless desert in front of him, and said: "There is a clear view here, let alone the land of flames, there are no rocks! Will your talents and supernatural powers go wrong?"

Li Xiaosong gritted his teeth, opened his cat's eyes wide, and looked around. After a long time, he bowed his head and said, "It's so strange! I clearly felt the aura of fire here before, but When I arrived here, it disappeared again..........Is it really a problem with my talent and supernatural powers?"

   At the end of her speech, she didn't have the confidence at the beginning, and her voice became lower and lower, like a child who had made a mistake.


   The speaker had no intention, the listener had the heart, Liang Yan narrowed his eyes and faintly noticed something.

   There is an unobstructed view here, there is endless yellow sand. If there is a flame, it can't be in the sky, the only possibility is..........

   Thinking of this, Liang Yan suddenly pinched a magic trick with one hand, the undecided "Wang Qi method" was unfolded, and a blue spiritual power surged into his eyes.

   He looked down at his feet, and after a while, a shocked expression appeared on his face.

   "There is weirdness down here!"

   Li Komatsu immediately jumped off his shoulder and exclaimed excitedly: "I said I can't make a mistake, hum, this mysterious fire must be hidden!"

   As she talked, she was on all fours, and following Liang Yan's manner, she put her eyes on the ground, as if she wanted to see through the desert under her feet.

   Liang Yan said in a strange way: "You don't know how to look at the air, what are you looking at?"


   Li Komatsu made a silent motion and whispered: "You don't understand, you can't lose the momentum! I can't let it know that I was almost fooled!"


   Liang Yan is completely speechless, he no longer pays attention to the rammed goods, but secretly ponders on the spot.

   "Yes! Use Qimen thick soil formation!"

   Liang Yan's inspiration flashed, and he remembered this formation that could explore the underground.

   Qimen Thick Earth Formation is an ordinary formation method of Taoism. The array equipment needed is very simple. There are several ready-made materials in his storage bag that can be used as array instruments.

   Liang Yan did it as soon as he thought of it. He slapped the storage bag around his waist with one hand, and dozens of spiritual artifacts and materials flew out of the storage bag, each suspended in front of his eyes.

   "Yingyue Xuanzhu, Danding Longyan...well, there are purgatory stones, red soul nails..."

   Liang Yan carefully screened these materials and artifacts, and began to set up the "Qimen Thick Earth Array" on the spot.

   After half an hour, there was a cyan glow covering the entire area in this desert.

   At the center of the light curtain, a man in gray was sitting cross-legged. At this moment, he was pinching his hands with his hands, casting a magic trick towards the surrounding array.

   This man is naturally Liang Yan, and now his formation has been completed, he only needs to give orders from the center to explore the area below the ground.

   This kind of array exploration saves too much spiritual power than using brute force to dig down. The most important thing is that it will not damage the things under the ground.

   With the passage of time, Liang Yan's spiritual consciousness has been sent to the depths of more than a hundred feet underground by this formation, but his brows are getting deeper and deeper.

   Suddenly, he seemed to touch something, a dull sound came from the ground, and the surrounding desert began to sway strangely.

   Liang Yan's face instantly turned pale as paper, his spiritual consciousness suddenly returned to his place, and his closed eyes opened.

"not good!"

   He didn't care about manipulating the magic circle anymore, but with one hand, he used a blue light to roll Li Xiaosong, who was still on the ground, and flew high together with her.


   There was a loud noise that shook the sky and the earth, and the desert below suddenly cracked a huge hole, and endless heat waves gushing out from this crack. Even at high altitude, Liang Yan felt sultry and unpredictable.

   He hurriedly pinched the Jue with one hand, protected his meridians with spiritual power, and then looked down.

   I saw that the crack grew bigger and bigger, extending for dozens of like an underground entrance to Jiuyou.

Liang Yan's eyes flashed with blue light, watching the scene inside the crack carefully, and then muttered to himself after a long time: "This place is exactly the same as the place Gu Yunhai described. No wonder we haven't found it for so long. It turns out that the valley has sunk into the ground. ........."

   Li Komatsu lay on his shoulder, and couldn't help but become happy when he heard this.

   "Haha! Although this place is hidden, I didn't find it by Komatsu in the end? How about, if you get the fire of Xuantian this time, I, Komatsu, should be the first contributor, right?"

   After listening to Liang Yan, he smiled slightly and said: "If you really get the fire of Xuantian, I should remember your first work!"

   As soon as his voice fell, he pinched the tactics with one hand, turned into a gray light, and flew into this underground crack with Li Xiaosong.

   As soon as he entered the crack, there was endless heat surge around him, which actually stirred up the spiritual power and blood in Liang Yan's body, causing both to start to boil inexplicably.

   "This place is a bit weird, so be careful!"

   Liang Yan cheered up and also reminded Li Xiaosong.

   This little Nizi herself is playing with fire, and she is not afraid of this hot environment, but in this heat wave, there is a hidden power that stirs people's hearts.

   This power may not be noticed by others, but Liang Yan has cultivated Buddhism supernatural powers and is extremely sensitive to this power of good and evil.

   is like a person whispering beside him, constantly provoking you to seek strength, release yourself, and even kill all living beings.

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