The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 826: Fire Spirit Core

Liang Yan was a little frightened secretly. He unfolded the "all dharmas and voids" of mixed exercises, and a golden light curtain enveloped himself and Li Xiaosong, before he continued to fly to the depths of the cracks.

   As he went deeper and deeper into the ground, a faint light blue flame began to appear around him, which looked like a pair of eyes in the endless darkness, making people shudder.

   "This place is a bit weird, did your talent detect anything?" Liang Yan asked Li Xiaosong, who was in the form of a monster beast, while flying.

   "I haven't noticed anything special for the time being, but the further down, the more intense the flame aura..."

   At this point, the civet cat that Li Xiaosong transformed closed his eyes and seemed to sense something silently.

   But the next moment, she suddenly opened her eyes and shouted: "Be careful!"

   As soon as Li Komatsu's voice fell, a group of blue flames burst out in the darkness, and then a faint blue firebird flew out of it and swooped toward the two of them.

   Liang Yan's reaction was also surprisingly fast. Although he was a little surprised that Komatsu discovered the abnormality one step ahead of him, but at this moment he didn't have time to think about it. As soon as he pinched the sword in his hand, the Purple Thunder Heavenly Sound Sword shot out.

   In the midair, thunder and fire intersected, and the sword light did not stop at all, directly cutting the firebird in half.

   The firebird screamed, and the body that had been split in half had not stopped, and he rushed towards the place where Liang Yan was.

"let me!"

   Li Komatsu exclaimed in excitement. The civet cat curled up and turned into a white light and rushed forward. It did not evade, but directly collided with the firebird's remains.

   Its thin figure plunged directly into the firebird's remnant body, and the next moment it emerged from behind the firebird, but there was something more on its small paws.

   It was a blue faint spar with a scorching temperature on it.

   At the same time, the remnant of the Firebird, who was still rushing forward, unexpectedly screamed after Li Xiaosong took out this spar! With a sound, disappeared without a trace.

   "It's the Fire Spirit Core! Haha, this time I sent it!"

   Li Komatsu laughed, opened his mouth and swallowed, actually swallowing this faint blue spar directly into his belly.

   Liang Yan had already received the flying sword at this time, and asked with doubts: "What is the Fire Spirit Core?"

   "It is the inner pill of the fire spirit, similar to the demon pill of the monster beast!"

   Li Komatsu shook his head and said, "The teacher said that: everything in the world has an aura, the five elements of aura become a spirit for a hundred years, and a thousand years of tuberculosis. If you can practice with the fire spirit core, you can get twice the result with half the effort!"

   Liang Yan couldn't help being a little amused when she saw her upside-down with two claws, stood up and learned to speak like Yu Xuanji.

However, these words reminded him of his master again. Yu Xuanji treated him not badly. The senior brothers and sisters were also close to him, the little junior. Even the Sect Master Shanhe, who had only a few ties, never treated him badly. Yourself.

   "I don't know if the Yungangzong survived the last Nanchui catastrophe..."

   Liang Yan sighed secretly. After all, he had just advanced to the Ju Yuan Realm at that time, and he was also involved in right and wrong. There was nothing he could do about it.

   Fortunately, at the last moment, he still blocked the time for Guisi to enter the country, and successfully dragged him to Sanxiao Lao Dao to come to the rescue. At least the major sects in Nanchui did not have to face such a nine ghosts.

   "I have a personal situation, I have tried my best, and I have a clear conscience............The top priority is to consider how to get out of the hell."

   Thinking of this, Liang Yan put the matter of the sect aside for the time being, and greeted Li Xiaosong on the road again.

   "By the way, when the fire spirit came to sneak attack just now, why didn't I notice it, but you reacted so quickly?"

   Liang Yan asked questioningly as he flew, after all, he is now a whole realm higher than Li Xiaosong, there is no reason behind her.

"Hmph, you don't understand it. The fire spirit is just born at the beginning, and has no aura of its own. It usually mixes with these flames. It will only be revealed at the moment of attack. So it's useless to rely solely on divine sense detection!"

   Li Komatsu said triumphantly: "My talented supernatural powers have a keen sensitivity to flames. Which ones are ordinary flames and which are bred with fire spirits? I can see them for a little while!"

   "That's it!"

   Liang Yan nodded, and suddenly he seemed to think of something, and said with some excitement: "If this is the case, then you can be the beast that leads the way."

   "What is the leading beast?" Li Xiaosong asked, tilting his head.

   "You come to sense which flames contain fire spirits, and we will move in the direction with the most fire spirits!"

   Li Komatsu is not too stupid, and he immediately understood what he meant. If there is a mysterious fire here, then it must be the place where the most fire spirits are born.

   "Haha, that's fine! But you have to help me kill more fire spirits on the way, so that I can collect the fire spirit cores!"


   The person and the beast reached a consensus, Liang Yan put her on his shoulder, and then offered the Purple Thunder Heavenly Sound Sword and the Black Lotus Sword at the same time to protect them.

   while Li Xiaosong narrowed his eyes slightly, waved his small paws from time to time, pointed out a direction, and led Liang Yan to fly deep underground.............

   Two hours later, deep in the endless darkness.

   Liang Yan pinched the sword tactics forehand, and the imperial commander fought against a faint blue fire python with the purple thunder sky sound sword and the black lotus sword.

This fire python is tens of feet long, and its body is covered with a thick layer of flame scales. Although it has been chopped by a flying sword several times, it has not hurt the roots. This shows that the fire spirit's strength is tyrannical. Up.

   In fact, the fire spirits he encountered when he had just entered the crack were only cultivated in the foundation period, and Liang Yan could easily kill them with a single sword.

   But after Li Xiaosong showed him the way, the number of fire spirits they encountered increased and their strength became stronger.

   The fire python in front of him already had the strength of the "false pill state", and it was born with sturdy scales, which was much stronger than the average "false pill state" monk.

   Liang Yan fought it for half a cup of tea, and the sword in his hand suddenly changed, leaving only the Purple Thunder Heavenly Sound Sword to attack the enemy frontally, but the Black Lotus Sword silently went around behind it.

   The next moment, a black sword lotus bloomed suddenly and cut directly above the fire python's seven inches.

   The fire python neighed and was chopped into the body by the black sword lotus. In the next moment, blood stains appeared on its entire snake body from inside to outside.


   There was a blast, and the fire python was chopped into countless pieces by the black lotus sword, fell from mid-air, and turned into sporadic flames.

   At the same time, a small white beast has already volleyed into the air. Its claws swept forward and directly caught an egg-sized spar with a smile on its face.

   "This fire core is too big too!"

   Before the words fell, Li Xiaosong had already threw the spar into his mouth and swallowed it directly into his belly.

   As the fire spirit core fell, a blush appeared on her face, just like a civet cat stealing and drinking, now too strong to drink.

"are you OK?"

   Liang Yan frowned slightly and asked.

"Also..... Hiccup! Fortunately, I have eaten a little too much..." Li Xiaosong shook his head. Although he looked a little drunk, his eyes still Sober.

   "That's good, this place is very weird, you have to stay awake at all times. Don't eat the fire spirit core behind it, save it and wait for it to go out."

   "That won't work!" Li Xiaosong repeatedly shook his head and said: "After the fire spirit is killed by you, the fire spirit core will quickly dissipate. After a long time, it will become indistinguishable from a stone."

   "Then...Well, first help me find the fire of Xuantian, and then you can eat it as you like. If you get drunk, you will go into the wooden house."

"This is acceptable!"

   Li Komatsu smiled at hearing, shaking his small fist and said, "Don't worry, with my Komatsu's talent and magical powers, I can definitely help you find the fire of Xuantian..."

   Before she could finish her words, she suddenly frowned and shouted: "Be careful, two amazing guys are here!"

   Liang Yan was taken aback for a while, turned his head and looked around, only to see two fires in the darkness that were burning more and more, and just a few breaths, it was already the size of a house.

"what is that?"

   Liang Yan's face showed a hint of caution, and the Purple Thunder Heavenly Sound Sword and the Black Lotus Sword flew back at the same time, surrounding him.

"It should be Fire Spirit, but it's a bit weird..." Li Xiaosong hesitated for a while, and said uncertainly: "They seem to be able to isolate my probe, so I can't see through them. The bottom line."

   "Is there such a thing?"

   Liang Yan was taken aback. During this journey of searching for fire, Li Xiaosong’s talented supernatural powers were unsatisfactory, but now these two strange fire spirits can actually shield her talented supernatural powers?

   Just when he was a little surprised secretly, the two flames in the darkness suddenly lit up, and then two blue rays of light rushed out and flew towards their location.

   The golden light around Liang Yan was shining, and with the help of the five senses of the "mixing power", he finally saw the two rays of light in the darkness.

   are actually two blue flame villains!

   These two men are shorter than Li Komatsu. They are made up of blue flames. They are thin and have complete limbs, but there are no facial features on their faces.

   "It's so fast!"

   Liang Yan had just seen his opponent's appearance, and before he could think about it, the two blue flame villains had already rushed in front of him.

   One of them waved with one hand, and an extra flaming long knife appeared in his hand, which was cut at him.

   The other one is spinning in place, turning into a blazing storm, sweeping towards him.

   Liang Yan's pupils shrank slightly. Although these two fire spirits did not have much power, it was because their flame power was always restrained by themselves.

   Compared with the aggressive momentum of the giant fire python before, at this moment the magical powers of these two villains are more than several times stronger!

   Liang Yan didn't dare to be negligent, and the sword in his hand hurriedly pinched, the Purple Thunder Heavenly Sound Sword turned into an electric light and rushed into the air, slashing away with a long sword facing the flame.

   At the same time, another black lotus sword also pierced forward and went straight into the center of the flame storm.


   There was a loud explosion, but the Purple Thunder Heavenly Sound Sword and the Flame Long Sword were cut together. In the blue and purple halo, the Flame Long Sword was directly cut in half.

   However, the remaining two halves turned into two seas of fire, and their prestige remained undiminished. They actually bypassed the Zi Lei Tianyin Sword and still burned toward Liang Yan.

   As soon as the flame reached the top of his head, a scorching breath rushed over his face. Liang Yan only felt the blood boil all over his body, and the spiritual power in his body was actually evaporated, dissipating at an extremely fast speed.

   "What a strong flame power!"

   Liang Yan exclaimed, and the sword art in his hand changed again. The Purple Thunder Heavenly Sound Sword did not retreat but advanced, and smashed the blue flame villain with the "Three Definite Thunder Sword".

At the same time, the blue aura flowing in his hands, he flicked back and forth in front of him, deflecting the fire that had rushed to the front, and then leaped back, from the two blue flame villains. Jumped away.

   The purple thunder and lightning pierced the sky, and in an instant it reached the top of the blue flame little man's head, and then slashed down, cutting the blue flame little man in half.

   However, after the death of the blue flame villain, he did not drop the expected fire core, only the two remnants gradually dissipated, and finally turned into ordinary flames.

   Liang Yan was taken aback, and an ominous feeling suddenly emerged in his heart.

"not good!"

   Just when his secret path was not good, there was a wave of fluctuations in the space behind him, and a blue flame villain suddenly appeared, hitting his back with a palm directly.


   A brilliant blue sea of ​​fire suddenly erupted, illuminating the entire dark space like daylight.

   However, in the raging sea of ​​fire, a golden light suddenly bloomed, pushing the surrounding flames back several feet!

   Immediately after this golden light increased in speed, it actually escaped from the sea of ​​flames.

   "It's so risky.........."

   Among the golden light Liang Yan gasped slightly, and looked at the blue sea of ​​flames, and couldn't help feeling a little afraid.

   There was no sign of the action of the flame villain just now, and it was extremely powerful. If he hadn't practiced his mixed skills to the point of sending and receiving from the heart, the "all dhams and empty phases" were directly used, and this time I am afraid that I will suffer a big loss!

   "It turns out that the two fire people just now are its fakes, but the real deity is hidden here!"

Liang Yan's eyes narrowed slightly, and he thought to himself in his heart: "This fire spirit is not the same as the one he encountered before. The previous ones are all in a state of chaos, and their attacks rely entirely on instinct. And this one has been born with a sage and knows how to lure enemies Of the policy."

   As soon as he thought of this, he didn't have the slightest reservation. With a pinch of the sword in his hand, the purple and blue swords flew back upside down, and then a green cloud emerged from his dantian.

"go with!"

   Liang Yan yelled, Qingxia turned into a ten-foot-long sword gang in mid-air, and ran away with a sword from the blue flame villain.

   The blue flame villain seemed to be aware of the danger, his knees were slightly bent, his hands were lifted up, and a flame vortex appeared on top of his head.

   The flame vortex is majestic, and there is no more hidden power. It seems to involve everything around it in the center, and then burn it completely.

   The cyan sword gun fell from the sky and slashed directly on the blue flame vortex. There was no sound in the darkness, but a forceful heat wave spread.

   Countless sword energy rolled across, twisting the entire blue flame vortex to pieces, turning it into sparks in the sky.

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