The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 912: Return to Yixing Pavilion

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In the midair, Liang Yan stood proudly in a gray robe.

He raised his hand, and the green and misty sword pill fell from a high altitude. At the same time, the entire Azure Feather Sword Sect and the three thousand disciples' sabers were trembling in the scabbard, seeming to be with the sky. The little pill had a sense of surrender.

The disciples of the Azure Feather Sword Sect have changed their complexions. Most of them are not truly sword repairers, and the sabers they carry are not first-rate flying sword magic weapons, but ordinary spiritual weapons.

But at this moment, no matter what realm they are, from the head of the sect to the master disciple, the sabers they carry are all struggling, as if they are about to fly out of the scabbard into the air. That little green pill is a courtesy of monarchs and ministers.

"Daoyou Liang, please also accept the sword pills, otherwise the sabers of these disciples under my sect will no longer be able to control." Mu Jianhan's voice came from mid-air.

Liang Yan smiled slightly and slapped the "Taixu Gourd" on his waist with one hand, and immediately a white light shot out and directly swept the cyan sword pill inside.

He has now completed a hundred sword refining of the "sword seizing technique" and obtained the prototype of the sword pill he dreamed of. Now he only needs to seal the prototype of the sword pill in his sword pouch, and he can take it out after ten years of warming.

As for the three conditions of the sword bag, the first one must be the magic weapon of the sky cave. Needless to say, Xiao Jiu was originally the spirit of the sky cave.

The second condition: the mark of kendo. Since Xiao Jiu evolved into a "Taixu Gourd", Lingzhi has grown a lot more than before. Under the leadership of his incarnation, he saw the traces of kendo left by Yinglong in the gourd.

As for the third condition: Wen Yang Feijian's natural material and earth treasure, this is completely handed over to the fairy tree and the tree spirit, which is also the deal he reached with himself in the past.

Now these three conditions, "Tai Xu Hu" have been met, it can be said that Liang Yan has already prepared everything for this day, and now all he has to do is to wait for ten years.

According to the "Tao Jian Jing", once the sword pill is enclosed in the sword pouch, it cannot be easily taken out of the sheath. If the sword pill is forcibly used during these ten years, there will be danger of getting into trouble.

"Daoyou Liang, congratulations!"

At this time, Mu Jianhan drove a light to escape, and slightly arched his hands towards Liang Yan: "Unexpectedly, my Qingyu Sword Sect was founded for thousands of years, and I am fortunate to be here to witness the birth of a sword repairman! "

Liang Yan smiled and said in a courtesy: "This is also thanks to the great help of Qingyu Jianzong and Sect Master Mu."

"Haha, Fellow Daoist Liang is polite, you and I have already concluded a deal, so there is no need to say thank you." Mu Jianhan said with a smile on his face.

Liang Yan naturally understood what this person meant. He was not a procrastinator. He directly raised his hand and waved the lower half of the "Hundred Refining Technique" to Mu Jianhan's body.

The contemporary Sect Master of the Azure Feather Sword Sect, his eyes flashed, his face showed unprecedented joy, he only checked for a while, and put the half of the law into his sleeve.

"Haha, Daoist Liang is indeed a trustworthy person!"

Seeing Liang Yan fulfilling his promise, Mu Jianhan's heart was also relieved a little. After all, the opponent's strength was too much stronger than his own, and he was worried that the opponent would turn his face and refuse to recognize people after he achieved Jian Wan.

Now it seems that he is unreasonably worried.

"I have ordered people to prepare the banquet. Daoyou Liang has just left the customs. It is better to be in my Zong Panhuan for a while. I also want to discuss the sword formation with Daoyou." Mu Jianhan sincerely invited.

Liang Yan counted the time, and found that Tang Diexian was still a month away from the customs, he nodded and said, "That's fine, then talk about it for a few days at the mansion."

Seeing that he agreed, Mu Jianhan also showed joy on his face. The two returned to the main peak of Qingyu Mountain together, accompanied by the other nine palms, and had a good conversation that night.

Since then, Liang Yan has been in Qingyu Mountain for more than ten days, during which Mu Jianhan showed the sword formation he created. The two are also considered like-minded. In the past ten days, they discussed each other and participated in the research together. This sword formation has improved a lot.

Liang Yan had a very high talent on the way of the formation. He read through the Yixingge array collection in his early years. With the growth of his cultivation and his horizons, he gradually integrated many of the principles of the formation, so that he has A new understanding of myself.

Now in Qingyu Jianzong's "Shuimudongtian", he and Mu Jianhan communicate with each other, and the two sides learn from each other's strengths, and finally let Liang Yan's perception of formation to a new level.

On the fifteenth day, Liang Yan and Mu Jianhan had finished discussing the truth for the last time, and they had to bid farewell to the suzerain.

Speaking of it, he had already made plans before this sword refining. Once the sword pill was achieved, he would leave Nanchui and go to Xianzhou, Antarctica.

This was because he had a higher pursuit of his own Tao, and also because the Liu Jiaxian group left a legacy in Xianzhou, Antarctica for his descendants.

Just before leaving, he still wanted to go to Yixing Pavilion to have a last look at Tang Diexian.

Liang Yan also understands that after all, he and her have no relationship, because they have different paths and contradictory ideas. It is impossible for him to stay in Nanchui and Yixing Pavilion because of Tang Diexian, and it is impossible for Tang Diexian to give up the mission of revitalizing the sect because of himself.

This trip to Yixing Pavilion was to witness Tang Diexian officially ascending to the position of the pavilion master. It was also the last time he saw her. After this time, he will leave Nanchui, and he may not meet again in the future.

Mu Jianhan didn't know why Liang Yan had to leave in a hurry. In the past ten days, he and Liang Yan have participated in the research of the formation and have already felt that they have benefited a lot. At this moment, he heard that Liang Yan was going to say goodbye.

However, Mu Jianhan naturally knows the banquet in the world. He stood up and bowed to Liang Yan deeply and said: "I and Liang brothers are like-minded. I really hate seeing each other late, and this gift of grace. , My clan must also remember it in my heart!"

Liang Yan smiled and said: "There is no kindness to talk about. The nobility has given all the power of the faction to help me achieve the sword pill. We have nothing to do with each other. I also hope that the lord will remember our original agreement, and we must not treat the cloud in the future. Gangzong shot!"

Mu Jianhan nodded, and said with a serious expression: "I swear by my heart demon on this matter, and I will never violate the slightest. Brother Liang, don't worry!"

"Haha, Sect Master Mu said nothing, and Liang was naturally relieved!"

Liang Yan laughed loudly, and then continued: "There is always a banquet in the world. I have stayed in Qingyu Jianzong for two years, and it is time to leave now, Sect Master Mu, take care!"

"Daoyou Liang, take care!" Mu Jianhan clasped his fists.

Liang Yan nodded slightly, said nothing more, turned around and flew towards the bottom of Qingyu Mountain.

After a while, a towering tree on a barren mountain suddenly opened, and a gray light flew out from it, at an extremely fast speed, and disappeared to the end of the horizon in a blink of an eye...

Zhao Kingdom is located in the central region of the 36 Kingdoms of Nanchui, not far from the Wing Kingdom. Liang Yan flew at full strength and entered the border of Zhao Kingdom in less than half a month.

Although the Yixing Pavilion today is not as good as before, there are fewer than five monks who have reached the Golden Core Realm in the sect, but the lean camel is bigger than the horse, not to mention that there is an ancestor of the Profound Realm sitting in the sect. , And it is precisely because of this person that Yixing Pavilion can continue to be ranked among the top five sects.

Although many powerful sects have risen in the territory of Zhao Kingdom over the past few years, due to the face of the ancestor of the Profound Realm, he has never dared to do anything excessive.

Not to mention their secret plans, at least on the surface, they still respect Yi Xing Pavilion. It is said that this time when Tang Diexian left the customs and held a stage ceremony in the clan, all major cultivation sects of the Zhao country also rushed to Yunping Mountain to give gifts, and did not neglect in the slightest.

When Liang Yan arrived at Yunping Mountain, it was the eve of Tang Diexian's stage ceremony.

In the Battle of Tanxi Lake that year, the bald biwng had already told him the date of Tang Diexian's departure. If nothing changes, then this woman should be out today, attend the ceremony tomorrow, and formally take over Yixing at the ceremony. Pavilion.

And Liang Yan came this time, not wanting to participate in that noisy ceremony, just want to meet Tang Diexian alone, and then travel far. That's why he chose to arrive here on the day before the stage ceremony, that is, the day Tang Diexian left the customs.

Yunping Mountain is located in the southwest of Zhao State, with towering mountains and white clouds.

There is a wide river in the mountains. Thirty miles west of the river is a magnificent waterfall. When Liang Yan followed Lin Fei to come here, he was just a second-tier Qi-refining monk who had just started. Revisiting, he couldn't help feeling a little bit emotional.

"Sixty years have passed in a flash, but I didn't expect that I would return here one day..."

Liang Yan sighed softly in his heart, and the whole person turned into a retreat, piercing down the waterfall, and the person disappeared in an instant.

In fact, the lower level of this waterfall is the blinding method at the entrance of Yixing Pavilion. When he followed Lin Fei here, he was just a monk who had just started, and he didn't understand the mystery at all.

But now he is already a cultivator of the Golden Core Realm, and the mere enchantment can't stop him at all.

After Liang Yan crossed the enchantment, he came to a peaceful big lake. On the shore of the lake was a magnificent valley. On both sides of the valley, there was a stone pillar that reached up to the sky. On the pillar, there were dragons and phoenix dancing, and it was written in two large characters:

"Heaven is a chessboard star, who dares to play?"

"The earth made a pipa and rain is the string, who can play it!"

As for the middle of the lake, there is a huge rock out of the lake, facing the mouth of the valley, and the three characters "Yixing Pavilion" are written on it.

When Liang Yan came here, he secretly urged the Heavenly Jade Orb in his body, and at the same time, he turned the "Wood Path" spell to the extreme, and his figure gradually disappeared, even the masters of the Jin Dan stage could not find his trace.

He was walking on the lake, but in a blink of an eye, he came to the mouth of the valley.

When he followed Lin Fei to here that year, there were only two scholars playing chess on the top of the rock, and they were regarded as guards of Taniguchi's prohibition. However, at this moment, five old scholars were sitting cross-legged on the tall rock.

Without exception, these five people are all cultivation bases above the middle stage of Ju Yuan realm, and their eyes are on guard, seeming to be secretly wary of something.

Although Liang Yan was a little curious in his heart, Tang Diexian's onstage ceremony will be held tomorrow. It is no wonder that Yixing Pavilion will improve prevention.

It's just that although these five people have a good cultivation level, Liang Yan has the Heavenly Chrysanthemum Orb and the "Final Wood Path" spell in his body. As long as he does not intentionally reveal his whereabouts, these people will not even notice his arrival.

Liang Yan walked from the lake to the shore, as if strolling in a leisurely courtyard, and went straight through the restriction of Yixing Pavilion Gukou. Only one of the five people on the top of the rock frowned slightly, looking in the direction of Guguchi.

But after looking at it for a long while, he still didn't find anything. In the end, he could only shook his head and cast his gaze on the lake in the distance.


Yixing Pavilion is divided into eight areas in total, among which Jinxiu Valley is the place of cultivation for the sovereign.

In the middle of Jinxiu Valley, there is a vermilion elegant loft, and in the courtyard of this loft, there is also a girl in white clothes sitting cross-legged against the rockery.

This woman has a slim figure and a beautiful face. Although her eyes are closed tightly, she still has a fresh and refined feeling.

There is also a clear pond in front of her. On the pond there are nine strange flowers of different sizes and colors, each of which is delicate and beautiful, with buds blooming in full bloom, and looks vigorous.

At this moment, there was a wave of ripples on the calm pond water.

The girl in white clothes who had closed her eyes and meditated seemed to feel something in her heart and opened her eyes lightly.

The entire courtyard was still quiet, but the girl seemed to know something, and suddenly sighed softly:

"You came after all."

She said this without thinking, but after a moment of silence, in the seemingly empty courtyard, a voice still responded to her.

"You don't seem surprised at all."

With the sound of this sound, a man in gray slowly walked out from behind the rockery.

"According to your seven years ago, since you said you would come to Yixingge to meet me, you would never break your promise. It's just that tomorrow is the stage ceremony. You are not happy and noisy, so I guess you will Come tonight."

"Or you know me..."

The gray-clothed man smiled softly, walked slowly to the side of the pond, looked down at the clear water, and suddenly said, "Your technique seems a little mysterious, and you can actually sense my arrival."

The white-clothed girl was a little dazed. After a while, she said: "It's not because of my mysterious technique, but because of longing for it. Just now, when the surface of the water was turbulent, I knew it was you........... Liang Yan, how are you doing well after so many years?"

As soon as she finished speaking, the gray-clothed man turned his head, and the two of them looked at each other, and they seemed to have a thousand words, but when they reached their lips, they chose to be silent.

After a long time, Liang Yan sighed slightly: "The road to comprehension is to compete with the way of heaven. What is good or bad? I am also considered lucky, and I will turn bad luck several times, otherwise it will not be possible. I'm standing here and talking to you."

When he said this, he paused for a while, then suddenly asked: "Sister Tang, have you made a decision? Are you serious about taking over Yixing Pavilion tomorrow?"

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