The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 913: Taniguchi Surprise

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Hearing his question, Tang Diexian was taken aback for a moment, then smiled again, and said, "So what? So what? Not so? Why, is it possible that you want me to leave with you?"

Liang Yan shook his head and said, "I know you won't give up Yixing Pavilion. It's just that you are burdened with such a heavy burden, and I am a little worried that you can't bear it."

"Then I have to thank you for your'worry'." Tang Diexian said with a light smile: "You ran all the way to my cave house in Yixing Pavilion, didn't you just say'worry' to me?"

"I want to look at you one last time. After today, I will leave Nanchui." Liang Yan said calmly.

"Leaving Nanchui?"

Tang Diexian's face changed slightly, then he sighed again, and said quietly, "Can you not walk?"

Liang Yan's face firmly shook his head and said: "Stay in Nanchui has no help for my kendo practice, and if I want to go further than kendo, I must go to the Antarctic Xianzhou."

"Then do you know how I spent these years?"

Tang Diexian took a deep breath and said: "Today's Yixing Pavilion, there are not many cultivators in the Golden Core Realm. In the Nanchui battle, the ancestor was severely injured. It was the rising sects of the Zhao Kingdom who secretly formed an alliance. Although on the surface they are still respectful to me, Yixing Pavilion, they have begun to eat away our resources in private."

"As the only seedling of the Tang family, the current owner of the Yixing Pavilion stays alive every day. I only hate that my cultivation is not enough and it is difficult to conquer all factions. Perhaps one day, our Yixing Pavilion will also become the dust of history... ......."

When she said this, the expression on her face became more and more gloomy, and Liang Yan looked at her expression with a certain degree of clarity in her heart.

Through these years, he probably knew the history of Yixing Pavilion.

Lu Beiyou, the founding ancestor of Yixing Pavilion, has received three direct disciples in his life, namely Huamantian, Zhuo Hang, and Tang Yuanhai. Since he disappeared, these three disciples have jointly controlled Yixing Pavilion, which is called Yixing. The three powers of the pavilion: the Hua family, the Zhuo family and the Tang family.

After the Hua family’s ancestors became seated, there was no outstanding successor in the later generations. As thousands of years passed, they had gradually been squeezed out of the power center of Yixing Pavilion.

The Zhuo family and Tang Jiaming fought secretly for many years, but after all, they were still slow. Just hundreds of years ago, the current ancestor of the Tang family took the lead to break through the realm and became the only monk in the Profound Realm of Yixing Pavilion.

Since then, the Zhuo family has been suppressed many times, and several monks who are expected to attack the Tongxuan realm are finally suppressed by the ancestors of the Tang family with various excuses, and since then they have completely lost hope.

This is also the reason why Zhuo Yuntian would go to great lengths, colluding with the Nine Nether Alliance, and attempting to rebel against Yixing Pavilion, because as long as the ancestor of the Tang family is alive, then his entire Zhuo family will never rise.

After Yixing Pavilion traveled to the north, all the people who took over the position of the pavilion were monks from the three families of Hua, Zhuo, and Tang.

Following Zhuo Yuntian’s betrayal, the three powers that were in charge of Yixing Pavilion together were only the Tang family, and Tang Xiaoyun died in the battle fifty years ago, so the burden ultimately fell on Tang Diexian's body.

This is also the reason why her cultivation is only in the early stage of Ju Yuan Realm, but she can take over the Yi Xing Pavilion.

This is both a right and a burden.

If it were in the heyday of Yixing Pavilion, naturally everyone would want to be the master of the pavilion, but now Yixing Pavilion is declining. Only a Tong Xuan ancestor can deter the Quartet, and this ancestor is still seriously injured, and the time limit is approaching. If she can't make a breakthrough in a hundred years, she'll just sit in the sect.

Once this person sits down, within Zhao Kingdom, those sects that have been suppressed by Yixing Pavilion for a long time, as well as the sects of other countries that covet resources of Yixing Pavilion, can't be said to be robbed by fire.

At that time, Yi Xing Pavilion was truly overwhelming.

Tang Diexian ascended as the heir of the Tang family as the head of the Yixing Pavilion. Every day he thinks about how to revitalize the sect and how to glorify the Tang family. At the same time, he must practice hard and improve his own strength. These years, he is really exhausted.

Although Liang Yan has not experienced all of her things, she also expects that this woman has not had a good life in the past fifty years. Although she was a cultivator, she was forced to be involved in sect disputes. She was not as good as the idle clouds and wild cranes in the world. Although her lifespan was short, she was happy and unrestrained.

It's just that he is now an outsider, even if he feels pity, he can't comfort him.

And he also knows Tang Diexian’s character. This woman is soft on the outside and strong on the inside. Once she decides a good thing, she will never be ruined because of her own feelings. Things like love in the eyes of Tang Diexian are just a trail. It is absolutely impossible for her to give up the responsibility of the sovereign.

Now that the times have changed, the two are no longer the innocent boys and girls back then, and even Liang Yan has his own heart. This time, coming here is just to say goodbye to his past.

He watched Tang Diexian for a long time, before he sighed softly: "I'm leaving. I'll leave you today. Maybe you will never see each other. I only hope that your martial arts will prosper, the sect will be rejuvenated, and the future will be promising."

After Liang Yan said these words, he turned around and wanted to leave. However, just after he took a step, his sleeve was pulled from behind.

He turned his head and saw Tang Diexian standing behind him. His face was no longer as calm and calm as he was just now. His eyes were red and he looked like weeping, and said in a bitter voice:

"Can you stay and help me once? I know that you have a rift with Yixing Pavilion, but Tang Xiaoyun had already died in the battle, and Zhuo Yuntian has also betrayed the sect. As long as you agree to stay, I will belong to Yixing Pavilion from now on. The deputy pavilion master, the seven veins in the sect must be dispatched by you, and the resources in the sect can also be dispatched as you wish, as long as you promise to help me..."

Tang Diexian's voice choked as he continued to persuade him, and then Liang Yan couldn't hear clearly the words that followed. He looked at this woman who once occupied all positions in his heart, and his eyes suddenly became a little blurred.

At the same time, the figure of a witch named "Wuxin" gradually became clear in his mind.

In the fifty years of hell, living together and dying together, supporting each other, every bit lingers in his heart at this moment. It turns out that the appearance of this demon woman has long been deeply in his mind!

It was this turn around that finally let Liang Yan see his heart clearly, that is, at this moment, he finally let go of his heart knot.

Tang Diexian's words were still intermittent, but before she could finish speaking, Liang Yan interrupted softly:

"Pavilion Master Tang, your heart is upset."

As soon as he said this, Tang Diexian was immediately stunned. The many words that he had thought of were all blocked at this moment, and he couldn't say a word.

She stared at Liang Yan for a long while, as if she wanted to see through his heart, but the man on the other side was calm and only said lightly:

"Tomorrow will be the stage ceremony. Pavilion Master Tang shouldn't be upset at this time, otherwise it will not be a good thing for Guizong."

Tang Diexian suddenly returned to his senses, the previous crying appearance slowly disappeared, and his face gradually became cold.

She stretched out a hand to stroke a strand of hair behind her head, looked down at the pond in front of her, and suddenly whispered:

"It's not that I am upset, but that there are too many distracted thoughts tonight... It's like the clear water of this pond, it looks calm and the waves are calm, but there may be undercurrents under the water. How can you see through it all?"

Liang Yan frowned slightly when she heard it, and followed her gaze to look down. There were a few swimming fishes in the pond happily, and the water in the pond was clear enough to see the bottom, and there was no undercurrent surging at all.

"Maybe it's because she has been working hard for a long time, and tomorrow is about to officially take over as the pavilion master, so the burden in her heart is too heavy..."

Thinking of this, Liang Yan sighed secretly, and didn't say anything any more. He just glanced at Tang Diexian for the last time, turned and left the attic compound.

But at this moment, Tang Diexian stared at Chi Shui in a daze, seemingly unaware of his departure...

After Liang Yan left Jinxiu Valley, he did not stop at Yixing Pavilion, but ran straight to Gukou.

Although he put aside his cruel words back then and wanted to use his sword to challenge Yi Xing Pavilion, after Tang Xiaoyun's death in battle and Zhuo Yuntian's betrayal, this grievance was finally put down by him.

Today's Yixing Pavilion is withered, and there are not many masters. If he recklessly acts, it is likely to ruin the inheritance of Yixing Pavilion.

Therefore, when he came this time, he didn't worship the mountain in an upright manner. Instead, he sneaked in and met with Tang Die for a private meeting. In this way, the conflict between the two parties was minimized and there would be no more big fights.

After Liang Yan bid farewell to Tang Die, he ran the Heavenly Jade Bead and the "Wood Path" spell again to hide his whereabouts, without stopping at all along the way, and walked straight out of the valley.

However, when he passed through the valley mouth of the valley, he was keenly aware of something wrong.

Quiet, it's too quiet!

Everything around is silent, not even the birds have ever passed it.

Liang Yan's heart moved and he suddenly raised his head, only to find that the five old scholars who were sitting on the top of Taniguchi Mountain were completely gone. Yixingge was one of the five great sects, and now Nuo Da Taniguchi is not half of them. A caretaker!


Liang Yan thought secretly in his heart, with a faint feeling of bad foreboding.

At this moment, a blue beam of light suddenly shot out in the midair, actually under the hood toward his location.

This beam of light is extremely fast and has a huge range, almost covering the entire area around him. Liang Yan, who was originally hidden within the range of this beam of light, immediately has nowhere to hide and is directly exposed.

At this moment, I heard an old voice in the air with a smile:

"It's so risky, I almost let this kid slip away from under our noses. Fortunately, I sacrificed the'Zhaokongjing' ahead of time!"

As soon as the voice fell, a short old man wearing a Confucian robe and a goatee slowly appeared from the void.

I saw that he was holding a delicate ancient mirror with blue light blooming in it, and it was this treasure that showed Liang Yan's trace.

"I didn't expect this child's concealment technique to be so sophisticated. If I hadn't heard about the old man's'Empty Mirror' today, I would have waited for nothing."

Along with this sound, another figure slowly appeared from midair.

This person was actually a seven-year-old child with red lips and white teeth. He wore a brown robe with his cuffs almost dragged to his feet. His eyes were very strange, and he seemed to be fascinating!

Liang Yan was shrouded in blue mirror light at this time, although his whereabouts could not be hidden, he did not suffer any harm. But when he looked at the two people high above his head, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

Because the cultivation level of these two people has exceeded the limit of the Golden Core Stage, that is, Master Tongxuan!

The entire Nan Chui can have this level of cultivation, no more than one hand, so the identities of these two people are ready to be revealed. The old man in Confucian robes must be the Taishang Wen Taishi of Misty Valley, and the brown-robed boy is the "Devil Scorpion Boy", the elder of the Imperial Palace.

Liang Yan's face was gloomy. He really couldn't understand why he met these two people at the valley entrance of the valley in Yixing Pavilion.

At this moment, another figure slowly appeared from the sky, but he couldn't be more familiar with this person, it was the Taoist Hong Yu, the Supreme Elder of Qianyuan Sacred Palace.

Two years ago, Liang Yan and Ah Dai joined forces to severely wound him in Qianyuan Sacred Palace. Now, although his injuries have recovered slightly, his face is still a little pale.

Seeing the appearance of Taoist Hongyu, Liang Yan understood in an instant that today's situation must be set by this person!

"Little thief, it's hard for you to fly today!"

Taoist Hongyu hovered in the air, and laughed: "When you made a noise in my Qianyuan Sacred Palace and killed my disciples, you thought there would be today!"

Facing the arrogant arrogance of Taoist Hongyu, Liang Yan's face was calm and he couldn't see the happiness or anger. He just spoke faintly: "I have no grievances with you, I have no grievances with you, why are you here? Muddy water?"

"Hmph, you are too murderous. Back then, the Zhang family of Cangya Mountain was slaughtered. According to my investigation, the murderer was you. There are also rumors that you colluded with the demons in an attempt to overthrow the hinterland of my human race. I heard about this. It is to kill demons and demons!" Taishi Wen said with an awe-inspiring expression of justice.

"Hey, what Mr. Wen said is right." Devil Scorpion Boy smiled beside him: "But I am not a vicious person, as long as you are willing to take the initiative to hand over the methods of Jian Gang and Jian Wan, and then practice four swords at the same time. Gang’s secrets and I can’t wait to consider leaving you a way out!"

"Not bad!"

Master Wen nodded, and shouted: "There is also the'Jingchen Yangyan', and they will be handed over at the same time!"

"Hahaha, what a ‘killing demons and eliminating demons’! I think it’s ‘killing people and surpassing goods’, right?" Liang Yan seemed to hear the funniest joke in the world and couldn’t help laughing.

After a while, I saw his brows frowned again, and then asked:

"How did you know that I would definitely come here?"

"Well...hehe, I have to ask your old friend!" Hongyu sneered.

As soon as his voice fell, in the Yixing Pavilion Valley behind Liang Yan, dozens of escape lights appeared at the same time.

One of them was dressed in white and had a beautiful appearance. It was Tang Diexian who had met him not long ago.

And beside this woman, there was an old woman with a hunchback, holding a carved wooden staff, her cultivation level had reached the realm of Tongxuan.

"It's you........."

Liang Yan took a deep breath and murmured.

Tang Diexian's face was as calm as water, and at this moment he slowly said, "Liang Yan, don't be brave! As long as you agree to turn back, enter the door of my Yixing Pavilion, and then announce the law of the sword pill to the public, the ancestors can protect you. You are comprehensive!"

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